Th- bt ql"Former Editor/Writer R. McWhorter
had Counci]members be items to seweral and voted upon. discussed accept tl-e First was to Council resignation of Ron Pro Tem nenberft'layor Ttris J-eft NightingaJ-eand ttre council seat #5 positions l'Iayor Pro Tem vacant. The only notice submitted was nember by ex-counciJ. requesting Regina Reed, for the consideration position of counciJseat 5. McWtrorter motioned to has appoint Reed, wtro remained in ttre actiwe not cit1r after being in May. TLre vote eJ-ected t aken wa s spl it , 2/ f or , was 2/against', the tie mayor's wote broken by the Reed for to accept council There were seat #5. trer comments concerning re1-ationstrip wittr l,Iayor Reed. Mrs. Reed is ttre in 1aw sister to ttre mayor. After having the eity attorney cl.eck ttre legaltre terms, stated that no nepotism exists. The vote and tie breaker were l-egal. Reed is Regina no!{ counci1 nenber #5. Counci].-mamtr63
Sta g ie
a motion to appoint Counci]--roember Sandy Tolbert as Mayor Pro Ten. The vote was 3/for, 1 Iolbert was against. Sandy in May to seat eJ.ected #2. I hope t'tr. Tolbert wiJ-l become more actiwe ft, with city business this new tit].eAnina]. Control Officer DeJ-ores Knight was for of terminated "want by councilconfidence" under Her case is still inwestigationAny resiwho may l.awe had a.n dent
anirnaf rernored by t
IssueNumber4 Is fi]-l asked to out a form avai].abte at city hall. Counci-lagreed to a.mend Ordinance #131, to ctrange ttre nerme of the fire It wiJ-J- now be department. $City known as of Pe]-ican Volunteer Bay Fire/RescuePauI Stetzel, who was hired by council to restructure the departm.ent made severafrecomnendations; first, to change the name of the department, to fil.e for a non-profit ctrartered corporation and tax-exenpt statusThe new name wi]-f. make it easier to register with the appropriate agencies rattrer than to try and correct the information under the o].d nane. Regearc}. by Mclfhorter and Mr. Stetzel into the fire departnent have uncowered many discrepancies in fiJ-ing sta.tus'. A non-profit corporation, known as City of 'rThe Peliean Bay Fire Department" was filed with ttre Sec.retary of State by Ron Nightingale in 2OO2. No records trawe been found to where corrnciJapproved fil-ing ttre of ttris corporation. There no are found contracts or permittinq aqreenents the corporation to operate A1so, tl-e city. It lnay be in vioJ-ation of giovernnent severalcodes. Under this new titJ-e, ttre department wi]-]be starting from scrateh and al]appropriate dosumentations ri].]. be fi1ed wittr ttre new na,E^e, board of directorg, and Iisted menbers. This wil]. be a new for begrinning tl-e ciby's fire departnent.
know about gour citg"
DateJuly 1+, 2006 E'IRE DEPT REPORTS Two were appJ.icants approved to join ttre fire departnent. CJ Albright, junior wtro eras a fire fighter, 18 turned and appJ-ied for senior fire, James a former Cul-l-en, department nenber returns. We we]-come them *City both into the new of PeJ-ican Bay VoJ-unteer Fire/Rescue. " Two boot driwes r{ere very A BIG successfuJ-. TITANKS to a].]. who donated. Fi-refighter has Sparks been working hard on getting brustr the truck back on roadWith ttre repairs, truck the can operate within ttre city for extra fire protectionl4ore repairs are needed before tlre truck wou]-d be ab].e to operate outside ttre city J-imits safel-y-
Chief Frankum and fe]-].ow officers have been very busy. 54 c i t a ti o n s, L2 fe1ony ctrarges and 22 nisdeneanorg. Two more trucks have been seized drring drug arrest. "Ttris is wtrat wil-l. happen to your cars if caught with il.J.egial. drugrs. " pa1>ers The trave been sigmed for ttre purctrase po1-ice of ttre neer car. Final-J-y! ! A1l squad cars are running and are out on patrol.s. Unl.ess you are in an energencL wehicl.e on a ca.]-]- , ALL TRAFE'IC LAWS APPLYArryone caught speeding, running stop signs any ilaegral or you novinq may wioJ-alion, be giwen a citation.
