Lebanon Road Church Of Christ

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LEBANON ROAD CHURCH OF CHRIST 2307 Lebanon Road Nashville, TN 37214

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Lebanon Road

Church of Christ 2307 Lebanon Road; Nashville, TN, 37214 * (615) 883-6918 www.lebanonroadchurchofchrist.org

Current Resident or

Volume 57, No.41

October 11, 2009

I’ve Heard it All Before There’s a time near the end of most sermons when a speaker extends the Lord’s invitation. As that part of the sermon comes, those who come to worship often know that the sermon is about over and we are about to sing what is commonly called the “invitation song.”

Worship With Us Sunday: Worship 9 AM & 6 PM * Bible Classes 10:20 AM Wednesday: Bible Classes 7 PM

Adult Game Day

Trunk or Treat

Trunk or Treat #2

Thursday, October 15th Bring a dish and enjoy lunch at 11:30. If you can’t make it for lunch, bring your games and play beginning around 12:15.

Sunday, October 25th Immediately following evening worship.

Saturday, October 31st In Beech Island We will be hosting a Trunk or Treat and Ice cream fellowship.

Decorate your vehicle and bring candy for the children. Bring finger foods for after the trick or treating. Prizes will be awarded for best decorated vehicle and best costumes!

Beginning October 18th we will be collecting individually wrapped Halloween candy. We also need to borrow a few ice cream makers.

Usually when I preach, I walk down from the pulpit and extend the invitation from the floor. Honestly, I do this because I saw my dad do that Sunday-after-Sunday as I grew up, and I always thought it was an effective way to conclude. As I come down to the floor, though, I’m always amazed at how many people start reaching for song books, putting Bibles in the floor, and even writing out checks for the contribution. Why, when we are thinking deeply about coming to our Savior, do we “tune out”? Is it just because we’ve heard that part of the sermon before? Last Sunday night, I was reminded of the importance of extending the invitation, though. After the service, a visitor came to

Adam Faughn me and asked a question that went something like this: “That Scripture you used that Peter said about baptism—where was that found?” Wow! Here was someone who didn’t know about Acts 2:38. Most of us can quote that verse and have heard it used in the invitation hundreds of times, but let’s always remember not everyone has heard it. And, by the way, the invitation is not just for those who have never heard of baptism before. We are all being invited by Jesus to examine our lives in light of the lesson we have heard. When we “tune out,” maybe we are responding—just not in the way we need to! Don’t think you’ve heard it all before. Listen and examine your life through to the end.

∞ Make sure you are here this morning to hear one of our missionaries, Milton Hopkins, as he preaches from God’s Word. It will be a great encouragement!

Sunday Sermon Preview

Elders Joe Adams 773-2331 Johny Baker 758-7654 Ralph Brewer 871-4849 Wayne Davidson 758-2705 Earl Flynn 889-1659 Ted Fox 754-7607 Steve Ledbetter 889-8614 Charles Myers 883-6837 Jim Schroeder 754-8990 Cliff Wilson 889-6477

Pulpit Minister Adam Faughn 973-4483

Outreach Minister

AM: Sermon by Milton Hopkins (Forrest City, NC)

Harry Middleton 292-3164

PM: What is the Message of the Cross?

Youth Minister JD Buckner (731) 336-4768

The Sick

Worship Leaders

Joann Herald is at Baptists in room 4316. Gene Mullen is recovering from surgery. Richard Roberson is at Vanderbilt Trauma Unit in room 10020 after a fall.

