February Newsletter 09

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Togo Tales!

February 2009

An insight into the ministry of LCMS Long-term missionary Megan Birne y serving Christ in Togo, W est Africa

Lazy Daze Currently, I am finding myself in the most intense part of harmattan, dry season here in West Africa. We have just finished our first week of Spring FES in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso and God has been blessing me abundantly! This time of year is hard because the heat is so oppressive that is hard to be motivated to do anything that requires physcial exertion. Back in Dapaong, my cats started sprawling out on the floor instead of the couch because the concrete is so cool and if it weren’t for the constant parade of ants, I would join them! However, after planning the lessons and traveling up here God has instilled His own motivation in me, despite the climatic weight. This past month has been another month full of amazing experiences! The Fluegge grandparents (Oma & Opa) came to visit and that gave me an opportunity to see West Africa with new eyes once again. So many things that I feel I take for granted a lot of times appear aweinspiring with new eyes. I also realize how much I love West Africa and how much the Lord has taught me. While they were here we were invited to another wedding in the village of Mir. This wedding was interesting because it was under a gigantic mango tree. In dry season, I have learned that mango trees are the odd balls because the mango fruit will not ripen till the hottest, driest part of the season. When all the other

plants are completely dead and gone, the mango tree becomes a bounty to be harvested! I immediately thought of the story in John when Jesus talks about how we are always in waiting for the harvest and then he tells the disciples... “I tell you, open your eyes and look at the fields! They are ripe for harvest.” John 4:35. Here in West Africa life moves at a slower pace and it is easy to be distracted from our call to grow a relationships and share Jesus. While Oma & Opa were here we also went to see the last of the Moba traditional weavers. It was incredible to watch him work, but sad to think that this weaving will soon be a lost art among the Moba. Trying to cram all of the incredible elements of Togo into a one week trip is harder than you think! However, it was refreshing for me to be able to have these experiences and see situations with new eyes. I realize that while I may feel lazy and fatigued because of the weather, and begin to think about leaving Togo, I have to keep in mind that the Lord is at work here in West Africa and has prepared the fields for harvest. Even though things may seem dead and dry, the mango trees are blossoming and bearing fruit.

I praise the Lord for the people of West Africa and His work within them!

“I pray also that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the true hope to which He has called you, the riches of His glorious inheritance in the saints, and His incomperably great power for us who believe. That power is the working of His mighty strength.” Ephesians 1:18,19

February 2009

Moba Wedding at Eglise Lutherienne de Dapaong!

LCMS World Mission 800-433-3954 www.lcmsworldmission.com [email protected] Learn more about the work of LCMS World Mission in Africa by visiting: www.lcmsworldmission.org/africa

These past two months, I had the opportunity to attend two Moba weddings, one in Dapaong with two members of the choir and the other in the village of Mir. I am always in awe of how richly God has blessed the Lutheran Church of Togo and am thankful that I was able to attend both joyous occasions with Christ at the center!

Prayer Requests •

Contact Info Megan Birney B.P. 38 Dapaong, Togo West Africa [email protected] Check out my blog: acrossanoceansizedlove.blogspot.com

Visit my project page: www.lcms.org?13343 Download my prayer card: www.lcmsworldmission.org/ prayercards Access my photo albums: picasaweb.google.com/ megaroonski

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Strength, guidance, & courage as the Lord is constantly teaching me about West Africa, Him, and who I am in Him every day. His will for the next 3 months in Togo and discernment for the future. Pray that the Lord would continue to be prevalent in the lives of the Fluegge family and that I would be an effective instrument in teaching Samuel, Abby, and Caleb. For health; that the Lord would continue to keep my mind and body free of sickness, fatigue, & anixieties. The students at the CLET; that God would steady their hearts to pursue their calls to leadership training in serving the Lutheran Church in West Africa. The CLET professors that guide the students journeys; give them strength and affirmation in their calls to teaching and strength to lead the CLET.

Prayers for my fellow MK teachers in FES; Christine Braun, Angela Bell, Christina Riddle, Elsie McCall, and Karen Gray.

Prayer for February/March term of FES (02/23-03/13). A great learning environment while we are here and enrichment for the different ministries on individual mission fields.

The ministries of all FES families; translation, church planting, medical, and leadership training.

My fellow LCMS long-term missionaries serving this year, for the opportunity & strength to live out Christ’s love on the mission field.

For the hearts of West Africa.

If you would like to receive this newsletter electronically, please e-mail me at [email protected]!

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