Jtnews Sept. 11, 2009

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  • Words: 28,057
  • Pages: 32
vol. 85, no. 19


f r i d ay , s e p t e m b e r 1 1 , 2 0 0 9


22 Elul 5769




JT the voice of jewish washington

Courtesy Seattle Hebrew Academy

The first day of school at the Seattle Hebrew Academy found middle schoolers trekking across the I-90 bridge, partly in fulfillment of SHA’s theme for the year, “Building Bridges,” but also in solidarity with classmate Sam Owen, who is undergoing a bone marrow transplant this week. Donations to Seattle Children’s Hospital were made in Sam’s honor for each student and teacher who successfully made the one-and-a-half mile walk across the bridge.

Iran policy reveals split between U.S. Jewish and Israeli left Ron Kampeas JTA World News Service


WASHINGTON (JTA) — Israel’s highest-ranking female soldier, Brig. Gen. Yisraela Oron, was sounding all the right notes for her J Street hosts. At the tail end of a U.S. tour for the left-wing pro-Israel lobby, Oron was lending her considerable security credentials to its platform: A two-state solution, territorial concessions by Israel, and a robust U.S. peacemaking role. The conversation with a group of reporters then turned to Iran and its nuclear potential, and Oron was unequivocal: Yes to engagement, but on a timetable that would be tied to punishing sanctions. “The thing that worries me and that worries other Israelis is that it is not limited in time,” Oron said as the faces of her J Street hosts turned anxious, adding, “I’m not sure I’m expressing the J Street opinion.” She was not. J Street explicitly opposes a timetable and has reservations about proposed additional sanctions. The awkward moment pointed to a potential split between left-wing pro-Israel groups and the Israeli constituents for whom they claim to speak. Unlike the IsraeliPalestinian issue, little dissent exists among Israeli politicians over how to deal with Iran. That puts left-wing U.S. Jewish groups at odds with Israeli left-wingers. “There is a more hawkish perception among virtually all circles in Israel” than there is in the United States, said Yossi Alpher, a consultant who has worked with Americans for Peace Now. “It’s very natural. Iran doesn’t say the U.S. has no right to exist and doesn’t do the equivalent of denying the Holocaust. It doesn’t deploy proxies like Hamas and Hezbollah against the United States and on its borders.”

Birthright experience a high for Seattle-area participants

Right now, the differences are not pronounced — the administrations of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and President Obama are virtually on the same page on the need to confront Iran, and soon. That could change, however, if Iran makes a serious counter offer to Obama’s proposal to engage. Last week, the Iranians said they had made such an offer. Its details are not known, but it will be part of the “reassessment” Obama has pledged to complete by the end of September, when the major world powers meet at the U.N. General Assembly. “If Iran engages and the Obama administration argues that a deal has been made, the Israeli government will be very wary,” Alpher said. “This could immediately create a whole world of suspicions.” Under those circumstances, the vast majority of American Jewish voters who backed Obama last year would be faced with the first either-or U.S. vs. Israel issue in decades, and groups that describe themselves as proIsrael and pro-peace will find themselves for the first time speaking for virtually no one in Israel on a critical issue. The Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations planned to lobby in Washington on Sept. 10 and will rally outside the General Assembly on Sept. 24 for sanctions that would end the export of refined petroleum to Iran, which imports 40 percent of its refined oil. On Israel’s left, the Labor Party, currently part of Netanyahu’s governing coalition, aggressively backs sanctions. Its leader and the current defense minister, Ehud Barak, makes Iran’s isolation the centerpiece of his exchanges with his counterparts in the West. The smaller Meretz Party, to Labor’s left, also backs Iran’s isolation. It routinely frames its arguments for robust peacemaking in terms of the need to contain Iran’s ambitions.

By now, Cody Solomon is back home on Bainbridge Island and has delivered the message in person that he asked me to convey to his parents, Julie and Robert, on his behalf: “Mom and Dad, you have to come. I’d fly you here if I could. I want you to experience Israel, too.” Cody was one of 40 young men and women from the Seattle area who visited the Jewish State last month, courtesy of Birthright Israel, the program that provides free 10-day trips to young Jews, ages 18 to 26, from around the world. I met Cody, who is entering his senior year at the University of British Columbia this semester, in Tel Aviv one afternoon where he and the others in his Birthright group were extolling the trip, explaining how it has opened them up to the land, people and state of Israel, and to each other. That’s the idea behind Birthright, launched almost a decade ago by a small group of American mega-philanthropists, and joined by the Jewish Federations of North America and the State of Israel in a $100-million-a-year project that to date has brought more than 220,000 young people to Israel. Beyond showing young adults the sites, the organizers are seeking to strengthen the sense of love of Israel, support for the state of Israel, and commitment to Jewish peoplehood among the participants, most of whom are visiting the country for the first time. “My younger and older brothers were here and lived on kibbutz for a time,” Cody told me, “but now it is my turn, and this is a lovely and intense experience.”

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Leni Reiss Special to JTNews

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September/October Family Calendar For complete details about these and other upcoming JFS events and workshops, please visit our website: www.jfsseattle.org For pArentS

Programs of Project DVORA (Domestic Violence Outreach, Response & Advocacy) are free of charge.

Kids’ Club / Fall 2009

Parenting & Teshuva: Rupture, Repair & Return Parenting is filled with constant adjustments and challenges — yet these challenging moments can ultimately bring us closer to our children. Join us as we explore questions of forgiving and moving forward in our parenting through discussion, text study and activities. m tuesdays, September 15 & 22 7:00 – 9:00 p.m. At a Queen Anne location in Seattle $20/person, $30/couple. Scholarships available. Space is limited, advance registration required. Register online through http://www.kavana.org/ family/parenting-and-teshuva or call Marjorie Schnyder, (206) 861-3146.

Helping Children Who Have Witnessed Domestic Violence A 12-week series of classes for mothers and their children age 5-8. All families, religions, communities and cultures are welcome. FREE Must register by 4:00 p.m. Friday, Sept. 18. Contact Project DVORA, (206) 461-3240 for dates, times and location.

Tashlich for Survivors of Intimate Partner Abuse Join us for an evening of discussion and ritual, led by Danica Bornstein, MSW, LICSW. This event is open to all survivors of intimate partner abuse and women with controlling partners. All levels of Jewish observance are welcome. m September 23 (wednesday) 6:30 – 8:30 p.m. Confidential location Must register by 4:00 p.m. Friday, Sept. 18 For more information and to RSVP, please contact Project DVORA, (206) 461-3240 or [email protected].

Bringing Baby Home A Workshop Series for Couples Be the best parenting team possible through this interactive, hands-on class! m october 1 - november 5 (Six thursdays) 6:15 – 8:30 p.m. JFS, 1601 16th Ave, Seattle Couples of all backgrounds are welcome. $150/couple includes workbook and materials. Scholarships are available. Advance registration is required. Contact Marjorie Schnyder, (206) 861-3146 or [email protected].

PEPS A New Partnership with JFS! PEPS is now offering a peer support group experience for parents of newborns within a culturally sensitive context. Jewish and interfaith parents are invited to join us! Contact Marjorie Schnyder, (206) 861-3146 or [email protected] or go to http://www. pepsgroup.org/register-for-peps/jfs.

Mom2Mom Provides ideas, support and connections to 1st or 2nd time moms through peer mentorship. Contact Marjorie Schnyder, (206) 861-3146 or [email protected]

For AdultS Age 60+

For JewiSh women

For the community

AA Meetings at JFS tuesdays at 7:00 p.m. JFS, 1601 16th Ave, Seattle Contact Eve M. Ruff, (206) 861-8782 or [email protected] m

Challah-Palooza! Top challah vendors will share their delicious creations, just in time for the New Year. m September 11 (Friday) 3:00 – 6:00 p.m. FREE Held at Whole Foods Market Roosevelt Square, 1026 NE 64th, Seattle Contact Marjorie Schnyder, (206) 861-3146 or [email protected].

Shaarei Tikvah: Gates of Hope A Celebration of Rosh Hashanah for People of All Abilities A community wide, non-denominational service for persons with disabilities to celebrate with their friends, families and other members of the community. m September 19 (Saturday) 4:00 – 6:00 p.m. Temple De Hirsch Sinai 1441 – 16th Ave, Seattle FREE Kosher dietary laws observed RSVP is encouraged. To discuss special accommodations, please contact us by September 10. Contact Marjorie Schnyder, (206) 861-3146 or [email protected].

Endless Opportunities A community-wide program offered in partnership with Temple B’nai Torah & Temple De Hirsch Sinai. EO events are open to the public.

Moses & His Web of Seven Women September 15 (tuesday) 10:15 – 11:45 a.m. Mercer Island Library 4400 88th Ave SE, Mercer Island For directions go to http://www.kcls.org/ mercerisland/ m

A Tikkun Olam Outing: Food Drive Food Sort! october 18 (Sunday) 10:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. Advance registration is required! Contact Jane Deer-Hileman, (206) 861-3155 or email [email protected] m

Energy: New Technologies, the Weather & Conservation With Andy Wappler of Puget Sound Energy m october 20 (tuesday) 10:00 – 11:30 a.m. NOTE NEW LOCATION with our New Partner!! Temple B’nai Torah 15727 NE 4th St, Bellevue

Luncheon with Justice Bobbe Bridge Founder of the Center for Children and Youth Justice m october 29 (thursday) 11:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. Catered lunch - Kashrut observed Temple De Hirsch Sinai - Foyer 1441 16th Ave, Seattle Space is limited; register early RSVP Ellen Hendin, (206) 861-3183 or [email protected] regarding all Endless Opportunities programs.

Volunteer & mAke A diFFerence! Rewarding opportunities are currently available. For details, please see Volunteer Opportunities on our website, or contact Jane Deer-Hileman, Director of Volunteer Services, at (206) 861-3155 or [email protected]

Check out the new Jewish Family Service website at www.jfsseattle.org!

1601 - 16th Avenue, Seattle www.jfsseattle.org / (206) 461-3240

friday, september 11, 2009



rabbi’s turn

A “Shabbosdiger” year


page viewpoints

Though the shofar announces God as king of the universe, even that call can be silenced by something even more holy: Shabbat

Rabbi Yechezkel Kornfeld Congregation Shevet Achim Everything in Judaism is both constant and unique. The reason for this seeming paradox is that Torah is our life. Just as we want our life to be constant and also unique, the same applies to our Torah behavior. The New Year 5770 is upon us, and another Rosh Hashanah is about to be observed. This Rosh Hashanah is basically the same as the thousands that were observed by our ancestors. We will hear the shofar, pray extra-long and extra-special tefillat, dip apples in honey, listen to sweet-voiced cantors and be inspired by our rabbis’ sermons. We will cast our sins into bodies of water at Tashlich, and strengthen our communal ties with our fellow congregants at synagogue. Philosophically and mystically, this Rosh Hashanah will represent major tenets of Judaism. We will acknowledge that God Almighty is the king of the uni-

verse, and particularly, Melech Yisrael. We will confirm that He is a personal God, who cares about us, and is intimately familiar with all our affairs. The blowing of the shofar is a yearly coronation of God, and a recommitting of ourselves as His servants. These concepts and more are relevant and meaningful every Rosh Hashanah. However, this year is a unique lesson that we are taught. The sound of the shofar will be silent on the first day of Rosh Hashanah. Despite the fact that it is a biblical mitzvah to hear the shofar; despite the fact that by blowing the shofar we coronate God as King of the universe; despite the fact that the shofar arouses and inspires us to improve our behavior and become more moral, ethical, spiritual, observant, and pious Jews — the shofar is silent. Why? Because there is something more important, holy and crucial that trumps the significance of shofar. Shabbat! Shabbat is so much more holy and relevant for Jews that we silence the shofar because we are worried that the Shabbat will be compromised. When Rosh Hashanah occurs on a weekday, the world appears to be an existence, separate from God. When we blow the shofar, we accept God as our King,

and behave appropriately in the world. We are empowered to receive the world in its true essence — permeated with Godliness, completely and constantly dependent on God for its continued existence. Therefore we don’t have to blow the shofar to remember the Divine King. The whole world shouts the fact! On the second day when the world reverts to its weekday status, we will blow the shofar.

This year when its rosh, its head, is Shabbat, it is appropriate to renew our commitment to this weekly holy day. Light the candles, recite kiddush, have special meals with family and friends, go to shul, and refrain from weekday activities. Affirming this resolution before Rosh Hashanah will surely call forth God’s favor, and bless each and everyone with a happy, healthy, sweet New Year.

Yes for homes! Why Seattle’s Jewish community should feel at home supporting the Seattle housing levy Alison Eisinger and Sally Kinney

The JTNews is the Voice of Jewish Washington. Our mission is to meet the interests of our Jewish community through fair and accurate coverage of local, national and international news, opinion and information. We seek to expose our readers to diverse viewpoints and vibrant debate on many fronts, including the news and events in Israel. We strive to contribute to the continued growth of our local Jewish community as we carry out our mission. 2041 Third Avenue, Seattle, WA 98121 phone 206-441-4553 fax 206-441-2736 E-mail: [email protected] www.jtnews.net JTNews (ISSN0021-678X) is published biweekly by The Seattle Jewish Transcript, a nonprofit corporation owned by the Jewish Federation of Greater Seattle, 2041 3rd Ave., Seattle, WA 98121. Subscriptions are $39.50 for one year, $57.50 for two years. Periodicals postage paid at Seattle, WA. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to JTNews, 2041 Third Ave., Seattle, WA 98121.


Reach us directly at 206-441-4553 + ext. Publisher *Karen Chachkes 267 Editor *Joel Magalnick 233 Assistant Editor Leyna Krow 240 Account Executive Lynn Feldhammer 264 Account Executive David Stahl 235 Account Executive Stacy Schill 292 Classifieds Manager Rebecca Minsky 238 Art Director Susan Beardsley 239 Accountant Louise Kornreich 234 Production Artist Elisa Haradon Intern Malka Cramer

Board of Directors

Scott Michelson, Chair*; Jeffrey Berkman; Robin Boehler; Don Edmond; Lisa Eggers; Nancy Geiger; Cynthia Flash Hemphill*; Allen Israel*; Stan Mark; Daniel Mayer; Cantor David SerkinPoole*; Sandy Sidell Richard Fruchter, CEO and President, Jewish Federation of Greater Seattle Ron Leibsohn, Federation Board Chair *Member, JTNews Editorial Board

The opinions of our columnists and advertisers do not necessarily reflect the views of JTNews.

Special to JTNews Our Jewish traditions are deeply rooted in the concept of home. Our most beloved holidays center around the home, both literally and metaphorically. On Passover, we gather at home — not in the synagogue — to celebrate our release from Egypt and our hope of making a new home in a new land. On Sukkot, we erect simple outdoor huts to remind us that after we left Egypt, we wandered homeless in the wilderness and made shelter of what we could find. When we celebrate Shabbat, whether we observe a whole day or share an evening meal, we distinguish between the outside world of work and worry, and the home world of family, security, and togetherness. We don’t confine this traditional yearning for home to our own houses. Through thousands of years, we have brought warmth, comfort, and a sense of belonging into our synagogues, settlement houses, schools, and community centers. We joyfully welcome the strangers in our midst and strengthen those in need by giving them assistance, as Maimonides urged. That assistance often involves helping people to regain independence and create or re-create their own homes. This fall, our Jewish community has an especially important opportunity to put into practice our traditions and help others secure the blessings of home. We can act on our common belief that everyone deserves the safety and stability of a home by supporting Proposition 1, which will renew Seattle’s housing levy. We will be joining many other Seattle residents of various religious and secular traditions who care about making our city home for everyone. Seattle voters first passed a housing levy in 1981. Since then, Seattleites have

voted to renew the levy four times. This November’s Proposition 1 will renew the expiring levy, bringing in $145 million over the next seven years, and will cost a typical Seattle homeowner only $5.50 a month, or $65 a year. This modest property tax has produced great results since 1981. Over 28 years, the levy has: • Funded 10,000 affordable housing units for seniors, families with children, and low-wage workers • Provided rental assistance to people on the brink of homelessness • Helped extend loans to 600 first-time, moderate-income homebuyers • Dedicated funds to repair and maintain existing low-income housing. We may not think of it this way, but most of us have lived in subsidized housing at some point in our lives. Perhaps we’ve lived in a college dorm, or military housing, or a relative’s basement. If we are homeowners, we take a federal mortgage interest deduction. Through Proposition 1, we can extend that same privilege to our neighbors and community members who might otherwise be without homes. In the current economic crisis, it is especially important to renew the levy in order to keep Seattle from becoming a city divided between those who have the resources to both live and work here, and those who work here but can’t afford to call it home. Over the next seven years, a renewed levy will: • Build or preserve 1,850 affordable homes that will serve thousands of households over 50 years • Prevent homelessness for more than 3,000 families and individuals • Create hundreds of jobs and leverage millions of additional state and federal dollars to build and rehabilitate housing in Seattle.

