Why Kant? Because it's critical philosophy is par excellence a philosophy of crisis, and because his critical solution of the antinomy of pure reason is also the solution of the current global crisis (spiritual, political and economic). Kant is now more current than ever. Zurük zu Kant! (Back to Kant!) ... Are still ringing from 1860 onwards, in response to materialism and pragmatism of our modern world. Now indeed we have sunk and must reflect seriously on the discipline of pure reason, on the system of wariness and, especially, on the critical solution (of any possible conflict of our rational thinking), proposed by Kant as a paradigm of settlement any future political conflict. Marcel Chelba See the entire argument of this critical position in my book: Critical Introduction (2004) http://www.pdfcoke.com/doc/10039681/Marcel-ChelbaIntroducere-Critic-Introducere-la-Kant and the work ahead which I will post soon on the Net.