Jtnews | October 2, 2009

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f r i d ay , o c t o b e r 2 , 2 0 0 9


JT 14 tishrei 5770




the voice of jewish washington

Morris Malakoff

Rabbi Berry Farkash leads the procession to carry the newly finished Torah, held by Roei Ganzarski, to its home at the Chabad of the Central Cascades in Issaquah. See the story on page 4.

Revelations of Iranian plant return nuclear threat to center stage JTA World News Service WASHINGTON (JTA) — With Iran, it always comes back to the nuclear issue. The revelation last Friday that Iran has a second secret uranium-enrichment plant — with a “configuration” inconsistent with peaceful intent, according to President Obama — has placed the Islamic Republic’s nuclear program front and center, spurring momentum in Congress, at the White House and in Europe on potential sanctions that U.S. officials describe as “crippling.” Ahead of Thursday’s meeting in Geneva between Iranian officials and representatives of the United States and five other major powers — a summit arranged before last week’s revelations as part of the U.S. president’s engagement policy — Obama said he would demand an Iranian commitment to cooperate with the International Atomic Energy Agency, the United Nations nuclear watchdog. “At that meeting, Iran must be prepared to cooperate fully and comprehensively with the IAEA to take concrete steps to create confidence and transparency in its nuclear program and to demonstrate that it is committed to establishing its peaceful intentions through meaningful dialogue and concrete actions,” Obama said. Iran’s leaders continue to insist that their program is peaceful and that they are complying with IAEA rules. But it didn’t help their argument that over the weekend Iran tested missiles capable of reaching Israel, parts of Europe and U.S. forces in the Middle East — tests apparently scheduled long before the revelations. News of the secret plant threatened to obscure the human component of the threat posed by Iran’s leadership: The one directed at the Iranian opposition, which charges that the June 12 election was stolen by the regime. For a while, talk of centrifuges and a potential nuclear threat was overshadowed by images like that of the young woman gunned down during an election pro-

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test whose last moments were captured on video and posted on YouTube, the video-sharing Web site. The result was a previously unimaginable collusion of interests between pro-Israel groups that had been pressing for sanctions and liberal groups that had opposed them. Both now are making the case that the Iranian regime represents an extremist and dangerous threat — albeit separately, for the most part. “The time is now, not months from now, to determine the most effective and impactful sanctions and implement them,” said a statement from the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations, the Jewish community’s foreign policy umbrella group. “Should the U.N. Security Council not be able to muster the votes necessary, then Europe, the U.S. and other nations should act outside of the framework of that body.” So far, European countries appear to be taking a tougher stance on Iran than Obama. French President Nicolas Sarkozy and British Prime Minister Gordon Brown joined Obama on stage last Friday in Pittsburgh, at the G-20 industrial summit, to sound ominous warnings to Iran. Brown spoke of “further and more stringent” sanctions, and Sarkozy said the sanctions could begin as soon as December. It remains to be seen whether Russia and China will join expanded and enhanced sanctions. Russian President Dmitry Medvedev says he prefers negotiations, although he acknowledged last week that sanctions may be inevitable. China pressed Iran to cooperate with the IAEA. The Washington Post reported Sept. 29 that the Obama administration was prepared to go it alone by enhancing existing sanctions against dealing with Iran’s banks and imposing new sanctions targeting insurers and reinsurers of its energy sector. A senior European diplomat told JTA that the European Union is also ready to join the United States in

Joel Magalnick Editor, JTNews Three weeks after the fact, the paint has been scrubbed and the memory of the vandalism on two Seward Park synagogues has somewhat faded in light of the High Holidays, but police have yet to find a perpetrator to the crime that occurred Sept. 12. Still, for some members of Bikur Cholim Machzikay Hadath, the discovery of swastikas spray painted on their synagogue and the parking lot after Selichot services on Sept. 12 hit an especially raw nerve. “It’s upsetting, it’s disturbing, it’s unfortunate there are people who hate for the sake of hate, and of course it makes it even more reprehensible given that there are a number of Holocaust survivors that are members of the congregation,” said Moshe Kletenik, BCMH’s rabbi. “I’m a child of Holocaust survivors who are the only survivors of their families.” The red paint was still fresh when members of the Seward Park neighborhood’s Orthodox Ashkenazic synagogue discovered the graffiti, which included the swastikas and the word “Nazi” and the words “4th Riech,” misspelled. Sephardic Bikur Holim, which is located across the street from BCMH, and a few neighbors’ homes were vandalized as well. Seattle police responded immediately and turned investigation over to its bias crimes unit, which is investigating the vandalism as malicious harassment, the term for Washington’s hate crimes statute. Accord i ng to Seat t le Pol ice spokesma n Ma rk Jamieson on Wednesday, the case is still under investigation.

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Ron Kampeas

Synagogue vandalism evokes anger, strong sense of community

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friday, date, 2009


Confronting the Holocaust “industry” Nearly 65 years on., the Holocaust is more about money than memory Edwin Black Special to JTNews During the first months of the Hitler regime, in 1933, leaders of the Zionist movement concluded a controversial pact with the Third Reich, which, in its various forms, transferred some 60,000 Jews and $100 million — almost $1.7 billion in 2009 dollars — to Jewish Palestine. In return, Zionists would halt the worldwide Jewish-led anti-Nazi boycott that threatened to topple the Hitler regime in its first year. Ultimately, the Transfer Agreement saved lives, rescued assets, and seeded the infrastructure of the Jewish State to be. Fier y debates i n st a nt l y ig n ited throughout the pre-war Jewish world as rumors of the pact leaked out. That acrimony was rekindled in 1984 with the original publication of my book The Transfer Agreement — and has never stopped. Why? Simply put, The Transfer Agreement came out a decade ahead of its time. When the book first appeared, in 1984, the world was still preoccupied with the enormity of Nazi genocide. The world’s emphasis was on the murderous events of the war years. Organized remembrance was collectively fighting an anti-Semitic revisionist movement that was trying to

deny or minimize the Holocaust with rabid pseudo-history. Few had spoken of the financial aspects of the Holocaust until I did. Few had publicly ever used the words “Zionist” and “Nazi” in the same sentence until I did. For perspective, consider that the first network television attempt to treat the Holocaust was a TV series called “The Holocaust,” which aired in 1978 — the same year neo-Nazis marched through Skokie. That was the year I began researching The Transfer Agreement. At the time, the Second Generation movement of children of Holocaust survivors was just forming. The First World Gathering of Holocaust Survivors was only in the planning stage. The U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum, which received its charter in 1980, was several years and many controversies away from opening. Organized Holocaust education was essentially nonexistent. For society and for survivors, the dominant priority was coming to grips with the genocide — not the assets. What has changed in 25 years? Assets are now part of almost every Holocaust discussion. Zionists are compared to Nazis everywhere by anti-Semites and opponents of the existence of the State of Israel. Holocaust remembrance has become a business. The survivors’

Synagogue Vandalism t Page 1 “It is very much an active and ongoing investigation,” he said. Kletenik said he has been heartened by the police response. “I can only praise their efforts here,” he said. “They have given this full attention and are working very hard on it.” According to Rabbi Simon Benzaquen of Sephardic Bikur Holim, neighbors both Jewish and non-Jewish came out with cleaning supplies, and he’s gotten e-mails from area churches expressing support after the incident. Even the Seattle Times wrote an editorial Sept. 14 demanding the perpetrators, if arrested, be judged swiftly and harshly. Rabbi Benzaquen said response to the vandalism from his congregants was varied. “A little bit, [it] makes you upset and angry, and on the other hand makes you a bit afraid,” he said, but the police and security response “was fantastic.” Benzaquen said Seattle interim Police Chief John Diaz “called me on Sunday himself and said, ‘Please, you should know how we feel about your community. We are really taking this very, very seriously, and we are going to get to the bottom of it.’” Like Rabbi Kletenik, Benzaquen said the nature of the vandalism evoked strong reactions among some members of his congregation because they are Holocaust survivors or have relatives who survived the Holocaust, “Some are fearful, some are angry, some — they want to do something,” he said. But “we have our heads on our shoulders and we are trusting the police are going to do a good job.”

Sarah Rivkin

The back door of Sephardic Bikur Holim was covered with a backward swastika, as was the sidewalk in front, with the word “Nazi” when both SBH and the Bikur Cholim Machzikay Hadath congregation were vandalized Sept. 12. Synagogue leadership has met with a local security expert who is a member of the congregation, Benzaquen said, and its security committee has used the incident as an opportunity to remember to be vigilant and work on keeping its members safe. He has noticed additional patrols in the area since the incident. Bot h sy nagog ues a re a lso members of the SAFE Washington network, a consortium of local Jewish organizations that have a quick-response notification system in the event of any type of incident. Richard Fruchter, president and CEO of the Jewish Federation of Greater Seat-

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efforts at recovering assets or restitution have been expropriated by national and international organizations claiming to speak for them and then pretending to pay homage to them. Hence, we witness the spectacle of thousands of survivors in Brooklyn and Miami and elsewhere living at or near the poverty level. My dad in Palm Beach has nothing but a roof over his head. But the well-heeled movers and shakers of communal remembrance travel first class, create vibrant Web sites, and talk the talk — all on their “fair share” of the diverted recovered assets or restitution of the actual survivors. Every day the survivors, in their newsletters and online exchanges, rail against the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum for sequestering their access to the all-revealing Bad Arolsen archives while tiny Luxembourg, with few survivors, just gained a full copy. No one listens. Prominent national Jewish leaders find it easier to give well-funded communal cover to the perpetrator corporations, including insurance companies, who victimized the Jews. Holocaust historians find it more lucrative to go on the payroll of perpetrator corporations such as General Motors, IBM, I.G. Farben, and Deutsche Bank, murk the facts, and then slam the files shut.

tle, which administers SAFE Washington, noted the vandalism could have been related to an article in the Seattle Times that day about the start of the retrial of Naveed Haq, the man who shot six people in the Federation three years ago, killing one. “Sadly we have been here before — and we are prepared. With a strong communication network, regular security trainings and open lines of communication with the police, we are doing all we can as a community to stay vigilant,” he said in a statement. “None of us should pretend that anti-Semitism does not exist. But neither should we stop expressing or celebrating our Judaism.” Jay De Boer, president of the Washing ton Interfait h Disaster Recover y Organization, signed a resolution on Sept. 15 decrying the acts of vandalism, noting: “It is resolved that WIDRO condemns the racist, prejudiced criminal acts of those responsible for this desecration and calls on all law enforcement agencies with jurisdiction to use their best efforts to apprehend and prosecute the perpetrators.” The member churches and organizations also extended prayers to the synagogues and others affected by the vandalism. Sarah Rivkin, a member of BCMH, saw the timing of the vandalism as something of a spiritual wake-up call. “For myself, being in a religious community, we read into things on a spiritual level. Not to give this person any power, or to say that we’re victims, but what is this…telling us?” she said. “We shouldn’t have to have messages like this…. Inspiration should come from ourselves, from inside, from learning, not from attacks like this.”

My mother jumped from a moving train on the way to Treblinka into a snow drift, never believing that the next generation speaking for her would quarrel endlessly, and often arrogantly, about the measure of her misery. The Holocaust has indeed become an “industry” where the facts are lost, and all too often not faced. The victims have become tertiary to the process. It is no longer about memory; it is more about money. Facing the reality of the Holocaust is no longer about confronting the horrifying decisions Jews and Zionists had to make with a gun to their head. The transfer agreement was one of those most terrible choices. Hence, the message of the book is unchanged 25 years later and its searing question asks this of history: “Why must Jews always make such terrible choices?” Edwin Black is the award-winning bestselling author of IBM and the Holocaust, and his first book, The Transfer Agreement, now re-released in a 25th anniversary edition (Dialog Press). He can be reached at www. edwinblack.com. This piece first ran in the New York Jewish Week.

