How And Why Of Personality Development

  • April 2020
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  • Words: 1,398
  • Pages: 4
Contact Dr. T.K. Jain (91-9414430763) regarding starting AFTERSCHO☻OL centers in your college / institution / organization or for conducting workshops on social entrepreneurship. Promote social entrepreneurship, join PGPSE and become a social entrepreneur. Email us: [email protected]


Personality is made from the word - persona – which means – mask – we all wear masks – whether we belive it or not. We all have certain mask = that we are able to craft over a period of time. Personality development is craftin gour mask. If today, people don’t have favorable image towards me, I can still change it . for this I need to understand what is the expectation of people, what is valued by people, what is in the long term interest of the society, and what is best suited to my ideas, thinking and how can I present myself better. Personality is sum total of ides, thoughts, beliefs, values, aspirations, expressinos, and presentations. We have 4 options to develop personality. The first : 1. Interact with people – meet idea leaders – those who champion some ideas – those who are very clear about their ideas and are able to practice them. 2. read, write and express yourself. The people who read variety of books, and also contribute by writing, public speaking and other intellectual processes, are able to development their expression. Expression requires vocabulary, understanidng, vast knowledge base – which can come only by reading, exploration, and concentration. 3. take a mission and pursue that mission vehemently (very positively) – the mission must be socially relevant – and must contribute to the developmetn of the society – the result will be a change in you – and a change in your personality. 4. join a group exclusively for personality development – joining MBA programme in a leading business school – or joining a club, or joining an internet group = are all examples – here you are trained. You develop a particular style of expression,

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Contact Dr. T.K. Jain (91-9414430763) regarding starting AFTERSCHO☻OL centers in your college / institution / organization or for conducting workshops on social entrepreneurship. Promote social entrepreneurship, join PGPSE and become a social entrepreneur. Email us: [email protected] you learn a particular vocabulary, and you are able get a structured module on personality development.

What are elements in personality development ? 1. language (rich vocabulary, rich and respectful language, commond on grammar, self respect, use of right word at right place, etc.) 2. body langauge (smile, eye contact, stress free, relaxed but alert body posture, use of open body expressions – like open palm, etc.) 3. improvement in K,A,S, H (knowledge, attitude, skills, habits),- for knowledge, be a voracious reader – read a lot – but only good quality – develop positive attitude, develop skills in handing people, develop good habits – like eary to rise, good manners, good attiquates) 4. concentration, meditation and focus on goal (instead of pursuring a variety of goals = focus on a few important, achievable and exciting goals). 5. build empathy – (ability to understand others, and others perpective), this comes thorugh psychological exercises, like Transactional Analysis, Role plays, etc. ) 6. build network – (help others, create a powerful network, join powerful network and be a part of ambitios group – which wants to do something for the benefit of the society). 7. Build on certain key aspects for presentations – like remembering a few good slogans, songs, dohas, jokes, etc. which you can share with intllectuals. These will help you in public speaking also. These will build your confidence – which is critical to the successful personality development. 8. manage your time, resources, and relations very well. We organised a group discussion on this topic. The discussion is presented herewith for those who are interested in similar themes: R: Personality is sum of ideas, working style and thinking. Personality development is a continusous process. It should continue alwasys. Every person has to change himself according to the situation to survive. R2; personal effectivelnes is the result of efforts. We have to work hard for this. We have to become resourceful person. There are many faculties in us – some are already there – some develop over period of time. Values, skills, body language, interests, all constitute personality. P: personality is not a lifestyle : it is not what you wear or show off. It is how you represetn yourself. How do you share your ideas with others –and how do you tackle AFTERSCHO☻OL CENTRE FOR SOCIAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP – Let us Change the World – Join PGPSE along with CS after class 12

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Contact Dr. T.K. Jain (91-9414430763) regarding starting AFTERSCHO☻OL centers in your college / institution / organization or for conducting workshops on social entrepreneurship. Promote social entrepreneurship, join PGPSE and become a social entrepreneur. Email us: [email protected] people. Really you have to estimate yourself – how can you represent your ideas. How can you manage yourself in group. P2: this is the time of globalisation – everyone should expose himself to wide variety of circumstances and ideas – personality development emerges out of interaction with people and ideas. Personality development takes place throug skills, ideas, and overall presentation. R: Personality development is a ocntinous process – everyone should try – everyday is a new day – we can add something – I am trying my best to develop my communicative skills, P2: There was a time, -a person could stay at a place for the whole life and spend his life there itself. Today is the time of marketing, globalisation. Everyone must be prepared to be able to adjust to any place and any situation. P: personality is a grouping of different elements in a person – it is an impresion of a person on others. R: every person should think that personality development should take place at every stage – and each stage should be first stage. P: it is not external appearance – but internal adjustment of a person P2: the person should be able to interact with others – the person shoud work on his language – thinking – all these will develop a person. P : positive thinking is the first element in personality development. P2: we should interact with lots of people, and know their ideas, thus we will be developing ourselves. We will be able to develop understanding others feelings, motives, and ideas. P: it is not a theoretical subject – you cant do personality development by reading books on personality development – you have to interact with people - then only you can develop understanding others’ ideas.

P2: appearance is the represetnation of inner ideas – we hsould change our thinking and make the thinking more positive, time based – thus personality will improve. R: personality development is a process = how we interact with ohters =- we must interact with al types of people - we should try to understand them, their ideas,

AFTERSCHO☻OL CENTRE FOR SOCIAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP – Let us Change the World – Join PGPSE along with CS after class 12

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Contact Dr. T.K. Jain (91-9414430763) regarding starting AFTERSCHO☻OL centers in your college / institution / organization or for conducting workshops on social entrepreneurship. Promote social entrepreneurship, join PGPSE and become a social entrepreneur. Email us: [email protected] P: it is true that you will gain something from others – I feel that when other people will put his hand on me – I may feel that it is not good – so we understand others by interaction R: personality development takes place through intellectual process . A person has to go beyond the limits to develop his personality - he has to do something different, he has to ad d something to his personality – continuously P: person is not recognised – but his personality is eternal – personality represents ideas, therefore personality represents the person.

AFTERSCHO☻OL CENTRE FOR SOCIAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP – Let us Change the World – Join PGPSE along with CS after class 12

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