Fixed-income seniors, minimum-wage workers, people with disabilities, veterans, and those emerging from domestic violence or homelessness will be housed through levy programs. This renewal is primarily designed to help Seattleites whose income is less than a third of local median income. In a city where the average twobedroom apartment rents for $1,200 a month, levy resources will help a family of three living on $1,895 or less afford housing and be able to cover groceries, childcare, transportation, utilities, and insurance. In Leviticus 19 we are told: “When you reap the harvest of your land, you shall not reap all the way to the edges of your field or gather the gleanings of your harvest. You shall not pick your vineyard bare or gather the fallen fruit of your vineyard; you shall leave them for the poor and the stranger.” We share our harvest in many ways. We grapple during High Holy Days with our responsibilities to one another. We make collective and individual commitments each year to advance a more just and whole world. This fall, let us celebrate the new year by practicing the Jewish tradition of sharing the harvest with those who have less. Support Proposition 1: Yes for Homes! On behalf of all who will be helped by this sharing, thank you. For more information about Yes for Homes! Proposition 1 to renew the Seattle Housing Levy, please contact Tera Bianchi, Campaign Manager, at 206-9544663 or visit www.yesforhomes.org. Alison Eisinger is executive director of the Seattle/King County Coalition on Homelessness and sits on the steering committee of the Yes for Homes! campaign. Sally Kinney is a member of Temple Beth Am, the Lake City Task Force on Homelessness and the Interfaith Task Force on Homelessness.

We would love to hear from you! Our guide to writing a letter to the editor can be found on our Web site: www.jtnews.net/index.php?/static/item/611/ The deadline for the next issue is september 22 n future deadlines may be found online

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friday, september 11, 2009


A time to reflect, a time to move forward s, Dear Friend on in the ry is going a in rd o a y; tr Something ex e Seattle Hebrew Academ in th ge t a ga classrooms children en ess. As our n li g the o h in y a in d a every ly sust ri ve re a ey th is holiness. Torah study a part of th be n aily ca u o Y nctifying d world. sa in s u in lot to jo rah and Tefi I invite you To f o y d u st d the edication. learning an es Hayom d rn a P a h it at SHA, w Year, Healthy New A Happy & o Kletenik Rivy Poupk ool Head of Sch

PARNES HAYOM is a unique partnership between our donors and SHA children. This meaningful program enables donors to dedicate Torah learning or tefilot in honor, memory or commemoration of someone or a special event. The study of Torah elevates that milestone and imbues it with holiness while connecting you to the majesty of Torah and the tefilot of SHA schoolchildren. Dedicate a day, week, month or year in honor of a child, family member or friend. Mark the memory of a loved one, recognize a special occasion or make a gift towards a refuah shelemah, a speedy recovery. Consider celebrating a bar or bat mitzvah, graduation or special occasion with a donation in their honor. Your Parnes Hayom commitment will be recognized with veneration in the beautiful SHA building, our classrooms and in print. With each day of learning will come reverence for those who came before us and commitment to those who daily devote their lives to Jewish education and to the eternity of our traditions. Our sages say: “the world endures only for the sake of the breath of school children”.

2008–09 Parnes haYoM donors Year Eli & Rebecca Almo Month Michael & Henrika Sandorffy Week Steve & Linda Harer JeWish holidaYs Dr. Bobby & Beth Cohanim Marshall & Elaine Hartholz rosh Chodesh David & Wendy Amyakar David Balint & Liz Azose Norman & Lisa Behar Elliot & Allyson Cohen Michal & Lea Geller Elie Goral Dr. Harvey & Giselle Greisman Stan Handaly Rabbi Charna Klein Rivy Poupko Kletenik & Rabbi Moshe Kletenik Dr. Saul & Joyce Rivkin Oren & Bonnie Rosenbloom Alex & Rachel Sassoon Alan & Carol Sidell Sheldon & Irene Steinberg Althea Stroum daY Jacob & Leah Almo Joel & Dr. Sarah Baskin Dr. David Cassius Bahram & Lee Cohanim Rabbi Bernard & Shirley Fox Morris & Mary Frimer Ezra & Aliza Genauer Jay & Robin Gindin Joshua & Sara Gortler Roger Ligrano Scott & Sasha Mail Jon & Naomi Newman Marc & Leslie Rifkin Paula S. Rogers Alan & Leslie Rosen Aaron & Joanna Sandorffy Yoav & Pam Schwartz Josh & Elana Zana

teaCher learning Victor & Susan Alhadeff David Cohanim & Melissa Rivkin Cohanim Robert & Leah Gladstein Dr. Shlomo Goldberg & Karen Treiger Sonny & Gena Gorasht Nisan & Jana Harel Beau Harer Jamie Holland Joel & Heather Jacobson Dr. Menachem & Judy Maimon Benji & Lois Mayers Steven Phillips & Joyce Bloch Phillips Dr. Scott & Karin Pollock Peter & Debra Rettman Eric Schneider Dr. David & Ilene Siscovick Rabbi David & Tzippy Twersky Morning tefilah Dr. David & Audrey Aboulafia Daniel & Leora Alhadeff Drew & Kelley Artiaga Jordan & Jenny Assouline Etan & Sonya Basseri Albert Behar David & Sigrid Benezra Dan & Francine Birk Yehudit Blume Joel & Bonnie Braunstein Dr. Charles F. Broches & Connie Kanter Janet Drake Brett & Sabrina Endres Dr. Marc & Maria Erlitz Don & Deanne Etsekson Richard Fruchter & Tricia Breen Ruth Genauer Jeff & Janet Gindin Kevin & Lea Hanan Stella Hanoh-Coleman Joel & Daphne Harris Steven Hartholz Kris Hawley Aaron & Margie Holzer

Jon & Leah Jacobson Dr. Martin & Charla Jaffee Eric & Debbie Joslin Dan & Jo Kershaw Dr. Aaron & Shira Levin Dr. Elie & Miriam Levy Mike Loebe Susan Matalon Greg & Katie May Sam & Sharon Mezistrano Jana Miller Edwin & Pnina Mirsky Rabbi Morton & Leya Moskowitz Rick & Jodi Negrin Avi & Malkie Nowitz David & Kaden Oppenheimer Rabbi Yehuda & Neomi Rapoport Rabbi Jay & Janine Rosenbaum Chaim & Anna-Aliza Rosenbaum Rabbi Yoni & Kochava Sacks Ruth Sassoon Robert Schoenfeld Jon & Shari Schwartz Judith Stoloff Jonathan & Margalit Tiede Joe & Hannah Voss Michael & Lesley Weichbrodt Jim Manicini & Nomi Winderbaum

See enclosed brochure with this issue of the JTNews. For more information, contact Sasha Mail at 206-323-7933 x301 or [email protected] 1617 Interlaken Dr. E, Seattle, WA 98112

Let the High Holidays be a time that we think about hunger and feeding those without food on their plates Mark Richard Schuster Special to JTNews Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur provide a time for each of us each year to reflect upon ourselves and our place in the world. It is during these times we address issues within ourselves that are not necessarily pleasant or easy. However, it should also be a time when we reflect upon what is good in our lives and what aspects we wish to enhance. Have we become, in Gandhi’s famous words, “the change we wish to see in the world?” These questions spin through our heads during the High Holy Days, but when another year passes us by and we ask ourselves the same questions without much sign of improvement, that is when we know that a change must be made. Asking the question is the first step, making a change is the next. One change we can all make, or improve upon, is addressing the problem of hunger in our communities. While I could go on about the inequities and the wrongfulness of hunger existing in the richest country in the world, I will save that for another time. Today, as Jews, these upcoming holy days are a time of both repentance and giving. Many synagogues during these holidays now collect bags of groceries from their congregants, providing much-needed food for various food banks. It’s important to bring those bags back full of food, but it’s even more important to consider giving all year long. There are over 40 million people in the United States who don’t have enough to eat, and approximately 15 million of them are children. The Child Nutrition Reauthorization Act of 2004 expires on Sept. 30, 2009 —

just a few days after Rosh Hashanah. This year, lawmakers must ask themselves a number of questions to understand how the Child Nutrition Program can best address the needs of hungry kids and how nutritious meals can be provided to children in school on a daily basis. The Child Nutrition Act supports a series of programs, including the School Breakfast Program and the National School Lunch Program, that provide daily nutritious meals to school children in need. Every five years, lawmakers work together to model improvements and reauthorize the federal Child Nutrition Program. In 2008, President Obama set a goal to end childhood hunger by 2015. Let this Rosh Hashanah be the year to set that goal into motion. This year, ask yourself how you can become part of the solution. Ask yourself how you can help prevent these children from augmenting the mounting negative statistics. There is no reason to wait, now is the time to act. Throughout t he High Holy Days season, I challenge all of us to speak and act from our hearts. We turn the pages of the machzor and listen to the clarion call of the shofar as it is blown to welcome the New Year. But what happens when there are no more pages to turn and the blasts of the shofar have been silenced? Look within yourself and ask the question: How can I help? As the Jewish community continues to grow and strengthen, our hearts do the same. L’shanah tovah u’metukah, a good and sweet New Year. Mark Richard Schuster serves on the national board of directors of MAZON: A Jewish Response to Hunger, and also serves on the Seattle Advisory Circle for UNICEF.

Courtesy NYHS

From left to right, Shana Jacobson, class of 2013, Jamie Schwartz, class of 2011, Hannah Robsman, class of 2013, and Shoshana Goldberg, class of 2009, get ready to climb a 50-foot climbing wall at Camp Kiloqua in Stanwood during Northwest Yeshiva High School’s annual first-week-of-school retreat.

friday, september 11, 2009


jtnews community news

Birthright Israel t Page 1A Cody ’s ent husiasm is echoed by everyone with whom I spoke. Lindsay Goldberg, 24, a graduate student in environmental studies, appreciated that the tour lacked “dogma” and allowed participants to think for themselves. “They give us the groundwork,” she said appreciatively. Goldberg said she planned to stay in Israel for several weeks and visit kibbutzim in the south that teach about the environment. Lindsay’s father is Jewish, her mother is Catholic. Troy Ba n n ister, a not her Un iversity of Washington student with whom I spoke, is also the child of an interfaith marriage. Indeed, Birthright officials say that a substantial number of participants now are in that category. As a result, these young people, many with little Jewish identity, are given the opportunity to choose a Hebrew name for themselves during the trip, and some have Bar or Bat Mitzvah ceremonies during which they pledge to commit their lives to the Jewish people. Troy, a college junior, lives on Mercer Island with its sizable Jewish population. He says his Catholic father, Jeff, and Jewish mother, Candace, have given him the option “to make my own [religious] choice.” “This is a very interesting time for me,” he says. “It is having a real impact. I am proud of Israel and proud to be connected to its history.” Ariel Winger, a graduate of the University of Washington from Port Angeles, said she initially came on the trip because she “heard good things about it

Josh Furman

Attendees from a Seattle contingent of Birthright Israel take advantage of the mud baths at the Dead Sea. — and it’s free.” She said that her mother, who is Jewish, has “a big, strong, Jewish cultural connection,” and this experience is making Ariel “want to learn more about and share this part of my heritage.” A key challenge for Birthright remains follow-up programs to keep enthusiastic Birthright participants connected to Jewish life. Josh Furman, who helped to staff the trip, is associate director of JConnect, the Seattle social network program that serves approximately 1,500 people, ages 24 to 32, about one-third of whom have been Birthright participants. He said the program broadens young people’s Jewish horizons, from spiritual pursuits to cooking classes, and credits Birthright with opening up a sense of Jewish interest among many of its participants.

Now approaching its 10th anniversary, with plans for a gala reunion in the

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works, Birthright is proving to be “the most positive Jewish experience anyone can have,” Birthright CEO Gidi Mark tells me. “It is the only Jewish programming in the world with a waiting list.” Thanks to Birthright, he said, “this is the first generation where more young people have been to Israel than their parents.” The challenge, Mark said, is not only to continue to fund the ambitious project during a time of serious recession, but to inspire former participants to give back with their commitment, ideas and financial support because, he says, “it’s essential for the future of the Jewish people.” Leni Reiss is the American Jewish Press Association’s liaison to Do the Write Thing, a journalism project for Jewish collegians.

Courtesy MMSC

In the Menachem Mendel Seattle Cheder’s Montessori preschool program, children spend their first day of school learning about how to celebrate Rosh Hashanah.

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friday, september 11, 2009

community news

More than just Inspector 12 Longtime shatnez inspector hands his practice to a new set of eyes Janis Siegel JTNews Correspondent Ah, summer. As the season for wearing cool linens and comfortable lightweight cottons draws to a close, a Jewish detective-in-training is gearing up for his busiest season coming in the fall. His work is like a Jewish CSI episode, but he’s no crime scene investigator. Rabbi Yehoshua Pinkus has taken over the NW Shatnez Lab from Rabbi Chaim Tatel, who has been tearing apart people’s newly purchased garments in the Northwest for the past 37 years to look for shatnez, the Hebrew word for material that has a mixture of linen and wool in it, a combination expressly forbidden in the Torah for Jews to wear. Tatel officially retired from the role as of late August, mainly due to painful arthritis in his hands. In this highly specialized position, he used a microscope, chemical solutions, and even fire to investigate the threads of fabrics found in everyday clothing such as men’s and women’s suits and shirts, and children’s wear. After receiving the intensive weeklong training program offered once a year at one of the “premiere” shatnez training labs in the country in New Jersey, Rabbi Pinkus will do the same. Until t hen, Rabbi Zalman K rems from Portland will travel to Seattle and perform the tests for customers. Both Tatel and Pinkus said that business increases around Yom Kippur and the New Year. “Before the holidays is always the busiest,” Pinkus told JTNews. “Each inspection takes about 30 to 45 minutes. This is

our first week and we had five suits. That’s pretty good for the first week.” Pinkus teaches classes at the Seattle Kollel and is involved in programming there. He said they plan to do a series of community seminars and events on the topic of shatnez to educate people about this little-known mitzvah. “Shatnez hasn’t gotten the visibility in

Pinkus agrees. “We’re using our technology and we bow to his superior wisdom,” he said. Once a part of the garment is found to contain shatnez, the customer must take it to a tailor and request a polyester or synthetic replacement part. “This is a service to the community,” said Tatel, who was raised in Seattle. He

The commandment of shatnez: “Thou shalt not wear a mingled stuff, wool and linen together.” the world. For food, you have the FDA, but for clothing you don’t have that. Knowledgeable people know about this and the more knowledgeable the community becomes, they want higher standards,” Tatel said. The commandment against wearing shatnez is found twice in the Torah. The first is in Leviticus 19:19, which prohibits the interbreeding of different animals, the planting of mixed crops, and the wearing of a garment that contains two materials. However, in Deuteronomy 21: 11, the Torah is more detailed and states: “Lo tilbash shaatnez tzemer u’phishtim yachdav: Thou shalt not wear a mingled stuff, wool and linen together.” Tatel, who has worked at Boeing for 22 years in the model management group for the 737 program, said that religious authorities can’t really tell you why the mixing of these two threads is not allowed. “We don’t really know why,” Tatel said. “God said it, and that’s it.”

told JTNews the practice was something he originally started as a student in the ’70s to help out the community, and it just kept on going. Tatel is not too unhappy about handing over the reins to a new rabbi. He’s been at this work for a long time. “I got my training when I went to a Yeshiva in Baltimore,” he said. “In the summers, when I came back, I would bring my kit with me. When I moved back here in 1984, I started it again.” Pinkus and Tatel are both members of Bikur Cholim-Machzikay Hadath Congregation. Inspection fees are generally low. Tatel’s 1997 prices are still advertised today, charging $10 for a suit, $7.50 for a jacket, $2.50 for a pair of pants, and $10 to remove the “non-kosher” threads or padding. Tatel always investigated commonly used tailoring support pieces like canvas, which will change color after being treated with a solution, or will have a

unique smell when burned. He warns all those who want to avoid the forbidden blend of materials that mislabeling is more common than most people think. “Most of the shatnez issues will be in the men’s garments and it’s in 95 percent of kids’ stuff,” said Tatel. “They put a lot more stiffeners and canvas in them. For women, it’s generally the shell and the liner and that’s it.” “You would be surprised how often [clothes] are mislabeled,” Pinkus said. “And you wouldn’t believe the many different parts of a suit or a jacket. We learn how to carefully examine it without doing damage to the garment. It comes back to the client virtually the same.” As investigators, Pinkus said, they take fiber samples from different parts of the fabric then put it under a microscope. “You have no idea what’s in other parts of the garment, like the stitching or the shoulder pads,” he said. What’s Tatel’s best piece of advice to consumers trying to keep this commandment? “Test first, then alter it,” he said. “This way you can return it to the store. They’re not required to tell you anything except the shell and the lining. You can’t trust the labels.” Can’t find the time to make an appointment or have too many clothes to test? Pinkus has a solution for that. “We also do house calls,” he added. “We’ll come to your house and check them all on the spot.” For more information about getting a clothing inspection, contact 206-2033739 or [email protected].

