Kebutuhan Cairan Perkiraan kebutuhan per hari (sehat): weight (30-40ml/kg/day) body surface area (1.5L/meter2/day) metabolic rate (100ml/100kcal)
Distribusi Cairan dalam Tubuh
Tujuan Terapi Cairan IV
Evaluasi hipovolemi ? Indikator untuk resusitasi cairan :
SBP <100 mmHg HR > 90x/min CRT > 2 sec atau akral dingin NEWS skor ≥ 5
Evaluasi ps butuh cairan & elektrolit
Anamnesa : previous limited intake, thirst, the quantity and composition of abnormal losses, any comorbidities (including patients malnourished - at risk of refeeding syndrome) PF : pulse, blood pressure, capillary refill and jugular venous pressure o presence of pulmonary or peripheral oedema o presence of postural hypotension Clinical monitoring: NEWS, fluid balance charts , weight. Lab : full blood count o urea, creatinine and electrolytes.
Jenis cairan Asering
(mEq/L) Na 130; Cl 109; Ca 3 ; K 4 ; Asetat 28
2. Kristaloid
Normal Saline
(mmol/L) Na: 154 ; Cl:154
Ringer Laktat (mmol/100 ml : Na = 130, K = 4-5, Ca = 2-3, Cl = 109110, Basa = 28-30 mEq /L) Dextrose Ringer asetat
3. Koloid
Albumin Hidroxyetyl Starches (HES) Dextran Gelatin
Hiponatremia Serum na <135 mEq/L (135 mmol/L)
Mild (130-135) asymptomatic Mild symptoms : nausea and malaise progress to headache, lethargy, and disorientation drops. The most serious symptoms : Respiratory arrest, seizure, coma, permanent brain damage, brainstem herniation, and death. Laboratory assessment : serum electrolytes, creatinine, and osmolality ; urine sodium.
SIADH SlADH is a clinical diagnosis characterized by :
(1) hyponatremia; (2) decreased osmolality (less than 280 mOsm/kg [280 mmol/kg] ) (3) absence of heart, kidney, or liver disease; (4) normal thyroid and adrenal function (5) urine sodium usually over 20 mEq/L. may have:
low blood urea nitrogen (BUN) (less than 10 mg/dL [3.6 mmol/L] ) hypouricemia (less than 4 mg/dL [238 mcmol/L] )
The most serious complication : Iatrogenic cerebral osmotic demyelination (from
overly rapid sodium correction)
Also called central pontine myelinolysis, may occur outside the brainstem. Hypoxic episodes during hyponatremia may contribute to demyelination. The neurologic effects are generally catastrophic and irreversible.
Treatment Hypovolemic adequate fluid resuscitation from
isotonic fluids
normal saline or lactated Ringer solution suppress the hypovolemic stimulus for ADH release.
Hypervolemic loop diuretics or dialysis, or both, To correct increased total body water and sodium. Euvolemic may respond to free water restriction
calculate the sodium deficit and deliver 3%
hypertonic saline
Sodium deficit = TBW x (Desired serum Na-Actual serum Na)
TBW Female 50% ; male 55%
3% hypertonic saline sodium : 513 mEq/L
Delivery rate = Sodium deficit/(513 mEq/L)/ 24hours rate
should be approx 0.25 mL/kgBB/h should not > 0.5 mL/kgBB/h
Guidelines (2014) consensus recommendations: serum sodium increase: 4-6 mEq/L may reverse the
neurologic manifestations of symptomatic hyponatremia. acute hyponatremia (eg, exercise-associated hyponatremia) w/ severe neurologic manifestations
100 mL of 3% hypertonic saline infused over 10 minutes (repeated twice as necessary)
correction rates for chronic hyponatremia are low (4-8 mEq/L per 24 hours in patients at high risk for demyelination)
koreksi cepat:
Acute (< 120 mEq/L symptomatik), (< 110 mEq/L)
Symptomatic Hyponatremia (Seizures, coma, etc.)
