June Newsletter 09 P

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  • Pages: 2
Africa to Asia

June 2009

An insight into the ministry of LCMS Long-term missionary Megan Birney serving Christ on the international mission field

Oh the summertime... So it’s officially summer! I am amazed that I have been home for over five weeks! In the beginning of June, Shepherd of the Coast LCMS (SOTC), my home congregation, celebrated it’s 20th anniversary. The celebration included a family fun night, our annual church picnic, and a fellowship pancake breakfast between services. I was glad to be home for this celebration, but missionary training called and on June 6th I traveled to Concordia Chicago. I spent the next few days in fellowship with the new GEO missionaries who will be teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL) classes around the world this year. Nancy Kunert, one of our EFL teachers (pictured below giving me my certificate), was a missionary in Papua New Guinea for over 25 years and served alongside Rev. Al & Nancy Ebel, Susan Fluegge’s parents! At training we were given more information about our ministry in Hong Kong. I will be working at the Lutheran Tsang Shing Siu Leun School, Concordia English Gospel Outreach Center, Holy Savior Lutheran Church, and Wan Chi English Center. Our focus is on teaching conversational English classes, Bible classes, and outreach activities. I met my new Volunteer Coordinator, Sharon Owens (pictured with Andrea and myself below) and was given a mini-education in Chinese culture and the plans for the new ministry we will be starting in Hong Kong this fall! Sharon is an amazing woman with the most joyful heart. She oversees the EFL ministries in Hong Kong, Macau, and Jiang men along with arranging opportunities for short-term teams to reinforce us fulltimers. To learn more about the part Sharon plays, visit www.lcms.org?6689. Along with Sharon and Nancy, I was also able to meet my ministry teammates and soonto-be roommates, Andrea Bolognini and Lynette Lierman. Both Andrea and Lynette have done short-term ministry in Asia and are already an amazing encouragement to me. Andrea is committed to two years of missionary service in Hong Kong to fulfill her DCE (Director of Christian Education) internship through

Concordia University Texas. Please remember Andrea (www.lcms.org?14884) and Lynette (www.lcms.org?15269) in your prayers! Along with attending classes and getting to know our new teammates during orientation, we were also given the opportunity to test out our TEFL skills at a real conversational class sponsored by St. Paul LCMS in Chicago. St. Paul is located in a predominately Hispanic neighborhood and the ministry involves helping attendees learn/speak English clearly along with opening the doors for opportunities to share the love of Christ. I spent the majority of the night with a woman named Helen who has lived in America for six years and her husband and small children can all speak English fairly well. We spent most of our time together addressing medical terminology because she felt she needed to be prepared in case of an emergency. Spending the evening talking to Helen made me realize the incredible opportunities I will be given to minister to my students in Hong Kong through EFL classes. The rest of this month has been spent organizing fundraisers, presentations, and spending time with my family. I have some great fundraisers planned and will send details as they come together. Fundraisers include; a yummy booth at the Fabulous Fourth celebration in Flagler Beach, a dinner presentation at KoKoRo Japanese Bistro, lunch/dinner at Panda Express, a Pampered Chef party, and a Lia Sophia jewelry party! If you would like to attend or volunteer for any of these events, please let me know! Blessings to you!

“Come near to God and He will come near to you… Humble yourselves before the Lord and He will lift you up.” James 4:8,10

June 2009

LCMS World Mission 800-433-3954 www.lcmsworldmission.com [email protected] Learn more about the work of LCMS World Mission in Asia:

Help support my ministry in Hong Kong! Thank you for your continued support in prayer and financial commitments! As I make preparations for my ministry in Hong Kong, I am called to raise funds for my service. The cost for my year of service in Hong Kong is approximately $21,417;. I am asking you to continue praying about supporting me financially and in prayer this upcoming year. With only 18 individuals or families making a commitment to give $100 a month, I would be fully funded! In order to leave on time in August, I am required to have 75% of my funds gifted or pledged. If you would like more information please don’t hesitate to contact me! Thanks for your prayers! To support my work financially, you may send a taxdeductible gift to: LCMS World Mission 1333 South Kirkwood Road, St. Louis, Missouri 63122-7295. Please make checks payable to LCMS World Mission. Mark checks on the memo line “Support of Megan Birney” Gifts can also be given securely online at my webpage: www.lcms.org?13343


Prayer Requests Contact Info

Megan Birney [email protected]

• Check out my blog: acrossanoceansizedlove.blogspot.com Visit my project page: www.lcms.org?13343 Download my prayer card: www.lcmsworldmission.org/ prayercards Access my photo albums: picasaweb.google.com/megaroonski Newsletter Archive: http://www.pdfcoke.com/share/ upload/12705346/ u8nry0prmzuo0jsrb2k

• • •

Please take these to the Lord in prayer... Pray that God would begin to open eyes and ears and pave the way for the new EFL ministry beginning in Hong Kong this fall. Pray for me as I continue raising prayer & financial support for my upcoming service in Hong Kong, along with my teammates Andrea & Lynette. Pray that the Lord would continue to be prevalent in the lives of the Fluegge family and for a smooth transition from their 10 years ministry at the CLET in Togo to the USA and then to South Africa in November. They will be traveling from Togo to the States 6/30—7/2. The students at the CLET; that God would steady their hearts to pursue their calls to leadership training in serving the Lutheran Churches in West Africa. Praise for the CLET (Lutheran Center for Theological Studies) graduation 6/20! Three CLET pastoral graduates (2 Togolese, 1 Congolese) are to be ordained! The CLET professors; give them strength and affirmation in their calls to teaching and strength to lead the CLET; especially the director, Dr. Dongo.

Praise for a great time of learning and fellowship at LCMS missionary orientation!

Praise for my home congregation, Shepherd of the Coast LCMS who celebrated their 20th anniversary this month!

My fellow LCMS long-term missionaries serving internationally, for the opportunity & strength to live out Christ’s love on the mission field.

For the hearts of those needing to know the grace of our great God

If you would like to receive this newsletter electronically, please e-mail me at [email protected]!

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