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n arts & entertainment

friday, september 11, 2009

Ready to make it big Two comedians bring their Jewish neuroses to the stage Masada Siegel Special to JTNews Two guys whose careers are based entirely around the neuroses of Jewish families are about to hit it big. Sam Wolfson and Bryan Fogel, creators and stars of the off-Broadway hit Jewtopia are back on stages around North America, just before their creation heads to the silver screen. Their latest venture is a combination of standup humor and a scene from their play mixed in with a multimedia presentation, kind of, says Wolfson, like Al Gore. This speaking tour is keeping them busy until they start filming what they hope to be a Hollywood blockbuster, which is loosely based on the stage production of Jewtopia. The play is about Chris O’Connell, a non-Jewish man looking to marry a Jewish woman so he never, ever has to make a decision again in his life. He meets up with his old friend Adam Lipschitz, who guides him in his quest. Jewtopia  opened in Los Angeles in 2003, and then moved to New York, where it became an off-Broadway hit. While the show recently closed in New York, it will be opening up in Toronto, Tampa and Roch-

If you go: “Laugh Your Way to Giving,” the Jewish Federation’s community campaign kickoff event, will be held on Wed., Sept. 16 at Benaroya Hall, 200 University St., Seattle. Admission costs $36. Visit www.jewishinseattle.org to purchase tickets.

ester, and, on Sept. 16, in Seattle. Fogel and Wolfson will be performing “World of Jewtopia” at the Jewish Federation of Greater Seattle’s community campaign kickoff event at Benaroya Hall. In the play, Wolfson plays the character Chris. I asked Fogel if Chris is a ref lection of his own personality. He immediately burst out laughing.

the show, they initially did all the marketing and even sold tickets. Their philosophy of hard work is no laughing matter — it’s how these two small-time stand-up comedians came to be so successful. “Bryan and I put the show’s expenses on our credit cards,” Wolfson said. “Altogether we spent 80 grand. Our parents each chipped in thousands of dollars. We wrote the play to get noticed — we were both struggling at that point in our careers.” Their wishes came true and the “Jewtopia” concept expanded into a book

Courtesy Jewtopia

Bryan Fogel, left, and Sam Wolfson, right, the masterminds behind Jewtopia, with the women who made it all possible: Their moms. “Sam and I very different from the characters we play,” he said. “As a matter of fact, I’m the one who needs to make all the decisions. I don’t like other people deciding for me.” Perhaps not wanting other people to decide their fate is what propelled the duo to take their careers into their own hands. After each struggled for years in horrible Hollywood jobs, they were introduced to each other by a mutual friend because they were the only two Jews he had ever met. They decided to work together and created Jewtopia. Not only did they write, produce, and act in

From all of us at Evergreen BBYO Wishing the Jewish community a Sweet New Year!

where their independent streak became even more apparent. “Warner Brother books gave us an advance to create a book,” Wolfson explained. “We did not just want to do a book, we wanted pictures and drawings. So we put an ad on Craigslist, hired 15 people that worked out of our apartments, and spent the entire advance money on creating the book. Our agent thought we were out of our minds and told us that if Warner did not like the book, we would have to return all the money. But we were determined and wanted it to be great.” The book Jewtopia, which pokes fun

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at Jewish stereotypes such as overprotective parents and obsessive cleanliness, has sold more than 40,000 copies. While they mock Jewish mothers, Wolfson and Fogel know it’s always important to use the big guns when it comes to promoting their work. Joking aside, who could give them a greater endorsement then, well, you guessed it — their mothers? “We put our mothers’ phone numbers on the back of the book, so they could help with publicity,” Wolfson said. “It is not beneath us to pawn our goods,” Fogel said. “One day we were on the Upper East Side of NYC in a Barnes and Noble. Our books were out in front, so we started signing them. Since we had our ‘Jewdar’ on, we pounced on anyone we knew was Jewish — to buy our book and have us sign it for them.” They moved back to California after having a ball in the Big Apple, and now both live in Malibu, a few miles away from one another. They were amused when this reporter asked if they lived a Hollywood lifestyle. “A c t u a l l y ou r l i v e s a r e pr e t t y mellow,” said Fogel. Wolfson surfs and Fogel, an avid skier and cyclist, bikes a few hundred miles a week. At the moment the two are working feverishly on their movie, which is scheduled to start filming in mid-October.   “It’s going to be a crazy, fun, wild, hysterical movie,” Wolfson said. If their chutzpah and past performances are an indication of what is to come, it’s best to catch them while you can. No doubt a live preview of actors soon to be on the big screen just might be the hottest ticket in town.” Masada Siegel, otherwise known as the Fun Girl Correspondent, is a freelance writer and can be reached at [email protected].

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n friday, m.o.t.: member of the tribe

september 11, 2009

Laughing about our kids, not at them Local comedic talent turns to writing books • Also: Making movies

Diana Brement JTNews Columnist Ilana Long is a funny person; and if you saw her perform stand-up comedy in the days before she had kids, you know this. For those who have missed those days, Ilana has written a book, The Binky Conspiracy: True Tales of Mommydom, so you can access her funny stories at any time. As t he publ ish i ng i ndust r y goes through massive upheavals, I’m always i nterested i n how w r iters a re getting their books published. Ilana selfpublished t h roug h Create Space, a branch of Amazon.com. Amazon sells the books and prints them as they are ordered, charging the author a fee per book. “It really wasn’t about the money,” she says, “I had stories I wanted to share” and conventional publishing wasn’t even considered. “I just wanted to get it out there.” Many of the essays are about the year she and her husband, Steve Blatt, spent in Mexico. Steve had been a Peace Corps

Courtesy Ilana Long

Ilana Long, author of the parenting book The Binky Conspiracy, with children Benji and Marina. volunteer in Thailand before he met Ilana, and as a couple they nourished a long-standing dream to live and work overseas. About two years ago, they took their then-4-year-old twins Benji and Marina to Cancun, where they taught at the International American School and the kids attended bilingual kindergarten at the sister school, Communidad Educa-

tive del Sol (www.iasces.com). Having taught language arts for many years at Northwest Yeshiva High School, and now middle school at Open Windows School in Bellevue, Ilana found teaching overseas challenging. “It was very hard. I was teaching seven classes a day,” she says, as opposed to four or five in the States.

Originally from Cleveland, Ilana moved to Seattle in the early 1990s. She came to perform in a play after working with Second City in Chicago. One of her first local jobs was as a drama camp counselor at the SJCC. Having laughed my way through most of our interview, I wondered if her students thought she was funny. “My [middle school] students would be very surprised to find out I do standup,” she says, although her yeshiva students thought she was funny. “My own kids think I’m funny,” and she says being around a comedian has led them to have a very sophisticated sense of humor — “or at least sarcasm.” Steve and Ilana are not formal members of a synagogue, but his family are long-standing members of Temple De Hirsch Sinai in Bellevue, and she grew up at Park Synagogue in Cleveland, one of the nation’s largest Conservative synagogues and where her grandfather, Armond Cohen, served as rabbi for more than 50 years. In the ’90s, Ilana was active in Kulanu, “a big [singles] havurah of East Coasters who ended up, a lot of them, marrying each other,” she says. Ilana’s book is available on Amazon. com and look for information about an official book launch in early October at thebinkyconspiracy.blogspot.com.

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friday, september 11, 2009


jtnews community news

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Encore at center stage Longtime theater director returns to his former post at the JCC Janis Siegel JTNews Correspondent After almost a decade, singer, songwriter, musician and choreographer Daniel Alpern has returned to Mercer Island to revitalize the Stroum JCC’s Center Stage theater program. The program is aimed at theater enthusiasts of all ages, from elementary schoolers to their parents and grandparents. Center Stage kicks off this fall with a production of Alpern’s original play, Peter Pan Returns. Alpern’s version of the play has all of the characters of the classic Peter Pan, but he has tweaked it to incorporate Jewish values and themes, which is Alpern’s stock-in-trade style that has served him well throughout his 31-year theater career around the country. The storyline picks up where the original ends, but this version is set in the future. “It’s got a Jewish flavor and concept, but it takes place 70 years later,” Alpern told JTNews from his office at the SJCC, where he is planning the rest of his first season back at Center Stage theater. “It starts with the ending [of the original story] and the big fight between Hook and Pan. Neverland has become an evil place and Peter Pan has disappeared. Tiger Lilly, the Crocodile, and Tinker Bell go to look for Wendy, who is a 60-ish Jewish mom, and ask her to heal Neverland. It’s a play in which tikkun olam is the theme but it’s based more from the book with a time travel twist.” According to Alpern, Peter Pan Returns is going to be written to accommodate whomever auditions. If he needs extra characters, he’s going to create them. It only takes him about a day. And you don’t have to be Jewish to be in the productions. Everyone gets in, there is no charge to participate, and no one is turned away.

Courtesy SJCC

Daniel Alpern, the returning director of the Stroum Jewish Community’s Center Stage theater program. “It’s not a youth theater,” Alpern said. “It’s a theater with the focus on youth, but parents can be in the show. This does two things: It gives credibility to the show… and they’re mentors to the kids. We’re creating a hybrid of community, family, and youth.” He already knows of four families that have decided to audition together, as families, he said. Alpern grew up in Cleveland, Ohio, and studied theater at Emerson College in Boston. He’s been in the Jewish communal field for 16 years and has written and directed more than 300 shows. He ran his own theater at the Cleveland JCC from 1982 to 1986, and then went to the Dallas JCC for five years where he worked with teens as a theater arts director, and where he started another theater of his own in 1990. “I was raised in a very creative household,” Alpern said. “I went to music theory classes from kindergarten through 12th

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grade and I studied the trombone from 4th grade to the 10th grade.” He first began working at the JCC on Mercer Island in 1992 and was their youth and theater director there by the time he left in 2000. From 2001 until 2008, he taught at Temple B’nai Torah as a drama and education teacher where he used drama to teach Torah Studies and Judaic subjects. Alpern was the resident director of the Bellevue Youth Theater from 2002 to 2009 as well, and he’s applying their model to the SJCC Center Stage. He created a program called Academy that lets children create their own shows. “The only thing I give them is a character,” Alpern said. He’s also directed plays at the Highland Community Center in Bellevue starring people with disabilities. “I want to get Jewish people with disabilities to perform,” Alpern said. He has already begun working with Jewish Family Service and Cantor David SerkinPoole of Temple B’nai Torah to see that dream become a reality. There will be fall, winter and spring shows at the Center Stage, but there won’t be a summer production because Shabbat ends too late for any performances. That’s when Alpern will apply his skills to the summer camp program at the center.

If you go: The Stroum JCC’s Center Stage will hold auditions for Peter Pan Returns on Sun., Sept. 13 at 2:30 p.m. and Mon., Sept. 14 at 5:30 p.m. at the JCC, 3801 E Mercer Way, Mercer Island. Contact Daniel Alpern at 206-232-7115, ext. 218 for further details.

“I want Jewish kids of all denominations doing something together,” said Alpern. “Jewish kids love to do shows like Annie, The Wizard of Oz, Grease, Oliver and Bye, Bye, Birdie. They simply would not get the opportunity to do these shows since many of them cannot participate in Friday evening performances.” Alpern has adapted many famous stories into Jewish versions as well, with titles like Harry Potterstein, Willy Wonka and the Hanukkah Factory, The Show Must Go On (a play about doing a play) and The Casebook of Sherlock Cohen, which he said is hysterically funny and will probably do again in the spring. “I was so thrilled when the JCC called on me and asked me to come back and get Center Stage going again,” Alpern said. “Center Stage is an institution within an institution. My goal is that when I leave Center Stage, it doesn’t disappear.”

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n 10 jtnews community calendar

friday, september 11, 2009

september 11 – 27, 2009 The JTNews calendar presents a selection of ongoing events in the Jewish community. For a complete listing of events, or to add your event to the JTNews calendar, visit www.jtnews.net. Calendar events must be submitted no later than 10 days before publication.

Ongoing Friday ■■9:30-10:30 a.m. – SJCC Tot Shabbat Dana Weiner at 206-232-7115, ext. 237 Parents with children ages infant-3 celebrate Shabbat with challah, live music, singing, and dancing in the JCC’s foyer. Free. At the Stroum Jewish Community Center, 3801 E Mercer Way, Mercer Island. ■■11 a.m.-12 p.m. – Tots Welcoming Shabbat 425-603-9677 or www.templebnaitorah.org This Temple B’nai Torah program for kids ages infant-5 includes songs, stories, candle lighting, challah, and open play. Free. At Temple B’nai Torah, 15727 NE 4th St., Bellevue. ■■12:30-3:30 p.m. – Drop-in Mah Jongg Roni Antebi at 206-232-7115, ext. 269 A friendly game of Mah Jongg. Free for members, $2 for guests. At the Stroum JCC, 3801 E Mercer Way, Mercer Island. ■■12:30-3:30 p.m. – Bridge Group Roni Antebi at 206-232-7115, ext. 269 Prior bridge playing experience necessary. Coffee and tea provided. Bring a brown bag lunch. Free for members, $2 for non-members. At the Stroum JCC, 3801 E Mercer Way, Mercer Island.

Saturday ■■9-10:30 a.m. – Temple B’nai Torah Adult Torah Study 425-603-9677 A discussion of each week’s parshah. No experience needed. At the Temple B’nai Torah youth room, 15727 NE 4th St., Bellevue. ■■9:45 a.m. – BCMH Youth Services Julie Greene at 206-721-0970 or [email protected] Bikur Cholim-Machzikay Hadath Congregation has something for all ages: Teen minyan, Yavneh program, Junior minyan, Torah Tots, Mommy and Me, and Navi class. Starting times vary. At Congregation Bikur Cholim-Machzikay Hadath, 5145 S Morgan St., Seattle.

■■10 a.m. – Morning Youth Program 206-722-5500 or www.ezrabessaroth.net Congregation Ezra Bessaroth’s full-service Shabbat morning youth program focuses on tefillah, the weekly parshah and the congregation’s unique customs in a creative and fun environment. For infant to 5th grade. At Congregation Ezra Bessaroth, 5217 S Brandon St., Seattle. ■■10:45 a.m.-12 p.m. – Herzl Mishpacha Minyan 206-232-8555 or www.herzl-ner-tamid.org Shabbat morning service at Herzl-Ner Tamid Conservative Congregation. Songs, stories and treats for 2- to 5-year-olds and their families. First and third Shabbat of the month. Herzl-Ner Tamid, 3700 E Mercer Way, Mercer Island. ■■5 p.m. – The Ramchal’s Derech Hashem, Portal from the Ari to Modernity Rabbi Harry Zeitlin at 206-524-9740 or [email protected] This is the earliest systematic and reliable explanation of Kabbalah, which is grounded in tradition and comprehensible to contemporary, educated Jews. At Congregation Beth Ha’Ari Beit Midrash, 5508 35th Ave. NE, Seattle.

Sunday ■■9 a.m. – Shabbat in Practice Marilyn Leibert at 206-722-8289 or [email protected] An ongoing course taught by Rabbi Yehoshua Pinkus on the Abridged Book of Jewish Law, known as the Kitzur Shulchan Aruch. Free. At the Seattle Kollel, 5305 52nd Ave. S, Seattle. ■■10 a.m. – Mitzvot: The Fabric of Jewish Living 206-722-8289 or [email protected] An ongoing course about the philosophical underpinnings and practical implications of the 613 mitzvot. Free. Part of the Seattle Kollel’s “Breakfast Club,” offering bagels, lox and cream cheese, Starbucks coffee and Krispy Kreme Donuts. At the Seattle Kollel, 5305 52nd Ave. S, Seattle. ■■10:15 a.m. – Sunday Torah Study Carol Benedick at 206-524-0075 Weekly study group. At Congregation Beth Shalom, 6800 35th Ave. NE, Seattle. ■■ 1–4 p.m. – Shalom Bayit Warehouse Volunteer Work Party Rachel at 425-558-1894 or [email protected] Help organize donated items for survivors of domestic violence and their children. This event takes place every second or third Sunday. Call for exact dates and location.

