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  • Words: 904
  • Pages: 3
Learning activity 1

Evidence: Modeling excellence


Ignacio Echeverría: the "skateboard hero" of the London bombings The world remembers him as the "hero of the skateboard", for Ignacio Echeverría, 39, a banker, did not hesitate to face one of the terrorists of the attack of 3 June 2017 on the London bridge using one of the passions of his sports life: the skateboard. He could have followed his path by bicycle and fled like so many others, but he got out to face the killer, saving the lives of several people who managed to escape. He was mortally wounded when two other terrorists stabbed him in the back. A law graduate, Ignacio was a member of the Catholic Action, a great sportsman (besides skateboarding he loved surfing, golf and squash). He had left his native Spain to work as an analyst at the HSBC bank, where he was involved in preventing money laundering. Some people have asked the Church to evaluate the possibility of beginning their cause of beatification.

Gaetano Nicosia: the "angel of the lepers" in China. Father Gaetano Nicosia, a Salesian missionary, arrived in Macau in 1963 to attend to about a hundred lepers who had taken refuge on the island of Coloane. Left to their fate, their situation was dramatic, characterized by terrible hygiene, violence and suicide. Born in Italy in 1915, the priest already spoke Chinese, having begun his missionary work among Chinese communities since 1935, in Hong Kong, Macau and in the Chinese province of Guangdong, from where he was expelled by the communists in 1950. When the bishop of Macau asked the Salesians for help in attending to the lepers of Coloane, Father Nicosia gave his availability to live with them, as did Saint Damien of Molokai. From 1963 to 2011, for 48 years, he shared his life with the lepers, transforming that place. It managed to bring nurses and doctors to the island; it provided healthy and varied food; it restored houses by introducing electricity and drinking water; it created a farm and provided vocational training for each person to exercise a trade; He built a school and a church. In 2011, when the already very old priest left that mission, there was no one left with Hansen’s disease. The testimony of the Salesian’s life led most members of his community to embrace the Christian faith. Father Nicosia died in Hong Kong on 6 November at the age of 102.

Sudha Varghese: liberator of "untouchables" in India In India it is known as "Nari Gunjan", or "The Voice of Women". We are talking about Sister Sudha Varghese, Sister of Notre Dame. His work has made it possible to free the Musahar, "Dalits" (untouchables) from sexual abuse and other abuses of the State of Bihar, especially their women. Before the arrival of the nun, in the eighties, the musahar were known to eat rats: without properties, they were dedicated to cleaning baths and working in distilleries. Their women and children were often sexually abused in the home of the ruling classes. They did not have the possibility to go to school. Girls were often given in marriage at the age of 10. Sister Sudha Varghese, born in 1949 in a prosperous family in Kerala, has broken this perverse cycle with the creation of a network of training centres for Musahar girls, many of them single mothers. For his work, he has received numerous death threats. The nun, who has lived as a Dalit for more than two decades, complementing her charitable work with the Joyful Learning Centres, educational centers for children that give a future to the "outcasts", even forming great cricket teams.

Paragraph 1: A short description about why you decided to choose those people and a short description about who they are.

people who have given their lives for humanity in a selfless way showing the human quality that there is still in every being, treated with love respect and admiration without offending those who help by giving an acknowledgment among these three great Heroes of humanity also see that all of different change make great achievements these three characters have in common the help for the good of the others even risking their own life also for the same objective it did not go to the rich people if not helping the most disadvantaged people.

Paragraph 2: The similarities you found in their routines. Ignacio gave his life to save people he didn’t even know during a terrorist attack in London. Sudha is too. Angels have watched over me all my life rescuing me. The human quality and the vocation to serve others unconditionally as these great human beings. Managed their time to human need. Each one from his Profession encouraging the soul of women man and children giving through these teachings is that all without decriminalizing should.

Paragraph 3: The way your routine reflects or will reflect their routines.

Ignacio and Sudha in different countries was so great for humanity that their greatest time was to serve. Gaetano priest who in China gave courage and love to help lepers with out discrimination also Sudha did his job freeing women from abuse or family violence. Gaetano Nicosia It brought nurses and doctors to the island; it provided healthy and varied food; Ignatius was a member of the Catholic Church Some people have asked the Church to evaluate the possibility of beginning his cause of beatification.

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