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  • Pages: 23
Karma Therapy for – Transforming your inner child

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Who is Inner Child ? You are the inner child ,deep down inside you is the inner child. You at the core is inner child. Your inner child is the creator inside you. He/She is working through you to achieve everything in life. Your motivation ,passion and energy flows from inner child. If the Inner child is upset ,life gets upset .If the inner child is happy ,then life becomes cosy. Inner child is a child between 0-6 years .All hurts , rejections ,abuses ,anger ,fear ,sadness,shame ,guilt ,loneliness and betrayal is stored in this being. All the inner child requires is Verbal Assurance of Love , safety and security. We will do lots of exercises to resolve these issues of inner child and stay motivated for success in love ,health and wealth aspects of our life.As inner child is the driving force behind all of our success. An inner child comes from a time, and sometimes multiple times, in your childhood when something you perceive as traumatic occurs and you feel unable to cope. At that moment, you leave a part of your ego structure and personality behind, numbed out, as the rest of you grows up. The part left behind becomes your subconscious inner child with dysfunctional issues. As an adult, it is your responsibility to retrieve these parts, and wholesomely, effectively, re-raise them to become integrated, functional, and whole once again. In your subconscious realms, when your inner child runs amok, it often causes you to try to get your well-being from others. On a worldwide scale, inner child issues cause millions upon millions of relationship problems. Until we become conscious of these parts, and re-raise them, they can subconsciously influence and even dictate parts of our lives. 2

Inner child Work: Write a letter to inner child

Dear 7-year-old name, You are going to be OK. It wasn’t your fault that your father died. You are not responsible. Remember that you are a child and that you are not responsible for your family. Allow yourself to let out all your feelings. You have permission to cry, to be angry, to be a child for as long as you need to be. You are not your mother’s mother. And you are not your sister’s mother. You are a child and this is all you need to be right now. Allow yourself to be sad until your sadness melts away. Even if it takes time. You are in so much pain right now and that is OK. This is where you are


right now. One day the pain will go away. One day at a time you will start to feel better, lighter. Just heal at your own pace. Do not push past you pain or ignore it. This is worse than feeling it. Do not shut yourself off. Your emotions will wash away your pain and you will smile again. A few years from now you will feel truly happy and alive again and you will feel the presence of you father. He will always be by your side. He never abandoned you. He only changed shape. He is pure light and continues to love you and your family. Although it is very difficult for you and your family right now, your father’s time was up. But he will continue to guide you and support you forever. You will always be his beloved daughter and he will always be your father. Always. The bond you share is forever. Nothing can separate you. Not even death. He will always be with you. One day you will smile when you think of you father and you will see how beautiful and magical your life is because of him. I love you, Karina, and you are never alone. Remember this. Always. name 45 years old 2 .Dear Sweet Little One, What a beautiful little girl you are! Are you 3? Come sit on my lap and talk to me for a while. Would you like to snuggle? What a precious gift from God you are. Would you like to play a game with me? Do a puzzle? Play in the sandbox? Would you like to swing with me? Maybe we could play tag. I love spending time with you! You are such a blessing to have in my life! 4

You can always tell me anything you know, and I will listen to you. If you are happy, you can tell me – shout it to me even! I will be happy for you and proud of you and take joy in your joy. If you are sad or angry, that is okay. You can tell me how you feel, and I will listen to you. Your feelings are all okay. If you are confused, just ask me, and I will try to help you understand. If you are lonely, come to me and I will spend time with you. If you need some loves, I will cuddle you and hug you and give you lots of kisses - whatever you need. If you are scared or worried, come tell me, and we will pray together and ask God to take away your fears and protect you from danger. And I will hold you until you feel better. Tell me what’s on your heart little one. I will listen to you and not judge you. I’ll nurture you and everything about you. I'll spend time with you. That’s what I’ll do, because I know that’s what you need. I know that’s how you feel loved. I’ll do all this because I love you . . . 3. “Dear little one, When your mother left you never to return – it wasn’t your fault. When your father made you into a commodity for himself and others – it wasn’t your fault. You don’t have to go through the rest of your life carrying the burden of guilt that was not yours to carry. Put down the shame and walk away. The words spoken over you that left you believing you were worthless and unlovable were lies. You are precious. But don’t 5