■■7:30-10:30 p.m. – He’Ari Israeli Dancing Ellie at 206-232-3560 or [email protected] or israelidanceseattle.com Seattle’s oldest Israeli dance session. Couples and singles welcome. Call for schedule changes. Cost is $6. At Danceland Ballroom, 327 NE 91st St., Seattle.

Monday ■■10 a.m.–2 p.m. – JCC Seniors Group Roni 206-232-7115 ext. 269 The Stroum JCC’s Seniors Group meets on Mondays and Thursdays for activities and celebrations. At the Stroum JCC, 3801 E Mercer Way, Mercer Island. ■■10 a.m. – Jewish Mommy and Me Giti Fredman at 206-935-4035 or [email protected] Giti Fredman leads a weekly playgroup for Jewish moms and young children. Sponsored by the Seattle Kollel. At the Hiawatha Community Center, 2700 California Ave. SW, West Seattle. ■■4:30–6:30 p.m. – Modern Conversational Hebrew Sharron Lerner at 206-547-3914, ext. 3 or [email protected] or www.kadima.org Kadima Reconstructionist Community offers conversational Hebrew classes for students in the 3rd–7th grades. Open to non-members. At Kadima, 12353 8th Ave. NE, Seattle. ■■7 p.m. – CSA Monday Night Classes [email protected] Weekly class taught by Rabbi Yechezkel Kornfeld on topics in practical halachah. At Congregation Shevet Achim, 5017 90th Ave. SE, Mercer Island. ■■7-8 p.m. – Ein Yaakov in English Joseph N. Trachtman at 206-412-5985 or [email protected] Ein Yaakov has been studied since its publication in 1516 by those desiring an introduction to the Talmud through its stories. Free. At Congregation Shaarei Tefilah-Lubavitch, 6250 43rd Ave. NE, Seattle. ■■7:30 p.m. – Torah Scroll Class for Men [email protected] Shemer Berkowitz, a professional Ba’al Koreh, will teach students to become their own Torah readers by learning the cantillation marks and becoming familiar with the secret of Torah reading. Eastside Torah Center, 1837 156th Ave. NE #303, Bellevue.

u Page 11A

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friday, september 11, 2009

Ongoing t Page 10A ■■7:45-8:45 p.m. – For Women Only 206-527-1411 Rabbi Levitin offers classic commentaries on the weekly parshah, Rashi, Rambam and Or HaChaim. At Congregation Shaarei Tefilah, 6250 43rd Ave. NE, Seattle. ■■8-10 p.m. – Women’s Israeli Dance Ruth Fast at 206-725-0930 Learn Israeli dance steps in an all-female environment. At the Lakewood/Seward Park Community Club, corner of 50th Ave. S and Angeline St., Seattle. ■■8:30 p.m. – Iyun (in-depth) class in Tehillim [email protected] Class led by Rebbetzin Shirley Edelstone and sponsored by the Seattle Kollel. For women only. Free. Location provided upon RSVP. ■■8:30 p.m. – Talmud in Hebrew Rabbi Farkash at [email protected] An in-depth Talmud class in Hebrew for men taught by Rabbi Mordechai Farkash. At the Eastside Torah Center, 1837 156th Ave. NE, Suite 303, Bellevue. ■■8:30 p.m. – Talmud, Yeshiva-Style [email protected] This class tackles sections of ritual, civil and criminal law. Be prepared for lively discussion, debate and analysis. Must be able to read Hebrew and should have had some experience with in-text Torah study. At the Eastside Torah Center, 1837 156th Ave. NE #303, Bellevue.

Tuesday ■■11 a.m.-12 p.m. – Mommy and Me Program Nechama Farkash at 425-427-1654 A chance for parents and kids to explore the child’s world through story, song, cooking, crafts and circle time. At a private address. Call for location. ■■12 p.m. – Torah for Women Rochie Farkash at 206-383-8441 or [email protected] Rochie Farkash leads a group of Eastside women in a discussion of the weekly Torah portion. At Starbucks (backroom), Bellevue Galleria, Bellevue. ■■7 p.m. – Crash Course in Hebrew Reading Level 2 [email protected] Five-week course taught by Rabbi Dovid Fredman. At the Seattle Kollel, 5305 52nd Ave. S, Seattle. ■■7 p.m. – Teen Center Ari Hoffman at [email protected] Video games, game tables, food, and fun for high school students. Hosted by NCSY. Stroum JCC, 3801 E Mercer Way, Mercer Island. ■■7:45 p.m. – Mystical Understanding of the Hebrew Alphabet Dovid Fredman at 206-251-4063 or [email protected] Discover the mystifying depth and beauty of the Hebrew letters. Free. At Seattle Kollel, 5305 52nd Ave. S, Seattle. ■■ 7 p.m. – Alcoholics Anonymous Meetings Eve M. Ruff at 206-461-3240 or [email protected] Meeting for anyone who has stopped or would like to stop drinking. At Jewish Family Service, 1601 16th Ave., Seattle. ■■7 - 8:30 p.m. – Intermediate Conversational Hebrew Janine Rosenbaum at 206-760 -7812 A course for students with some Hebrew background interested in expanding their conversational skills and understanding the basic principles of Hebrew grammar. $65 plus materials. At Herzl-Ner Tamid Conservative Congregation, 3700 E Mercer Way, Mercer Island. ■■7:30 p.m. – Weekly Round Table Kabbalah Class [email protected] Men and women explore the mystical teachings of the Kabbalah. At a private home.

Wednesday ■■11 a.m.-12 p.m. – Torah with a Twist 206-938-4852 Women learn Torah with Rabbi Ephraim Schwartz of the Seattle Kollel at this weekly class. At a Mercer Island location. Call for directions. ■■11:45 a.m.–12:30 p.m. – Downtown Maimonides Class Rabbi Yehoshua Pinkus at 206-722-8289 A weekly discussion based on the text of Maimonides’s Thirteen Fundamental Principles of the Jewish Faith by Rabbi Aryeh Kaplan. Sponsored by the Seattle Kollel. At Tully’s Westlake Center, 400 Pine St., Seattle.

■■ 1:30 p.m. – Book Club at the Stroum JCC Roni Antebi at 206-232-7115, ext. 269 Book discussions the first Wednesday of every month. At the Stroum JCC, 3801 E Mercer Way, Mercer Island. ■■3 p.m. – The Mother’s Circle Marjorie Schnyder at 206-461-3240, ext. 3146 A program for moms from other backgrounds raising Jewish kids to get support, learn about Jewish rituals, practices and values, and get connected to the Jewish community. Sponsored by Jewish Family Service. Every other Wednesday. At Whole Foods Market, 1026 NE 64th St., Seattle. ■■ 7–9 p.m. – Middle Schoolers’ Teen Lounge Ari at 206-295-5888 Foosball, ping-pong, pool, basketball, arcade games and optional classes. Yavneh building at Congregation Bikur Cholim-Machzikay Hadath, 5145 S Morgan St., Seattle. ■■7 p.m. – Beginning Israeli Dancing for Adults with Rhona Feldman Carol Benedick at 206-524-0075 Older teens and all experience levels are welcome. $40 for a five-session punch card. Discount for members. At Congregation Beth Shalom, 6800 35th Ave. NE, Seattle. ■■7 p.m. – Wisdom for Women 14-plus Rabbi Bresler at 206-331-8767 or [email protected] Jewish women ages 14 and up are invited to take part in an afternoon of thought provoking learning, wisdom, and ideas from the Torah. Seattle Kollel, 5305 52nd Ave. S, Seattle. ■■7 p.m. – Introduction to Judaism 425-603-9677 A 20-week class taught by Rabbi James Mirel and guest scholars. Free and open to the community. At Temple B’nai Torah, 15727 NE 4th St., Bellevue. ■■7-10 p.m. – Parsha and Poker [email protected] A look at the Torah portion of the week followed by a friendly game of poker with proceeds going to tzedakah. Led by Rabbi Josh Hearshen. At Herzl-Ner Tamid, 3700 E Mercer Way, Mercer Island. ■■7:15 p.m. – The Jewish Journey 206-722-8289 or [email protected] This two-year comprehensive program guides students through the historical, philosophical and mystical wonders of Judaism’s 3,500-year heritage. $360 plus a $36 registration fee. At the Seattle Kollel, 5305 52nd Ave. S, Seattle. ■■7:30 p.m. – Parshas Hashavuah [email protected] This class provides a general overview of the Torah portion of the week accompanied by Midrashic commentaries, philosophical insight, and practical lessons. At the Eastside Torah Center, 1837 156th Ave. NE #303, Bellevue.


jtnews 11

n community calendar




Congregation Shevet Achim

invites you to share the High Holidays with us Traditional Orthodox services led by

Rabbi Yechezkel Kornfeld & internationally renowned Chazzan Ari Goldwag Selichot: (Saturday Evening 9/12) Services:

Erev Rosh Hashanah: (Friday 9/18) Mincha & Maariv:

11:00 pm 7:05 pm

Rosh Hashanah: (Saturday 9/19 & Sunday 9/20) Shacharit: Shofar: (Sunday) Mincha & Maariv: Mincha, Tashlich & Maariv:

Erev Yom Kippur: (Sunday 9/27) Kol Nidre & Maariv:

Yom Kippur: (Monday 9/28)

Shacharit: Yizkor: Mincha, Neilah & Maariv: Fast Concludes:

8:30 am 10:45 am 6:50 pm (1st day) 6:30 pm (2nd day) 6:40 pm

8:30 am 11:30 am 5:25 pm 7:40 pm

No tickets required - Non-member contributions appreciated Services held at Northwest Yeshiva High School 5017 90th Avenue S.E. Mercer Island, WA 98040 www.shevetachim.com

Thursday ■■9:30-10:30 a.m. – Women’s Talmud Sasha Mail at 206-323-7933, ext. 301 The Talmud from women’s perspectives, presented by Rivy Poupko Kletenik. Free. At Seattle Hebrew Academy, 1617 Interlaken Dr. E, Seattle. ■■12 p.m. – Ramban on Chumash for Women Marilyn Leibert at 206-722-8289 A discussion of foundational Jewish concepts through the eyes of Nachmanides on Chumash in the Book of Genesis, as well as an analysis of key Rashis. Prerequisite: the ability to recognize the Hebrew letters and a desire to learn basic Hebrew grammar. For women only. $25. Sponsored by the Seattle Kollel. At a private home, Mercer Island. ■■6:50 p.m. – Introduction to Hebrew Janine Rosenbaum at 206-760 -7812 Helps students build fluency and comprehension of the prayers of the Friday evening service. $50. At Herzl-Ner Tamid, 3700 E Mercer Way, Mercer Island. ■■7 p.m. – Junior Teen Center Ari Hoffman at [email protected] Video games, game tables, food, and fun for middle schoolers. Hosted by NCSY. At the Stroum JCC, 3801 E Mercer Way, Mercer Island. ■■7 p.m. – Beginners Bridge Class Roni Antebi at 206-232-7115, ext. 269 or [email protected] An eight-week class to familiarize students with the basic principles of bridge. $60/JCC

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n 12 jtnews community calendar

friday, september 11, 2009

Calendar t Page 11A

musical production of Peter Pan Returns. At the Stroum JCC, 3801 E Mercer Way, Mercer Island. ■■3 p.m. – Chabad Dedication Chabad of the Central Cascades will celebrate the completion of its Torah and the dedication of its new building. At the Lakeside Montessori School, 2001 15th Ave. NE, Issaquah. ■■5 p.m. – Annual Alki Beach Barbecue Ari Hoffman at [email protected] Beach sports and food with NCSY. $10. Meet at Sephardic Bikur Holim, 6500 52nd Ave. S, Seattle.

Saturday 12

members, $70/non-members. At the Stroum JCC, 3801 E Mercer Way, Mercer Island. ■■7:30 p.m. – Judaism: The Ultimate Journey [email protected] Rabbi Jay Rosenbaum leads a course called “From Slavery to Freedom: Political Activism and Personal Ethics in the Bible and the Age of Democracy.” At Herzl-Ner Tamid, 3700 E Mercer Way, Mercer Island. ■■8–10 p.m. – High Schoolers Teen Lounge Ari at 206-295-5888 Foosball, ping-pong, pool, basketball, arcade games and snacks. At the Yavneh building at Congregation Bikur Cholim-Machzikay Hadath, 5145 S Morgan St., Seattle.

Candle Lighting Times 9/11/09 9/18/09 9/25/09 10/2/09

7:13 p.m. 6:59 p.m. 6:44 p.m. 6:30 p.m.

September Friday 11 ■■3 - 6 p.m. – Challahpalooza! Whole Foods Roosevelt Square hosts a tasting event for Rosh Hashanah foods. Free. At Whole Foods, 1026 NE 64th St., Seattle. ■■7 p.m. – “Beyond the Mindset of 9/11” Pastor Don Mackenzie, Rabbi Ted Falcon and Sheikh Jamal Rahman discuss spiritual teachings that provide healing and support a world without violence and war. At Barnes & Noble University Village, 2675 NE University Village St., Seattle. ■■7:15 p.m. – Sheva Brachot Ari Hoffman at [email protected] High school-age teens are invited to join Seattle NCSY in celebrating the marriage of chapter alumni Joshua and Rachel Russak. At Sephardic Bikur Holim, 6500 52nd Ave. S, Seattle.

■■5 - 8:45 p.m. – Picnic in the Park and Havdalah [email protected] Sports and a barbecue with JewSEA. At the Downtown Bellevue Park, 10201 NE 4th, Bellevue. ■■8:30 p.m. – Do the Puyallup Ari Hoffman at [email protected] A trip to the Puyallup Fair with NCSY. $25. RSVP requested. Meet at Sephardic Bikur Holim, 6500 52nd Ave. S, Seattle.

Sunday 13

Tuesday 15 ■■6 p.m. – A.J. Jacobs Author A.J. Jacobs reads from his new book, The Guinea Pig Diaries: My Life as an Experiment, a collection of humorous essays about experiments Jacobs has undertaken for the sake of personal betterment. At the University Bookstore, 4326 University Way NE, Seattle. ■■6:30 p.m. – J-Pro’s Second Annual Wine Tasting Sarah Persitz at [email protected] Pre-holiday kosher wine-tasting event. At Tree of Life Books and Judaica, 2201 NE 65th St., Seattle. ■■6:30 p.m. – Prospective Member Open House Carol Benedick at 206-524-0075 or [email protected] or www.bethshalomseattle.org A chance to learn more about Beth Shalom membership and take free classes in preparation for the High Holidays. At Congregation Beth Shalom, 6800 35th Ave. NE, Seattle. ■■7 p.m. – Soul Work: Preparing for the High Holy Days Jacob at [email protected] Two-session class on the deeper meaning of the High Holidays, focusing on the transformative personal experiences they promote. At UW Hillel, 4745 17th Ave. NE, Seattle. ■■7 - 8:30 p.m. – Lashon Hara Carol Benedick at 206-524-0075 or [email protected] or www.bethshalomseattle.org This class takes an in-depth look at Jewish texts concerning Lashon Hara (gossip) and its relevance to the High Holidays. Free. RSVP appreciated. At Congregation Beth Shalom, 6800 35th Ave. NE, Seattle. ■■7 - 8:30 p.m. – Holiday Challah Baking Carol Benedick at 206-524-0075 or [email protected] or www.bethshalomseattle.org Learn to make challah in time for the holidays.

