Manifestation With Motion To Admit.docx

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NLRC NCR Case 08-14204-18

CORPORATION Respondent x----------------------------------------x

MANIFESTATION WITH MOTION TO ADMIT ATTACHED EXHIBITS AND SUPPLEMENTAL DISCUSSION Comes herein the respondents by the undersigned counsel before this Honorable Office respectfully submit the foregoing Manifestation and Motion to Admit the attached Exhibits and hereby state and aver that: 1. Upon review and perused of the records of this case submitted for Decision of the Honorable Arbiter, undersigned noted that the submitted exhibits to this Honorable Arbiter due to inadvertence of his paralegal erroneously attached different exhibits, such as the quitclaim waiver and release, final clearance and others, which is intended with another worker and not in this case. 2. Which for that reason, respondent thru the undersigned seeks for the indulgence of this Honorable Office and hereby submits the attached Exhibits to rectify and replace the previous erroneously submitted exhibits and hereby moves for the admission of the herein attached correct exhibits for this case of complainant JUAN DELACRUZ as follows: a. The complainant’s (__________) Iqama Renewal Form as Annex “A”; b. The complainant’s Exit Interview Form as Annex “B” and “B1”; c. The complainant’s Affidavit of Waiver and Release Annex “C”; d. The complainant’s Release and Quitclaim as Annex “C-1”; e. The complainant’s Final Clearance as Annex “D”; f. The complainant’s Return Ticket as Annex “E”;


The respondents hereby reiterate that the complainant renewed his contract on his own term without the help of Corporation as evidenced by his renewal of iqama based on Annex “A” as herein attached. Thus, the respondent are not anymore privy beyond his contract with Corporation and therefore the complainant’s claim of his two (2) months extension payment is without basis. Besides, the complainant did not present any evidence to prove his claim. It is an elementary rule in evidence that bare allegations can only be proven as a fact when the same is supported by evidence. And that he who alleges a fact must prove the same. Secondly, the complainant’s claim for alleged wage differential is negated by his prior voluntary execution of Affidavit of Waiver and Release hereto attached Annex “C”; and Release and Quitclaim as Annex “C-1” relieving he respondents of any liability in connection with his services rendered with the foreign employer. And besides, the alleged wage differentials are unaccounted and his single attachment of an alleged payslip as against with his OEC was not authenticated. It does not represent the whole and entire duration of his contract as well without supporting evidence, and contrary to his executed final release and quitclaim which the settlement of the whole of his dues and salaries before his returning home were all paid and settled to him. Which is the very reason the complainant voluntarily executed his final release, waiver and quitclaim. Jurisprudence pronounces a valid waiver and quitclaims, to wit: “Not all quitclaims are per sein valid or against public policy. A quitclaim is invalid or contrary to public policy only: (1) where there is clear proof that the waiver was wrangled from an unsuspecting or gullible person; or (2) where the terms of settlement are unconscionable on their face. In instances of invalid quitclaims, the law steps in to annul the questionable waiver. Indeed, there are legitimate waivers that represent the voluntary and reasonable settlements of laborers’ claims that should be respected by the Court as the law between the parties. Where the party has voluntarily made the waiver, with a full understanding of its terms as well as its consequences, and the consideration for the quitclaim is credible and reasonable, the transaction must be recognized as a valid and binding undertaking, and may not later be disowned simply because of a change of mind. A waiver is essentially contractual. From the foregoing, Complainant executed his quitclaims voluntarily and they have fully understood the terms of the quitclaim and signed it in his own volition. 2

That in the case of Hypte R. Aujero vs Phil communications Satellite Corp GR 193484, January 18, 2012 : “Absent any evidence that any of the vices of consent is present and considering the petitioner’s position and education, the quitclaim executed by the petitioner constitutes a valid and binding agreement.” In Goodrich Manufacturing Corporation, v. Ativo this Court reiterated the standards that must be observed in determining whether a waiver and quitclaim has been validly executed: “Not all waivers and quitclaims are invalid as against public policy. If the agreement was voluntarily entered into and represents a reasonable settlement, it is binding on the parties and may not later be disowned simply because of a change of mind. It is only where there is clear proof that the waiver was wangled from an unsuspecting or gullible person, or the terms of settlement are unconscionable on its face, that the law will step in to annul the questionable transaction. But where it is shown that the person making the waiver did so voluntarily, with full understanding of what he was doing, and the consideration for the quitclaim is credible and reasonable, the transaction must be recognized as a valid and binding undertaking.” Here, the Complainants failed to show with any clear proof that waiver was wangled from an unsuspecting or gullible person, or the terms of settlement are unconscionable on its face, that the law will step in to annul the questionable transaction. While the law looks with disfavor upon releases and quitclaims by employees who are inveigled or pressured into signing them by unscrupulous employers seeking to evade their legal responsibilities, a legitimate waiver representing a voluntary settlement of a laborer's claims should be respected by the courts as the law between the parties. (Hypte R. Aujero vs Phil communications Satellite Corp GR 193484, January 18, 2012). PRAYER WHEREFORE, in view of the foregoing, it is hereby respectfully prayed unto the Honorable Arbiter to Admit the attached correct annexes of the respondents in replacement to those submitted in their Position Paper and Reply and consider the same as evidence for the respondents for the proper disposition of this case by the Honorable Arbiter. 3

Other reliefs just and equitable are also prayed. Manila for (Quezon City), February 20, 2019.

ATTY. To the Labor Associate NLRC Banawe QC GREETINGS Please take notice that the undersigned counsel submits the foregoing manifestation with motion to admit for the reconsideration and approval of the Honorable Arbiter upon receipt hereof. ATTY.

EXPLANATION Due to distance and lack of messengerial service at present time, the service of the foregoing manifestation with motion to admit, copy for the adverse party was made through registered mail in lieu of the preferred mode of personal service. ATTY.

Copy Furnished:


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