go trying to replace the love you should have had by seeking out a mother who will reject you further, or from other men who will abuse you again. Look inside your heart. Look inside your soul. The treasure that is ‘you’ is waiting to be nurtured and released. Trust your quiet determination that lies within. You will survive.” 4. Beloved, There is something I need for you to know. Your voice is your sacred gift and it’s safe for you to use it. You can trust what you know – what is wrong for you – and you can shout out about it. If you tell your secrets, they will leave your body and will no longer burden you. What you’re carrying isn’t really yours, its doesn’t belong to you, and you don’t deserve it. Set it free. Set yourself free. Open your throat and scream it to the sky, tell everyone who is listening, and don’t you worry – not one little bit – about how they react. You don’t have to feel other people’s feelings for them. And you don’t ever have to make yourself smaller than you are so that other people feel safe. All of the pain you are holding in your body – the fear, the shame, the guilt – belongs to someone else, something else. It isn’t yours. I see you running and I know that you are trying to run away, but what I need for you to understand is this: You don’t have 6

to run away. Turn. Raise your hand. Yell, “Stop!” and feel the power of the Earth rise into your feet, your heart. Know that your guardians are all around you. Know that you are a beautiful person. Know that you are strong. Know that you did nothing wrong. Leave the pain on the ground and walk away, toward the blue sky and cool river where you toss in smooth stones, one after the other and watch the ripples dance. Dig a hole in the ground and yell down it. Find the clearing in the forest and sing. Open your throat, coat it with honey. Open your throat and listen to your sound. Your voice. There is no one else in this world with a voice like yours. There is no one else who can tell your story. You were born to do this, my love. Sleep well. Float in your dreams. Set yourself free. You are so immensely loved. Signed With Great Respect, Your Future Self 5. Dearest little one, There are many things I wish I had been able to tell you when you were younger. I know you felt sad and voiceless about your parent’s separation. You loved them both, but by leaving one behind you felt somehow you had betrayed your father. You felt you should feel the same way as your mother


though you didn’t deep inside. You knew they were not getting along but you didn’t know that this did not have to do with you. I’m here to tell you it’s okay that you still loved your daddy though you were angry with him too. It’s okay for you to love your mommy and feel resentment towards her as well. You are allowed to have many mixed-up feelings. You are a child, what goes on between the adults is their stuff, not yours. I know you wanted to make things better. You wanted things to be “normal”. You felt somehow they weren’t anymore. You strived to be the good girl: obedient doing as you were told. Not rocking the boat. You were worried about making things worse. I’m here to tell you it’s okay. Whatever you are feeling is ok. You are entitled to your own feelings they don’t have to be the same as others. You have permission to be angry, happy, sad, excited, resentful, frustrated, detached, engaged, anything you feel like. You have the right to change your mind about these feelings at anytime. You don’t need to be stuck in any of these feelings; they can come and go as you please like the ebbs and flows of an ocean or a river. You have permission to be a child, to play even when the adults are serious. It does not make you a bad person. You do not need to compensate or make up for having these feelings by trying to do the right thing all the time. You do not need to be right or good all the time. Life is meant to be experienced. Children are meant to experiment and learn about the world 8

around them. Mistakes will happen. That’s ok. children learn this way. What I really want to tell you is that it is okay for you to be your own unique person with your own thoughts, opinions and feelings. You are allowed to be you. Lots of love, Your adult self 6. Dearest, sweet Name I’ve been thinking of you a lot lately. It isn’t surprising really, what with all of my focus on creative healing and what not. I think of you, so certain in your fifteen year old self, so sure of yourself and at the same time so very unsure. I feel like I know you so well – I know you’d be horrified to think of yourself as a forty-two year old with anything in common with you as you are now. But we have lots in common, yes we do. I don’t think there’s been any other time in our life that has been as true as it stands now. Sure, I have grey hair (oh, don’t be alarmed – you really will love it, I promise!) and there’s quite a bit more fat on the bones (you still love chocolate, yes you do) but in essence, we are truly the same. What? You don’t believe me? Here’s the truth; Your taste in music never wavers. I am wearing practically the same clothes as you do and you know what? You can find long skirts that reach all the way to the ground these days. Clothes shopping is something that gets easier – we can find beautifully creative, hand crafted clothes from across the world 9