Monday 14

■■10 a.m. – Bike & Brunch Anna Frankfort at [email protected] Monthly bike ride and brunch sponsored by Women’s Philanthropy in conjunction with the Jewish Federation of Greater Seattle. RSVP for starting location. ■■10 a.m. – NYHS Sport Court Dedication Northwest Yeshiva High School invites the entire community to the school for the dedication of its new sport court. At Northwest Yeshiva High School, 5017 90th Ave. SE, Seattle. ■■12 - 4 p.m. – Rosh Hashanah Baskets for Seniors Jane Deer-Hileman at [email protected] Volunteers needed to make and deliver Rosh Hashanah baskets for seniors and adults with disabilities. At Jewish Family Service, 1601 16th Ave., Seattle. ■■12 p.m. – Rabbi Dr. Abraham J. Twerski Congregation Shaarei Tefilah Lubavitch presents the fourth and final Webcast of the Rohr Jewish Learning Institute’s Unity Lecture Series featuring Rabbi Dr. Abraham J. Twerski. His lecture is called “Together We Can Fill the World With Light.” Free and open to all. At Congregation Shaarei Tefilah Lubavitch, 6250 43rd Ave. NE, Seattle. ■■2:30 - 5:30 p.m. – Peter Pan Auditions Daniel at [email protected] Children ages 8 and older are invited to audition for a part in the Stroum JCC’s

■■5:30 - 7:30 p.m. – Peter Pan Auditions Daniel at [email protected] Children ages 8 and older are invited to audition for a part in the Stroum JCC’s musical production of Peter Pan Returns. At the Stroum JCC, 3801 E Mercer Way, Mercer Island. ■■7 p.m. – Genealogical Discoveries www.jgsws.org Sally Mizroch and Nancy Adelson present a talk on “Genealogical Discoveries from Cemeteries in the Old Country and the New World.” Sponsored by the Jewish Genealogical Society of Washington State. At the Stroum JCC, 3801 E Mercer Way, Mercer Island. ■■7 p.m. – Women’s Night of Jewish Learning Anna Frankfort at 206-774-2226 or [email protected] Monthly interactive Jewish learning, dessert, and schmoozing sponsored by Women’s Philanthropy in conjunction with the Jewish Federation of Greater Seattle. Location provided upon RSVP. ■■7 - 8:30 p.m. – “Why Should We Eat and Not Sleep?” [email protected] Pre-High Holidays class taught by Rabbi Yechezkel Kornfeld. Free, open to all. At Northwest Yeshiva High School, 90th Ave. SE, Mercer Island.

u Page 13A



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friday, september 11, 2009

Calendar t Page 12A RSVP requested. Free. At Congregation Beth Shalom, 6800 35th Ave. NE, Seattle. ■■7 p.m. –“Parenting and Teshuva: Rupture, Repair and Return” www.kavana.org/family/ parenting-and-teshuva Rabbi Rachel Nussbaum of Kavana and Marjorie Schnyder of Jewish Family Service discuss teshuva, the process of self-reflection, and how it relates to healthy parenting. $20 per person or $30 per couple. Scholarships available. Location provided upon RSVP. ■■7 p.m. – “Interfaith Responses to the Middle East Crisis” Pastor Don Mackenzie, Rabbi Ted Falcon and Sheikh Jamal Rahman discuss their differing opinions on Middle East politics and the places where they have found common ground. At University Temple United Methodist Church, 1415 NE 43rd St., Seattle.

teshuva, the process of self-reflection, and how it relates to healthy parenting. Cost is $20 per person or $30 per couple. Scholarships available. Location provided upon RSVP.

Wednesday 23 ■■7 p.m. – Complaining as a Spiritual Practice with Shirah Bell Carol Benedick at 206-524-0075 or [email protected] or www.bethshalomseattle.org Using Yom Kippur prayers, participants will identify their spiritual relationship with their complaints. Free, RSVP required. At Congregation Beth Shalom, 6800 35th Ave. NE, Seattle.

Friday 25 ■■10 a.m. – PJ Library Story Time Stefanie Somers at 206-774-2247 or [email protected] Stories, bagels and a chance for kids to look around the fire station. At Fire Station #73, 1280 NE Park Dr., Issaquah.

Thursday 24

Sunday 27

■■7 p.m. – “What Does Atonement Mean?” [email protected] Pre-High Holidays class taught by Rabbi Yechezkel Kornfeld. Free, open to all. At Northwest Yeshiva High School, 90th Ave. SE, Mercer Island.

■■12 p.m. – Italia Fest Grapestomp Josh at [email protected] Join Jconnect in cheering on Team Manischewitz as they crush their way to victory at the annual ItaliaFest Grapestomp. At the Seattle Center, 305 Harrison St., Seattle.

J. C. Wright Sales Co.

Wednesday 16 ■■12 - 1 p.m. – Eastside Lox ’n’ Learn Jacob at [email protected] Lunch and a discussion led by Rabbi Jacob Fine. RSVP requested. At Microsoft, Building 9 Room 2569, Redmond. ■■7 p.m. – Preparing For the High Holidays Rabbi Fredman at [email protected] A fresh perspective on the High Holidays of Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur and Sukkot. At the Seattle Kollel, 5305 52nd Ave. S, Seattle. ■■7 p.m. – Laugh Your Way to Giving Rebecca Cohen at 206-774-2272 or [email protected] A night of comedy featuring “World of Jewtopia” to benefit the Jewish Federation of Greater Seattle. At Benaroya Hall, 200 University St., Seattle. ■■7:15 p.m. – High Holy Day Workshop on Creation Shellie Oakley at 206-527-9399 or [email protected] Rabbi Ted Falcon explores the essential energies of Rosh Hashanah as a path to spiritual awakening. At Unity of Bellevue, 16330 NE 4th St., Bellevue.

is proud to be serving our customers top of the line kosher products. We are the largest kosher food distributor in the Northwest, serving retail stores and institutions throughout Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Alaska, Hawaii and Guam. We continue striving to offer the best selection of products while taking great pride in our level of service to the community.

From all of us at JC Wright Sales, we wish you and yours a Peaceful and Kosher New Year!

Thursday 17 ■■7 p.m. – High Holiday Refresher Course [email protected] Rabbi Daniel Septimus reviews the basics of Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur. Hosted by the Tribe at Temple De Hirsch Sinai, 1441 16th Ave., Seattle. ■■ 8 - 10 p.m. – Third Thursday Happy Hour [email protected] Monthly happy hour gathering with JewSEA. At Palomino, 610 Bellevue Way NE #120, Bellevue.

Questions or comments, please contact Chris McPherren at 253-395-8799, or fax 253-395-8836.

Sunday 20 ■■1 p.m. – Open House Community Lunch [email protected] An open house luncheon for the Capitol Hill Minyan community. Friends and family welcome. At the Council House, lower level, 1501 17th Ave., Seattle. ■■1:30 - 2:45 p.m. – Ravenna Kibbutz Shofar Blowout [email protected] Shofar blowing workshop. At Ravenna Kibbutz House Gimmel, 6211 23rd Ave. NE, Seattle. ■■7:00 pm – Apple-tinis with the Tribe [email protected] A new twist on the High Holidays for Jews ages 22 to 35. First two drinks are on the Tribe. At Barca, 1510 11th Ave., Seattle.

fine foods since 1947

Monday 21 ■■10:30 a.m. – Perspectives on Sin, Repentance and Community [email protected] Kadima presents a discussion on interfaith and multiculturalism with relation to the High Holidays. At the Sand Point Education Center, 6208 60th Ave. NE, Seattle.

Tuesday 22 ■■7 p.m. – Soul Work: Preparing for the High Holy Days Jacob at [email protected] Two-session class on the deeper meaning of the High Holidays, focusing on the transformative personal experiences they promote. At UW Hillel, 4745 17th Ave. NE, Seattle. ■■7 p.m. – “Parenting and Teshuva: Rupture, Repair and Return” www.kavana.org/family/ parenting-and-teshuva Rabbi Rachel Nussbaum of Kavana and Marjorie Schnyder of Jewish Family Service discuss

■■7:15 p.m. – High Holy Day Workshop on Atonement Shellie Oakley at 206-527-9399 or [email protected] Rabbi Olivier BenHaim explores the essential energies of Yom Kippur as a path to spiritual awakening. At Unity of Bellevue, 16330 NE 4th St., Bellevue.


jtnews 13

n community calendar


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a 14

The Jerusalem Post Crossword Puzzle By Matt Gaffney



friday, september 11, 2009

community news

The interfaith amigos Pastor Don Mackenzie, Rabbi Ted Falcon and Sheikh Jamal Rahman will join together for two events in conjunction with the release of their new book, Getting to the Heart of Interfaith. The first event is called “Beyond the Mindset of 9/11” and will focus on the spiritual teachings that provide healing and support a world without violence and war. Fri., Sept. 11 at 7 p.m. at Barnes & Noble University Village, 2675 NE University Village St., Seattle. The second event is on the topic “Interfaith Responses to the Middle East Crisis” and focuses on the three spiritual leaders’ differing opinions and the places where they have found common ground. Tues., Sept. 15 at 7 p.m. at University Temple United Methodist Church, 1415 NE 43rd St., Seattle.

Rabbi Dr. Abraham J. Twerski Cong regat ion Shaa rei Tef i la h Lubav itch presents t he four t h and f inal webcast of the Rohr

Jewish Learning Institute’s Unity Lecture Series featuring Rabbi Dr. Abraham J. Twerski. Twerski has also written over 60 books and articles and is recognized as an international authority in the chemical dependency field. His lecture is called “Together We Can Fill the World with Light.” Free and open to all. Sun., Sept. 13 at noon at Congregation Shaarei Tefilah Lubavitch, 6250 43rd Ave. NE, Seattle.

Perspectives on sin, repentance and community Kadima presents “Perspectives on Sin, Repentance and Community: Jewish and Christian Perspectives” with Nance Morse Adler and John Berg, a discussion on interfaith and multiculturalism with relation to the High Holidays. For more information, e-mail [email protected]. Mon., Sept. 21 at 10:30 a.m. at the Sand Point Education Center, 6208 60th Ave. NE, Seattle.

Brian J. Calvo

Mortgage Banker/Broker

Direct 425.893.5729 Cell 206.769.4432 [email protected] Across 1 Larry Gelbart’s pride 5 Hoover et al. 9 Use an Uzi 14 Fashionable periodical 15 Charles Lamb’s pen name 16 ___ fear (is intrepid) 17 Portrayer of Happy and Billy 18 Well, to Sephardim 19 Example of monotheism 20 Moshe Sharett’s predecessor and successor 23 A as in Asch 24 Marx’s hue 25 Like the Hamptons 29 “Scarborough ___” 31 Cigar remains 34 “Home ___” 35 Funny Barry 36 Margarine 37 Roth work of 1959 40 Lower East Side homes, for short 41 “Hear, hear!” 42 Piece maker 43 Nessman of “WKRP in Cincinnati” 44 What the speaker’s holding 45 Way out 46 Holstein comment 47 Miner concern 48 Kidnappers of 1924 56 Play shadchan 57 Facility 58 “Oy vey!” 59 “___ My Love” (Friedman song) 60 Bills of Washington 61 Timer sound 62 Like some references 63 Jay’s home 64 Baird and Caldwell

Answers on page 31

Down 1 Nevada-Arizona lake 2 1-Across actor 3 Many a Pale of Settlement resident 4 Prefix with sphere 5 59-Across composer 6 Spielberg character, frequently 7 Demeanor 8 Did some Gershwin 9 Third Reich chronicler 10 Tzaddik, for instance 11 Quisling’s capital 12 Judah’s son 13 Arnold of TV 21 Brightest star in Cygnus 22 Hebrew for “light of God” 25 Katie of “Married...With Children” 26 Forego a chuppah wedding 27 In which Asner played Thomas Davies 28 Machiavelli concerns 29 Streisand film title word 30 Bard’s river 31 Pulitzer playwright of ’67, ’75, and ’94 32 Lorax creator 33 Garden “snakes” 35 Woody directed her in “Deconstructing Harry” 36 Lag Ba’___ 38 Golem 39 Egged on 44 Added lox, perhaps 45 Mariel’s grandfather 46 Jew in the Holocaust, to Spiegelman 47 Mirages, often 48 Money for Primo Levi 49 Sign that glows at Loew’s 50 “Exodus” name 51 Victor Borge, for instance 52 City near Chelmno 53 Where Joel Grey was born 54 Feminine ending 55 Swamps 56 It’ll pass



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Thursday, September 17 at 7:30 p.m. Lesley Hazleton Author reading In After the Prophet: The Epic Story of the Shia-Sunni Split in Islam, Seattle author Lesley Hazleton explores the centuries-long history of the relationship between Shia and Sunni Muslims. Hazelton is also the author of Jezebel and Jerusalem Jerusalem: A Memoir of War and Peace, Passion and Politics. Tickets are $5 at www.brownpapertickets.com or 800-838-3006. At Town Hall, 1119 8th Ave., Seattle.


jtnews 15

n arts & entertainment

friday, september 11, 2009

September 24–27 Mozart’s double piano concerto Music www.seattlesymphony.org  Pianists Jon Kimura Parker and Orli Shaham will join Seattle Symphony for Mozart’s “Concerto for Two Pianos and Orchestra” in E-flat major, No. 10. Music Director Gerard Schwarz will conduct the program, which also includes Brahms’ “Variations on a Theme by Haydn,” Op. 56a and Symphony No. 1 in C minor, Op. 68. Performances will take place on Thurs., Sept. 24, at 7:30 p.m.; Sat., Sept. 26, at 8 p.m.; and Sun., Sept. 27, at 2 p.m. at Benaroya Hall, 200 University St., Seattle. Monday, September 28, 8 a.m. Diane Ackerman Author reading

the arts

september 17 – 28

Wednesday, September 23, 5:30 p.m. Sheila Himmel Author reading In Hungry: A Mother and Daughter Fight Anorexia, restaurant critic Sheila Himmel and her 20-something daughter Lisa tell the story of Lisa’s struggle with anorexia juxtaposed against a family fascination with food. At Elliott Bay Book Co., 101 S Main St., Seattle.

Diane Ackerman reads from her new book, Dawn Light: Dancing with Cranes and Other Ways to Start the Day, a collection of essays about the beginning of they day. Because of the book’s subject matter, this event will take place first thing in the morning. Diane Ackerman is the author of 20 books, including The Zookeeper’s Wife. At Elliott Bay Book Co. (enter through the café), 101 S Main St., Seattle. October 1 & 2 Sara Paretsky Author reading

L’shanah Tovah!

Sara Paretsky will read from her newest book, Hardball, the 14th book in her V.I Warshawski detective series. In Hardball, detective Warshawski takes on a 40-year-old missing person case that leads her back to the youth movement of the 1960s. Thurs., Oct. 1 at 7 p.m. at the University Bookstore, 4326 University Way NE, Seattle. Fri., Oct. 2 at 12 p.m at Seattle Mystery, 117 Cherry St., Seattle and at 6:30 p.m. at the Pan Pacific Hotel, 2125 Terry Ave., Seattle. Tickets for the Pan Pacific event cost $45. Contact 206-654-5039 to RSVP.



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n 16 jtnews arts & entertainment

friday, september 11, 2009

Jazzed up for the holidays CD reviews: Frank London & Lorin Sklamberg, Beyond the Pale, Tim Sparks Plays Naftule Brandwein Michael Regenstreif

impossibly long title, “Mighty, Blessed, Great, Prominent, Glorious, Ancient, Meritorious, Righteous, Pure, Unique, Powerful, Learned, King, Enlightened, Exalted, Brave, Redeemer, Just, Holy, Merciful, Almighty, Omnipotent is Our God,” has a klezmer-meets-ska arrangement with noisy, but somehow suitable, electronic effects. In the best folk music tradition, these songs combine something that seems very familiar with something that is somehow wonderfully weird. Special credit also needs to be given to the superb musicians — guitarist Knox Chandler, Armenian oud virtuoso Ara Dinkjian, and Indian percussionist Deep Singh — who join London and Sklamberg on this recording.

Ottawa Jewish Bulletin

Frank London & Lorin Sklamberg Tsuker-zis Tzadik — tzadik.com Frank London — who plays trumpet, alto horn, flugelhorn and harmonium — and singer-accordionist Lorin Sklamberg have been mainstays of the Klezmatics, one of the most essential bands of the klezmer revival, since the group’s inception more than two decades ago. London and Sk lamberg are bot h musically active in groups and collaborations beyond the Klezmatics and this is the third in a series of the pair’s collaborations on religious songs they’ve adapted from various Chassidic traditions. The first, Nigunim, focused on wordless melodies while the second, The Zmiros Project, w it h keyboardist Rob Schw i m mer, feat u red Sabbath songs. Tsuker-zis adapts songs and prayers associated with specific holidays and festivals including Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur, Sukkot, Passover and Hanukkah.

London and Sklamberg use a remarkably diverse musical palette in these adaptations. You can hear the inf luence of jazz trumpeter Miles Davis on London’s playing on their deeply contemplative version of “Our Parent, Our Sovereign (Ovinu Malkeynu),” from the Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur liturgies. A joyous Passover song with an

Beyond the Pale Postcards Borealis — beyondthepale.net Postcards is the third CD by Beyond the Pale, the Toronto-based klezmer band led by mandolinist Eric Stein, the artistic director of Ashkenaz, Toronto’s biennial festival of Yiddish and Jewish culture.

