Lesson Plan In English The Three Princes.docx

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  • Words: 556
  • Pages: 3
Lesson Plan in English 8 Teacher: Teaching Date and Time: Grade Level: Grade 8 Learning Area: English Quarter: Fourth Quarter Code: EN8LT-IVi-12

I. OBJECTIVES A. Content Standard The learner demonstrates understanding of: South and West Asian literature as an expression of philosophical and religious beliefs; information flow in various text types; reality, fantasy, and opinion in listening and viewing materials; word decoding strategies; and use of information sources, active/passive constructions, direct/reported speech, perfect tenses, and logical connectors in journalistic writing. B. Performance Standard The learner transfers learning by composing a variety of journalistic texts, the contents of which may be used in composing and delivering a memorized oral speech featuring use of properly acknowledged information sources, grammatical signals for opinion-making, persuasion, and emphasis, and appropriate prosodic features, stance, and behavior. C. Learning Outcomes 1. Unlock the meaning of some difficult words found in the reading Selection. 2. Write their own ending of the story. II.

CONTENT: The Three Princes

III. LEARNING RESOURCES A. References: Grade 8 English Learning Package B. Materials: photocopies, power point presentation, IV. PROCEDURE A. Motivation/Review  Post pictures of some personalities or pictures of man. If you have these following man as your suitor, how would you choose among them? Who are you going to choose B. Presentation of the Lesson

In this lesson, the students will be able to learn how to make a proper decision or choice. They will also write their own ending of the story

C. Activities  Let the students unlock the meaning of some difficult words. 1. Suitor 2. Summoned 3. Venture 4. Nuisance 5. Ointment 6. Vizier 7. Sage 8. Stature  Reading of Selection (The Three Princes) D. Analysis Ask the following. 1. Why does the princess dislike the three princes? 2. What is the king’s reaction to his daughter’s request not to marry any of the princes? Why? 3. How did the father postpone her daughter’s wedding? 4. On their journey, what did each prince find? What magical powers does each possess? 5. If you were to choose among the three princes, who do you think is worthy to marry the princess? Why? E. Abstraction 1. Was the princess fair in choosing the old man instead of any of the three princes? If you were on the court along with other onlookers, how would you react? Why? F. Application  

Let the students do an activity on vocabulary words Ask the students if they like the ending of the story or not and ask their reason why.

G. Evaluation I. Direction: Unlock the meaning of the following words. Write the letter of

the correct answer. 1. Suitor 2. Summoned 3. Venture 4. Nuisance 5. Ointment 6. Vizier 7. Stature

a. to order to come to a place b. a man who wants to marry a particular woman c. to go somewhere that is unknown d. natural height e. a high executive officer of various Muslim countries. f. salve or unguent for application to the skin g. one is annoying unpleasant

II. Direction: If you were to propose an alternate ending of The Three Princes which will begin on the moment the princess was asked to choose a prince, how would you end the story. Write your answer.

H. Agreement/Assignment Write a paragraph about your ideal man or woman to marry someday.

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