on this new computer gadget called the Internet – oh my, you are so going to love that I know it’s important to you that you can find a way to express yourself creatively. What I want to say to you is that you are on the right track! Dare to be who you are. Don’t worry about not looking cool. You don’t know it yet, but if you concentrate too hard on being cool, you’ll end up missing out on a lot of fun. You’d deny it applies to you, I know, but being bothered about what other people think is common to nearly everyone out there – it’s not just you, it’s social conditioning. Here’s the thing – if you can find some courage and confidence to please only yourself then you will end up a lot happier in the long run (and you will find that courage, I promise). Remember when you went to visit the careers counselor at high school? You didn’t know what you wanted to DO when you left school, but you knew what you wanted to BE. You wanted to be a hippie! But you were ashamed of it as a non-choice. You thought that dropping out was really only for those without prospects. But it was your secret dream. You didn’t know how how to pull it off and all the careers guy could offer was that you would be an outstanding beach bum! I wish so much for you that you might have had a creative role model to follow, or even some half decent advice from some of the folks at school because I believe that if you did you will have made different decisions about what comes next. I don’t think you would have let the fact that teacher sent you out of that art class stop you from deciding to go to art school, for starters. He is a very different type of person than you are and even though he disagreed with you about your choice of tee-shirt he knew what he was about when it came to judging 10

your natural abilities. This happens a lot in life – you will come across many different people who don’t share your values and belief systems. I’ll let you into a secret – that’s

the way of the world. Sure it is. But pay attention, because this is the really important part – in no way does it mean that your choices are in any way invalid. How can they be? They belong to you. Try not to let yourself be confused about who you are and what you do (they’re quite different things). Your values and beliefs live in your heart. As does your creativity. They will never go away. Instead, they’ll grow bigger and as they do, your heart will also grow. These are the things that make you special. You’re not alone in this. You might not know them yet, but there is a whole community of beautiful, gentle, creative, imaginative souls out there in the world and one day you will find yourself connected to them. They will share your struggles – about inner confidence and struggling to find a balance between practicalities and heart song. They won’t deride your choice of clothes, or your hairstyle. They’ll remind you to keep dancing! They’ll know what you mean when you tell them you only really ever wanted to be a hippie – and they’ll applaud you for it! Girl, you are a beautiful, sensuous, creative soul whose time on this earth is a sacred experience. Hold onto that and keep it safe – no matter what happens next. You are going to follow a path that might not seem like it’s heading in the right direction sometimes, but be sure that you will end up in the right place. That’s the cosmic balance at play. 11

Know that there will be a lot of love in your life. Know that you are worthy of it. Know that you are exactly who you were meant to be. Know that you’re the best you that you can possibly be. Know that your brilliance can never be extinguished. And don’t forget to smile. You light up the world when you smile! With all my love, your 45-year old self creative, bohemian, name wannabe xoxox

Karma oath and vow releasing 12

Clear all binds of Vows made in this lifetime and past lives. To release both parties of said vows while not incurring any shame, guilt or regret for previous involvement and engagement with an ideal or relationship. To instill a healthy foundation from which you shall proceed from this moment forward to only form bonds with ideals and/or others that are for the Highest and best of yourself and any others. This renouncement may be used in its entirety or you may choose to alter it in to a form that better suits your personal beliefs/needs. Creating unconscious signals is important 1.State the issue 2.Ask for evidence /last time it happened and create symptom signal 3.Specify and bring out emotions by asking, “what is the worst consequence that would happen if issue continues” and “how does it make you feel” 5-10 times 4.When emotions are active, ask unconscious to trace and find the first karmic source memory causing this issue and this consequence. 5.Verify the source memory by feeling unconscious symptom signals. 6.Express negative emotions, beliefs and karmic oaths 7.Cancel negative emotions and beliefs, renounce karmic oaths. 8.Bring god’s positive emotions, beliefs, learning and selfrealization in space to let go of this experience for complete healing. 9.Verify healing and spread healing in all times 10.Manifest a successful outcome. Notes: 13

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Regression script for releasing inner child issues 14

We are going to go on a journey. A Journey back in time, for you to explore events and experiences from significant event of your childhood life OR THE ISSUE WHICH YOU ARE HAVING OR EVEN TO FIND OUT WHAT COMES ON ITS OWN . Do not judge, allow what is coming in your mind. Get comfortable now and allow your eyes to close gently. Bring your awareness to your breath and take eight really nice, long, slow, deep letting-go breaths. Breathing in peace and harmony on the inhale and letting go of any cares, worries and tension on the exhale. When you inhale you inhale GODS LIGHT and Positive Energy and when you exhale you Exhale all the Toxins, anything that is DARK and we send it to the CREATORS LIGHT to cancel. Relaxing deeper and deeper with every breath. The deeper you go more relaxed you feel and the more relaxed you feel deeper you go. Good Very Good. Creator of all that is ,it is commanded to take “ person’s name “ in his/her most significant childhood life as of now in the best and highest way to release source issue of ----------- ,thank you ,it is done ,it is done, it is done and so it is creator show me. Now imagine a rainbow before you a glorious luminous rainbow. See it feel it or experience it in whatever way you can. Are you aware of Rainbow Colors? Allow the client to respond Healer is going to speak in slow measured tone ;YES, GOOD And, now notice, which one of the colors of the rainbow feels 15

