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1.1 Background Problems The interview is a method of collecting data to obtain information by asking the respondent directly. If the interview is used as the only data collection tool, or as a method given the main position in a series of other data collection methods, it will be characterized as the primary method. Conversely, if it is used as a tool to find information that cannot be obtained by other means, it will be a complementary method. In the interview process there are 2 (two) parties with different positions. The first party functions as the questioner, also known as the interviewer, while the second party functions as the information provider, interviewer or informant. The interviewer asks questions, asks for information or explanation, while assessing the answers. At the same time he held a paraphrase (restating the contents of the interviewee answer in other words), remembering and recording the answers. Besides that he also explored further information and tried to do "probing" (stimulation, encouragement). The interviewee is expected to want to provide information and explanations, and answer all questions posed to him. Sometimes he instead responds by asking questions as well. The relationship between the interviewer and the interviewee is referred to as "a face to face nonreciprocal relation" (non reciprocal face to face relationship). So this interview can be seen as a method of collecting data with one-sided question and answer, which is carried out systematically and based on research objectives (Kartono, 1980: 171). A pregnant woman needs information about her pregnancy, both the mother who is pregnant and the fetus in her womb. Then the need for supervision and education provided by a health worker to pregnant women. This health officer was later used as a program called Antenatal Care. This program is a program to direct and provide information about things that must be done by a mother so that her fetus stays healthy and there is a normal birth for the baby. Prenatal care or antenatal care (ANC) is highly recommended for pregnant women to monitor maternal and fetal health in the womb. Pregnancy examination is a series of examinations that are carried out periodically from the beginning of pregnancy until the birth process to monitor the health of the mother and fetus in order to achieve an optimal pregnancy. Antenatal Care Care includes supervision of pregnancy to obtain information on general maternal health, establish early illnesses that harm pregnancy, establish early pregnancy complications and establish the risk of pregnancy (high risk, doubtful risk, low risk). (Manuaba, 2008).

1.2 Problem Formulation From this discussion we can draw a problem formulation as follows: 1. What is meant by an interview? 1

2. What is the purpose of the interview? 3. Mention the forms of interview! 4. Mention the function of the interview! 5. What is meant by antenatal care? 6. What are the goals and benefits of antenatal care? 7. What is antenatal care policy? 8. What is the standard of antenatal care?

1.3. Aim 1. To find out the meaning of the interview 2. To find out the purpose of the interview 3. To find out the forms of the interview 4. To find out the function of the interview 5. To find out the meaning of antenatal care 6. To find out the purpose and benefits of antenatal care 7. To find out antenatal care policy 8. To find out the standard of antenatal care



2.1. Definition of Interview The interview is a question and answer between the interviewer and the interviewee to ask for information or opinions about a matter. An interview is a conversation with a specific purpose. The conversation is carried out by two parties, namely the interviewer (interviewer) who asks questions and interviews (interviewee) who provide answers to these questions. (Lexy J, 2006: 186). According to Kartono (1980: 171) an interview or interview is a conversation directed at a particular problem; this is an oral question and answer process, where two people or more face to face physically. According to Banister et al (1994 in Poerwandari 1998: 72-73) interviews are conversations and question and answer directed to achieve certain goals. According to Denzin & Lincoln (1994: 353) interview is a conversation, the art of questioning and listening. This is not a neutral tool, the interviewer creates a real question and answer situation. In this situation answers are given. Then the interview produces an understanding that is formed by the situation based on specific interactional events. The method is influenced by the individual characteristics of the interviewer, including race, class, ethnicity, and gender. According to Kerlinger (Simatupang translation, 1990: 770 - 771) interview (interview) is a face-to-face inter-personal role situation, when someone, the interviewer asks questions designed to obtain answers relevant to the research problem , to someone interviewed, or informant.

