March Newsletter 09

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Togo Time!

March 2009

An insight into the ministry of LCMS Long-term missionary Megan Birne y serving Christ in Togo, W est Africa

Be Ready, Be Willing Happy Spring! Once again I had to be reminded of the change in season; it’s been eight months since I arrived in West Africa and I don’t believe I have stopped sweating since! However, springtime is here and Easter is just around the corner! Our three weeks in Ouagadougou were quite a blessing, especially being able to indulge during strawberry season there! Our March FES term was concluded with our performance of Donkey Tales. The musical encompassed the different ways God used donkeys in the Bible, including the story of Balaam in Numbers 22 and The Triumphal Entry when Jesus rides into Jerusalem on a donkey found in the four gospels. Samuel played a boy named Spencer who has never heard about Jesus and learns through the stories. Abby played the angel in the story of Balaam and his donkey and she was also in a square dance. Caleb was in the dance for one of the songs called “God can use me”. This song had a verse that couldn’t help but make you think… “If God used a donkey, my friend then wouldn’t you agree?... God can use me!” If God can use a donkey for His will to be done, with a humble heart and willing hands He can use any of us. I’ve found myself reflecting on my time here recently and I’m amazed at the things I have experienced in such a short period of time. In my reflections, I often find how much my trust has grown in God’s will. Before coming to Africa, I knew that I could feel God nudging me in the directions He would have me go. Now, I feel like I would be at a stand-still before I could move without God leading. The Fluegges have received a call to teach at Lutheran Theological Seminary in Pretoria, South Africa. While it is always a difficult task to consider moving (especially a family of seven!), Glenn and Susan strongly feel that God has called them to continue teaching and training African nationals. Sometimes people recognize cer-

tain phases in their lives as ‘fads’. Fads being something that pass through, but eventually fade away and it’s strange to think we could apply that to our lives. In watching them converse with their children and with each other, I am so encouraged by Glenn and Susan’s commitment to use the gifts God has given them and follow His lead in teaching and raising up African leaders. Sometimes I wonder, with God leading the way, if I will ever find a permanent home for my gifts. Maybe that is not in the cards, maybe the nomadic missionary life style is what God has suited for me. As I contemplate the lessons I am being taught and consider the next step the Lord would have me take, I am encouraged by the familiar hymn “I am trusting You, Lord Jesus.”

“…I am trusting You to guide me; You alone shall lead, every day and hour supplying all my need. I am trusting You for power; You can never fail. Words which You Yourself shall give me must prevail.”

“These are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in His name.” John 20:31

March 2009

Girls just wanna have fun!

LCMS World Mission 800-433-3954 [email protected] Learn more about the work of LCMS World Mission in Africa by visiting:

From left to right… Christine teaches the three Ottosson girls; Mikaela, Jodie, & Jeneba. Me & Abby! Angela teaches the three Hewitt kids including Abby & Emily. The first Friday night of FES we even chaperoned an allgirls sleepover! Keep these beautiful young ladies in your thoughts and prayers as they continue grow up and in the Lord and on the mission field! This picture was taken at the end of our Donkey Tales performance.

Prayer Requests •

Contact Info

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Megan Birney B.P. 38 Dapaong, Togo West Africa

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[email protected]

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Access my photo albums: megaroonski

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Continued strength & guidance as the Lord continues to teach me about West Africa, Him, and who I am in Him every day. His will for the next two months in Togo & discernment for the future. That the Lord will continue to be prevalent in the lives of the Fluegge family. For me to be effective in teaching Samuel, Abby, and Caleb especially as we near the end of the school year. Guidance for the Fluegges & disernment for their future. For health! That the Lord would continue to keep my mind and body free of sickness, fatigue, and stress. The students studying at the CLET & the pastoral students across West Africa on their vicarages; Pray that God will steady their hearts to pursue their calls to leadership in serving the Lutheran church bodies across Francophone West Africa. The CLET professors & leaders; Pray for affirmation in their calls to teach & strength to lead the CLET. For my fellow MK teachers; Angela Bell (IMB : The Hewitts : Nalergui, Ghana), Christine Braun (SIM : The Ottossons : Fada, Burkina Faso), Christina Riddle (LBT : The Esalas : Nasuan, Ghana), Elise McCall (IMB : The Lyons : Lao, Burkina Faso) Praise for a great FES term! Continued prayers for the different ministries of FES families in Burkina Faso, Togo, and Ghana. LCMS long-term missionaries serving this year. For the strength to live out Christ’s love on the mission field and discernment for His call to us. For the hearts of West Africa.

If you would like to receive this newsletter electronically, please e-mail me at [email protected]!

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