ASSIGNMENT #2 (MID-TERM EXAM) max. Monday, Oct26, 2015 on 1pm to Mr. Ali/Mr.Joko Printed on paper: the simulation & result
Simulate these problems by Simpowersystems, with a = 2 last digits of your Student ID number! 1.
Create a model to this circuit & answer these questions! a. Show the sketch of the graph from the scope! b. What quantity/parameter will be shown by the scope? c. Explain by your-own words about this circuit (include about the quantities shown by u1, i1, product, etc.)
5 ohm Vpeak aX10 Vrms 50 Hz
BEBAN 30 ohm 25 mH 100 F
2. Simulate this power system single-line diagram, and show : a. The sketch of voltage in bus 1 & 2 (just in 3 cycles of wave)! b. The sketch of current at the transmission sending-point & used by load A & B!
Note : The use of multimeter component can give us a more efficient place than current measurement dan voltage measurement.