Mccc Community Ministries

  • June 2020
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MCCC Community Ministries

莊稼多、工人少…… 蒙古的學園傳道會深信要先得着社會上最有影響力的 10 % 這些基督徒將會改變蒙古,使蒙古歸向神。 The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Mongolia Campus Crusade for

他看見許多的人,就憐憫他們,因為他們困苦流離、如同羊沒有牧人一般。 Christ (MCCC) thus adopts a strategic plan in community minsitry. They believe 馬太福音 9:36

that winning the most significant 10% of people in the society can really help

When he saw the crowds, he had compassion on them, because they were turning Mongolia to Christ. These significant 10% includes teachers, military harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. people, secondary students and medical staff or students. Matthew 9:36

老師事工 New Life Teacher’ Movement 在蒙古有二萬多中小學老師,得着老師就是得着年青 的一代 和數以千計的家長。有一位老師分享她從前常 對學生發脾氣,現在會以基督的愛愛學生。在 young life camp 的尾聲,老師們在台上為學生送上一首歌, 習慣唱良師頌的我們和那些家庭破裂的中學生都深 深感受到老師和基督的愛。 Now there are 20, 000 teachers from elementary and secondary schools. Teachers play a key role in society. When one teacher becomes Christian, he/she can exert influence on thousands and thousands of students and parents. One teacher shared that she used to throw tantrum to students but now she loves her students with God’s love. Seeing the teachers dedicating a song to their beloved students, we along with the youngsters could feel the genuine love of teachers and Jesus that is not constrained in the young life camp.


Centurions Military Ministry Raising future leaders to win Mongolia for Christ.

軍人事工 Centurions 的成立始於信心的禱告和幾人的查組小組。法律 規定基督徒不能加入軍隊(軍人成為基督徒則沒有限制) ,他們不能夠 在軍隊裡明目張膽地傳福音,但神為他們開路,讓他們在軍營裡提供 服務、和軍人建立友誼再傳講耶穌。現時 Centurions 有固定的查經小 組,並為軍人提供網絡服務、輔導、英語教授和領袖訓練,他們會學 習的其中一個領袖就是耶穌。Centurions 受各樣的限制,但是神卻興 起了多位軍人作全職同工,令軍人可以繼續接觸到福音和得到栽培。 The establishment of Centurions Ministry was founded on prayer with great faith and started with a small bible study group from the beginning. Christians are prohibited from joining the army and Centurions workers could not share gospel to the military people in public. But God has paved a way for them by providing services in the cantonment and work to build up relationship with the military people first. There are regular bible studies, Internet service, counseling, English classes and leadership training now. Moreover, they are going to learn that one of the greatest leaders that had ever lived was Jesus.

醫療事工 Medical Ministry 醫療事工開始了兩年,現在有兩夫婦作全職同工。除了向醫護學生傳福音、 栽培,他們會為醫生作門徒訓練,裝備他們帶初信的同袍查經。醫療事工和 教會合作成立福音診所(mission clinic)為社會的貧困人提供診治和藥物,並向 他們傳講耶穌是醫治者、為他們祈禱,他們也探訪臨終的病人。在短宣的最 後一天,我們和 Glory of the Lord 教會配搭,服侍流浪者、病患、貧窮人, 給他們醫療服務、藥物和食物,向他們傳福音及播《耶穌傳》 。 The Medical ministry has been set up for two years, with a couple serving as full time staff. Besides preaching and counseling medical students, they would equip doctors by discipleship training so that they in turn could host their own bible study groups with new believers in medical sector. In a joint effort, Medical Ministry has set up mission clinics with local churches, providing free medical attention and medicine for the poor. Doctors would pray for their patients, share the Four Spiritual Laws and their own testimony with them. They would also serve hospice patients in hope of bringing them God’s love. On the last day of mission trip, we cooperated with Glory of the Lord Church to serve the homeless, poor and sick, providing them with medication, food and salvation.

青年人事工 Partnership with Young Life 每年Young Life會籌備多次福音營,由不同學校的老師邀請學生參 與,有少部份老師是未信者,在camp中決志。我們去了Young Life Camp的最後一天,我們和十多歲的中學生一起行山。在晚會中, 我們短宣隊做了一個戲劇,是有關耶穌擔當了我們的憂患,人卻 只顧自己的生活,不接受耶穌的愛,戲劇觸摸了年青人的心,很 多人感動落淚,之後同工分享他的見證,信主後變得喜樂及和家 人關係改善。 MCCC co-organizes several evangelical camps with Yong Life (an American organization) each year. In the camp, youngsters aged from 12-17 got the chance to hear about Christ, the Cross and Creation, even non-believer teachers were blessed in the camp. We joined that last day of the camp and went hiking with the youngsters. We performed a drama about how we neglected Jesus’ invitation because of study, interpersonal relationship, wealth and entertainment before our team leader began to share his testimony. Our performance touched their hearts and many of them responded with tears.


My reply to Heavenly Father Paul expressed in Philippians 4:17 his wish that the spiritual fruits would be 保羅在腓立比書 4:17 中寫到他希望弟兄姊妹的果子漸漸增多,歸在他們的賬 credited to the account of brothers and sister who had backed up him. A team 上。事工的團隊不只有去到前線的,也包括背後支持的信徒,邀請你以不同 includes those fighting at the frontline and as well as those who support through 的回應方式參與在神的聖工中。 prayer and gift. You are cordially invited to participate in, by all means, the expansion of the Kingdom of God.  我願意成為一個胸懷普世的門徒,並鼓勵更多人去積極實踐大使命。  I am willing to take up a role in the Great Commission and encourage more  我願意成定期為蒙古的福音需要禱告守望。 people to join the movement.  我願意奉獻支持為蒙古的事工/同工/宣教士。  I am willing to pray regularly for the evangelical needs in Mongolia.  我願意考慮每年一次參與短宣體驗。  I am willing to give a gift to ministries, staff and missionaries in Mongolia。  I will consider joining short term mission trip every year.

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