Lebanon Road Church Of Christ

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LEBANON ROAD CHURCH OF CHRIST 2307 Lebanon Road Nashville, TN 37214

Non-Profit Org US Postal Paid Nashville, TN Permit 2464

Lebanon Road

Church of Christ 2307 Lebanon Road; Nashville, TN, 37214 * (615) 883-6918 www.lebanonroadchurchofchrist.org

Current Resident or

Volume 57, No.45

November 8, 2009


Adam Faughn

A preacher announced to the congregation, “The sermon next Sunday night will be from Mark 17. Please read that chapter.” The following week, the preacher began by asking, “How many read Mark 17?” Hands went up all over the auditorium. The preacher continued, “Friends, Mark has only 16 chapters. Tonight’s lesson is on lying.”

Worship With Us Sunday: Worship 9 AM & 6 PM * Bible Classes 10:20 AM Wednesday: Bible Classes 7 PM

Choosing Deacons The elders have determined that it is time to appoint additional deacons. They have asked that any names you wish to be considered be signed and turned in to one of the elders by TODAY. A packet for your study on deacons has been put together and is located on the table in the foyer. Following is a list of our current deacons: Al Cravens Tony Grigsby Tim Hill Bob Petty Tim Roberts David Schow John Smith Jack Steele

Sonny Gossett Mark Pugh Marion Schow Alan Witt

Some may have thought the same thing in our daily Bible reading schedule. A “typo” last week had us reading Second Chronicles 37, when that book has but 36 chapters. Some, if asked, might have said, “Sure, I read the 37th chapter!” Lying has become a large part of our society. We are often told that, so long as it’s not a “big” lie, then it’s nothing important. Statistics show that people of all ages say there are times when it is fine to lie, such as when it will help you stay out of a sticky situation.

ways easy to tell the truth? No. There are times when it might seem less stressful to tell a lie, but our God is a God of truth, and He demands that we be like Him. What is lying? It can be saying a falsehood. It can also be changing a fact or story just to “save” yourself or someone else. It can be flattery, because you are building someone up on something that is not true. It can be withholding information that is important and not telling everything needed (cf. Abraham and his “sister” Sarah). Can you imagine a world where no one told the truth? While lying is a way of life for many, most people still demand truth at least some of the time. God, though, demands truth all the time. Make sure you have an honest heart, and honesty will come from your lips. “For out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks” (Luke 6:45).

The Bible has a very different message for us: truthfulness is the only acceptable way. “A lying tongue” is among the list of things that God hates (Proverbs 6:16-19). Is it al-

Elders Joe Adams 773-2331 Johny Baker 758-7654 Ralph Brewer 871-4849 Wayne Davidson 758-2705 Earl Flynn 889-1659 Ted Fox 754-7607 Steve Ledbetter 889-8614 Charles Myers 883-6837 Jim Schroeder 754-8990 Cliff Wilson 889-6477

Pulpit Minister Adam Faughn 973-4483

Outreach Minister

Sunday Sermon Preview AM: “As We Stand and Sing” PM: “Daniel’s Invitation to Nebuchadnezzar”

Harry Middleton 292-3164

Youth Minister JD Buckner (731) 336-4768


Worship Leaders

We express our sympathy to Doug Sanders on the passing of Ladye Frank Sanders. Her funeral was on Monday.

Sunday Morning (Contact: Carlos 889-3185 ) Opening Prayer: Mark Pugh Closing Prayer: Sonny Gossett Read Scripture: Tim Roberts Sermon: Adam Faughn Song Leader: John Smith Serving Lord’s Supper: (Contact: David 754-7085) Don Morris 1 Lindon Stanley 2 Alan Witt 3 Fred Williams 4 Paul Tramel 5 Tim Mullican 6 Harry Middleton 7 Wes Carnahan 8 Sunday Evening (Contact: Marion 883-5038) Opening Prayer: Charles Myers Closing Prayer: Tommy Moore Read Scripture: Paul Smith Sermon: Adam Faughn Song Leader: Lynn Wright Serving Lord’s Supper (Room) Steve Ledbetter 1 Ted Fox 2

