9/11 ~aw Enforcement Privacy
M Ff
.\M.,I!:~ORANDUM \.
\·····-. Event: Interview of FBI spec~~Agen~..
Ty.~e of event; Interview
Dates.January 6,2004
Special A~.~~ssIssues: None
Prepared bY:·....~yon Kim
Team Number:
Location: FBI, Ph~~~X Field Office ~..
\\ \
- Non-Co'ritl:t1iSSion: FBI, Assistant General Counsel Sean O'Neill
\, \ Participants - Commjssio~i"Pieter Snell, Hyon Kim
\ \1 .
hransferred to Phoenix from WFO in April of:2000. She was on the \ terrorism squad with SA Ken Williams, During the time period when SA Williams was \. transferred out of the terrorism squadj ~as the case agent for the Soubra, al\ Sharbi and al-Shalawi cases .
!was the case agent on Soubra for approximately one year between 2000 and 200 i. I he significant case activity during this time period included an attemnted trash cover and physical surveillance. ,
9/11 Classified
~On one occasion, another FBI Special Agent was going to attend a speech by Soubra that was open to the public. It was decided that the SA would not attend, but it was not a big loss as the speech was sparsely attended and the SA would have stood out had he been present.
9/11 Classified Information
-8 ESItE I
• 9/11 Classified