In addition to Stein, Beyond the Pale also features two violinists, Bogdan Djukic and Aleksander Gajic, both of whom were established classical musicians in their native Yugoslavia; accordionist Milos Popovic, who also began his career in Yugoslavia; clarinetist Martin van de Ven, a former member of the Flying Bulgar Klezmer Band; and bassist Bret Higgins. While most of the album is instrumental, Israeli vocalist Vira Lozinsky joins them for three songs including “An Old Legend,” which combines a traditional Romanian tune with new Yiddish lyrics in a swinging arrangement that features Stein on cimbalom, a type of hammered dulcimer. Whether playing up tempo toe-tappers like “Magura,” or slower, contemplative pieces like “Meditation,” a Chassidic niggun, Beyond the Pale’s creative arrangements never fail to engage. Half of the tunes were written by members of the band, and the compositions reflect the various musical backgrounds of the composers. Stein’s “Split Decision”

u Page 18A

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18 jtnews community news


friday, september 11, 2009

M.O.T. t Page 8A

Asli Alin

Beyond the Pale, who just released their latest klezmer-folk album Postcards. Jazzed Up t Page 16A has a throbbing Eastern European, almost classical, groove that variously brings each of the various musicians to the fore for riveting solos. “Back to the Beginning” is an intense piece characterized by shifting moods that was written by Gajic during the NATO bombing campaign in Belgrade in 1999.

Tim Sparks Little Princess: Tim Sparks Plays Naftule Brandwein Tzadik — timsparks.com Naftule Brandwein, who came to America in 1908 and became known as the “King of the Klezmer Clarinet,” was, arguably, the greatest of the first-generation klezmer musicians in the New World. His 78 RPM recordings, now reissued on CD, have pro-

vided inspiration and tunes to countless klezmer revival bands in recent years. This set of 10 Brandwein tunes is the fourth excursion into Jewish music by Tim Sparks, a highly innovative guitarist from Minnesota best known for his recordings of folk, jazz and blues. Working with bassist Greg Cohen — known for his work with Tom Waits — and Brazilian percussionist Cyro Baptista, Sparks has done a superb job of reimagining music composed for the clarinet as finger-style guitar pieces. Owing to the origin of the music, and certainly to the contributions of the percussionist, there’s an Eastern Europemeets-South America groove to many of these tunes. These are not traditional klezmer interpretations, but it is a fine album of Jewish music that will have great appeal to lovers of sublime acoustic guitar playing.

••• What does it mean to have a Jewish soul? Meredith Binder’s new short film — she only makes short movies —Alastair MacLean: Y’did Nefesh (Jewish Soul), explores the dilemmas of a young man trying to convince a board of rabbis of his sincerity in wanting convert to Judaism before his wedding. Filmed at Congregation Beth Shalom in North Seattle, the movie features Meredith (co-writer and producer) and other family members, including her dad, Harold Binder, as one of the reluctant rabbis. “My films are low/no budget,” the actress, writer and filmmaker explained. “There are no investors for short films,” so she relies heavily on donations of time and services from friends, family, other actors and filmmakers. “I’m shooting something this month,” she says. “People are giving me free 14-hour days.” While she grew up in Detroit, Meredith landed in Seattle with her husband, George Ostrow, after a Peace Corps assignment in Fiji where she taught math and physics and he attempted to teach management techniques to village elders, “which they were totally uninterested in.” They chose their new home as “a city where we could raise urban children,” which she says they’ve done with sons A.J., 16, and Elijah, 13.

Meredith started taking theater and acting classes while working as an electrical engineer. After committing to acting full-time, “I got cast in [Northwest Film Forum founder] Jamie Hook’s Naked Proof,” she says. “That kind of put me on the map.” The family belongs to Beth Shalom, and although George is not Jewish he’s “very much part of the Jewish community.” Having longed for a sukkah when growing up, “now I’m married to a guy who builds me a sukkah every year,” Meredith says. Meredith has been surprised how many different people relate to the theme of the movie. She recommends it “for anyone who loves to laugh, anyone who is an outsider, anyone who is a convert, anyone who is Jewish…knows someone who is Jewish.” Available “for only $5.95” at www. indieflix.com, it’s been on that site’s top seller list for over two weeks as I write this, which Meredith calls “very exciting.” You can see a preview at the site as well. An interview with Meredith and her director Andy Spletzer appears on this paper’s sister site, jew-ish.com. Read it at http://jew-ish.com/index.php?/blogs/ blog1_item/484. Meanwhile, Meredith is working on another production. “Thankfully, Seattle is a good place to make films,” she says.

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n 20 jtnews the jewish world

friday, september 11, 2009

On top of the world Seeking a kosher meal in the Canadian Arctic land of Nunavut Lauren Kramer Special to JTNews

Lauren Kramer

The writer on the outskirts of Pond Inlet at a stone inukshuk, which, directly translated from the Inuit language, means “in the likeness of a human.” Traditionally, it means “someone was here,” or “you are on the right path.”

High Holy Days Rejoice! Renew! Resolve! Reunite! SE LI C H O T Saturday, September 12th

Selichot Service - Bellevue 8:00 pm - Joint service with Temple B’nai Torah…at our Bellevue Campus. An evening of nosh and celebration culminating in a 10:00 pm service of reflection, music and prayer—the ultimate preparation for the High Holy Days. EREV ROSH HASHANA Friday, September 18th

Evening Service* 7:30 pm - Seattle and Bellevue R O SH H A S H A NA Saturday, September 19th

SHABBAT SHUVAH Friday, September 25th

6:00 pm - Rock Shabbat Shuvah – Bellevue 7:30 pm - 4th Shabbat Shuvah – Seattle Saturday, September 26th

10:30 am - Shacharit Services - Seattle NO BELLEVUE AM SERVICE

Evening Service* 7:30 pm - Seattle and Bellevue

YO M KI P P UR Monday, September 28th

Morning Service* 10:00 am - Seattle and Bellevue - OR Kids’ Kehillah** (Ages 6-9) 10:00 am - Bellevue only Kulanu*** (Ages 5-11 with parents) 10:00 am - Seattle only Family Services (Open to the public) (No ticket needed) 1:30 pm - Seattle and Bellevue Afternoon, Yizkor & Neilah (Closing) Services : pm - followed by Break-The-Fast Receptions Seattle and Bellevue SUKKOT MORNING SERVICE Saturday, October 3rd

10:30 am - Bellevue Potluck luncheon to follow.

SI M C H A T T O RA H Saturday, October 10th

Simchat Torah Celebration 7:00 pm - Seattle only Celebrate the Torah b’yachad (together)! * Tickets Required Call ... **Kids’ Kehillah Advanced Reservations Required Call Leah Rosenwald at ... ***No Reservations Needed For Kulanu. Sanctuaries open at :pm for Evening Services and :am for Morning Services


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u Page 28A

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Morning Service* 10:00 am - Seattle and Bellevue - OR Kids’ Kehillah** (Ages 6-9) 10:00 am - Bellevue only Kulanu*** (Ages 5-11 with parents) 10:00 am - Seattle only Family Services (Open to the public) (No ticket needed) 1:30 pm - Seattle and Bellevue Tashlich casting off our sins 3:00 pm - Luther Burbank Park, Mercer Island

KOL NIDRE Sunday, September 27th

Northwest Territories. That changed in 1999 when it became Canada’s largest and least populated political subdivision, constituting 18 percent of the country’s land mass. It was evening in the town of Pond Inlet when our flight from the capital of Iqaluit landed, and though a heavy fog


I knew we’d travel to the edge of the ice. But I wasn’t prepared for the pristine yet desolate beauty of the Canadian Arctic, for the haunting whistling of seals swimming far below the surface and the strength, courage and determination of those who choose this place as home. Until recently, Nunavut was part of the

W hy

“No scared?” asks my Inuit guide, Sam Omik. Truth is, I was terrified. We’d just climbed a 5,000-foot-high, snow-covered mountain peak on Nunavut’s Bylot Island, our snowmobile barely making it to the zenith. Perched at the top and about to begin a frightening, 75-degree vertical descent, I was silently praying we’d make it down alive. I squeezed my eyes shut as Sam freewheeled down the slope, and in minutes, we were back on the frozen ice of Pond Inlet, with the magnificence of Canada’s Arctic stretching endlessly before us. It was my idea to head nor t h to Pond Inlet, a small Inuit community in northern Baffin Island. The literature promised polar bears, narwhals, beluga whales and seal watching, so I booked my flights, only later poring over the Nunavut map to find the tiny speck of the massive Arctic that constitutes Pond Inlet. It wasn’t until I got there, though, that I thought seriously about what I’d be eating. In a land where polar bear and seal meat constitute the staple diet for the majority of the Inuit residents, a Jew has a hard time putting a kosher meal together — unless said Jew happens to be an adept ice fisherman and the Arctic char are biting.

obscured the view, night could not have been further away. By late May, Nunavut has surrendered to 24-hour days, confusing the mind and body with sunshine even at 11 p.m. The sun shone brightly the next morning as we followed our guide, Dave Reid, owner of Polar Sea Adventures, to “the beach,” our point of departure. Despite the presence of upturned boats on the shore, it was hard to imagine this stretch of ice as a beach. Husky sled dogs sat nonchalantly on the ice alongside their komatiks, or sleds, and with no sound of waves, no trace of sand and no visible water, it’s easy to believe this is, indeed, land. Peer down a crack, however, and you can’t help but notice that it’s ice frozen five feet deep. We clambered aboard the komatik that would transport us behind a roaring snowmobile for the two-hour journey to Bylot Island, along with camping gear, food and a very long rifle — just in case we encountered an aggressive polar bear. Our first stop, just four kilometers from the shore, was an iceberg, arrested in its path last fall and frozen in place until the ice melts in July. The residents of Pond Inlet have the benefit of continually changing scenery, as new icebergs arrive from nearby Greenland each year, while others continue their journey en route to Newfoundland.

friday, september 11, 2009



jtnews 21 5769 in review

5769: The year in review Increased anti-Semitism and election results around the world make up the year’s highlights JTA Staff

The company is subsequently sold to a Canadian firm. Three new Jewish members are elected to the U.S. House of Representatives, but the Democratic tide is not strong enough to send Congress its first rabbi, Jewish Latina or Chinese Jew. Rahm Emanuel is tapped to become White House chief of staff and will emerge as a key point person in the administra-

JTA World News Service NEW YORK (JTA) — With Rosh Hashanah approaching, JTA has compiled a list of the biggest stories of the past Hebrew calendar year:

OCTOBER Tzipi Livni, who won Kadima Party elections in September following Ehud Olmert’s resignation, fails to assemble a coalition government and become prime minister. President Shimon Peres announces that Israel will hold new general elections. An acid and feces attack at the Budapest Jewish Theater just before Rosh Hasha na h rev ives concer ns about increasing anti-Semitism in Hungary. Rabbi Julie Schonfeld is named the new executive vice president of the Conservative movement’s Rabbinical Assembly, becoming the first female rabbi to serve in the chief executive position of an American rabbinical association. Longtime Seattle Symphony Maestro Gerard Schwarz announces he will step down from his post in 2011. The Eastside Torah Center receives a $1.8 million grant to build a new 16,000-square-foot center that, when completed, is hoped to serve as a gathering spot for the Jewish community in the North Bellevue/Redmond area. Meanwhile, some neighbors pushed back

Brian Hendler

Supporters of Benjamin Netanyahu, who was eventually named prime minister by the Israeli Supreme Court, carry signs before he campaigns at the Machane Yehuda market in Jerusalem in February. Courtesy chabad.org

against a proposed expansion of Chabad of Pierce County’s center in Tacoma.


Ajacs/Creative Commons

Barack Obama waves in Claymont, Del., during train ride on his way to Washington and his swearing-in as president.

Barack Obama is elected the first black president of the United States with 78 percent of the Jewish vote, in line with previous Democratic nominees. Months after being the target of the largest immigration raid in American history, the embattled kosher meat producer Agriprocessors files for bankruptcy, leaving kosher consumers in the lurch and ushering in uncertain times for the Jewish community of Postville, Iowa.

Rabbi Gavriel and Rivka Holtzberg, killed during an attack at their Chabad center in Mumbai, have become a cause celébre for Chabad groups worldwide. tion’s outreach to the Jewish community regarding Israel-related issues. Secular businessman Nir Barkat is elected mayor of Jerusalem. Terrorists target the Chabad house in Mumbai, India, killing its directors, Gavriel and Rivka Holtzberg, and four others.

u Page 22A


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22 jtnews 5769 in review


friday, september 11, 2009

Year in Review t Page 21A

throughout the continent hold counter rallies to support Israel as it wages war against Hamas in the Gaza Strip. DECEMBER The vandalism of a synagogue in CaraThe collapse of Bernard Madoff’s cas, Venezuela, further unsettles the Ponzi scheme leads to the immediate colJewish community, already on lapse of two Jewish organizaedge over the harsh anti-Israel tions and sends shock waves rhetoric of President Hugo through the Jewish philanChavez. thropic world. A r i Fol ma n’s a n i mated The Bush administration Lebanon War film Waltz with makes a last-gasp push for PalBashir wins the Golden Globe estinian statehood — or the for best foreign-language film, nearest it can get to it — with but later fails to become the the apparent quiet encourfirst Israeli movie to take home agement of President-elect an Oscar. Obama. Bernard Madoff

Brian Hendler

organization Hadassah lays off staff across the country, including in Seattle, in light of its losses in the Madoff scandal, women on Bainbridge Island and the Kitsap Peninsula celebrate the inauguration of their new chapter.

FEBRUARY Wading into what has emerged as a major partisan fight, Jewish organizations in Washington line up with Democrats in offering strong support for the $819 billion economic stimulus bill. In the Israeli elections, Tzipi Livni’s Kadima emerges as the largest single party, but the right-wing parliamentary bloc, led by Likud’s Benjamin Netanyahu, captures the majority of the Knesset seats. Avigdor Lieberman’s Yisrael Beiteinu vaults over Labor to become Israel’s third-largest political party, with 15 seats in the Knesset. A month later, Yisrael Beiteinu becomes Likud’s first coalition partner, and the controversial Lieberman — who during the election campaign proposed mandating loyalty oaths to the Jewish state in a bid to curb Israeli Arab political power — is named foreign minister.

A column of Israeli army armored personnel carriers is deployed in a farmer’s field along Israel’s border with the Gaza Strip during the January war. The deadliest road accident in Israeli history kills 24 Russian tour agents and casts a dark shadow over efforts to promote tourism to the southern Israeli city of Eilat. Israel launches Operation Cast Lead to curtail Hamas rocket fire from the Gaza Strip onto southern Israel.

JANUARY Enduring an onslaught of massive anti-Semitic and anti-Israel demonstrations in Europe, Jewish communities

Operation Cast Lead ends after about 3-1/2 weeks and leaves some 1,300 Palestinians and 13 Israelis dead. Hamas rockets during the war reach as far as the Israeli cities of Yavneh, Beersheva and Kiryat Gat. Pope Benedict X V I’s decision to revoke an excommunication order for a Holocaust-denying bishop sparks an uproar and prompts another round of anguish over the state of Catholic-Jewish relations. While the stalwart Jewish women’s

W h E R E GREATER SEATTLE Chabad House (Traditional) 206/527-1411 4541 19th Ave. NE Bet Alef (Meditative Reform) 206/527-9399 16330 NE 4th St., Bellevue (in Unity Church) Congregation Kol Ami (Reform) 425/844-1604 16530 Avondale Rd. NE, Woodinville Cong. Beis Menachem (Traditional Hassidic) 1837 156th Ave. NE, Bellevue 425/957-7860 Congregation Beth Shalom (Conservative) 6800 35th Ave. NE 206/524-0075 Cong. Bikur Cholim-Machzikay Hadath (Orthodox) 5145 S Morgan 206/721-0970 Capitol Hill Minyan-BCMH (Orthodox) 1501 17th Ave. E 206/721-0970 Congregation Eitz Or (Jewish Renewal) 6556 35th Ave. NE 206/467-2617 Cong. Ezra Bessaroth (Sephardic Orthodox) 5217 S. Brandon Street 206/722-5500 Congregation Shaarei Tefilah-Lubavitch (Orthodox/Hassidic) 6250 43rd Ave. NE 206/527-1411 Congregation Shevet Achim (Orthodox) 5017 90th Ave. SE (at NW Yeshiva HS) Mercer Island 206/275-1539 Congregation Tikvah Chadashah (Gay/Lesbian) 206/355-1414 Emanuel Congregation (Modern Orthodox) 3412 NE 65th Street 206/525-1055 Herzl-Ner Tamid Conservative Congregation (Conservative) 206/232-8555 3700 E. Mercer Way, Mercer Island Hillel (Multi-denominational) 4745 17th Ave. NE 206/527-1997 Kadima (Reconstructionist) 206/547-3914 12353 NE 8th, Seattle Kavana Cooperative [email protected]


K’hal Ateres Zekainim (Orthodox) 206/722-1464 at Kline Galland Home, 7500 Seward Park Ave. S Sephardic Bikur Holim Congregation (Orthodox) 6500 52nd Ave. S 206/723-3028 The Summit at First Hill (Orthodox) 1200 University St. 206/652-4444 Temple Beth Am (Reform) 206/525-0915 2632 NE 80th St. Temple B’nai Torah (Reform) 425/603-9677 15727 NE 4th, Bellevue Temple De Hirsch Sinai (Reform) Seattle, 1441 16th Ave. 206/323-8486 Bellevue, 3850 156th Ave. SE 425/454-5085 SOuTH KING COuNTy Bet Chaverim (Reform) 206/577-0403 25701 14th Place S, Des Moines WEST SEATTLE Kol HaNeshamah (Reform) 206/935-1590 Alki UCC, 6115 SW Hinds St. Torah Learning Center (Orthodox) 5121 SW Olga St. 206/938-4852 WAShinGTon STATE AbERdEEn Temple Beth Israel 360/533-5755 1819 Sumner at Martin AnAcoRTES Anacortes Jewish Community 360/293-4123 bAinbRidGE iSLAnd Congregation Kol Shalom (Reform) 9010 Miller Road NE 206/855-0885 Chavurat Shir Hayam 206/842-8453 bELLinGhAm Chabad Jewish Center of Whatcom County 717 High St. 360/933-4818 Congregation Beth Israel (Reform) 2200 Broadway 360/733-8890

Animated Israeli soldiers march on Lebanon during the Sabra and Shatila massacre in Waltz with Bashir.