2.2. The purpose of the interview 1) To obtain information to explain certain situations and conditions 2) To complete a scientific investigation. 3) To obtain data so that it can affect certain situations or people. 4) To construct about people, events, organization, feelings, motivation and verify, change and expand the construction developed by researchers as member checking.

2.3. Interview forms News interviews are conducted to find news material. Interview with questions prepared in advance. Telephone interview is an interview conducted via telephone. Personal interview. 3

Interview with many people. Immediate / urgent interviews. Group interviews where a group of reporters interviewed one, officials, artists, sportsmen and so on.

2.4. Functions 1. Interviews can gather or convey information, influence people's attitudes and sometimes affect their behavior 2. Interviews are also valuable research tools, which allow the interviewer to collect complete information that can be obtained through questionnaires or telephone conversations and also utilize verbal and nonverbal cues 3. The interview also allows the interviewer to interpret or explain the questions more easily, thus increasing the possibility of getting answers from respondents.

2.5. Understanding Antenatal Care (ANC) Antenatal Care (ANC) is a pregnancy examination provided by a midwife or doctor to the mother during pregnancy to optimize the mental and physical health of pregnant women, so that they are able to deal with childbirth, postpartum, preparation for breastfeeding, and the return of reproductive health in a reasonable manner (Manuaba, 1998) . Also know the general health of the mother, establish early disease that accompanies pregnancy, establish early pregnancy complications, and determine the risk of pregnancy (Manuaba, 2009).

2.6. The Purpose and Benefits of Antenatal Care (ANC) • Antenatal Care Goals (ANC) 1. Helps the progress of pregnancy to ensure maternal health and infant growth and development. 2. Improve and maintain the physical, mental, social health of mothers and babies. 3. Recognize early abnormalities or complications that may occur during pregnancy, including a history of general illness, obstetrics, and surgery. 4. Preparing for months of childbirth, giving birth safely to the mother and baby with minimal trauma. 5. Preparing the mother so that the postpartum period is normal and exclusive breastfeeding. 4

6. Prepare the role of mother and family in accepting births for babies. 7. Get to know and deal with as early as possible complications that occur during pregnancy, during childbirth, and when childbirth. 8. Know and deal with diseases that accompany pregnancy, childbirth, and when childbirth. 9. Provide advice and guidance relating to pregnancy, childbirth, postpartum, lactation, and aspects of family planning. 10. Reducing maternal and perinatal morbidity and mortality. (Manuaba, I.B.G, 1998) • Antenatal Care Benefits (ANC) The benefit of early pregnancy examinations is to obtain a basic picture of the physiological changes that occur during pregnancy and the various abnormalities that accompany pregnancy early, so that steps can be taken into account and prepared in the delivery assistance (Manuaba, 2009). Antenatal examination also provides benefits for the mother and fetus, including: 1) For mothers a. Reduce and enforce early pregnancy complications and treat early complications that affect pregnancy. b. Maintain and improve the mental and physical health of pregnant women in the face of childbirth. c. Improve maternal health after childbirth and to be able to provide breast milk. d. Provide counseling in choosing contraceptive methods (Manuaba, 1999). 2) For the fetus Benefits for the fetus are to maintain maternal health so as to reduce preterm labor, LBW, also improve infant health as a starting point for the quality of human resources (Manuaba, 1999)

2.7. Antenatal Care Policy (ANC) 1) Program Policy Antenatal visits should be performed at least four times during pregnancy. That is : a) One time in the first quarter b) One time in the second quarter c) Twice in the third quarter 5