Mencegah edema otak atau memperbaiki edema otak Terapi symptoms
3% NS, 1-2 mEq/L/h sampai: Symptoms membaik Selama 2-3 jam atau Na serum mencapai 120 mEq/L
Koreksi lambat
0.5 mEq/L/h with 0.9% NS restriksi cairan Lama koreksi 24 jam < 10-12 mEq/L/d mencegah myelinolysis
Hipernatremia Hypernatremia is defined as a sodium concentration
>145 mEq/L Typical findings: dehydrated, orthostatic hypotension, oliguria Early signs: lethargy, irritability, weakness Severe hypernatremia (>158 mEq/L):
Hyperthermia, delirium, seizures, coma
Laboratory Findings:
1. Urine osmolality greater than 400 mOsm/kg Renal
water-conserving ability is functioning.
NONRENAL LOSSESwater intake < fluid losses from excessive sweating, the respiratory tract, or bowel movements. Lactulose osmotic diarrhea
RENAL LOSSESprogressive volume depletion from glucosuria Osmotic diuresis can occur with the use of mannitol or urea.
Urine osmolality less than 250 mOsm/kg
common causes : nephrogenic DI, interstitial nephritis, hypercalcemia, and hypokalemia .
Treatment correcting the cause of the fluid loss, replacing water,
and replacing electrolytes (as needed) increases in plasma osmolality brain cells synthesize solutes : ‘idiogenic osmoles’ intracellular fluid shifts.
Osmole production begins 4-6 hours after dehydration and takes several days to reach steady state.
rapidly corrected osmotic imbalance cerebral
edema ; severe neurologic impairment.
Fluids should be administered over a 48 -hour period, correction of approx. 1 mEq/L/h (1 mmol/L/h).
Choice of Type of Fluid for Replacement
Hypernatremia w/ hypovolemia isotonic 0.9% normal saline After adequate volume resuscitation 0.45% saline or 5% dextrose (or both) can be used to replace any remaining free water deficit.
Hypernatremia w/euvolemia intravenous 5% dextrose Hypernatremia with hypervolemia 5% dextrose solution
Loop diuretics may be necessary to promote natriuresis and lower total body sodium. In severe cases w/ kidney disease, hemodialysis
TBW = 60% x BB
Contoh : wanita berumur 58 th BB 53 kg, diagnosis Contusio Cerebri
berat. sopor, turgor kulit turun, TD 90/60 mmhg, Na 158 mmol/l, K 4 mmol/l,
Hipokalemia Serum potassium level <3,5 m Eq/L (3,5 mmo i/L) Severe hypokalemia may induce Dangerous arrhythmias and rhabdomyolysis Etiology: insufficient dietary, extrarenal or renal potassium loss intracellular shifting of potassium from the extracellular space Cellular
uptake ↑: insulin and beta-adrenergic stimulation The most common cause (developing countries) : gastrointestinal loss e/ infectious diarrhea.
mild – moderate: Muscular weakness, fatigue, and
muscle cramps Gastrointestinal smooth muscle involvement constipation or ileus. severe hypokalemia (less than 2 . 5 mEq/L) : Flaccid paralysis, hyporeflexia, hypercapnia, and rhabdomyolysis hypertension clue : hypokalemia from aldosterone or mineralocorticoid excess
Laboratory Findings: Urinary potassium : low (less than 20 mEq/L) as a result of extrarenal loss high (greater than 40 mEq/L) with renal loss
(ECG) : Decreased amplitude and broadening of T waves, prominent U waves, premature ventricular contractions, Depressed ST segments.
