GUIDELINES FOR DEVELOPING AN EFFECTIVE SEXUAL HARASSMENT POLICY A sexual harassment policy should include the following: ____ 1. A definition of sexual harassment. The policy may refer to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission's definition of sexual harassment, but should attempt to explain it in easy to understand terms, including a description of conduct that will not be tolerated. ____ 2. A company-wide complaint procedure. ____ a. Designate the individuals who have the authority to handle complaints of sexual harassment. ____ b. Remember that everyone should have someone to go to who is outside their direct line of supervision. ____ c. Have a policy requiring written complaints. ____ 3. An estimated time frame for investigations. ____ a. Specify how long the investigation should take and when an answer can be expected. ____ 4. The penalties for violating the policy. ____ a. State that anyone violating the policy will be subject to discipline, ranging from a warning to discharge. ____ b. State what the civil penalties are as well. ____ 5. A confidentiality provision. ____ a. Explain that the identity of both the complaining employee and the alleged harasser will be protected to the extent possible, but that action will be taken. ____ 6. Protection for employees against retaliation. ____ a. Provide that anyone making a complaint will not be retaliated against, even if a complaint made in good faith is not founded. ____ b. Also provide that witnesses will be protected.