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friday, october 2, 2009



rabbi’s turn

The J-über mentsch


page viewpoints

It’s violent, it’s bloody, it’s historically inaccurate, but Inglourious Basterds is also strangely cathartic to the Jewish soul

Rabbi Daniel Weiner Temple De Hirsch Sinai One of the most memorable scenes in Judd Apatow’s morality tale of male maturation, Knocked Up, is a brief barroom discussion of the film Munich. The mostly Jewish characters celebrate the “turning on its head” of the stereotypical role of Jew as victim, with Eric Bana “capping motherf%*@ers and taking names.” It’s a small, throwaway moment of character development that seems just for laughs but contains deeper insight and resonance. From the late 19th through early 20th century, Jewish writers, artists, philosophers and statesmen sought to vanquish the millennia-old image of Jew as powerless victim. One of the critical themes of Zionism went beyond the re-establishment of a Jewish homeland to encompass the re-visioning of the nature of Jewish virility, strength and potency. The pale, emaciated and emasculated yeshiva bochur of 2,000 years of exile was

transformed through a cultural renaissance into the tough Israeli sabra, able to outsmart and outgun the Arab armies that surpassed the Jews in number but not in moxie. The archetypal myth of the triumphant, imperial King David transcended the theology of Messianism, signaling a parallel return of the macho Jewish male. It’s no coincidence that the creators of Superman were two Jewish boys, eager, like so many other Jewish contributors to American culture, to find acceptance and success not only through socio-economic achievement but also a redefinition of American heroism as part Jewish in pedigree. Superman’s story of displacement, immersion, sacrifice and purpose was Jewish aspiration writ large on the American imagination. This dynamic is at work in Quentin Tarantino’s latest, Inglourious Basterds. Assumedly based in small part on the history of post-war Jewish partisan Nazi hunting as chronicled in the book  The Avengers and most recently Edward Zwick’s Defiance, Tarantino blends wishfulfillment, revenge fantasy and revisionist history from an alternate universe to — believe it or not! — entertaining effect. I don’t know if Tarantino is too big for pitch meetings, but I can imagine it would have been something like, “Imagine Pulp Fiction, meets The Dirty Dozen meets Carrie — with Jews!” What Hollywood producer (even of marginally Jewish provenance) could resist?

There a re t he t y pica l Ta ra nt ino touches: Quirky, tangential dialogue, the literary flourishes of chapter divisions, and a soundtrack that makes atonal music seem cohesive (spaghetti Western strings into ’70s Kung Fu-ploitation horns into ’80s Bowie techno!). But ensconced within these now wellestablished Tarantino idioms is a popculture take on the Holocaust specifically, and more broadly a Jewish response to tragedy that would make the Maccabees whoop and spill their beers. Some have questioned the “trivial” use of the Holocaust as backdrop rather than main focus. Tarantino isn’t going through a Schindler’s List rite of passage. He’s making his film his way, and illuminating the idiosyncracies, passions and foibles of the human condition in the process. And in ways that far exceed the hamfisted attempts of made-for-TV Entebbe raids and Spielberg’s sanctimonious peek into the existential crises of assassins, Tarantino provides a far more compelling and cathartic portrayal of the complexities of Jewish vengeance and the broader issue of retributive justice. I found myself uncontrollably smiling during the culminating scene of blood and fire, and I defy any Jew who loves action, appreciates quote-worthy dialogue, knows a bit of history and has an active fantasy life (and Y-dominant chromosomes) to be unmoved by the sight of the bullet-ridden body of Joseph Goebbels paired to a Shaft-inspired beat.

And Tarantino even manages a nod to the bizarre Jewish fixation with Native American culture, though the scalping of Nazis is far removed from a Rothian season at a Catskills summer camp. The brilliant historian Ruth Wisse posited in her work Jews and Power: No daily reader of the Psalms could underestimate the might of God…The glorification of powerlessness was as antithetical to Judaism as belief in the son of God. Jews did not think themselves powerless in the most meaningful sense: had they not reckoned on ultimate vindication, they could not have claimed to believe in justice — one of the cardinal tenets of Jewish civilization. The power of God, emphatically including his eventual action in history, was the guarantee that justice would ultimately triumph. Lacking such faith in God’s intervention, modern Jews could not claim to be moral unless they themselves intended to supply the missing dimension of power. At the risk of diminishing Wisse’s erudition or elevating Tarantino’s significance, the philospher’s words seem ample caption to the filmmaker’s pictures. This column was taken from Rabbi Daniel Weiner’s Good God: Faith for the Rest of Us blog, www.goodgodforus.com.

Letters The JTNews is the Voice of Jewish Washington. Our mission is to meet the interests of our Jewish community through fair and accurate coverage of local, national and international news, opinion and information. We seek to expose our readers to diverse viewpoints and vibrant debate on many fronts, including the news and events in Israel. We strive to contribute to the continued growth of our local Jewish community as we carry out our mission. 2041 Third Avenue, Seattle, WA 98121 phone 206-441-4553 fax 206-441-2736 E-mail: [email protected] www.jtnews.net JTNews (ISSN0021-678X) is published biweekly by The Seattle Jewish Transcript, a nonprofit corporation owned by the Jewish Federation of Greater Seattle, 2041 3rd Ave., Seattle, WA 98121. Subscriptions are $39.50 for one year, $57.50 for two years. Periodicals postage paid at Seattle, WA. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to JTNews, 2041 Third Ave., Seattle, WA 98121.


Reach us directly at 206-441-4553 + ext. Publisher *Karen Chachkes 267 Editor *Joel Magalnick 233 Assistant Editor Leyna Krow 240 Account Executive Lynn Feldhammer 264 Account Executive David Stahl 235 Account Executive Stacy Schill 292 Classifieds Manager Rebecca Minsky 238 Art Director Susan Beardsley 239 Accountant Louise Kornreich 234 Production Artist Elisa Haradon

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Scott Michelson, Chair*; Robin Boehler; Don Edmond; Lisa Eggers; Nancy Geiger; Cynthia Flash Hemphill*; Allen Israel*; Stan Mark; Daniel Mayer; Cantor David Serkin-Poole*; Sandy Sidell Richard Fruchter, CEO and President, Jewish Federation of Greater Seattle Ron Leibsohn, Federation Board Chair *Member, JTNews Editorial Board

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sympathies and regrets During this reflective time around your Yom Kippur and just after my Islamic Eid Al Fitr, I would like to send my sympathies and regrets regarding the hate crimes incidences that occurred recently (Sept. 12) in one of our Seattle neighborhoods. I posted the JTNews Seward Park vandalism article yesterday on the Seattle Muslim Activist site, where we Muslims regularly communicate with one another regarding issues we all should be aware of. I am so sorry this hate incident happened to this quiet, respected community, a part of our larger Abrahamic Seattle community. I sincerely hope whomever has committed these crimes will have an opportunity for historic diversity training; perhaps the expansion of knowledge will take away the possibility of future negative thoughts and actions.

Iran Nuclear Threat t Page 1 enforcing sanctions outside the boundaries of the Security Council, although the Europeans preferred to bring the Russians and Chinese on board. Sarkozy’s December deadline for Iran to make good on Western demands reflected a European-Obama administration consensus, the diplomat said. The U.S. Congress, too, is ratcheting up the pressure. Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.), the speaker of the House of Representatives, and Rep. Howard Berman, the body’s Foreign Affairs Committee chairman, said they were prepared to advance farreaching sanctions legislation. Berman, with Pelosi’s backing, has

Ron Kampeas’s insightful front page column was quite informative (“Iran policy reveals split between U.S. Jewish and Israeli left,” Sept. 11). It is not surprising that there is this split. U.S. Jews do not live in Israel and have not been the target of violent Hamas terror rocket attacks. Yossi Alpher rightly points out that “Iran doesn’t deploy proxies like Hamas and Hezbollah against the U.S. on its borders.” Obama has said he is determined to contain Iran whether or not Israel plays ball on the Palestinian issue. Obama’s approach of sanctions and negotiation with Iran is not going to make Iran abandon its goal to manufacture nuclear weapons. Iran has now entered

into agreements with Venezuela for supplies of gasoline to thwart any additional sanctions that may be imposed by Western governments. Since Israel has been threatened by Iran “to be wiped off the map,” it may be forced to unilaterally take military action against their nuclear sites. The U.S. should support this action, as Israel’s survival depends on such action. The U.S. public needs to be aware of Iran’s growing presence in Latin America, especially in Venezuela and Ecuador. This poses a future threat to the U.S. if Iran acquires nuclear weapons she can provide to terrorists as well as antiAmerican leaders like Chavez of Venezuela. It is in America’s national interest to stop Iran from becoming a nuclear power. Josh Basson Seattle

resisted moving the Iran Refined Petroleum Sanctions Act out of his committee in the hope that Obama’s policy of engagement would prove fruitful. “We must use the tools at our disposal, from diplomacy to sanctions, to stop Iran’s march toward nuclear capability,” Pelosi said in a statement. In a Washington Post Op-Ed, Berman made clear he was skeptical that this week’s talks would produce anything tangible. “We should be ready immediately to impose what Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has called ‘crippling sanctions,’” Berman wrote. The revelation of the existence of the nuclear plant — beneath a Revolutionary Guards base near Qom, Iran’s holy city —

apparently have won over even the most sanctions-skeptical U.S. law makers, among them Sen. John Kerry (D-Mass.), Berman’s Senate counterpart. “Now is t he t ime to supplement engagement with more robust international sanctions,” Kerry said in a statement. The bill in Congress under discussion mandates sanctions targeting the export of refined petroleum to Iran. Though the Islamic Republic is a major oil producer, its refineries are in shambles and the country imports up to 40 percent of its refined oil. Israel-supporting insiders say they back Berman’s timetable — to pass it before Congress’ winter break so that Obama can sign it in early 2010.

Janice E. Tufte Islamic Civic Engagement Coalition Seattle

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friday, october 2, 2009

community news

Making the move Chabad of the Central Cascades dedicates its new shul and Jewish center Morris Malakoff JTNews Correspondent On a weekend that had overtones of darkness for the local Jewish community, with the painting of swastikas on Seward Park-area synagogues and vandalism of a sign at the Chabad of the Central Cascades in Issaquah, rays of joy and light shone on a bright Sunday afternoon as a milestone was celebrated. The same Chabad of the Central Cascades that had its small street sign destroyed opened up to the community to share the dedication of its shul and the addition of the last words to its Torah, all in time for Rosh Hashanah services the following week. September 13 was a poignant day filled with meaning for Rabbi Barry Farkash, who founded the Issaquah-based Chabad in a rented house five years ago. Ceremonies began on the plaza at the Lakeside Montessori School. Hundreds crowded the canopy-covered space, overflowing onto the sidewalk and into the street. “I would never have expected such a turnout,” said Farkash. ““I figured maybe a hundred or so if we were lucky.” The gathering included local dignitaries, including Issaquah Mayor Ava Frisinger and Lieutenant Governor Brad Owen, as well as members of the congregation and the surrounding community. A large delegation of family and friends

Morris Malakoff

The sofer, or Torah scribe, prepares to guide a Chabad of the Central Cascades member in writing one of the last letters of its new Torah, which was paraded to the synagogue’s new home during the Sept. 13 dedication ceremony. of the Farkashes and the Chabad from around the world attended as well. Once the ink on the Torah dried, a ceremony thanked longtime Chabad of the Central Cascades supporters Mendy and Chanie Fischer of Brooklyn, N.Y. Following the plaza ceremonies, the entourage marched the Torah about a mile to the Chabad shul on Black Nugget Road, on property owned by the Chabad. Again, Rabbi Farkash was touched and

overwhelmed by the warmness of his neighbors. “They came out and watched and took part,” he said. “They willingly have accepted us as a part of their community.” At the Chabad, the celebrations continued as a Tree of Life, eternal light and a new ark were installed. The audience was visibly stirred with the dedication of the synagogue to the memory of Rabbi Gavriel and Rivkah

Holtzberg, who were killed by terrorists last November at the Chabad House in Mumbai, India. At the dedication, Rabbi Farkash, a longtime friend of Rabbi Holtzberg, and other rabbis who had been his classmate, stood together as witnesses to the works of the rabbi and his wife. “We could have dedicated this place to a donor or someone who is a part of our heritage,” said Farkash, “but every day, when I walk up the hill to this place, particularly when it is cold and snowy and I wonder what I am doing out here in Issaquah, I will be reminded of Gabi and Rivky in Mumbai and the work they were doing to provide a place for Jews in a nonJewish place. I will remember that we are doing the same work here.” Reflecting later on the acts of vandalism that had occurred on the same night both to the Chabad and at the Seattle synagogues, Farkash expressed sadness that people are still invested in evil and hate. “As a people, we have been dealing with this for 5770 years,” he said. “It is, sadly, a part of our lives. But it also is not something to dwell on. This Chabad is about bringing light into the world. That will drive away evil. Those acts strengthen our resolve to carry on our work, much as does the needless deaths of Gabi and Rivky Holzberg in India. Our good as we start the New Year is a light brighter than the darkness of the evil of a few.”