d. ANC Service Standards

2.8. Antenatal Care Standards 1) Identification of Pregnant Women Midwives conduct home visits and interact with the community periodically to provide counseling and motivate mothers, husbands, family members to encourage mothers to have their pregnancies examined early and regularly. 2) Antenatal Examination and Monitoring Midwives provide at least 4 antenatal services. Examination includes careful history and monitoring of the mother and fetus to assess whether the progression is normal. Midwives must also recognize high-risk pregnancies or disorders, especially anemia, malnutrition, hypertension, STDs / HIV infection, provide services for iminusation, advice and health counseling and other related tasks provided by the puskesmas. They must record the right data at each visit. If abnormalities are found, they must be able to take the necessary action and refer to it for further action. 3) Abdominal Palpation Midwives perform an abdominal examination carefully and palpate to estimate gestational age, and if pregnancy increases, check the position, the lowest part of the fetus and the entry of the fetal head into the pelvic cavity, to look for abnormalities and make timely referrals. 4) Management of Anemia in Pregnancy Midwives take precautionary measures, discovery, handling and / or referral of all cases of anemia in pregnancy in accordance with applicable regulations. 5) Early Management of Hypertension in Pregnancy Midwives discover early every increase in blood pressure in pregnancy and recognize other signs and symptoms of pre-eclampsia, and take appropriate action and refer to it. 6) Childbirth Preparation Midwives provide appropriate advice to pregnant women, husbands and their families in the third trimester, to ensure that clean and safe delivery preparation and a pleasant atmosphere will be well planned, in addition to transportation preparation and fees to refer, if an emergency occurs suddenly . Midwives should make a home visit for this matter. (Midwifery Service Standards, RI Ministry of Health 2000). 7. Antenatal Care Frequency The visit of pregnant women is contact between pregnant women and health workers who provide antenatal care to get a prenatal checkup. According to the Ministry of Justice of the 6

Republic of Indonesia (2003) in the implementation of ANC there is an agreement on the existence of a minimum standard, namely by checking the ANC 4 times during pregnancy as follows: 1). At least once in the first trimester (0-13 weeks) 2). At least once in the second trimester (14-28 weeks) 3). At least twice in the third trimester (29-36 weeks). 8. Antenatal Care Coverage Antenatal care service coverage can be monitored through new visits to pregnant women on the first visit (K1) or also called access and services of pregnant women according to standards at least four times with the distribution once in the first quarter, once in the second quarter, and twice in the third and fourth quarter to see quality. The coverage of the visit of the fourth pregnant woman (K4) is the coverage of pregnant women who have received antenatal care services 4 times according to the standard in one work area in a certain period of time. The government sets ANC coverage> 95% (Peranginangin, 2006). 9. Anatenatal Care Services According to Ari, (2009) that in the application of practice is often used a minimum standard of antenatal care services called 7T, namely: (Weigh) weight and height, Measure (Pressure) blood. Measure (Height) uterine fundus, Give complete TT immunization, Give iron tablets at least 90 tablets during pregnancy, Test for sexually transmitted diseases, speech and counseling in the context of referral.



3.1. Conclusion Interview is a question and answer activity with face to face between the interviewer and the interviewee about the problem being examined, where the interviewer intends to get the perception, attitude and mindset of the interviewee relevant to the problem. researched. Because the interview was designed by the interviewer, the results were influenced by the interviewer's personal characteristics. The interview is also a valuable research tool, which allows the interviewer to collect complete information that can be obtained through questionnaires or telephone conversations and also utilize verbal and nonverbal cues. The interview also allows the interviewer to interpret or explain the questions more easily, thus increasing the possibility of getting answers from respondents. Interviews are often associated with journalistic work for news writing purposes broadcast in the mass media. But interviews can also be carried out by other parties for purposes such as research or employee acceptance. Interviews can be likened to chat. But there is a fundamental difference between regular chat and interviews. The things that differentiate are the objectives, the relationship between resource persons and interviewers, manners, and time limits. An Antenatal Care Visit (ANC) is a visit by a pregnant woman to a midwife or a doctor sedimi maybe since she feels she is pregnant to get antenatal care. At each antenatal care visit (ANC), officers collect and analyze data about maternal conditions through history and physical examination to get a diagnosis of intrauterine pregnancy, and whether there are any problems or complications.


Bibliography 1. 2. 3. 4. interviews/


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