Oral potassium supplementation is the safest and easiest (mild to
moderate) Dietary potassium not effective in correcting potassium loss associated with chloride depletion from diuretics or vomiting
almost entirely coupled to phosphate-rather than chloride
abnormal kidney function and mild to moderate diuretic dosage, 20 mEq/day of oral potassium is generally sufficient to prevent hypokalemia, Intravenous K is indicated : severe hypokalemia and ≠ oral Given: up to 40 mEq/L and at rates up to 10 mEq/h. Concentrations of up to 20 mEq/h may be given through a central venous catheter. Continuous ECG monitoring is indicated, serum K level checked every 3-6 hours. Avoid glucose-containing fluid (prevent further shifts of potassium into the cells)
Hiperkalemia Serum K level >5.0 m Eq/L (5.0 mmol/L) may develop in patients taking: ACE inhibitors, angiotensin-receptor blockers,
potassium-sparing diuretics Serum K : rises ±0.7 mEq/L for every ↓ 0.1 pH unit during acidosis Aldosterone
deficiency : Addison disease, chronic kidney disease (CKD) Resistance : genetic disorders, urinary tract obstruction
Clinical findings: muscle weakness, flaccid paralysis, and ileus. Electrocardiography not sensitive nearly half of patients serum : >6.5 mEq/L will not manifest ECG changes. bradycardia, PR interval prolongation, peaked T waves, QRS widening, and biphasic QRS-T complexes. Conduction disturbances: bundle branch block, AV block Ventricular fibrillation and cardiac arrest.
Hypocalcemia Often mistaken as a neurologic disorder. Check for decreased serum parathyroid hormone
(PTH), vitamin D, or magnesium levels. The most common cause low total ca: hypoalbuminemia.
Albumin <4 g/dL (40 g/L) Ca2+ ↓ 0.8-1 mg/dL (0.20-0.25 mmoi/L) for every 1 g/dL (10 g/L) of albumin.
Hypocalcemia : ↑excitation nerve & muscle cells
neuromuscular and cardiovascular
Spasm of skeletal muscle
Laryngospasm ; stridor obstruct the airway. Convulsions, perioral and peripheral paresthesias,
and abdominal pain Classic physical findings
Chvostek sign (contraction of the facial muscle in response to tapping the facial nerve) Trousseau sign (carpal spasm occurring with occlusion of the brachial artery by a blood pressure cuff) .
Lab findings: Serum calcium : <8.5 mg/dL (2.1 mmol/L). Ionized serum calcium : <4.6 mg/dL (1.15 mmol/L)
Treatment Severe, Symptomatic Hypocalcemia: 10-15 mg Ca/kgBB + 1L D5W infused over 4-6hours or 6-8 vials 10-mL of 10% calcium gluconate (558-744 mg of calcium), + 1 L of D5W monitoring the serum calcium level : every 4-6 h
Asymptomatic Hypocalcemia Oral calcium ( 1 -2 g) + vitamin D preparations check of urinary calcium excretion prevent kidney fx impairment: Hypercalciuria (>300 mg or 7.5 mmol/day) urine calcium:creatinine ratio >0.3
Hypercalcemia The most common cause: hyperparathyroidism Most often asymptomatic Mild : ≥10.5 mg/dL
Malignancy Symptomatic usually occur serum > 12 mg/dL (3 mmol/L) Severe (≥14 mg/dL)
Symptoms: constipation, polyuria, nausea, vomiting,
anorexia, peptic ulcer disease, renal colic, and hematuria from nephrolithiasis
Neurologic manifestations : mild drowsiness,
weakness, depression, lethargy, stupor, and coma.
Treatment: Biphophonate (full tx effect : up to 48-72h) calcitonin (short term) Emergency: dialysis
Hypophosphatemia Acute, severe hypophosphatemia (less than 1 .0
mg/dL [0.32 mmol/L] ) can lead to rhabdomyolysis, paresthesias, and encephalopathy (irritability, confusion, dysarthria, seizures, and coma).
severe, symptomatic hypophosphatemia (less than 1
mg/dL [0.32 mmol/L] ) , an infusion : 279-310 mg/12h (or 9-10 mmol/12 h)
Monitoring : phosphate, Ca, K every 6 Response to phosphate supplementation is not predictable.
Hypomagnesemia Magnesium oxide, 250-500 mg PO 1-2 x/day, For chronic hypomagnesemia. Symptomatic hypomagnesemia IV Mg sulfate 1-2g over 5-60 min + D5W or 0,9% normal saline Torsades de pointes 1 -2 g of Mg sulfate + 10mL
D5W over 15 min
Severe, non-life-threatening treated at a rate to 1 -2 g/h over 3 - 6 hours.