QFC encourages families to take precautions against the flu By Kristin Maas, QFC Public Affairs Director There is an autumn chill in the air in the mornings as the kids head off to school and parents head to work. And this fall may bring more occurrences of illness including two different strains of flu; the seasonal flu and H1N1. But there are some things that we all can do to help protect ourselves and others from getting and spreading the flu. First, the easiest and most effective way to reduce the spread of flu is to wash your hands thoroughly with soap and warm water. It’s important to wash the fronts and backs of hands and between fingers. It’s also


important to wash for at least 20 seconds to help ensure all germs have been eliminated and washed away. The second way to protect yourself and others is by always covering your coughs and sneezes. The best ways are to use a tissue or the crock of your arm. If you have the flu, stay home and try to minimize exposure to your family. This can be very difficult, especially as a parent, but every little bit of reducing your exposure to others can reduce the likelihood of spreading the illness.

And finally, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) urges people to get seasonal flu shots. This is the best way to protect you and your family from the seasonal flu. Vaccines for H1N1 are projected to be available in October. QFC is providing flu shot clinics at many of our stores. We hope you will consider seasonal flu shots this year, to help protect yourself and your loved ones from the flu. Best wishes for a healthy fall season.

eaSt King County

Holman Road QFC 9999 Holman Road NW Seattle, WA 98117 (206) 782-4100

October 8th


Bella Bottega QFC 8867 161st Ave NE Redmond, WA 98052 (425) 869-7474

October 2nd October 9th October 16th

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north Bend QFC 460 East North Bend Way North Bend, WA 98045 (425) 888-2357

October 17th


interbay QFC 1600 West Dravus St. Seattle, WA 98119 (206) 283-0366

October 2nd


Crossroads QFC 15600 NE 8th St., Bldg K1 Bellevue, WA 98008 (425) 865-0282

October 16th


north Mercer island QFC 7823 SE 28th Mercer Island, WA 98040 (206) 230-0745

October 14th


northgate QFC 11100 Roosevelt Way NE Seattle, WA 98125 (206) 361-0188

October 16th


Factoria QFC 3550 128th SE Bellevue, WA 98006 (425) 378-0202

October 15th October 22nd

11am–5pm 11am–5pm

north towne QFC 2636 Bellevue Way NE Bellevue, WA 98004 (425) 576-9222

October 20th


Shoreline QFC 600 NW Richmond Beach Rd. Shoreline, WA 98177 (206) 542-5469

October 12th


issaquah QFC 1540 Gilman Blvd. Issaquah, WA 98027 (425) 392-7500

October 6th


Redmond Ridge QFC 23475 NE Novelty Hill Rd. Redmond, WA 98053 (425) 636-0440

October 6th October 7th October 16th October 17th

11am–5pm 11am–5pm 11am–5pm 11am–5pm

university Village QFC 2746 NE 45TH Seattle, WA 98105 (206) 729-3080

October 15th


Kirkland QFC 211 Park Place Center Kirkland, WA 98033 (425) 822-4123

October 6th


totem lake QFC 11224 NE 124th St. Kirkland, WA 98034 (425) 823-4940

October 7th


uptown QFC 500 Mercer St. Seattle, WA 98109 (206) 352-4030

October 7th October 21st

11am–5pm 11am–5pm

Klahanie QFC 4570 Klahanie Drive SE Issaquah, WA 98027 (425) 392-8551

October 17th October 31st

11am–5pm 11am–5pm

Kristin Maas is the Director of Public Affairs for QFC. She can be reached at [email protected] or 425-990-6182.

friday, october 2, 2009


jtnews 5 community news

Bringing the fight home Community-wide program uses Sukkot to bring an understanding of poverty and homelessness Joel Magalnick Editor, JTNews It’s no secret t hat t he past yea r has been disastrous for many families across the country. People both in and out of the Jewish community have suffered through job loss, economic hardship, and in some extreme cases, homelessness. A study released this week by the Washington State Budget & Policy Center shows that, based on census data, one in 10 Washingtonians lives in poverty, with the percentage for children even higher than the adult population. “The 2008 figures are grim and it is likely 2009 will be worse because the recession deepened and unemployment rose,” said Remy Trupin, the center’s executive director, in a statement. At this time last year, just as the bottom was falling out on the economy, several local rabbis joined with the Jewish Federation of Greater Seattle in an attempt to use the harvest festival of Sukkot to bring the reality of poverty home to those in the Jewish community who may not have seen its effects. “Doing this during the holiday of Sukkot really makes a difference,” said Kim Greenhall, director of community services at the Federation. “It’s a really good time to focus on issues of poverty and housing and hunger.”

The program, called “Focus & Fight: A Call to End Poverty,” last year encompassed several organizations such as Jewish Family Service, which held its annual food sort during Sukkot, and Temple Beth Am, which also had its Homeless2Renter program fundraiser during the holiday. This year, the program, which runs Oct. 2–9, has been expanded to include formerly or currently homeless speakers, a curriculum created by the New York-based Metropolitan Council on Jewish Poverty to teach about the effects of poverty, and an agency-to-agency program that provides goods to those who need them. A report from the Washington State Coalition for the Homeless shows that more than 100,000 Washingtonians could face homelessness in 2009. As unemployment rose earlier this year, the Human Services Policy Center at the Daniel J. Evans School of Public Affairs at the University of Washington forecast 37,000 of the state’s children were expected to experience living in poverty. And Jon Gould, deputy director of the Children’s Alliance, said in a statement that cuts made during this year’s legislative session “cut deeply into programs that help mitigate the terrible effects of poverty on children and families.” Passage of Initiative 1033, which would use this year, one of the worst in the state’s budgetary history, as a maximum for future budgets, would lock in



cuts made this year across the board, Gould said, and make responding to future, growing needs impossible. To help give the Jewish community a more concrete and personal understanding of these issues, the Focus & Fight program partnered with Real Change, the Seattle-area newspaper that covers poverty and homelessness and helps people living on the streets or in poverty get back on their feet. Real Change has a speakers’ bureau that can address any group from young children to adults, and several of those speakers will visit local synagogues, schools and Hillel at the UW. “To hear their stories,” Greenhall said, “it really hones in that this isn’t just somebody else — this is us that this is happening to.” In addition, Amy Hilzman-Paquette, principal of the Community High School for Jewish Studies, has written a 10-week curriculum based on the MCJP’s that can be adjusted for students of any age to teach about the causes and effects of poverty, and how to work to end it. Greenhall said that advocacy, another major push of Focus & Fight, means encouraging people to contact legislators, particularly at the state level, to let them know their constituents want them to pass legislation that helps the homeless or people facing extreme economic hardship. “An example is GA–U last year,” said Greenhall, referring to the General Assis-

tance–Unemployable fund that gives people unable to work a small monthly stipend. It had been eliminated entirely from the governor’s preliminary budget. “It got passed because there was a lot of pressure from the community at large to make sure these people are protected.” The crown jewel of this year’s effort, however, is what is being called the Mitzvah Match, in which five local Jewish organizations are working with other nonprofits that help homeless or povertystricken people to collect food, clothing and other goods for distribution. In a twist on this theme, the Federation and Jewish Family Service are working together to connect professionals, in particular doctors and lawyers, who will volunteer their expertise to help clients in need of medical or legal services. This part of the program, while it will launch during Focus & Fight, is intended to continue year-round with the hopes that further organizations will join by next Sukkot. Three upcoming events do not specifically fall under the umbrella of Focus & Fight, but are offered in the same spirit: • The Jewish Family Service food drive runs through Sun., Oct. 18, when volunteers will sort the food at Acme Food Sales Warehouse from 10:30 a.m.–2 p.m. Registration required. RSVP by contacting 206-861-3155 or [email protected].

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CONNECTOR 2 0 3 1 T h i r d Av e n u e | S e a t t l e , WA | 9 8 1 2 1 - 2 4 1 2 | p : 2 0 6 4 4 3 - 5 4 0 0 | I n f o @ J e w i s h I n S e a t t l e . o r g | w w w. J e w i s h I n S e a t t l e . o r g

Laugh Your Way to Giving Raises $1.56 Million Dollars for the Jewish Federation! 1,400 people, two Jewish guys from LA, and one camel can’t be wrong. Laugh Your Way to Giving was an amazingly successful event. On September 16, Seattle Jews filled Benaroya Hall to the brim. Everyone there, from Birthright alumni to Kline Galland residents, laughed, cheered and mingled at the Jewish Federation’s largest gathering ever. Together, we raised $1.56 million for local and overseas Jewish agencies, programs and initiatives supported by the Community Campaign. This recordbreaking number demonstrates that even in tough times, our community is extra-ordinarily generous. Bryan Fogel and Sam Wolfson of Jewtopia anchored the evening (though the life-sized camel promoting the upcoming Israel Unplugged trip vied for biggest laughs). However, there were plenty of touching moments, from Rabbi Danny Weiner’s whimsical D’var Torah to an emotion-filled video highlighting how our Community Campaign impacted a local teen, a refugee from Tbilisi, Georgia, and an Israeli family under seige by rockets from Gaza. The Sulmans, family chairs of the event, wove a beautiful story about how the Jewish Federation has touched every one of their lives for close to four decades. Barbara Sulman explained, “All of the organizations and programs I mentioned receive significant, if not all of their funding, from the Jewish Federation of Greater Seattle.” The timing of a local educational symposium on Iran could not be more apropos given Iran’s presence in the headlines of today’s news. Just last week, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad gave an incendiary address to the UN General Assembly, which was followed by revelations of a secret nuclear power reactor in Iran. Also last week, Iran test-fired a missile that could hit Israel and US bases in the Gulf.

Facing the Iranian Threat October 21, 2009 • 7-8:30pm At Temple De Hirsch Sinai, Seattle No cost To reserve your space, please RSVP to [email protected]

On October 21, a coalition of local Jewish organizations is hosting an educational symposium on the political and military realities of a nuclearized Iran. Please join AIPAC, the ADL, AJC, StandWithUs and the Jewish Federation of Greater Seattle for a dynamic panel discussion, Facing the Iranian Threat, moderated by radio personality Dave Ross.

Panel members—including Israel Consul General Akiva Tor, Jerusalem Post correspondent Yaakov Katz and AIPAC’s national policy deputy director Jeff Colman—will provide a look at Iran’s history and political landscape; an in-depth analysis of the dangers of a nuclear-armed Iran; its strategic threat to Israel, the United States and the world; and, an understanding of how we can prevent it. By being informed, we can play a stronger role in the policy and public opinion debate in our own local community and Washington, D.C. if the need arises.

For ongoing event updates, visit www.JewishInSeattle.org.