Wedding Invitation Together with their parents Erin Frances Carney and Albert Leon Young, IV Request the honour of your presence at their marriage On Saturday, the seventh of November Two thousand and Nine At half past three o'clock in the afternoon Lebanon Road Church of Christ Reception Immediately Following

Harvest Banquet Ladies and Gentlemen 60 Years and Older You are invited to the Annual Harvest Banquet Friday, November 20th 6:30PM A sign up sheet is in the foyer and downstairs. The church bus will be picking up anyone that needs a ride. Let the office know if you need a ride. Anyone in the congregation that is willing to cook a turkey please call Nancy Markwood. Volunteers are needed. The turkeys will be furnished and delivered to you. Donations will also be accepted and may be given to Lisa Ledbetter or Nancy Markwood.

New Address Jeremy & Heather Lamb 572 Grove Creek Ave. Nashville, TN. 37214 Page 2

by Harry Middleton

Wednesday, November 11th (Contact: Keith 889-7366) Read Scripture: Billy Hutchens Opening Prayer: Michael Rader Speaker: JD Buckner Song Leader: Scotty Studer

OUTREACH GOAL FOR 2010! When asked to present some goals for the Outreach Program for 2010, the first thing that entered my mind was the Visitation Program. Evidently there are not very many folks in the church here that realize the importance and purpose of the visitation program. First, we have only a few under the age of sixty that participate, and that is not with any regularity. It would be great and advantageous to have all the Elders, Deacons, and Preachers to participate regularly. We would also love to have some of the younger couples to become involved. It is not very encouraging for the younger couples who visit with us, to have an older couple to call or visit them. They would be much more encouraged to have a young couple to call on them, either by phone or in person. The visit or phone call serves three purposes: 1. It shows that we are interested in them. 2. Filling out the comment space on the visitation card, helps us to know the nature of the visit or call and the response the individuals made to your inquiry. It helps us to know the reaction the visitors had of their visit, or the condition of the member you were assigned to visit. st


Team #1 meets the 1 and 3 Sundays, and team #2 meets the 2nd and 4th. There is no meeting on the 5th Sunday. We occasionally have a finger food meeting on the 5th Sunday.

Why not plan to be a part of this good work?

JD’S Jargon Hello, everyone! We have had some wonderful days this week. I am so thankful to God! Unfortunately, we were not able to travel to Beech Island last weekend. We plan on making a trip over there sometime in the near future. The service held for Ladye Frank Sanders was beautiful. She was given much honor at her service and rightly so! Please pray for Mr. Doug and all the family through this time of sorrow. Our Fall retreat is next weekend! If you plan to go, please sign up today! We will be leaving at 5 PM on Friday (11/13) toward Centerville, TN. We will return home Sunday, November 15. The cost for retreat is $10 and you must turn in a release form before you can go. We plan on having a great time with a lot of spiritual growth. Please join us! The youth is in charge of the Sycamores service on November 22 and the evening worship on November 29. Please be thinking about how you will be involved in these two worship services. I would like to thank the Carnahans for hosting the devo last month. The LeSuers will be hosting our devotional on November 29. Please make your plans to attend! Our excellent youth program would not be so if not for our excellent families. Thank you so very much for being an active part in our youth program. It would be impossible without you!


Thank you very much! --JD :)

Mark Your Calendar...

Announcements: Harry Middleton - Ted Fox

Today: FPU class (4PM)

Nursery Attendants Mandi Cofer & Cindy Hutchens

Today: Retreat meeting at 4:30

The Record

November 11: Time Saver Supper—Chili, salad, cornbread, dessert and drinks

Sunday Morning Worship


Sunday Evening Worship:


Sunday Bible Study:


Wednesday Night:




November 10: Ladies Bible Class at 10AM

Nov 13-15: Youth Retreat at Camp Meribah November 20: Harvest Dinner December 11: Holiday Dinner

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