April Newsletter 09

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Togo Time!

April 2009

An insight into the ministry of LCMS Long-term missionary Megan Birne y serving Christ in Togo, W est Africa

Lord, lead on! He is risen! He is risen, indeed! Alleluia! April has been another amazing month here in West Africa. The first week of April, I rounded out my experiences of living in Africa by traveling over to Ghana in a Togolese taxi, visiting Mole national park with some MK teacher and Peace Corp friends (seeing elephants, warthogs, & a baboon visiting our window!), braving public transportation in Tamale, Bolgatanga, and Paga, & once again experiencing the amazing ministry that the Baptist Medical Center provides in Nalerigu. Spending time in Ghana was incredible addition to the learning experiences I’ve had these past nine months. People groups here are so close to one another geographically, but it is amazing to witness the cultural difference between them. While I was in Ghana, a Crossfire team (a ministry through Lutheran Youth Encounter) stayed at the guesthouse and it was nice to spend some time with them and hear about the time they have spent traveling through Cameroon, Benin, Togo, and Burkina Faso. Crossfire performs skits and musical presentations (some even in different tribal languages) to all of the Francophone West African countries, churches in the States, and summer camp students. Please pray for their incredible ministry as they finish up their African tour! The week I returned to Dapaong was Holy Week; the CLET put on a Good Friday service here in Dapaong and Easter Sunday brought about a joyous worship service with seven baptisms! All of those baptized I had seen at church on previous Sundays, but the joy of welcoming them into God’s family on the day of the Lord’s resurrection filled our small cement building with jubilation! While every Sunday brings lots of singing and dancing, on Easter it extended even after church had ended. I praise the Lord for His good work here in Togo and His work extended through the CLET all over West Africa. Glenn has accepted his call to teach at Lutheran Theological Seminary in Pretoria, South Africa. The Fluegges will be returning to the States at the end of June to raise funds for their new ministry and will re-enter the mission field in November. They are very excited about this new ministry and the close proximity of reliable health care and good English-speaking schools! So, what’s next for Megan? In January, I began the application process for two graduate programs and have recently

decided that in the August I will begin the Family Life Ministry M.S. program at Concordia University Nebraska. The program is very diverse and it will help me become a better teacher, counselor, and leader along with qualifying me to be a LCMS church worker. The program is also based online for the majority of the classes, giving me the freedom to live and work anywhere. While I still don’t know where the Lord will have my career end up, I know the good work He is doing in me on the international mission field is not quite through. I have recently accepted a missionary position serving in Hong Kong beginning this August. I have been considering this position for a few months and after our March term of FES I really felt it was where my gifts and talents could best be used. I will be working with high schoolers and building relationships through English as a Foreign Language classes and Bible studies. I was made to love and be loved by Him! I’ll go where He sends me. This will be my last newsletter sent from Togo. I am scheduled to return to Florida the third week of May. I ask for your prayers for the next few weeks as I say goodbye to so many Togolese that I know and love, the Fluegges since they are now family to me, and end my ministry here. Thank you for all of your love and support during my time here in West Africa! Stay tuned for more on my new ministry…

“Who is a God like you, who pardons sin and forgives the transgression of the remnant of his inheritance? You do not stay angry forever but delight to show mercy. You will again have compassion on us; you will tread our sin underfoot and hurl all of our iniquities into the depths of the sea.” Micah 7:18,19

April 2009

How many MK’s can fit on the Tractor?

LCMS World Mission 800-433-3954 www.lcmsworldmission.com [email protected] Learn more about the work of LCMS World Mission in Africa by visiting: www.lcmsworldmission.org/africa

After my adventuresome excursion in Ghana, I was unsure of how I would be getting home. However, April 5th was Palm Sunday and Rev. Nathan Esala was preaching at the Lutheran Church of Nasuan so it became a collaborative effort to bring all the nearby families together to celebrate! Six families in all! The Fluegges came over from Togo and it was a great day of fellowship and fun!

Prayer Requests • •

Contact Info Megan Birney [email protected]

Check out my blog:


Visit my project page: www.lcms.org?13343

Download my prayer card: www.lcmsworldmission.org/ prayercards

Access my photo albums: picasaweb.google.com/ megaroonski

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His will for my last month in Togo and my future ministry in Hong Kong. That the Lord will continue to be prevalent in the lives of the Fluegge family (Glenn, Susan, Samuel, Abby, Caleb, Jesse & Eliana). That He would bless and keep them as they return to the States this summer and as they begin their ministry in South Africa in the fall. For health! That the Lord would keep my mind and body free of sickness, fatigue, and anxiety during these last few weeks and upon returning home. The students studying at the CLET & the pastoral students across West Africa on their vicarages; Pray that God will steady their hearts to pursue their calls to leadership in serving the Lutheran church bodies across Francophone West Africa. The CLET professors & leaders; Pray for affirmation in their calls to teach & strength to lead the CLET; especially for the CLET director, Dr. Dongo. For my fellow West Africa MK teachers; Angela Bell (IMB : The Hewitts : Nalerigu, Ghana), Christine Braun (SIM : The Ottossons : Fada n’ Gourma, Burkina Faso), Christina Riddle (LBT : The Esalas : Nasuan, Ghana), Elsie McCall (IMB : The Lyons : Lao, Burkina Faso) Prayers for the different ministries of FES families in Burkina Faso, Togo, and Ghana; medical, Bible translation, literacy, & theological training. For the Togolese government and nationals. LCMS long-term missionaries serving this year; for the strength to live out Christ’s love on the mission field and discernment for His call to us. For more to heed the Lord’s call to serve and enter the mission field. For the hearts of West Africa.

If you would like to receive this newsletter electronically, please e-mail me at [email protected]!

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