Her speech provided a perfect local complement to Shelley Bensussen’s discussion of the Jewish Federation’s impact globally, from Seattle to Israel to the Former Soviet Union. “I don’t think I have to tell you how passionate I feel about the importance of the Jewish Federation and all that it does: to keep the Jewish community here and worldwide united, as a responder when Jews are faced with uncertainty and adversity, ” said Bensussen, in a heartfelt plea to encourage Jewish philanthropy. Jewtopia put on a show about the quirks of Jewish culture that had everyone crying with laughter: hard not to laugh when they’re cracking jokes about how a Jew’s purpose in life is to fit as much food as possible in the freezer or engaging the audience to help them explain why each and every table in a restaurant is the wrong table. We were an audience unlike any Bryan and Sam had ever had before. We made them laugh with our sheer numbers (almost double their normal audience size) and with our impressive knowledge of obscure Yiddish food, like ptsha. The dessert reception after the show provided a wonderful opportunity to recap jokes, schmooze and eat from dozens of dessert stations in the lobby. “The feeling of community was a final reminder of how successful we can be when we all band together to show our support for Jewish causes,” reflected Board Chair Ron Leibsohn. Thanks to everyone who came for helping the Jewish Federation usher in a new year with grace, laughter and joy.

Be a part of the Community Campaign.


You will love this trip to Israel… Trust the Camel!

We invite you to join us for a magical experience. Travel with friends as you go behind the scenes to meet the people of Israel. “This is not going to be any ordinary trip,” explained Jacquie Bayley, chair of the Jewish Federation’s upcoming community trip to Israel. Israel Unplugged, as the journey is being called, is meant to capture that very sentiment.

Get plugged in to ISRAEL UNPLUGGED Seattle’s community trip to Israel May 23-June 1 2010.

While the itinerary is still being finalized for the Spring 2010 trip, special outings or tracks for key groups and around various interests are one of the most compelling aspects of the trip.

Email: AnnaF@ JewishInSeattle.org

• First-timer who wants to see all the sights? Covered. • Israeli culture aficionados? Join your dream trip. • Looking to interact with Israelis first-hand? Welcome aboard. • Searching for the political and security insiders’ perspective? You won’t be disappointed. The camel, who many “met” at our Community Celebration and Campaign Kick-off on September 16, has quickly become Israel Unplugged’s mascot. Join friends and neighbors May 23-June 1, 2010 for an experience you will never forget, at a price ($1,549 per person for land costs; $1,234 for air) you won’t find any place else. For more details and dates of upcoming information sessions, visit www.JewishInSeattle.org/IsraelUnplugged.

friday, october 2, 2009


jtnews 7 community news

To educate and to serve Ruth Messinger on alternative spring breaks, fighting hunger, and genocide in Darfur Leyna Krow Assistant Editor, JTNews Ruth Messinger, president of the American Jewish World Service, visited Seattle last month. While in town, she spoke with members of the American Jewish Committee board of directors and students at Hillel at the University of Washington, and gave presentations at Herzl-Ner Tamid Conservative Congregation and Temple Beth Am about the AJWS’s work in developing countries. The A merican Jew ish World Service provides grants, advocacy, education, and on-the-ground labor for a wide range of humanitarian projects all over the world. JTNews spoke with Messinger about her recent visit with President Obama, the AJWS’s new hunger-fighting campaign, and the organization’s service learning trips for young adults.

Ruth Messinger, president for the American Jewish World Service, at UW Hillel next to a photo of UW students on an AJWS alternative spring break trip.

JTNews: I’ve heard the American Jewish World Service described as sort of a Jewish Peace Corps. Is that accurate? Ruth Messinger: Service is a huge piece of what we do. The reason I back off a little bit from that description — although, believe me, I use it from time to time myself — is that just one piece of our service is with skilled professionals. About 100 of the people we send each year are people who might have a Web background or a public health background or human rights and education background

and they get matched individually with projects that have some particular interest in their skill. So that’s like what the Peace Corps does. Then, the bulk of our service is our group service trips, which are much shorter. Most, for 16 to 25 year olds, are either a single week — like what UW does doing an alternative spring break trip with us — or an intensive seven-week summer program. So there, in my mind, is where it is not the Peace Corps. These people go as a group. Also, they are doing a labor project, but they

Leyna Krow


are also in a fairly serious study context — they are learning text, they are learning what’s Jewish about what they’re doing and they’re learning about these significant international. JT: What would make young people want to do a trip with AJWS rather than a secular organization? RM: My impression is that people choose to go with us because they are very consciously trying to craft their own Jewish lives. So they were Bar or Bat

Mitzvah, but then they try to think about what meanings the Hillel has for them and what kind of Jewish lives they want to put together. And because they are of this generation, they want to be sure it includes global awareness. So that’s some of them. Some of them are probably just sort of casting around and discover this and decide to sign up. And some of them, I think quite clearly, are choosing us because it’s a way to get to the developing world and they think that if they do it with a Jewish organization, their parents will be happier, which is fine with me. JT: AJWS recently launched a new campaign called Fighting Hunger From the Ground Up. How does this effort differ from AJWS’s other fundraising programs? RM: Well, it’s a targeted two-year campaign. It’s designed to put a spotlight on what is the largest growing problem in the developing world right now, which is global hunger. The UN now says it’s over a billion people who have a problem with hunger or malnutrition. It’s a killer. And we launched this campaign because we think it’s a way for people to understand something that’s not so easy, which is that fighting hunger is not just about bringing food to where there’s a drought or shortages. It’s about recognizing that there is enough food in the world to feed everyone. It’s a very complicated problem. Agricultural technology and a lack of farming collectives and a lack of clear titles to land and American policies to dump American farm surplus in other

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Join in the fight against poverty

October 2-9, 2009 Find out how you can do your part at www.JewishInSeattle.org/FightPoverty

8 jtnews


friday, october 2, 2009

community news

A long time coming After 12 years of study, women’s Talmud class completes first tractate Leyna Krow Assistant Editor, JTNews As she nears the end of the page, Rivy Poupko Kletenik picks up her pace. She powers through the last few lines of Hebrew in front of her, choking back tears. Many of the women sitting around the table have the same text in front of them, but most eyes are on Kletenik. When the final words pass through her lips, the women sitting closest to her reach to Kletenik to hug her and pat her shoulders. She has just finished a reading of the Talmud Brachot, marking the completion of her all-women Talmud class’s first tractate — a project that has taken them 12 years. “I’m tearing up a little here. As you know, this is very emotional on a number of levels,” Kletenik said to the class after she finished the reading during a celebration at the Seattle Hebrew Academy on Sept. 10. Twelve years may seem like a long time, but Kletenik said that’s about right for a group that only meets for an hour once a week. “We never skip anything,” she said. “We read every piece and talk at great lengths.” According to Kletenik, the first tractate is the longest in the Talmud in terms of the number of words. Talmud Brachot deals primarily with the rules concerning various blessings.

The time spent on the tractate wasn’t the only reason for K letenik’s emotional response to its conclusion, however. T he class’s prog ress t hrough t he Ta lmud also serves as a milestone in what has been, for Kletenik and others, a long fight to improve rel ig iou s e duc at ion for Jewish women and girls. “It was ta ken for Leyna Krow granted for many hun- Rivy Poupko Kletenik reads the final lines from the Talmud d reds of yea rs t hat Brachot at the Seattle Hebrew Academy library on Sept. 10. women did not study The class was originally held in the Talmud,” Kletenik said. library at the Jewish Federation of Greater It’s only been in the last few decades Seattle, but then after a couple of years that Talmud classes for women have moved to SHA. begun to emerge, and in many places “Behind the scenes, there were some they are still met with criticism. people who were not comfortable with Kletenik’s class meets every Thursme teaching Talmud to women at this day morning in the library at the Seatschool,” Kletenik recalled. “It was asked tle Hebrew Academy, where she is head that I use handouts, not books. It was of school. asked that I not call it a ‘Talmud’ class. I Kletenik said that about 15 women said ‘no.’” typically attend the classes. The Sept. Kletenik also stood firm in her posi10 gathering was larger, with around 30 tion that all students at SHA should have attendees, because many of the women the chance to learn Talmud. had brought daughters or friends along “Today, Talmud is taught to girls in to celebrate the tractate’s completion. Of this building and at NYHS,” she said, the 15 regulars, Kletenik noted that three referring to the Northwest Yeshiva High have been a part of the class on and off School. since the beginning.

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Swine flu precautions limit visits to Jewish senior facilities

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Supporting the co-ed Talmud curricula at SHA was not the only time Kletenik has gone to bat for women’s Talmud study in schools. In fact, it’s something she’s been fighting for since she was a student at Touro College, where she successfully petitioned the administration to open up a Talmud class for women. Apparently, however, the school’s administrative officials were not the only ones who needed to be convinced it was all right. “I was the only one in the class,” she recalled. Other women present for the tractate’s completion also shared stories of the challenges they had faced when they had expressed interest in studying Talmud. Ruz Gulko, who has been coming to the class on and off for more than a decade, recalled of being a 5th grader at a day school in Canada and asking her teacher when the class would start its Talmud studies. “He told me, ‘The boys start learning Talmud next year, and you girls will be learning how to keep a kosher home,’” she said. Gulko persisted, however, insisting that she be allowed to study with the boys. “They finally allowed me to sit in on the class, provided I did not speak,” she said.

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Due to the increased occurrence and severity of local cases of the H1N1 swine flu virus, the Kline Galland Home nursing home and the Summit at First Hill assisted living facility are taking precautions by limiting visitors and volunteer activity to protect their most vulnerable residents. Both homes are asking that nonessential visits be as limited as possible. In addition, volunteer activities are being curtailed until they receive notification that the precautions are no longer necessary. In addition, college students and children under 18 are being discouraged from visiting the two facilities. Washington State University has experienced a large outbreak of swine flu in the past month. Anyone w ith cold or f lu-like symptoms, or people who live with someone experiencing these types of symptoms, are being asked to stay away from both facilities as well. You may call K line Galland administrator Min An at 206-7258800 or Summit administrator Esther Friend at 206-652-4444 with questions regarding these precautions. — Joel Magalnick, Editor, JTNews

jtnews 9

n m.o.t.: member of the tribe

friday, october 2, 2009

Community heroes recognized by UJC Several Washingtonians up for winning $25,000 for their organizations

Diana Brement JTNews Columnist Seven Washing ton residents a re among hundreds of volunteers nationwide nominated for the first United Jewish Communities local heroes award. (UJC is the national umbrella body that serves local Jewish federations). We’ve got profiles of each here. Margot Kravette is the only local volunteer to be ranked in this contest that is part Facebook/part American Idol with its online voting system. Because of the efforts of her daughters, who sent e-mails to everyone they knew, Margot is the only one from our state to make it to the top 25. A Congregation Beth Shalom member, Margot started and runs an all-volunteer effort to provide meals to Jewish families who are in Seattle while a loved one is treated for cancer through the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Institute or having a particular type of brain surgery only performed at Harborview. She has many volunteers, which makes the duties light, but could always use more. All our local heroes are committed and modest in person. Many hadn’t even known they were nominated until they heard from me. All were eager to suggest that others were doing more or better work. “I feel very honored to…represent work ing people,” says Robby Stern, founder and chair of Healthy Washington Coalition (www.healthywacoalition.org), protesting, “I don’t think I’m worthy.” He formed this group of organizations and individuals about five years ago to “try and move an agenda of state-based health care reform,” he says, “because was nothing was happening at the federal level.” (Stay tuned on that one!) The longtime activist was an appliance repairman for many years, and personally involved in local labor unions. After getting a law

degree, he eventually came to work for King County and then the state labor councils (AFL-CIO). He and his wife, Dina Burstein, are organizing a forum on health care at Temple Beth Am on Oct. 11 at 10 a.m., to which the community is invited. Longtime Federation volunteer Iantha Sidell was also surprised to learn she’d been nominated. “I hardly feel I’m a hero,” she says, especially compared to people who put their lives on the line for cause or country. “But I believe in community, I believe

“There are probably 20 times as many who could have been nominated,” she observes. Another Seattle grassroots organizer being recognized is Joel Rothschild, one of the founders of the Ravenna Kibbutz, a Jewish housing cooperative in the Seattle neighborhood of the same name. Joel knew of the nomination because a frequent and enthusiastic kibbutz guest wanted to nominate the entire organization. The rules only allow for individuals to be named so residents and participants — cooperatively — singled Joel out.

