Lesson 6 Family

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  • Words: 594
  • Pages: 18
Lesson 6: The family in the early childhood program

prepared by Kinsley Ng Sen Fa, Segi College Penang, Program DECE

Today’s parents

Increased numbers of working women

Decreased family size. Extended family gives way to nuclear family Diversity in family structure – singleparent, teenage pregnancy, divorced parents

Increased demand for ECE program and higher expectations on quality

Multiple responsibility and demands on the parents – stress and financial burdens

Family is highly mobile due to rapid urbanization, cause Isolation and helplessness

Authoritative parenting


Authoritarian parenting Indulgent/ permissive parenting Neglectful parenting

Authoritative parenting

•Child-center and democratic approach •High-expectation of maturity and compliance of parental rules •However, allows open discussion and negotiation •The parents set limit and demand maturity •Allow children to develop maturity •Attentive to children’s needs __________________________________ •Children are cheerful, self-controlled and self-reliant •Do well in school and have a high academic achievement

Authoritarian parenting

•High expectation of conformity / compliance •Does not allow open discussion •Restrictive and punitive •Does not explain the reasoning for the rules ______________________ •Child lacks social competence / self –esteem •Low academic achievement / curiosity •Unhappy, fearful and anxious •Some children openly defy their parents

Indulgent/ permissive parenting

•Warm affect and few behavioral expectations •Parents very involved but place few demands •Children are rarely punished _________________________ •Child is impulsive, have problem regulate behaviors / behave properly •Probably domineering, self-centered, low in self-control and give-and-take attitude •Low school achievement, maturity and social skills •More likely to engage in misconduct and drug use ---------------------------------------Remain close with parents in adulthood

Neglectful parenting

•Low in both warmth and control •Parents disengaged and undemanding _______________________ •Child develops insecure attachment •Withdrawn behaviors and contradictory behaviors •Low self-esteem, immature •Probably develops antisocial behaviors (delinquency and truancy)

Securely attached

Insecurely attached

Resistant / ambivalent


Insecurely attached

detached / avoidant

Insecurely attached

Disorganized / disoriented

Is crucial to infants’ psychosocial development Is an emotional bond to another person

Mothers who are available and responsive to their infants’ needs establish a sense of security

Separation distress: when separated the child will become upset

Which creates a secure base for the child to then explore the world (exploration learning) and return to their base

Securely attached

Child’s characteristics •Enthusiastic, persistent and cooperative •Better in peer interactions •More imaginative and symbolic play •More highly developed social skills •Easily soothed if upset

When separated from caregiver •readily separates from the Caregiver and engrossed in exploration •Greets mother happily after reunited with mother •Clearly prefers caregiver to stranger

Detached / avoidant

When separated from caregiver •Child avoids contact with mother especially at reunion •Does not seek much contact from mother but does not seek much contact

Resistant / ambivalent

When separated from caregiver • Child shows little exploration and is wary of stranger •Greatly upset when separated from mother but not reassured by mother’s returned or comfort •Both seeks and avoids contact at different times •May show anger toward mother at reunion

Disorganized / disoriented

•When separated from caregiver •Dazed behaviors, confusion or apprehension. •Show contradictory behavior patterns simultaneously, •Such as moving towards mother while gazing away

Partnership between home and school

Teacher and family benefits – better understanding of the child

Decreased in discipline problems – bully and delinquency

Increased student achievement – reading and mathematics

Benefits of familyinvolvement

Long term benefits for children – elementary through high school

Improved attendance and curd truancy problems

Teacherparents conference

Informal exchange of observation data

Source of teaching materials, as donors

Parents workshop

Forms of family involvement

Field trips and special guests

Parents as teaching aides, volunteers

Thank you for your attention!

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