most, healing, soothing and relaxing to you. Which Color do you see now PAUSE Allow THIS COLOUR TO Sooth, relax and heal every muscle, every nerve and every fiber of your being washing down over your head face, neck and shoulders. Down your arms, hands and fingers, Feel that healing light relaxing your chest and stomach. All of your organs relax. Experience it moving down your back aligning your spine. Relaxing you deeper and deep. Feel that soothing, relaxing, healing light that you have chosen moving down into your hips, waist and pelvis. Relaxing your legs, feet and toes. Until you are awash and aglow in this soothing healing light. And, now notice the level of relaxation that you have achieved and allow yourself to go even deeper. I would like you now to relax your feet and your legs completely. Your subconscious mind is going to float and your conscious mind is just going to WATCH. If there are any thoughts any thoughts in your conscious mind just let it be. Give opportunity to yourself to go even deeper, deep, very deep, deep, sleep. Good Very Good, now take another nice deep breath letting go breath and allow your abdomen, hips and pelvis to relax. That’s right. Very good. Ask THEM THAT THEY TOO ARE SAFE AND CAN RELAX. Anytime I touch your shoulders like this you would go deeper and deeper . anytime I touch your forehead LIKE THIS YOU 16

WILL remember everything VIVIDLY through your INNER EYES and any time I touch your hand like this you would go still deep very deep. TO CALL YOURE GUIDES & MINE & PERMISSION Now I would seek your permission to INVITE through CREATOR your and mine SPIRITUAL GUIDES, ANGELS & MASTERS to this session to help you and me so that you can RESOLVE your ISSUES in the BEST & HIGHEST FORM.. FOR YOUR HIGHEST & BEST. DO I HAVE YOUR PERMISSION ----------GOOD VERY GOOD, Deep very deep I want you to imagine you are floating and there is a door ,at edge of universe -STEP INTO THE DOOR AT THE EDGE OF THE UNIVERSE. Early childhood memory :Now you step into that wonderful Door and be there now in the memory. That is right. PAUSE Notice how it feels to be in this place. You may be aware of sounds. You may be aware be aware of movements. Notice how it feels to you. And when you are ready, you can describe to me what you are experiencing. You can even become aware of how you are feeling. What are you experiencing? That is right. Now , notice how it feels for you as the soul that you are , to be in this physical body learning how to make it work and move. 17



does it feel?

 


do you see or sense?

 


are parents feeling?

GOOD VERY GOOD. You can also give unconditional love and VERBAL ASSUARNCE to the CHILD . EARLIEST SOURCE MEMORY:Now take another moment to see if there is anything else that is important for you to remember or explore about this time. When you are ready, you can let me know verbally and we will go all the way back to a very meaning full CHILDHOOD Life of yours a very significant TIME where we can go through the creator of all that is to resolve any issues To find if you have had any vows ,oaths and commitments, which you would like to resolve defects regarding MONEY,health ,relationship ,SELF ESTEEM issues . You may also have any positive attributes, which you may like to bring back to your present lifetime, which might be beneficial to you, any VIRTUE . Knowing that the deeper you go , the more effective this session will be .10------,9 --------,8, ---------7 --------,6 5,-----4 ----3--------2----1, and you will step into the Door 18

be an objective observer visualizing and viewing at the events and experiences of the child life of yours Allow the memories, the feeling and images to become more vivid. Notice what’s going on around you. Notice what special event or occasion this is. You May see or feel, or your may experience or just know what it is that is happening. Trust the way in which these images come for you. That’s right. Good .And what is it that is happening? Who’s there with you? Look at your feet. What are you wearing on your feet. How are your parents feeling. Are they there with you.? What is the occasion . You will trust what comes, Seeing with your inner eyes, Hearing with your inner ears, You can just let it happen , the memories to float to the surface, it happens naturally and easily. .Remember that you are safe and very safe, and that you are in control. The deeper you go, the easier the images and the memories come. So , let go ! No need to make any effort. What is it SPEAK. Only if he is taking more time to respond and is stuck up ,you have a choice facilitate further like below. Are they shoes? Sandals? Boots? Moccasins? What does it seem that you have on your feet. If anything? Good, Now become aware of your clothing. You might look at it or you might feel its texture. PAUSE, LET THE CLIENT SPEAK.