Charles Hough

Joel Rothschild, in focus, at a dinner at the Ravenna Kibbutz. To the left are Neal Schindler and Mai Li Pittard. in the Jewish community,” which warmly welcomed her 30 years ago. “I get out of it more than I give,” she adds. The Herzl-Ner Tamid member gives time to numerous local and national philanthropic boards, including two at the UJC, the Jewish Studies program at the University of Washington, and the Save All Ethiopian Jews scholarship program. Rabbi Rachel Nussbaum heard from me, too, that she’d been nominated. The founder of the Kavana “synagogue without walls” in Seattle also doesn’t feel particularly hero-like, and was skeptical about voting for heroism, but acknowledged the good in “a democratic way to identify people around the country” who help others.

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The self-employed software engineer is proud of the organization, which he says serves the entire community by serving mostly unaffiliated Jews searching for a Jewish home. “It really is something [kibbutz members] are doing for the community,” as are most of the nominees, he observes. “For the most part this contest does seem to be between people who are not into self-promotion, but are into community building.” Our state is represented outside Seat t le by Katie Edelstein, a t i reless Hadassah volunteer and Bellingham resident who donated a kidney to another Hadassah member a few years ago, someone she didn’t prev iously know.

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“I’ve been talking about organ donation since then…to Hadassah and to nonJewish community groups,” she says. “It…was a wonderful honor to be recognized for my contribution.” When she’s not busy with Hadassah, Katie works with her husband, David, in their business, Greenbriar Construction. She is in good health and says she never thinks about her missing kidney until it’s time for her annual checkup. Finally, we return to Seattle where Ben Meyerhoff turned his own recent job-hunting efforts into a group effort to help all Jewish job hunters. The Queens, N.Y., native, who moved here from California in 2003, had been working in the high tech sector, but was laid off in mid2008. Knowing it was coming he started networking, but found nothing organized by the Jewish community. “I’m the type of person who likes to make things happen and not to watch them happen,” he says, so he started the Greater Seattle Jewish Business Network which exists virtually as a LinkedIn group (on-line networking site) and as a real-life group that meets at his congregation, Temple Beth Am, in Seattle on the second and fourth Wednesdays at 7 p.m. (w w w.templebetham.org/community/ caring) as well as at Herzl-Ner Tamid on alternate weeks. The Federation has also been active in administering the Linked In aspect of the group, which grows by 50 or more people a month. Unfortunately, that doesn’t mean people are getting jobs, Ben notes. At 66, and without a job for over a year, he is considering moving on to retirement himself. He helps others as much as he can and he also volunteers for SCORE, a business advice program of the Small Business Administration. Ben named a number of people who had helped him with the network, but wanted to make sure I mentioned Jay Bakst, a Herzl-Ner Tamid member who is the co-sponsor of the group. You can visit vote “early and often” (daily, really) at the heroes Web site, w w w.je w i s hc om mu n i t y he r o e s .or g through Oct. 8.

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All community members welcome. RSVP immediately by calling our office at 425.467.9099 or by registering online at www.seattle.hadassah.org

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friday, october 2, 2009

a view from the u

My own personal swastika The Seward Park vandalism incident hits home. Literally.

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Martin Jaffee JTNews Columnist It was a rocky beginning to 5770, all right, starting with the first night of Selichot. Finding myself at loose ends after Shabbos while awaiting the first penitential prayer service of the season, I dozed off in front of the TV and startled myself awake too late to waltz into shul with some lame, humiliating excuse. Instead, I begot myself to bed, bitterly wondering, in mixed metaphor: “Just how many balls, Jaffee, do you expect to drop before you’re drummed out of the Army of Hashem?” Sunday morning, hav ing pushed myself out of bed before sunrise to expiate my lapse with extra-diligent study of Mishnah and Talmud, I walked out my front door to encounter... a swastika inscribed in red paint on my sidewalk! A fine how-do-you-do! Was this quick justice from heaven? Miss one Selichot service in 20 years and pay for it with a dose of sleazy anti-Semitism on an empty stomach? Only later, when I got to shul, did I learn that I was not the sole target of antiSemitic ire. As you’ve no doubt read, both Seward Park synagogues on South Morgan were liberally daubed with the red symbol of International Jew Hatred. If you read, in the Seattle Times, of “one other private home” so afflicted with this 20th-century plague sign, that would be the home of the Jaffees! In a way, I was relieved the painter, whoever he was, didn’t have only my family in mind! The truth is, I kinda hoped as well that the inclusion of the shuls on the “hit list” meant the swastika on our sidewalk was not God’s delicate way of reminding me that He missed me at the first Selichot of the season! At first, I admit, I wasn’t even sure that the scrawl on my walk was even a swastika. It was hastily and sloppily painted and, I thought, looked more like gang graffiti or the rune-like markings left by workers from the City of Seattle mapping out some future route for a sewage system. But, the second application of the symbol (which I noticed momentarily in my driveway) was more careful and precluded all doubts as to its meaning. Yet it raised other puzzles. My swastika, you see, was backward. The Nazi symbol has its crooked legs moving clockwise; mine, by contrast, was moving counter-clockwise! Technically, this new adornment to my home was really the pre-historic, universal symbol of eternity, found in such diverse settings as the cave walls of stone-age funeral cults, in the art of the ancient Aryan conquerors of the Indus Valley, on the tepees of the Plains Indians of North America, Roman-era pottery, and — believe it or not — on the mosaic floor of a Byzantine synagogue in the Galilee! No doubt (I comforted myself) my swastika was not of the “Juden Raus” variety; rather, it was the pagan version of shalom aleichem! Its inscriber was clearly wishing upon me and mine the blessings of sweet and healthy New Year! But the comfort of that interpretation didn’t last long. Because then I discovered that the artist had scribbled next

to one of his shul graffiti the phrase “4th Riech.” Despite, as a neighbor pointed out, the misspelling of “reich,” this left no doubt that our artist fancied himself an enemy of the Jews. His intention, I finally intuited, was to intimidate Jews and dissuade them from — just what exactly? Good question. I, personally, solemnly promise (bli neder!) that I will not soon again settle in to a movie on the Saturday night of Selichot! But somehow I doubt the designer of my personal swastika was intending to intimidate me — or any other Jews — into more diligent preparations for the Days of Awe. There is, however, some clue to the source of his rage. You see, our house sits high on a corner of the Seward Park neighborhood. From our patio, where we hang out virtually all day nearly every summertime Shabbos, we are nearly invisible from the street. Thus we overhear countless conversations as people pass by on their Shabbos walks to and from shul, back and forth from lunch to home, and in every other possible purpose. (And let me tell you — from what we overhear, Selichot should be more crowded than it already is!) Well, on this very Shabbos afternoon around mincha time, my wife Charla was recumbent upon her favorite Davenport, reading on the patio. Suddenly she overheard a loud and provocative conversation. An irate young bicyclist, shirtless in the unseasonable heat of that September afternoon, was sputtering profanely into his cell phone about “Jews” who were impeding his bicycling — presumably by walking in areas he had designated as his personal race track. Had Charla inadvertently overheard an anti-Semitic act in its earliest formulation? Had this callow youth, perhaps with a couple of likkered-up cronies, returned in the dark of night to wreak vengeance on the Jewish pedestrians that slowed his progress on one of his swings around the block? If so, how relieved we were to report to the three investigating police officers — one African-American, one Hawaiian, and one Hispanic — that our suspected perp was neither black (as was the case the two times we’ve been robbed) nor recognizably Muslim, but conventionally “white!” Happily, our suspected victimizer was the kind of anti-Semite whom we can despise with a totally clear conscience. How much easier to have contempt for the familiar Jew-hatred of illiterate rednecks than to endure the far more disturbing insults of the “oppressed” with whom we liberal Jews spend so much energy expressing “solidarity” and whose rejection of us and, particularly, of Israel, we constantly seek to minimize or explain away! So, Charla’s description of the “shirtless, white bicycle rider in his early 20s” has entered the official incident report. So far, it’s led to no arrests. We’ll probably never know for sure if Mr. Trash Mouth did what we think he did. But, just in case it was him, I do plan to take out a swastika-insurance policy. For protective camouflage, I’m putting a ’72 Olds Cutlass up on blocks in my driveway! Martin S. Jaffee currently holds the Samuel & Althea Stroum Chair in Jewish Studies at the University of Washington. His awardwinning columns for JTNews have recently been published in book form as The End of Jewish Radar: Snapshots of a Post-Ethnic American Judaism by iUniverse press.

Fall Celebrations Alana Antique & Estate Jewelry ......14 Bellevue Club ...................................... 11 Bin on the Lake ...................................17 Celebrations! .......................................14 Cinema Books .....................................12 Community Center at Mercer View 17 Emmanuel’s ........................................13 Essence .................................................15 Hotel 1000............................................14 ilyanne Photographic Art ..................15 Jewbilee................................................ 11 Kaspar’s ...............................................19 Ketubot by Nurita ..............................15 LeaSan Special Event Planning ........16 Lake Union Crew ...............................16 Madison Park Cafe.............................13 Marqueen Hotel.................................. 11 Menashe & Sons Jewelers .................19

New York Cupcakes ..........................15 Nosh Away ..........................................19 Onionskin Design...............................12 Pogacha................................................15 The Ruins.............................................14 Sailing Heritage Society ....................18 Seattle Bride Historic Properties ......19 Shawn’s Kugel ....................................15 Sheraton Seattle ..................................13 Snoqualmie Ridge Golf Club ............16 Sorrento Hotel.....................................17 The Tux Shop ...................................... 11 Twelve Baskets Catering ...................19 The Westin Bellevue...........................12 What the Chelm..................................15 Woodland Park Zoo ...........................16 Woodmark Hotel-Yacht Club-Spa ...17

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This Ain’t Your Bubbe’s Klezmer


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12 jtnews

n fall celebrations

friday, october 2, 2009

Beautiful weddings, on the cheap Tips for not topping out on the wedding price tag Anne Phyllis Pinzow Special to JTNews Several years ago, a character on my favorite television show expounded on the cost of modern weddings, finishing up his tirade with, “and next morning you wake up and realize that for the same price as the down payment on a house you’re married to that.” Unfortunately for many a wallet, the means people use to plan a wedding is generally the same they use in choosing a spouse. They want beauty and romance and a grand expression of their love or, in some cases, their purse. However, those brides and grooms who are more focused on the marriage than the wedding are seeking some costcutting ideas which will preserve the grand expression, while leaving enough aside for a nest egg for the future. • Unless the guest list tops 300, don’t hire a wedding planner. Their service won’t save you any time or trouble, since they will constantly be calling you and meeting with you to get your decisions and offer you more choices in how to spend money. What they might save in prices with vendors will be spent in their fees. Aside from that, they are in the business of selling you services, so they’ll push for more unnecessary extravagance. • The first item on the list in planning a wedding is often where to hold the event;

while people generally think that having a wedding at home is the least expensive, it can cost as much as a hall to rent the tables and chairs, hire a valet service to legally park the cars, and pay for the catering service to provide and serve the food. • Having the wedding in a catering hall only gets expensive when all the extras are added in. Those extras that aren’t needed include: White glove service, hostesses finding seating cards, serving champagne to guests upon entering, handing out mints to guests before entering the sanctuary, and ushers escorting guests to their seats. • Another place to cut is the food. At a recent wedding, guests were served apples and champagne before they could get their coats off, and then there were exotic hors d’oeuvres, tables filled with fruit, cheese, crudités and dip. Spoonfuls of mints were handed out as guests entered the sanctuary. Then, as they left the ceremony, they were offered goblets of a variety of soups. Entering the hall for cocktails they encountered deli, Japanese, Italian, French, Hispanic and Chinese buffet tables, as well as servers bringing everything from “pigs in blankets” to lamb chops and mashed potatoes around. By the time people were ushered into dinner, the three choices of entrée were hardly as appetizing.