Michael J. Jordan

Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s speech at the Durban II Conference in Geneva in April was interrupted several times by irate activists in the gallery.

MARCH Eleventh-hour negotiations to free Gilad Shalit collapse. Three of the largest Jewish federations in the country — New York, Atlanta and Cleveland — announce substantial cutbacks in staff, adding to concerns about the health of the primar y American Jewish charitable network. The Obama administration organizes the first-ever seder at the White House. Benjamin Netanyahu’s careful articulations in his inaugural address leave uncertain where he stands on the most contentious issue in Israel, and between Israel and governments overseas. The United States decides to seek to join the U.N. Human Rights Council, reversing its policy of shunning the group and prompting concern among some Jewish organizations.

u Page 23A

Wo R S h i p bREmERTon Congregation Beth Hatikvah 360/373-9884 11th and Veneta EVERETT / EdmondS Chabad Jewish Center of Snohomish County 2225 100th Ave. W, Edmonds 425/967-3036 Temple Beth Or (Reform) 425/259-7125 3215 Lombard St., Everett FoRT LEWiS Jewish Chapel 253/967-6590 Liggett Avenue & 12th iSSAquAh Chabad of the Central Cascades (Hassidic Traditional) 24121 SE Black Nugget Rd. 425/427-1654 oLympiA Chabad Jewish Discovery Center 1611 Legion Way SE 360/584-4306 Congregation B’nai Torah (Conservative) 3437 Libby Rd. 360/943-7354 Temple Beth Hatfiloh (Reconstructionist) 201 8th Ave. SE 360/754-8519 poRT AnGELES And SEquim Congregation B’nai Shalom 360/452-2471 poRT ToWnSEnd Congregation Bet Shira 360/379-3042 puLLmAn, WA And moScoW, id Jewish Community of the Palouse 509/334-7868 or 208/882-1280 SpokAnE Congregation Emanu-El (Reform) P O Box 30234, Spokane 99223 509/835-5050 www.spokaneemanu-el.org Temple Beth Shalom (Conservative) 1322 E. 30th Ave. 509/747-3304

TAcomA Chabad-Lubavitch of Pierce County 1889 N Hawthorne Dr. 253/565-8770 Temple Beth El (Reform) 253/564-7101 5975 S. 12th St. TRi ciTiES Congregation Beth Sholom (Conservative) 312 Thayer Drive, Richland 509/375-4740 VAncouVER Chabad-Lubavitch of Clark County 9604 NE 126th Ave., Suite 2320 360/993-5222 E-mail: [email protected] www.chabadclarkcounty.com Congregation Kol Ami 360/574-5169 Service times and location can be found at www.jewishvancouverusa.org VAShon iSLAnd Havurat Ee Shalom 206/567-1608 15401 Westside Highway P O Box 89, Vashon Island, WA 98070 WALLA WALLA Congregation Beth Israel 509/522-2511 E-mail: [email protected] WEnATchEE Greater Wenatchee Jewish Community 509/662-3333 or 206/782-1044 WhidbEy iSLAnd Jewish Community of Whidbey Island 360/331-2190 yAkimA Temple Shalom (Reform) 509/453-8988 1517 Browne Ave.

friday, september 11, 2009

Year in Review t Page 22A In light of economic considerations, the Union for Reform Judaism closes several regional offices, including its location in Seattle. The three-year-old Camp Kalsman in Arlington is unaffected by the closure.

first meeting at the White House. Obama talks of putting a timetable on U.S. diplomatic outreach to Iran over nuclear weapons, while also emphasizing that Israel needs to take “difficult steps” such as freezing settlements. Netanyahu stresses his interest in achieving peace, but stops short of endorsing a two-state solution.



jtnews 23 5769 in review

including the creation of a governmentrun public insurance option and pushing for measures that would help the rapidly aging Jewish community. With its decision in favor of comedian Al Franken, the Minnesota Supreme Court gives the U.S. Senate a 13th Jewish member.



Jews across the denominational spectrum in Israel and the United States organize to say the Birkat Hachamah, a blessing over the sun that is recited every 28 years when, the Talmud says, the sun reaches the same spot in the firmament as when it was created. The discovery of a Hezbollah terror network in Egypt highlights the divide between the pro-Western moderates in the Middle East and the Iranian-led radicals, as well as the regional interests Egypt and Israel share. Jewish and Israeli activists descend en masse on t he “Du rba n II” U.N. racism conference in Geneva. European delegates walk out of the main hall to protest an inflammatory anti-Israel speech by Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. Arlen Specter switches to the Democratic Party, leaving the Senate without a Jewish Republican for the first time in decades. Rabbi Rachel Nussbaum, director of the Kavana Cooperative, receives one of five fellowships nationwide from the Avi Chai Foundation, which includes a $25,000 grant to help in building programming for the organization. Tel Aviv kicks off its centennial celebrations.

Nearly 40 Jewish and evangelical Christian leaders meet in Washington for a groundbreaking dialogue session. The leader of the gang responsible for kidnapping, torturing and murdering French Jew Ilan Halimi in 2006 is sentenced to life in prison. Many French Jews are upset that the trial is held behind closed doors, as the crime’s anti-Semitic nature was in dispute. President Obama has his first White House meeting with Jewish leaders, sitting down with representatives of 14 organizations. Jewish leaders offer no direct criticism of his calls for a settlement freeze, but say he appears to be putting more pressure on Israel than on the Palestinians and Arab states. The president says he will work to change that perception. Some 8,000 athletes from around the world participate in the 18th Maccabiah Games, including U.S. Olympic swimmer Jason Lezak, who chooses the so-called Jewish Olympics in Israel over the World Championships. Lezak wins four gold medals, but Israel easily wins the medals competition. Five rabbis are among 44 people arrested as part of a public corruption and international money-laundering investigation in New Jersey that uses a prominent rabbi’s son as an informant. Also charged are the mayors of several New Jersey cities and other state politicians, as well as a Brooklyn man who is accused of acquiring and trading kidneys for transplants.

Eric Fingerhut

Courtesy Rabbi Moshe Kletenik/RCA

Rabbi Moshe Kletenik of Seattle’s Bikur Cholim-Machzikay Hadath congregation takes the stand for the first time as president of the Rabbinical Council of America.

JUNE In a speech in Cairo billed as an address to Muslims worldwide, President Obama describes Israel and the United States as sharing an unbreakable bond, then criticizes Holocaust denial in the Arab world and the use of the Palestinian issue to distract Arab populations from other problems. Obama draws criticism from some corners of the Jewish community for reiterating his call for a settlement freeze and failing to talk tough on Iran. Some critics claim that

Bullet holes in the entrance to the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington after the June 10 shooting that killed a security guard. beliefs opens fire at the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington. In a speech at Bar-Ilan University, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu expresses conditional support for the eventual creation of a demilitarized Palestinian state. The Obama administration hails the speech as “positive movement,” while the Palestinian Authority condemns it. Haredi, or fervently Orthodox, demonstrators in Jerusalem turn violent protesting the opening of a parking lot on Shabbat and the arrest of a haredi woman on charges of child neglect. Camps across the country report outbreaks of the swine flu virus, forcing some to postpone their openings and others to implement sweeping measures to screen new arrivals for signs of the illness. Natan Sharansky, the former Soviet dissident and Prisoner of Zion, is formally elected chairman of the Jewish Agency for Israel. With unrest mounting in Iran over official claims of President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s re-election, U.S. Jewish organizational leaders call for more American support for the protesters and more international action to stop the Islamic Republic’s nuclear program. As the health care reform debate heats up, Jewish organizations back the Obama administration on several key points,

AUGUST A masked gunman attacks a gay community center in Tel Aviv, killing two people and injuring a dozen. The tragedy sparks demonstrations throughout Israel in solidarity with the victims and the gay community. JTNews editor Joel Magalnick contributed to this report.


Pope Benedict XVI is flanked by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, left, and President Shimon Peres upon his arrival at Ben Gurion International Airport on May 11. The pope’s visit followed a controversial decree to bring back to the church four previously excommunicated bishops.

MAY T he gover n ment moves to d rop charges against two former AIPAC staffers accused of passing classified information to Israel. Pope Benedict XVI visits Israel and the West Bank. In Bethlehem he calls for a Palestinian homeland, leaves an interfaith conference in Jerusalem early after a Palestinian cleric accuses Israel of killing women and children and destroying mosques, and prompts disappointment among some Israelis for remarks on the Holocaust seen as insufficient. President Obama and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu hold their

the president appears to embrace the Palestinian understanding of the IsraeliArab conflict. Alysa Stanton becomes the first African-American female rabbi after being ordained by the Reform movement’s Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion. For the first time, the Rabbinical Council of America appoints as its president a rabbi from the West Coast: Rabbi Moshe Kletenik of the Bikur Cholim– Machzikay Hadath Orthodox congregation in Seattle. A security guard is killed when a gunman known for his anti-Semitic

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Flag-bearing participants at the opening ceremonies of the18th Maccabiah Games show off the countries they represent as they march into Ramat Gan Stadium on July 13.

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friday, september 11, 2009


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Maintaining identity New generation seeks to reclaim Sephardic cultural roots Amy Klein JTA World News Service HOBOKEN, N.J. (JTA)  — Daniel Saks’ crazy black curls bounce on stage with him to the wiry, deafening sound of guitars, horns and drums as the front man for DeLeon — an indie rock band with 15th-century Spanish influences infused with cadences of the ancient Sephardic tradition — belts out plaintive tunes in English, Hebrew, Spanish and Ladino. For the most part, the 150 20-something hipsters dancing to DeLeon’s music at Maxwell’s lounge, 20 minutes from Manhattan, have no idea what the songs mean. It doesn’t seem to matter. “It wasn’t a Ladino-f luent crowd,” Saks jokes after the show, referring to the Judeo-Spanish language from the Middle Ages. “I think people can get past the language barrier. In a place like New York City, we’re acclimated to hearing music in foreign languages.” Saks grew up near Washington, D.C. listening to Sephardic music played by his mother, whose family lived in Italy for centuries after the expulsion from Spain, before coming to the United States. Years later he would name his band af ter his g reat-g randfat her Giorg io DeLeon and philosopher Moses DeLeon. With its haunting melodies and the Spanish timeless themes of love, God and murder, he thought the music “held up well, better than most songs.” He knew

of plenty of people recording traditional music, but “I thought I could bring it to my peers and bring new light to them.” DeLeon is part of a new crop of modern Jewish artists drawing on their Sephardic roots — from Spain and Portugal, to Morocco, Iran and Syria, to India and Greece. Many of those Jewish communities, although not all, were created by Jews who left Spain following the Inquisition, when they were ordered to convert or leave the country by July 31, 1492 (Tisha B’Av of that year). Now, more than five centuries later, dozens of musicians, writers, poets, play wrights, filmmakers, historians, educators and chefs are reclaiming that culture to create a veritable Sephardic renaissance. Many artists mine Sephardic culture because they want to popularize a lesserknown Jewish heritage. “People who came from Poland stick together, and they are not so interested in the people who come from Morocco or Spain,” says Nathalie Soussana, arranger of Songs from the Garden of Eden: Jewish Lullabies and Nursery Rhymes, a book and CD of songs in Hebrew, Arabic and Spanish, including “Y’aommi Yamali,” an Algerian lullaby in Arabic whose words mean “King of the home/May God touch you and lift up your soul.” Soussana wanted something that reflected her own mottled family — originally from Morocco, living in France,


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with an uncle with a wife from Turkey, an aunt married to an Ashkenazi, family members in Israel. “I think that it’s like that for a lot of Jewish families,” she says. One might not know that from seeing the history of Jewish culture in America. “Jewishness has tacitly been assumed to be synonymous with Germanic or Eastern European descent,” Aviva Ben Ur writes in the new book Sephardic Jews in America: A Diasporic History (New York University Press, 2009). “What began at the turn of the 20th century as denial of shared ethnicity and religion (whereby Ashkenazim failed to recognize Sephardim as fellow Jews) continues today in textbooks, articles, documentaries, films and popular awareness. More often than not, Sephardic Jews are simply absent from any sort of portrayal of the American Jewish community.” Ur prefers the term non-Ashkenazic Jews, dividing those called Sephardim into three groups: Sephardi Jews (Spanish and Portuguese-speaking Jews of Western Europe and Ladino-speaking Jews of the Ottoman empire); Mizrahi Jews (Arabic-speaking Jews native to the Middle East and Western Asia); and Romaniotes (Greek-speaking Jews native to the Byzantine Empire). For some artists, exploring Sephardic culture is a way to explore their own Jewish identity. Sephardim account for 3 to 4 percent of the Jewish population in the United States.

“The communities that people lived in before were so much more closed, and you were only defined by one thing,” says Vanessa Paloma, a singer and scholar who specializes in Sephardic women’s songs like “Mose de Salio de Misrayim,” a Ladino song about the burning bush and Moses’ journey from Egypt, which women would sing at Passover. For Paloma, being American means having many different identities — actor, writer, yogi, and more.  “It’s like we’re hungry for some kind of deeper meaning and these roots are where we came from,” she says. Now Paloma is living in Morocco, where she can investigate her past. “W hat did my grandmother sing? What kind of smells did she smell?” she wonders. “If I know more about that, I know more about my ancestors and know more about myself.” Others want to preserve a culture they fear might be lost. “I just thought about w riting my family story — it’s a very eccentric, eclectic family,” novelist Gina Nahai says of the beginning of her journey writing fiction based on the Persian Jewish community in Iran and Los Angeles. When she began her seven years of research for her first novel, Cry of the Peacock, she saw there was barely anything written about the community or its history.

u Page 25A

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Maintaining Identityt Page 24A Iranian Jews make up “the oldest Jewish community in the Diaspora and no one had recorded their stories,” she says. “And it didn’t look like people were going to survive.”  Many artists may be teaching their culture to their own people. Jennifer Abadi, author of the cookbook-memoir Fistful of Lentils: SyrianJewish Recipes from Grandma Fritzie’s Kitchen (Harvard Common Press, 2007), was surprised to find that many students in her classes were Syrian women who grew up eating food prepared by their mothers and housekeepers but had not learned to cook it. “All of a sudden they get married to Syrian men, and it’s expected [for them to cook Syrian food] and they have to go to their mothers and aunts,” Abadi says. That’s why many artists are mining Sephardic culture — because they like it. Majadrah (rice with lentils) might be better than kugel, and DeLeon “might be cooler than klezmer,” jokes Jacob Harris, the chief operating officer of JDub records, which produces both DeLeon and Songs From The Garden Of Eden. JDub wasn’t seeking out Sephardic artists per se, Harris says, but wanted “to promote authentic Jewish culture within the mainstream.” And the mainstream likes world music. 