Only if he is taking more time to respond and is stuck up ,you have a choice facilitate further like below. Ask questions Good. Take another breath and go even deeper now. Really deep, five, four, three, two and one. You might take a moment now to look down towards your hands. See them? Feel them? Become aware of your complexion. And what do you notice about these hands? Good. Now you are ready to very, very slowly turn around in a full circle becoming aware of your surroundings. Notice if you are indoors or out? Become aware of any building, people or furniture. Good . Notice where this place is. You may simply know or your might explore a bit to find out the name of this place. And where is this place? And allow yourself to go even deeper now. Deeper with every breath. Take some time now to see what the date is .? You may know or you may find calendar. Or you might even ask someone who is there. What is the date? Good, now, notice what it is that is going on around you. And, what is happening? See if anyone you recognize?, Look into the eyes of all those with whom you came in contact, Notice what if any promise, commitment or contract was made, if no longer valid release, yourself now, from that promise and commitment Is there any RESIDUE from that life that carries over into this one,any emotion that’s bothering you ? 20

Notice your role what are you doing? What did you do or, do the people around say you did? If there are others around, you can look into their eyes and you might recognize someone that you know now although their appearance might be different, you will know. Is there anyone there that you recognize? RELEASE OLD PAIN & PAST:-In much the same way, if there was some difficulty, sadness or pain that you no longer need, something that’s holding you back in some way, you can release that into the past and lets send it to the creator’s light to be the cancelled, replaced and resolved with UNCONDITIONAL LOVE and VERBAL ASSURANCE .Do I have your Permission Ok .Creator .......................... . Let it go into the past. Release it now. Good. RECLAIM POWER:-If you wish, you can now reclaim that power, talent or ability and bring it back with you. DO YOU WANT ME TO DO THAT Just step into the scene and reclaim that special talent? GOOD WE WILL ASK THE CREATOR.....CREATOR OF ALL THAT IS.... Let it go into the past AND LET SEND IT to god’s light TO be cancelled do I have your permission to do that? OK CREATOR OF ALL THAT IT IS do healing ,release negative emotions,beliefs renounce oaths and replace with positive emotions ,and self realiation .thank you ,show me. Come back now ,Rinsing your self of any residue energy bringing your consciousness from all the planes of existence when ever comfortable


Letting your eyes open when you feel ready all the way back doing so well... HEALER Now I request through creator of all that is that the Mental, Emotional, Spiritual, Energy body of ___NAME THE CLIENT _______ to integrate with Hara line of Physical Body Lying here at “ current address [STATE THE ADDRSS OF THE PLACE OF THERAPY “ 1,2,3,4,5, Eyes open wide awake. INTEGRATION: There are usually some major realization, sticking points and healing during a regression and it is helpful to review these with the client before concluding the session. Be sure to ask the client what stood out most to them in the regression.

Script for Inner Child Transformation So getting comfortable and undoing any tight clothing... take two deep breaths, breathing right down into your abdomen. As you breath out feel yourself beginning to relax. It is best to close your eyes, relax your scalp and forehead... feel the tiny muscles letting go and becoming smooth... your jaw and relax your tongue... let your shoulders become loose and limp, let any tension go, let it flow away... relax your chest and let your breathing become slow and easy... relax all the way down your back, your shoulder blades down to the base of your back... let any tension in your tummy flow away... relax your hips, right 22

down your legs, down your calfs... feel your feet relaxing and your toes, like when you take off tight shoes... and let your arms go limp and heavy... and your hands letting go... allow your thoughts to become peaceful, breathing away tension, problems and things on your mind... breathing them all away... let your whole body become completely relaxed... feeling so peaceful... and focus on your breath as you count slowly back from ten to zero in your thoughts... good, now I want you to think about a place you remember as a child, it may be your family home, school, a playground or something else... just let that come into your mind, it doesn't matter if it isn't very clear or if you just sense it... when you have something make it as clear as you can... now imagine you see your child self coming toward you, you as you were when you were a child... you may look different to what you had expected or you may not... notice what you are wearing and your hair... notice your expression, how do you look?... Perhaps you are holding something... now imagine you, the adult you, are walking up to your child self... tell the child who you are... tell them you have come to be their friend... (at this point some of you may become emotional, especially if your inner child was lonely or suffered in childhood)... if it feels ok offer to hug the child (but don't do this if the child resists), or you could hold their hand or let them sit on your lap... ask them if they have anything to say to you and answer any questions, but always remain loving, supportive and reassuring...,pamper and nurture the child ,take care and heal the child relax your eyes, cheeks, mouth and jaw... let the muscles go... unclench now it is time to say goodbye to the child, do whatever feels natural, give them a big hug or kiss or just wave goodbye... and return back to the room you are sitting in. 23

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