The best place to cut here are the assorted buffet tables. Instead of stuffing the guests before the dinner, serve some platters of hors d’oeuvres and drinks and allow the guests to mingle without having to get in long lines. Aside from being appreciated, as many people are fitness conscious, a step up in entrée will probably be much more welcome than all that food before the dinner. Alternatively, have a morning or early brunch wedding and forego elaborate dinners. •  Next comes invitations; these seem to get more elaborate each year. A recent one came in a box that lit from the inside when opened. Even the postage was exorbitant! Go for more imagination in the printing and the design than the size and grandeur of the presentation. Leave out response cards. Most people will call anyway and tell you whether they’re coming or not. Speaking of imagination, some couples who are handy with desktop publishing programs are designing and printing the invitations themselves. • Everyone wants music at a wedding. Unfortunately, the music seems to get louder and louder and the “entertainment” more elaborate with streamers and horns and hats and even hula hoops being handed out just to keep everyone occupied and having a good time.

Cutting out all the handouts can save a ton of money, perhaps enough to get a higher quality band that will play music that won’t blast out the eardrums. All the “chakahs” tend to get thrown out rather quickly, and it’s literally money down the drain. • Of course, every bride wants to look like a vision coming down the aisle and so much thought is given to the gown. Top-of-the-line, custom-made designer gowns can cost more than $6,000, and they’re only worn once. However, there are alternatives, such as off-the-rack gowns that can be purchased for as little as $500. Another practice which is becoming more popular, is to get a secondhand wedding gown at a thrift shop, a secondhand clothing store, or, for the more adventurous, by bidding for a gown on EBay. A recent search showed that the starting price for gowns started at anywhere from $1 all the way up to $2,000. Hiring a seamstress to alter the gown won’t cost more than $100 or so. All in all, the best way to save money is to focus on quality, think seriously about what is important and the best reflection of the values of the soon-tobe-happy couple. Throwing out money keeping up with the Joneses is a poor start to any marriage.

Cinema Books 4735 Roosevelt Way ne




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friday, october 2, 2009

Alana: Antique & Estate Jewelry Everything in Alana’s is a treasure — something exquisitely beautiful that can’t be found anywhere else. “People come to Alana’s to find something dif­ferent,” says owner Alana Fornoni. “They don’t want something someone picked out of a catalogue or something all their friends have. They also would like to know the story behind the piece.” Alana is happy to share that story, if she knows it. But she has observed that most people inherit a piece of jewelry with no idea who owned it originally or what it’s worth. With her expert eye and years of ex­perience, Alana recognizes quality when she sees it and can usually tell the owner when their jewelry was made and its market value. For more information about Alana: An­tique & Estate Jewelry, visit www.alanajew­elry.com. The Web site has extensive photo­graphs of inventory and pricing.

jtnews 13

n fall celebrations

Celebrations Celebrations, under the ownership of Barbara Goldberg, has been in existence for 18 years, providing more than 450 customers with highquality custom invitations. Barbara has been active in her synagogue and the Jewish community for more than 30 years. She provides warm and friendly personal service and is well acquainted with Hebrew names and phrases for B’nai Mitzvah and wedding invitations. Celebrations offers a 20 percent discount on all of the popular invitation albums offered in stationary stores and on the Internet. Vendors include Checkerboard, Carlson Craft, Mazel Tov and Gene Bliley. Gift items are also available. Celebrations offers flexible scheduling with evening hours to coordinate with youth activities and work hours. Please feel free to contact Barbara Goldberg at 425-641-7106 or [email protected] with any questions regarding invitations for your social event.

The Bellevue Club The Bellevue Club is a four-star, four-diamond internationally recognized boutique property that provides a private retreat in luxurious accommodations. Located in Bellevue, it is one of the Eastside’s most sought-after locations to celebrate a special event. The Bellevue Club’s versatile and beautifully appointed Olympic Ballroom is the perfect setting for your wedding reception or any special occasion. With the glow of 12 hand-blown glass chandeliers, hand-painted ceiling murals and one-of-a kind works of art, your guests will find the intimate scale and elegant atmosphere to be truly exceptional. Whether you prefer a sit-down dinner, an elaborate buffet or an hors d’oeuvres reception, their culinary team will assist you in creating the perfect menu with classic elegance to suit your style. The Bellevue Club will help you to create a spectacular event with their attentive and professionally trained culinary and service staff. Private, professional and prestigious, they are the Eastside’s only social address. Visit www.bellevueclub.com for more information.

Cinema Books Cinema Books is the film bookstore of the Northwest. Collections include biographies of movie stars and directors, glamorous picture books of Hollywood, posters, stills and cards of the stars, and technical filmmaking books for the novice or professional. They also carry criticism and reference film books to lead you to movies you may have missed. Call 206-547-7667 or visit www.cinemabooks.net.

The Clise Mansion and Robinswood House Two historic gems beautifully tucked into Eastside parks, the Clise Mansion and Robinswood House offer the warmth and charm of years past. Bay windows, fireplaces and gardens with patios and flowers are a few of the details you will find. These are buildings whose walls have held joyous celebrations for more than a century. Details available at www.seattlebride.com or call 425-865-0795.

bin on the lake Bin on the lake is a lively, energetic, welcoming wine bar and restaurant located lakeside at Carillon Point. Bin on the lake offers more than 80 wines by the glass and serves local, flavorful American fare. Seasonal ingredients are selected for their vibrant natural flavors and to complement the extensive choice of wines available at bin. Drop in to sip and nibble or spend an entire evening savoring wine-food pairings. For more information, call 425-803-5595 or visit www.binonthelake.com.

Emmanuel’s Fine Rug & Upholstery Specialists 
 For more than 100 years, Emmanuel’s Fine Rug & Upholstery Specialists have been helping Seattle families prepare for special events with their custom in-plant rug washing and blind and upholstery cleaning. They specialize in oriental care, repair and mending. Emmanuel’s is also the place to go for consigned new oriental rug sales and appraisals as well as on-site carpet cleaning and maintenance. Fifteen percent off all in-home services. Gift certificates available. For more information, call
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14 jtnews

n fall celebrations

friday, october 2, 2009



Owner Cherie Hershman is an active member of the local Jewish community. With more than 20 years experience, she opened Essence, a Chic Coiffure in 2007. Essence is a full-service salon offering haircuts, coloring, sugaring hair removal, permanent make-up, wig styling, face and body treatments and much more.  Essence provides the ultimate service when it comes to brides, especially Jewish bridal parties. Stylists will help you look your best from your engagement to your wedding day. Essence staff can join the bride and groom in the yichud room for touch-ups and be on-site for bridal party hair and make-up. Check out their Web site www.essenceseattle.com for wedding examples or come in for a complimentary consultation. Conveniently located in Seattle’s Roosevelt/Maple Leaf neighborhood at 1415 NE 80th St., Seattle, 206-523-1187.

This ain’t your bubbe’s klezmer! This is Jewbilee and they play traditional Jewish music in a nontraditional way. They play it with a variety of world rhythms, including Caribbean and African rhythms. They play it as reggae, jazz, swing, rock, “Jewgrass,” and even as traditional Israeli/Jewish music. Led by cantorial soloist Shirel Smith, Jewbilee is made up of guitar, bass, keys, sax, mandolin, and hand drums/percussion. If you want some Jewish music as well as some classic rock, R&B or dance tunes, then Jewbilee is your band. Cantorial soloist services available as well and they can provide the sound system, too! So check them out at www.jewbilee.110mb.com or call 360-794-3815 for more info.

ilyanne photographic art Born and raised in Israel, Ilyanne brings a strong sense and knowledge of the Jewish tradition to her work. This makes it easy for you to concentrate on your special day, knowing that all-important moment will be captured. As a husband and wife team, each with their unique style, the photographers of ilyanne Photographic Art will create a collection of contemporary, artistic, and documentary perspectives, both in video and photography, that your family will cherish for generations. They consider it an honor to be one of the few people to enter your lives at that meaningful time. Be it a wedding, Bar or Bat Mitzvah, a new baby, or just a moment that captures the priceless essence of your family’s history. 
 There is no substitute for a professional who comes prepared with the right knowledge and equipment, understands the religious tradition, and is solely focused on your day. Call 425-736-7638 or visit them online at www.ilyanne.com and let ilyanne Photographic Art preserve those precious moments that may be lost in a blink of an eye.


You will remember your wedding celebration for the rest of your life, so choosing the right partners to help you is an important decision. The team at Kaspars Special Events & Catering, with 20 years of experience and a reputation for excellence, will support you through the entire planning process, including venue selection, menu creation, ceremony and reception planning, ensuring you are stress-free for your special day. Family owned and operated, Kaspars’ passion is to provide creative, fresh cuisine and superior service at a reasonable price. They cater to groups of all sizes, both within Kaspars as well as at off-site locations including private homes. Whether you are entertaining a few or a few hundred guests, the elements for success are the same – superb fare, impeccable service, the proper ambience and the right caterer! Kaspars Special Events & Catering has it all. Call 206-298-0123, fax 206-298-0146 or visit www.kaspars.com.

Ketubot by Nurita Getting married? What better way to celebrate than with a unique, colorful and beautiful handmade ketubah? Made by Nurita, an Israeli artist with more than 20 years’ experience. For more information, visit www.nurita.com or 360-400-7233.

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friday, october 2, 2009

jtnews 15

n fall celebrations

Lake Union Crew

MarQueen Hotel

Lake Union Crew has just what you need to make your party stand out above the rest. Spectacular, sweeping views of the city and a stone fireplace add warmth and intimacy to any gathering. Weddings, receptions, rehearsal dinners, anniversaries, Bar or Bat Mitzvahs — if there’s a reason to celebrate, they’ll help you do it in style. Their venue is easily transformed into a room for formal dining, an intimate space for cocktails and quiet conversation, or a place to kick off your shoes and dance. You’re welcome to use the caterer of your choice and room setup and decoration is limited only by your imagination. Lake Union Crew’s friendly, capable staff is on hand to make suggestions and can point you in the right direction for catering, rental companies or DJs. Take the 360˚ virtual tour at www.lakeunioncrew.com. For more information, contact Caitlin or Thom at 206-860-4199 or [email protected].

When a getaway is on the agenda, a bygone era seems to fit the bill. The MarQueen Hotel is located in the vibrant Queen Anne neighborhood, adjacent to the Seattle Center and world famous Space Needle. In the heart of Seattle’s theatre district, McCaw Hall, the Seattle Repertory Theatre, Teatro Zinzanni and other attractions are all just down the street. Their 1918 building does not possess an elevator; however, all guestrooms have kitchens in them, and hardwood floors. Some property amenities include 24-hour bell/valet staff, complimentary attraction shuttle, fitness center, complimentary wi-fi, a coffee shop, and spa in the lobby.  Shopping, dining and entertainment are nearby, so come and stay with the MarQueen Hotel – Seattle’s lodging secret! Visit www.marqueen.com for more information.

Menashe & Sons Jewelers LeaSan Special Events Leanne Weinstein and Sandra Gauthier make up LeaSan Special Events, a Seattle-based boutique special event company specializing in weddings and Bar and Bat Mitzvahs, as well as an array of other social functions. They are known for their attention to detail and impeccable taste. They cater to a diverse clientele who have high expectations for their events. For more information on their social event packages visit www.leasanspecialevents.com or contact Leanne Weinstein at 425-647-9182 or Sandra Gauthier at 425-260-8475.