$-.o'J 7"5. CITY
GaiJ- Waitts was approwed permanent positfor the ion City Court Clerkof on a 90 d.ay Stre has been probation periodShe a good rewiew by receiwed We city secretarl'. the to we1-cone Gai1 the city staf f . final-J-y agreed to CounciJ. a budget amendment to off e:rpenrlitures. Now, set the if ttre departments' carr plan, maintain this budget the city wil.l not face another short-fa]-1 when year ttre figcal ends years September 30. Next budget wilJ. on be based the e:rpenses occurred this year. The city has been private approached by a agency to supp1y and naintain anina]contro].. Counci]-nenber Toabert has given been a contract to view as we]-]. as references from other cities who contract wittr this company. Ttris cou]-d e].imi nate ttre need for pound a dog in the city and training of a new officerToJ-bert willreport back to ttre mayor with tris resu]-ts. More set backs concerningr Beach pJ.ans. the Front Nightinga1e was to owersee projectthis No committee has been forued, even though residents are volunteering. I wouJ.d like ggqlglf4onl^rq1 tO See Hubbert step up and see projec.t this gets goingWe a1l have busy, but menbers 3 of the city are not enough to commit to aJ.Jcity projects. We work for the city, so why not commit to a project. How about Lt???
The wiJ-J. be city's agent for submitting appJ.ications grantt he 2OO7, $250,000. in There are two plans ttre grant works moneyfor this The city would tie into the water from Azle, to systen in only access times of emergencyOr, install storage with tanks along another well. lhe tras city agreed to hire H2M UtiJ-ity Construction to d:ig ttre tro new welJ.sDrilJ-ing strouJ.d start soon\Thanks to all ttre residents wtro are foll-owing with the water rationing:." SKYWI Internet service wil.l instal.ling be tl.ree antennas on the cit1.'s rrater tower. A monthJ-y fee paid wiJ.l be to tl-e ci.ty for ttre ]-ease to use the tower. DSL Internet SKYtfI service wil]be availab].e in the city soon.
tral-1 ,
to L2:45 for under 18. continue unti]. before sc,hoo]-
at 1-2:15
a].l chi].dren This wil1 about a week sta.rts.
overgronn lots where _Are; wiJ.d animals are l-iwing, qrass ta11 and weedslfost property ollners of these areas ]-ive out of state and it carr be hard to force then to c1ean up ttreir property. Council wiJ-1- be worhing on ideas on hoyr to probl-en. this E)(PI,ORERS of the fire dept gfiven were AI{ARDS. . Ttronas Fox, Jay Hubbert and AngeJ.ique Pritchett were presented award.g fron I'layor Reed, praised be for them theirhardwork & de&ication.
Ligtrthouse Harbor giwen Ctrurch has pernission use to their property for the event. Ttre tentative date is Oct 2L, Volunteers 2006wiJ-l help be needed to in securing donations, pJ.anning games and events, tear set up & down crews, etc. We will be looking for l-ocal banrls to donate their wi].l time. Vendors be welcomed, and for a sna11 fee, wiJ.J- secure a spot on J.awn the area. Proceeds from thi-s event wilL benefit
park,/p].aygrround for area tJle cibl"s children. I{EAT'S IN A NEME? For donation of (or your rnore) $50O. OO name wi]-]be entered picked into a drawing, at randon, winner ttre wil.l trave priviJ.ege ttre of naming It the tr>ark. can be your frrniJ-y nane, your business or tribute to a ].oved one. Need not present be at drawing wlrich wi].l be he].d during the ewent. Checks payabJ.e should nade be to City of PeJ-ican Bay & SAIINIVERSARY" j-rr write memo ctreckinclude
section I'fake you:r
of sure
your to narne,
address phone and number. AI{D- -GOOD LUCK! ! \TO woJ-unteer, sigm up forms at city hal-I, contact Sgt. O'Donly or Renee Mclltrorter through citryr ha}l. " Note f-roE editor; joia your city, in, regu-l-arly, wofu:nteer, j-nvolwed, your help atd Ti].
Thie is attend stay neigftbor b€ l)roud t-o b€ an IMERICAN. next priDting, R-Mcllbort€r