Sunday Morning (Contact: Gene 874-0463) Opening Prayer: Mike Windsor Closing Prayer: Fred Williams Read Scripture: Tony Grigsby Sermon: Milton Hopkins Song Leader: Lynn Wright Serving Lord’s Supper: (Contact: David 754-7085) BJ Turner 1 Joel Ledbetter 2 Rich Deppisch 3 C.H. Crowell 4 David Cook 5 Charles Myers 6 Mike Purkey 7 Ricky Biggs 8 Sunday Evening (Contact: Richard 582-1079) Opening Prayer: John Smith Closing Prayer: Johny Baker Read Scripture: Austin Nichols Sermon: Adam Faughn Song Leader: Lynn Wright Serving Lord’s Supper (Room) Cliff Wilson 1 Cary Clay 2

Missionary Visit Brother Milton Hopkins and his family are visiting us this weekend. After spending time around Nashville on Saturday and dining with the elders on Saturday night Brother Hopkins is speaking at our morning service today. Make sure you get a chance to say hello and offer a word of encouragement.

Time Saver Supper Wednesday, October 14th 5:30-6:30 Chicken pot pie, salad, rolls, dessert & drinks $4 per person/$15 per family RSVP on your attendance card and also mark if can bring a dessert

Wedding Invitation Please share our joy as we Heather Michelle Shea and Jeremy Wayne Lamb Join in marriage On Saturday, October seventeenth Two thousand and nine At two o’clock in the afternoon Iuka Church of Christ Iuka, Mississippi

Bridal shower For: Erin Carney When: Sunday, October 18th Where: Fellowship Hall Time: 1:30-3:30 Given By; Friends Erin is registered at Bed, Bath & Beyond and Pottery Barn

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by Harry Middleton

Wednesday, October 14th (Contact: Tim 885-2009) Read Scripture: John Thomas Baker Opening Prayer: Joe Adams Speaker: JD Buckner Song Leader: Song Service Announcements: Harry Middleton - Earl Flynn

BIBLE CORRESPONDENCE COURSES We are presently receiving new requests for Bible Correspondence Courses from the state of Alabama. We advertized in one hundred ten (110) newspapers in Alabama last week. They began coming in slowly at first but are now coming at a rapid pace. To our graders: The turn around time is at best, two weeks, if you pick the tests up the first meeting after they are placed in the box in the World Bible School room. If you do not check the box in the room each time we meet (Sunday and Wednesday), the delay in getting them mailed back with the next course and certificate of completion, the student is writing or calling. So, please, be diligent in check your box each Sunday and Wednesday. Otherwise, you are doing a wonderful work! VISITATION TEAM #2 AND LETTER WRITERS WILL MEET AFTER WORSHIP SUNDAY EVENING.

Hope For The Hurting Crisis Care The elders recently purchased a video series of lessons with the above title by Dr. H. Norman Wright along with eleven other professional counselors. The primary purpose of these lessons is to train individual Christians on how to minister to others experiencing a crisis or a loss. You might be interested in these lessons if:  You have ever experienced a crisis or a loss,  You would like to learn better how to deal with one when it occurs,  You would like to know how to minister to others in a crisis or a loss,  You would like to know what to say or do, as well as what not to say or do. These lessons teach the difference in a crisis or a loss as well as the various stages one experiences in each case. Some examples include death of a loved one, illness, loss of a job, divorce, etc. These lessons are presented from a Biblical perspective with references made as appropriate to each situation. Each video lesson is approximately 25 minutes and each lesson is designed for class participation on a voluntary basis. If you are interested in these lessons, a sign up sheet is being made available and the class time and procedure will be determined by the amount of interest.

Mark Your Calendar...  Today: Milton Hopkins from the Forrest City Mission will be speaking  Today: FPU class #5 (4PM)

Nursery Attendants Debbie & Madelyn Hill

 Today: Beech Island meeting at 4:30  October 12: Elders, Deacons, & Preachers meeting at 7PM

The Record Sunday Morning Worship 235 + 39 Y. Adult Retreat Sunday Evening Worship:


Sunday Bible Study:


Wednesday Night:




 October 13: Ladies Bible Class at 10AM  October 14: Time Saver Supper  October 15: Adult Game Day  October 25: Trunk or Treat  Oct 30– Nov. 1: Trip to Beech Island, SC Page 3

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