Chelm the

Jack Menashe, owner of Menashe & Sons Jewelers, has owned and operated the store for 40 years. Menashe & Sons is a full-service store featuring a very large estate jewelry department, custom design jewelry, and a complete repair department for clocks, watches, and jewelry. The store has a G.I.A. gemologist on staff for a full appraisal service. It’s also has one of the largest diamond engagement inventories in the city of Seattle. Menashe & Sons specializes in one-of-a-kind custom jewelry pieces featuring oriental jade, Tahitian pearls, fine emeralds, rubies, sapphires, and tanzanite. Menashe & Sons invites you to come in to their store where you’ll get honest, professional service. For more information, call 206-932-4272 or visit www. menasheandsons.com.

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16 jtnews

n fall celebrations

friday, october 2, 2009

The Mercer Room & Terrace Imagine your wedding with stunning views of Lake Washington and the Cascade Mountains — all at a reasonable price! You’ve found it with The Mercer Room & Terrace at the Community Center at Mercer View. This Mercer Island location is surrounded by extraordinary natural beauty and panoramic views, offering a beautiful hillside setting overlooking Luther Burbank Park, Lake Washington, and the Cascades. With seating for 200 guests and state-of-the-art media, your wedding will be breathtaking. Your caterer will be impressed with their fully equipped catering kitchen. Beer and wine are allowed and an outdoor barbeque grill is also available. Reservations are taken 12 months in advance. Visit www.mercergov.org/ccmv for more details. Call today at 206-275-7609.

Nosh Away Catering Nosh Away Inc. is a full-service kosher catering company servicing the greater Seattle community. Size and type of event have no limitations. Whether it is dinner for two, or a gala event for 2000, Nosh Away will bring to bear amazing concern for the event by paying meticulous attention to all of the details that ensure success. Nosh Away has teamed up with many venues in the Seattle area to provide customers and guests with a wonderful dining experience, providing excellent quality and professional service. Under kosher supervision of the Va’ad of Greater Seattle, their 3,000-square-foot, fully equipped commissary and bakery operates daily to provide for all of Nosh Away’s catering needs. www.noshaway.com.

Pogacha Restaurant New York Cupcakes New York Cupcakes provides the sweetest cupcake experience possible. They are as passionate about their customers as they are about their cupcakes and they want your every visit to be delicious. Their scrumptious cupcakes are baked in small batches throughout the day and are always fresh! They also love a good party, so for your next big celebration, contact one of their cupcake consultants to see how they can assist you in making your event simply the sweetest. 425-283-5445, www.newyorkcupcakes.com.

Located on Gilman Boulevard, across the street from Gilman Village, Pogacha Restaurant of Issaquah has satisfied patrons for 11 years. Its diverse menu features Northwest favorites — steaks, salmon, lamb, pasta, gourmet flatbread pizzas, and more — accented with ingredients from Europe’s Adriatic region. Pogacha specializes in celebrations including small wedding receptions, rehearsal dinners and family and holiday parties. Host your event in one of Pogacha’s charming private dining rooms, or let them cater your event in your home. Pogacha’s commitment to quality is reflected in their freshly prepared dishes, their exceptional and affordable wine list, and their warm and inviting ambience. Pogacha’s staff is professional, genuinely friendly and focused on making your experience at Pogacha memorable. For more information, contact Sarah at 425-392-5550 or [email protected].

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friday, october 2, 2009

jtnews 17

n fall celebrations


Shawn’s Kugel

The RUINS is a private dining club with catering facilities open to the public. It is one of the most unique venues in the country. The founder and creator, Joe McDonnal, built a mansion inside of a warehouse with landscaped gardens and four beautifully appointed rooms. The room used collectively can accommodate up to 160 for a seated dinner, or 200 for a stand-up cocktail reception. From beginning to end, their professional staff and beautiful venue will offer you and your guests a truly unique and memorable experience.   Contact them at 206-2857846 or visit www.theruins.net.

Shawn’s Kugel is the premier Jewish band in the Pacific Northwest. 
Voted Best Jewish Band by JTNews readers in 2007, they have performed for enthusiastic clients for more than 11 years. They specialize in getting guests to participate 
in folk dancing and horas at weddings, B’nai Mitzvah and other lifecycle events. 
Shawn’s Kugel has released four CDs with the latest being Odyssey. Check out Shawn’s Kugel on MySpace,
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Northwest treasure. Contact 206-523-9298 or [email protected] or visit pweb.jps.net/~shawnsax.

Sheraton Seattle Hotel Sailing Heritage Foundation Sailing Heritage Foundation brightens the lives of ill children with sailing trips on the healing sea. These trips provide a chance for seriously ill children and their families, vulnerable youth, and others whose lives have been turned upside down to relax, reflect, rejuvenate and breathe in fresh air while sailing through our wonderland of emerald seas. Guests board the classic 65-foot schooner Mallory Todd at South Lake Union. Private charters on the schooner Mallory Todd help support Sailing Heritage Foundation, a Seattle nonprofit organization. More information online at sailingheritage.org, sailseattle.com or 206-381-6919.

Discover true comfort as if you were at home. Sheraton Seattle Hotel will make any event you’re envisioning a reality. A multiple winner of the prestigious Gold Key and Pinnacle awards, the hotel offers comprehensive meeting and destination planning along with unparalleled service and style. Situated in the heart of the city, adjacent to the Washington State Convention and Trade Center, the hotel is surrounded by Seattle’s financial and business district and exciting entertainment attractions. Sheraton Seattle is more than just a meeting place, but a member of your family. Settle into the inviting comfort of one of 1,258 smoke-free guestrooms offering inspiring views of the city. A peaceful night’s sleep awaits you between the crisp sheets of the Sheraton Sweet Sleeper Bed. Visit www.sheraton.com/Seattle for more information.

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A Stunning Wedding & Reception Venue The Sorrento Hotel features 6 banquet rooms perfect for events of 5-150 people. Each room features elegance and style suited for any occasion, all accompanied by the award-winning cuisine of the Hunt Club restaurant. From a small gathering to a formal reception, the Sorrento Hotel has been the choice for prestigious events for 100 years.

For event bookings, please contact our Catering Department at 206.622.6400 or visit us online.


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18 jtnews

n fall celebrations

friday, october 2, 2009

Snoqualmie Ridge Golf Club

The Westin Bellevue

A place where dreams come true and traditions continue. In the finest tradition of private clubs, Snoqualmie Ridge Golf Club offers world-class hospitality and service. Their professional staff will assist you in making your event memorable with signature menus and attention to detail. Their ballroom can accommodate up to 300 guests for weddings and Mitzvah celebrations or can be divided for smaller events. Located only 30 minutes from Seattle and 20 minutes from Bellevue, with stunning views of Mt. Si and the Cascade Mountains as a backdrop for creating a picture-perfect setting. For more information, contact Cristy Barnes at 425-396-6005 or [email protected] or visit www.tpcsr.com.

The Westin wedding specialists are here to provide you with personalized attention — to inspire you with original ideas, sophisticated venues and details that will transform your experience into a distinctive and memorable celebration. The Westin Bellevue’s team will provide personalized, impeccable service for your special day. Whether you are planning an intimate ceremony or a grand celebration, let them help make your dreams come true. They want everything surrounding your wedding to be special. When you hold your event with the Westin Bellevue, you’ll also enjoy a reduced rate for your out-of-town guests, a complimentary custom wedding Web site where your guests can book rooms and you can monitor RSVPs, a complimentary night stay on the evening of your wedding, and a complimentary menu tasting for up to four guests. Enjoy effortless style plus touches of romance. Begin your journey now by calling 425-638-1061 or e-mailing them at [email protected].

The Sorrento Hotel The Sorrento Hotel features event space for 5-150 people. Each private room features elegance and style suited for any occasion, all accompanied by the award-winning cuisine of the Hunt Club restaurant.  From a small gathering to a formal reception, the Sorrento Hotel has been the choice for prestigious events for 100 years.   For event bookings, contact the catering department at 206-902-2101.

What the Chelm! What the Chelm! has enlivened simchot since 1993 and entertained at countless B’nai Mitzvah and weddings around the Puget Sound area. Public performances have included Folklife, Klezfest, the Juan de Fuca Festival and moving the Boise synagogue to its new home, as well as annual gigs for the Bellingham Parks and the Whatcom Museum. The band plays klezmer, Israeli, Yiddish, Ladino and other types of music. Contact Dan Raas at 360-676-1621 or visit www.whatthechelm.com.

Woodmark Hotel, Yacht Club & Spa Twelve Baskets Catering Twelve Baskets Catering proudly devotes its superb staff, masterful chefs, and skilled event planners to each wedding they cater. Twelve Baskets is a highly regarded fullservice award-winning local caterer and can work with almost any budget in many memorable venues throughout the greater Seattle area. Featuring executive chef Shawn Boling’s culinary expertise, Twelve Baskets offers delightful and varied menu selections for your special day, including Asian, Tex-Mex, Italian, traditional American comfort foods and more. Whether your celebration is a laid-back gathering of 20, or an elegant reception of 500; whether you need service for breakfast, lunch, dinner and/or hors d’oeuvres, Twelve Baskets can meet your needs. They can set up and deliver your food, or staff your reception — and can even provide bartenders! Twelve Baskets is sure to make your event a memorable one! For more information, visit www.twelvebasketscatering.com.

A Schooner Mallory Todd Wedding

The Woodmark Hotel, Yacht Club & Spa hosts spectacular celebrations along the shores of Lake Washington. Beautiful ceremonies and sit-down receptions are held under the spectacular white canopy of the Olympic Terrace. The distinctive Lake Washington Ballroom showcases receptions and social events. Waterfront ceremonies and receptions can be hosted in the Marina Room and Bayshore Room, featuring floor-to-ceiling picture windows and private outdoor verandas. Their reputation for professional care and attention to detail has made the Woodmark Hotel, Yacht Club & Spa one of the Northwest’s premier destinations. The Woodmark is small enough to provide highly personalized service, yet large enough to accommodate your out- of-town guests. Get away from the ordinary and experience the extraordinary on the shores of Lake Washington. For more information, call 425-827-1986 or visit www. thewoodmark.com.

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friday, october 2, 2009

jtnews 19

n fall celebrations

Can’t look away First baby of 5770 keeps new parents in awe Leyna Krow

titles of “Grandma” and “Grandpa,” they want Anna to call them the German equivalents, “Oma” and “Opa,” as a reflection of the family’s heritage. Fox’s brother will also arrive from New York this weekend and Eckerling noted that since Anna’s birth, they’ve had a near-constant stream of visitors and wellwishers. “It’s almost like a wedding, but in slow motion because it keeps going,” he said. “So many people have been so supportive, bringing gifts and handme-dow ns, v isit ing, cook ing mea ls for u s, of fer i ng adv ic e. It ’s rea l l y wonderful.” The family resides in Ballard. Eckerling is a massage therapist at Dream Clinic in Ravenna. Fox had been working for Amazon as a site merchandizer, but has put her career on hold for the time being to be a full-time mom.

“She’s amazing,” Fox said. “It’s all so new, but she’s been lovely so far.” Both parents said they were relieved that Anna was born healthy and has thus far been fairly easy to handle. “E v er y one h a s t hese hor ror stories. We didn’t know what to expect, but she’s been relatively low demand, knock Courtesy Brian Eckerling on wood,” Eckerling Anna Eleanor Eckerling is the first Jewish baby of 5770. said. He added that his Fox’s parents are visiting from Marydaughter is “a good eater” and as of Thursland for two weeks to help out with the day was already back to her birth weight new baby. Rather than the conventional of 6 pounds, 10 ounces.

Assistant Editor, JTNews Even though Jenny Fox and Brian Eckerling had nine months to prepare themselves for the birth of their first child, Eckerling admits that having a baby in the house remains something of a shock. “I think we still only like 30 percent get it — that this is our daughter,” Eckerling said. Anna Eleanor Eckerling was born at Northwest Hospital on Sat., Sept. 19 at 2:47 a.m., making her the first Jewish baby of 5770. “For the most part, we just sit around and take turns holding her and looking at her,” Eckerling said of Anna. “It’s like a campfire, where you can’t stop staring.” Fox echoed her husband’s sense of wonder and enthusiasm.