“I don’t think it’s an accident that it’s become so popular now — we are becoming more global, seeing Jewish history in a broader way,” says Ilan Stavans, editor of The Schocken Book of Modern Sephardic Literature (Schocken, 2005), an anthology that includes fiction, memoirs, essays and poetry from 28 writers over 150 years, including a short story by Cuban-Jewish writer Ruth Behar titled “Never Marry a Man Who Doesn’t Beat You.” “The Jewish community is increasingly heterogeneous, not only politically but ethnically. People come from different parts of the world through immigration and mixed marriages, and they are pushing the collective identity in different ways,” Stavans says, including contributions from Asian and Hispanic cultures. “The need to understand the Sephardim is to understand a very important part of Jewish history.” No longer does Jewish identity have to be “the standard flagpoles of Israel, the Holocaust and the shtetl,” he says.  Yet even the term “Sephardic Renaissance” can be seen as Ashkenazi-centric; after all, these cultures have been flourishing for centuries, even if invisible to Ashkenazim. “We live our religion — there is no resurgence,” says Sheila Schweky, the program chair for the Sephardic Community Center in Brooklyn, N.Y., a JCC-like

institution that serves 50,000 to 70,000 Jews — mostly Syrian, but also Egyptian, Iraqi, Moroccan and others. Schweky cites the strong family ties and tight-knit community for preserving the Syrian Jewish heritage.  “As far as our traditions and customs, they’re basically the same as when our fathers came here,” she says, so the idea of a “renaissance” doesn’t apply. “We don’t turn around and say we have to teach our children our heritage — they live it.” Many tight-knit Sephardic communities that have thrived, but remained nearly invisible to the rest of the world, are learning that art can sometimes show less-than-positive portrayals. The Syrian Jewish community, for example, was not happy with David Adjmi’s Stunning, a recent off-off-Broadway play that The New York Times called “a stinging portrait of an insular Syrian Jewish communit y in contemporar y Brooklyn.” “Smaller communities think that everyone is going to judge everyone by that one play,” the novelist Nahai says. “People overreact — it’s not like every time you meet a Greek person you think of My Big Fat Greek Wedding.” On the one hand, people like seeing their community portrayed. “So many young people write to me and tell me finally I can understand


jtnews 25

n national & international news

friday, september 11, 2009

why my family is the way they are,” Nahai says. Others, however, become upset at some of the issues she raises, such as the treatment of women in the Persian Jewish community or how the rabbis were not always just. “All novelists need to tell the truth. It doesn’t mean it’s the only reality, it doesn’t mean I’m trying to capture the entire population,”  Nahai says. “Telling the truth is the only thing I have a responsibility to do. The rest a publicist needs to do.”  Perhaps the Sephardic communities will become accustomed to the spotlight — and the good and bad lights shone on them. “It’s interesting that this is happening now,” Stavans says. “It’s because the Ashkenazi community is really solid, and it can look into other aspects of Jewish life without feeling threatened.” What they are seeing from Sephardic culture, in all its multiplicity and history, is that Sephardim “are more ethnic and more attractive in close-knit families that traveled across time and kept their identity,” he says. “At a time when it’s very easy to lose one’s identity, you admire their ability to keep their identity across time and space,” Stavans says. “You feel an allure to Sephardic culture.”

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friday, september 11, 2009

Iran Policy t Page 1A Former Meretz leader Yossi Beilin tells audiences that Yitzhak Rabin, the late Israeli prime minister who launched the Oslo process in 1993, did so principally because of his fears of Iran. Beilin told a German audience last year that he “advocates increased sanctions towards Iran in order to stop centrifugal uranium programs.” Avshalom Vilan, a Meret z K nesset member until March, was a forceful advocate of reaching out to the nations most able to wound Iran’s economy, including Germany and India.

Across the ocean, however, left-wing U.S. Jewish groups — not to mention nonJewish left-wing groups — are against more sanctions. Americans for Peace Now has the most pronounced opposition. “We don’t think crippling sanctions are right if the meaning of that is that the sanctions will not be targeted against Iran’s governments and leaders but will target Iranian people,” spokesman Ori Nir said. “We think that’s not only morally wrong but is also strategically perilous.” Other left-wing groups also hedge on the prospect of sanctions. The Israel Policy Forum, in a July 15

paper, encouraged engagement and said threats of enhanced sanctions were “not necessary” because Iran’s leadership knew they were forthcoming. The most recent statement from Brit Tzedek v’Shalom, dated July 2008, rejects “diplomatic isolation or veiled threats of military action” and advocates “utilizing diplomatic and economic incentives and sanctions together.” In a policy statement, J Street says it does not oppose further sanctions “in principle,” but “under t he current circumstances, it is our view that ever harsher sanctions at this time are unlikely to cause the Iranian regime to

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cease weapons development.” Engagement should “not be conducted with a stopwatch,” it said. The Reform movement, which often aligns with the left-wing groups on IsraelPalestinian matters, is a bit closer to the Israeli position when it comes to Iran. Rabbi David Saperstein, who directs the Reform’s Religious Action Center, disputes Americans for Peace Now’s contention that the proposed enhanced sanctions are immoral. “These were chosen as a much more targeted way to put the maximum pressure on the power structure in Iran,” he said. The other left-wing pro-Israel groups arrived at their Iran policies partly because of their alliance with an array of liberal Democrats wary of engaging Iran in the wake of the Iraq War and its resultant quagmire. Behind the scenes, these groups have sought sanctions that would not harm ordinary Iranians. Supporters of tougher sanctions argue that sanctions targeting the regime have been in place for years and have had little effect. Shai Franklin, a senior fellow for U.N. affairs at the Institute on Religion and Public Policy, said that gravitating away from deference to Israeli constituencies may be healthy for some U.S. Jewish groups. “It makes the conversation more interesting, and once that happens you’ll find more people getting involved, from the right and left,” he said. Steven Spiegel of the Israel Policy Forum said differences might emerge next month over the pacing and intensity of sanctions. “The Iran difference is part of a differentiation that has got to be addressed,” he said. “At some point there has to be a serious dialogue between American Jews and Israel and the Obama administration and Israel.” One tactic might be to remind Israel that Obama’s policy of engagement with Iran appears to have rallied support in Europe in recent weeks for tougher sanctions. “The doves,” Spiegel said, “accomplished what the hawks could not.”

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friday, september 11, 2009 Send submissions to: JTNews — Lifecycles, 2041 Third Ave., Seattle, WA 98121 [email protected] Phone: 206-441-4553 Submissions for the October 3, 2009 issue are due by September 22. Download forms or submit online at www.jtnews.net/index.php?/lifecycle



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Bar Mitzvah Noam Posner

Courtesy SJCS

It was the first day of kindergarten at the Seattle Jewish Community School, and one student, here with his mom, decided to start his school career off right by bringing flowers to his teacher.

Noam will celebrate his Bar Mitzvah on September 12, 2009 at Bikur CholimMachzikay Hadath Congregation in Seattle. Noam is the son of Judy Posner of Seattle and the late Steven Posner, and the brother of Daniel. His grandparents are Hanna Marx of San Diego, Calif. and the late Henry Marx, Marvin and Eileen Posner of Memphis, Tenn. and the late Shirley Posner. Noam is in the 7th grade at the Seattle Hebrew Academy. He enjoys playing baseball, reading and hanging out with his friends.

Wedding Rebecca Susan Frankel and Daniel Stephen Novick Rebecca and Daniel were married March 21, 2009 in Atlanta, Ga. The ceremony was officiated by Rabbi Alvin Sugarman, who is a cousin of the bride. Rebecca is the daughter of Barry and Judy Frankel of Atlanta. Her grandparents are Shirley and Don Wender of Atlanta and the late Milton Romm, Meyer Frankel of Atlanta and the late Evelyn Frankel. She has a bachelor’s degree in education from

the University of Texas at Austin. She works for the El Paso Independent School District. Daniel is the son of Michael and Tina Novick of Bellevue. His grandparents are Dorothy Borschow of Dallas, Texas and the late Paul Borschow and the late Jules and Ruth Novick. Daniel is an alumni of Bellevue High School. He has a bachelor’s degree in broadcast journalism and government. He is a television news anchor and reporter for KFOX-TV in El Paso.

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friday, september 11, 2009

If you go:

On Top of the World t Page 20A We hiked onto the massive girth of this centuries-old iceberg, marveling at its 100-foot height, and even more at the knowledge that most of its magnitude was hidden well below the surface. And we knocked off a small block, saving it for our tea and coffee break. “There’s nothing like the taste of water derived from a 10,000-year-old iceberg,” Reid said. “This is a harsh land,” cautions Parks Canada in its literature to visitors of Sirmilik National Park. “Rescue facilities and services are very limited…and may make rescue entirely impossible. You must be prepared for self-rescue.” We’d come equipped, Reid informed us. For the past nine years he’s made a living by taking visitors onto the ice floe in May and June, and escorting them by kayak through the inlet in July and August. He carries the essential satellite telephone, a two-way radio, the everpresent rifle and plenty of food and warm clothing. Most importantly, he relies on the companionship of an Inuit elder, Omik. The Inuit know this land better

than anyone else, and it was Omik who advised us where the ice was sufficiently solid to travel, keeping a watchful eye out for bears. From a distance, we saw seals lying like large slugs on the ice surface, nearby the holes they’d ingeniously created. At the first sound of the snow machines, however, they lumbered back into the icy water. Perhaps time has taught them that machines like ours can be their demise. Many Inuit hunters rely on their seal catch to stave off hunger, waiting for hours and days at their small cabins to hunt. Though they know this land so well, even they can make potentially fatal mistakes while traversing its surface. In the comfort of our communal dining tent at night, we heard stories of Inuit who, caught on the ice for weeks in bad weather, were forced to eat their team of Huskies to survive. Inuit elders still recall family and friends who died of starvation, some found frozen to death in their makeshift homes. The message is clear: The weather has no mercy out here, and your resources are

all you have. The isolation is at once magnificent and fearsome. We saw this with sheer clarity when we stopped briefly in Sirmilik National Park to inspect the remains of an old whaling station. All that remains of this onceactive slaughterhouse is a rusty barrel and the bones of an unfortunate, longdead mammal. Nearby, circles of stones designate the places where a Thule community resided long ago, and the shallow grave of one of its residents lies undisturbed, a skull and femur glinting in the afternoon sunshine. Nunavut leaves you with a sense of your smallness in the world, and the power of the natural forces around you. Travel here requires a sense of adventure and a w illingness to push t he limits of your experience. But it’s richly rewarded, for the Canadian Arctic is one of the last pristine frontiers, a place literally on top of the world, and one so vast and silent, you can hear the murmur of your very soul. Lauren Kramer is a Richmond, B.C.-based Jewish travel writer.

Ottawa is the point of departure for First Air flights into Nunavut. From here, you fly first to Iqaluit and then to Pond Inlet. Weather permitting, the journey from Ottawa to Pond Inlet can easily take a day. For more information, contact First Air (www.firstair.ca) or call 800-267-1247. Given the danger of traveling solo in this area, it’s best to join a group or enlist the help of a guide to customize your itinerary. Polar Sea Adventures is a Pond Inlet-based outfitter providing floe edge tours, hiking, Arctic skiing, dogsledding and kayaking, as well as customized itineraries. For more information contact the company at www.polarseaadventures.com or call 867-899-8870. Nunavut Tourism has detailed information about the area. Visit www.nunavuttourism.com or call 866-686-2888. Parks Canada has an office in Pond Inlet providing travelers with information on Sirmilik National Park. Call 867-899-8092 or visit www. parcscanada.gc.ca/parks/nunavut/ sirmilik.

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Networking Our Local Jewish Community


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Financial Services Hamrick Investment Counsel, LLC Roy a. Hamrick, CFa 206-441-9911 ✉☎ [email protected] Professional portfolio management services for individuals, foundations and nonprofit organizations.


Mass Mutual Financial Group Albert Israel, CFP 206-346-3327 ✉☎ [email protected] Jamison Russ 206-346-3266 ✉☎ [email protected] Retirement planning for those nearing retirement • Estate planning for those subject to estate taxes • General investment management • Life, disability, long-term care & health insurance • Complimentary one hour sessions available

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Funeral/Burial Services


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n 30 jtnews national & international news

friday, september 11, 2009

The Hebrew hammers Devoutly Jewish fighters hoping titles will silence critics Gil Shefler JTA World News Service NEW YORK (JTA) — Harking back to an era when Jews ruled the ring, two devoutly observant boxers are fighting to make this the best year for Jewish boxing in seven decades. Middleweight Yuri Foreman, 29, and welterweight Dmitriy Salita, 27 — both undefeated — are poised to battle for world titles this fall. As they prepare for their championship bouts, the Brooklyn pair say they feel good about their chances of following in

the footsteps of such Jewish ring greats as Benny Leonard and Barney Ross. “I would not be in this sport if I wasn’t confident,” said Foreman, who will meet World Boxing Association junior middleweight champion Daniel Santos in Las Vegas on Nov. 14. “I am confident that I will be successful, God willing.” Salita, who is gearing up for his WBA light-welterweight title shot against Britain’s Amir Khan in a bout tentatively set for Dec. 5, adds that “I think it’s incredible that Yuri and I made it to the same level at the same time. Hopefully we’ll both be successful.”

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bi’s son become a boxer, it fits in with my background. In my way, I’m spreading my Judaism.” But critics say the focus on Foreman and Salita’s Jewish credentials may be obscuring the boxers’ shortcomings in the ring. Though both are undefeated, some have suggested that Salita attained his high World Boxing Association ranking only because he has fought subpar opponents and that Foreman can win only on points. Of Foreman’s 27 victories, only have eight have come by knockout. “In looking at Salita’s boxing record, it’s hard to see how he was ever pushed to the No. 1 spot in the WBA rankings,” wrote Scott Gilfoid, a blogger for Boxing

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Much of the media attention surrounding Foreman and Salita, who are friends — Foreman attended Salita’s recent wedding — has focused on their strict observance of Judaism. The pious pugilists refuse to box on Shabbat, and they keep kosher and study Torah in their free time. Foreman is even training to become a rabbi. “Many people have a stereotype about boxing that you can’t do anything spiritual,” Foreman said. “Judaism in many ways helps me in my boxing. It helps me to stay grounded, not to forget who I am and where I am.” Salita, who studies at a Chabad yeshiva, says his Judaism helps him become a better person and fulfill life goals. “God wants us to work hard,” he said. “While I wouldn’t recommend a rab-

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The Hebrew Hammers t Page 30A News. “I can’t recognize one name among Salita’s 31 fights — not one. I don’t know who these fighters are, and it seems peculiar that the WBA put Salita at No. 1 based on these wins.” Salita acknowledges that he hasn’t fought top contenders, but he attributes it to bad luck. Every time he was scheduled to fight a major contender, the match fell through for one reason or another, he said. Both Foreman and Salita were born in the former Soviet Union — Foreman in Gomel, Belarus, and Salita in Odessa, Uk raine. Salita immigrated with his family to Brooklyn in his early teens, while Foreman took a more circuitous route, first immigrating to Israel before moving to New York City’s largest borough in 1999 at age 20 to pursue his career. They agree that the immigrant experience greatly influenced their decision to pursue boxing. “Immigration is a tough process,” Salita said. “My American dream conveyed its way through boxing.”

“If you look back at Jewish world champions, they used to be immigrants,” Foreman said. “So I guess you need this little quality, this hunger.” Their emergence has sparked the imagination of many Jew ish box ing enthusiasts fond of a bygone era when there were more Jewish fighters in proportion to their share of the U.S. population than any ethnic group in the country. “We had a period that people don’t know or appreciate, when we had almost 30 Jewish world champions,” said Mike Silver, the curator of an exhibition on Jewish boxing at the National Museum of American Jewish History in Philadelphia and author of The Arc of Boxing: The Demise of the Sweet Science. “What I like about this is that it brings back histor y. It makes more people become aware of the Jewish experience in boxing, and that should be taught as part of the Jewish immigrant experience,” he said. “Boxing was the sport that more Jews have participated in than all other sports combined. They have been more successful at that sport than in any other in terms of sheer numbers.”

While Silver says he’s doubtful that the emergence of two Jewish boxers heralds a return to the glory days of Jewish boxing, in the 1920s and 1930s, “Even one fighter is a nugget of gold.” Lou DiBella, a veteran boxing promoter who has worked with both Foreman and Salita, says Foreman is the more tested and has a better chance to take a title. “With respect to Yuri, the television executives don’t think he’s exciting because of his style,” DiBella said. “Dmitriy has more of a brawling style, but with him the question is his quality.” Steve Kim, a blogger for MaxBoxing. com, said he calls Foreman Yuri “Boreman” because of his style in the ring. “Boxing needs exciting fighters, and I don’t think Yuri Foreman is one,” Kim told JTA. “He’s a very cautious, safety-first combatant. If you listen to the crowd’s reaction in his last bout in Atlantic City, people were booing.” Foreman is aware of the criticism and says he feels no need to apologize for avoiding slugfests. To him, boxing is more akin to chess, where opponents outmaneuver and trick each other.


jtnews 31

n national & international news

friday, september 11, 2009

“I don’t care what critics say, I just do my thing and it’s gotten me a shot at the world title bout,” Foreman said. “I am also thinking about my future, and I want to be able to talk to my children.” Salita says his fight in December, which likely will take place in either London or Manchester, will be his big chance to prove his worth in the ring. “I hope that Jewish people in Britain come out and show their support,” Salita said, “and that I make them proud.”

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