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20 jtnews

n friday, community calendar

october 2, 2009

october 4 – 21, 2009 The JTNews calendar presents a selection of ongoing events in the Jewish community. For a complete listing of events, or to add your event to the JTNews calendar, visit www.jtnews.net. Calendar events must be submitted no later than 10 days before publication. Looking for the ongoing calendar? Find events online at www.jtnews.net.

Candle Lighting Times 10/2/09 10/9/09 10/16/09 10/23/09

6:30 p.m. 6:16 p.m. 6:03 p.m. 5:50 p.m.

October Sunday 4 ■■1 p.m. – Seattle CROP Hunger Walk www.seattlecrophungerwalk.org A fundraising walk with Kol HaNeshamah for international hunger relief as well as local hunger fighting efforts. Start and finish at Alki Congregational UCC, 6115 SW Hinds St., West Seattle. ■■7 p.m. – 2nd Annual Sangria in the Sukkah Daniel Septimus at 206-725-0752 or thetribetdhs@gmail. com Snacks and sangria under the sukkah with the Tribe. At the home of Rabbi Septimus. Location provided upon RSVP. ■■7:30 p.m. – Simchat Sukkot Benefit Alysa Rosen at 206-525-0915 or [email protected] or www.templebetham.org Annual fundraising event in support of Temple Beth Am’s Homeless to Renter program. $18. At Temple Beth Am, 2632 NE 80th St., Seattle.

Tuesday 6 ■■12:30 p.m. – Professor Daniel Chirot Roni Antebi at 206-232-7115, ext. 269 The Active Seniors Club’s guest speaker this month is Prof. Chirot of the University of Washington, who will talk about why Germany has confronted its guilt for crimes against humanity, but Japan and Eastern European countries have not. At the Stroum JCC, 3801 E Mercer Way, Mercer Island. ■■ 7 p.m. – Living Judaism - Special Intro Class in the Sukkah Carol Benedick at 206-524-0075 or carolbenedick@ bethshalomseattle.org or www.bethshalomseattle.org Intro class for students interested in Congregation Beth Shalom’s year-long Living Judaism course. At Congregation Beth Shalom, 6800 35th Ave. NE, Seattle.

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Wednesday 7 ■■5:30 p.m. – Sukkot Family Dinner www.sjcc.org The Stroum JCC will host a Sukkot dinner party for families. Activities include Israeli dancing, singing, arts and crafts, face painting and games. At the Stroum JCC, 3801 E Mercer Way, Mercer Island. ■■7 p.m. – Hadassah 101 Workshop Barbara Droker at 206-523-2014 An interactive program designed to give as much information about Hadassah as possible in a short amount of time. Free. Location provided upon RSVP.

Thursday 8 ■■12:30 - 1:30 p.m. – School of Social Work Lox n’ Learn Jacob at [email protected] Rabbi Will Berkovitz or Rabbi Jacob Fine lead an informal discussion on a compelling topic. Non-social work students are welcome and there will be a bagel and lox lunch provided as well. RSVP requested. UW School of Social Work, room 116, University of Washington.

advocacy organization StandWithUs Northwest. $72 couvert. Sheraton Seattle Hotel, 1400 6th Ave., Seattle.

Saturday 17 ■■4:30 p.m. – “The Mystery of Enoch” Erica Curnutte at 206-323-5750, ext. 264 or [email protected] Text study with Rivy Poupko Kletenik. At Bikur Cholim Machzikay Hadath, 5145 S Morgan St. Seattle.

Sunday 18 ■■10:30 a.m. - 2 p.m. – JFS Food Sort Jane Deer-Hileman at 206-861-3155 or [email protected] Volunteers are needed to help sort food collected during Jewish Family Service’s annual food drive. All ages welcome. Advance registration required. At Acme Food Sales Warehouse, address provided upon RSVP. ■■1:30 p.m. – WSJHS Annual Meeting Lori at 206-774-2277 or [email protected] At its annual meeting, the Washington State Jewish Historical Society will mark the 1909 Alaska Yukon Pacific Exhibition centennial with a celebration of Jewish businesses in operation at the time. Summit on First Hill, 1200 University St., Seattle.

Wednesday 14

Monday 19

■■noon – 1:30 p.m. — Hot Topics on the Civil Rights Front [email protected] or 206-448-5349, ext. 4 Debbie Bensinger, assistant national director of legal affairs for the Anti-Defamation League, will give a talk called “ADL in the Trenches: Hot Topics on the Civil Rights Front.” Free and open to all. CLE credits available. Lunch provided. At the Tower Building, 4th floor conference room, 1809 7th Ave., Seattle. RSVP required by Oct. 12.

■■7 p.m. – Women’s Night of Jewish Learning Anna Frankfort at 206-774-2226 or [email protected] Monthly interactive Jewish learning, dessert, and schmoozing sponsored by Women’s Philanthropy in conjunction with the Jewish Federation of Greater Seattle. Location provided upon RSVP.

Thursday 15 ■■7:30 – NYHS Open House Melissa Rivkin at 206-232-5272, ext. 515 or [email protected] Open house for prospective NYHS students and their families. At Northwest Yeshiva High School, 5017 90th Ave. SE, Seattle.

Friday 16 ■■12 p.m. – StandWithUs Northwest 2009 Community Luncheon A celebration of Israel and a fundraising luncheon for Israel

Wednesday 21 ■■12 - 1 p.m. – Eastside Lox n’ Learn Jacob at [email protected] Lunch and a discussion led by Rabbi Jacob Fine. RSVP requested. At Microsoft, building 9, room 2569, Redmond. ■■7 p.m. – Iran Forum Kim Greenhall at 206-774-2221 or [email protected] AIPAC, the American Jewish Committee, the Anti-Defamation League, the Jewish Federation, StandWithUs and Temple De Hirsch Sinai and a panel of experts explore questions about Iran’s history, politics and nuclear goals. At Temple De Hirsch Sinai, 1511 E Pike St., Seattle.


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■■7:30 p.m. – Seattle Va’ad’s First Simchas Bais Hashoeva 206-760-0805 Music, dancing and refreshments. All are welcome. At the Sephardic Bikur Holim social hall, 6500 52nd Ave. S, Seattle.

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jtnews 21

n arts & entertainment

friday, october 2, 2009

David, ‘Seinfeld’ cast reunite, rant

up with ever-escalating humiliations for the character. But seeing David on screen with his “Seinfeld” colleagues is more than satisfying, and sidesplitting. The cast appears in the season’s third episode, after it becomes apparent that Larry’s ulterior motives for spearheading the reunion are (surprise!) less than honorable. He disingenuously meets with each actor to hawk his proposal: “Why would we do something like this?” a skeptical Seinfeld asks, reminding Larry that usually, “You would look [at reunion shows] and you’d make that face, that very judgmental face of yours... you’d criticize and downgrade them for it, that’s your style.” Jason Alexander doesn’t buy Larry’s idea that George, his “Seinfeld” character, could have been married for a time, because he says George is “unlovable — a jerky, schmucky little character.” But Alexander does like the idea that a reunion show might make up for “Seinfeld’s” finale, lampooned in real life by critics for its harsh condemnation of the characters, who wind up in jail for their selfish behavior. This irks Larry, who — like the real-life David — says there is “nothing to make up for.” Here’s hoping that this season answers one other lingering question about the older sitcom: Why was the obviously Jewish Seinfeld never openly described as Jewish on the show?

The once-maligned reunion show happens anyway — as a joke Naomi Pfefferman Jewish Journal of Greater Los Angeles In its last two seasons, Larry David’s “Curb Your Enthusiasm” pushed politically correct notions of Jewish identity and race to cringe-worthy and hilarious extremes. David, playing an exaggerated version of his misanthropic self, briefly made nice when he mistakenly believed he had been adopted and was not born Jewish, then he returned to his callous self when his wife — now estranged — took in an African American family that had been displaced by Hurricane Katrina. “So your last name is Black,” he says to the family upon their first meeting, arriving late to pick them up at the airport. “That’d be like if my last name were Jew: Larry Jew.” Now the seventh season of HBO’s “Curb,” which premiered Sept. 20 on HBO, is tackling a different kind of faux pas that the real David has condemned: The sitcom reunion show. In particular, a reunion of “Seinfeld,” one of the most successful television shows of all time, which David cocreated with comedian Jerry Seinfeld. The show ran for nine seasons, from 1989 to 1998, and continues in reruns. Although David had often dismissed the notion of a “Seinfeld” reunion as

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Larry David and the cast of that popular TV show in the ’90s. What was that about again? “lame,” he said at a press event earlier this year, it dawned on him that a fictional “Seinfeld” reunion on “Curb” could be funny. The four stars of “Seinfeld” agreed. As season seven opens, Larry’s wife, Cheryl, has left him, and now he is forced by social convention to care for his girlfriend — the matriarch of the Black family clan (Vivica A. Fox) — who may have cancer. The show plays out like an ampedup rant about life’s small irritations and unwritten “rules,” as was the form made famous by “Seinfeld,” but now with

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“Curb’s” nasty edge. Among the topics: The etiquette of whether one should help oneself to food from a friend’s refrigerator (“liquid’s OK,” as one character tells an irate Larry), and having to be nice to notso-nice people who have cancer. Based on the season’s first three episodes, which were provided to reviewers, it remains unclear whether “Curb” will carve new territory in its lampooning of the Holly wood rich, or if Larry’s habit of getting himself in trouble through a series of faux pas will ratchet

Naomi Pfefferman is arts & entertainment editor for The Jewish Journal of Greater Los Angeles.

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22 jtnews

n friday, arts & entertainment

october 2, 2009

Sunday, October 10, 2 p.m. “Camp Songs” Music www.musicofremembrance.org

Friday, October 16, 5 p.m. Michael Chabon Author reading Michael Chabon reads from his collection of personal essays, Manhood for Amateurs: The Pleasures and Regrets of a Husband, Father, and Son. Chabon is also the author of The Yiddish Policeman’s Union and The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier & Clay, which won the Pulitzer Prize in 2001. At Elliott Bay Book Co., 101 S Main St., Seattle.

Music of Remembrance presents Paul Schoenfield’s “Camp Songs,” inspired by Aleksander Kulisiewicz, a Polish journalist and political dissident who composed poems and songs while imprisoned in the Sachsenhausen concentration camp. This performance will also include Ernest Bloch’s meditative “Prayer” for double bass and the duo for violin and cello that Gideon Klein composed shortly before his deportation to Terezín. At the Seattle Art Museum, 1300 1st Ave., Seattle. October 10 – November 1 Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dream Coat Theater www.5thavenue.org Fifth Avenue Theatre presents Andrew Lloyd Webber and Tim Rice’s comedic retelling of the story of Joseph, his jealous brothers and one very loud garment. At the Fifth Avenue Theatre, 1308 5th Ave. Seattle. Sunday, October 18, 10:30 a.m. Penny Orloff Author reading The fall kickoff event for Seattle Chapter Hadassah will feature guest speaker Penny Orloff, a former Broadway-featured musical theater actress trained in opera at Juilliard. She will be discussing her book Jewish Thighs on Broadway: Misadventures of A Little Trouper based on her one-woman show. Cost is $36. Contact Trisha Tsutakawa at 425-467-9099 or [email protected] for more information. At the Seattle Yacht Club, 1807 East Hamlin St., Seattle.

A Long Time Coming t Page 8 Perhaps it is because many of the women in the class spent years watching fathers, brothers and husbands go to Talmud study before they were finally given the opportunity, that Kletenik’s class is such a breath of fresh air. Rabbi Arlene Schuster noted that the women-

only class has something of an exclusive feel to it. “When I told him what we were doing today, my son said, ‘I’m so excited for you, I wish I could be there.’ And I said, ‘Well, you can’t, because you’re not a woman.’” Schuster quipped. Of course, provided they are not men, anyone is welcome to join. According

the arts

october 10 – 21

Wednesday, October 21, 7:30 p.m. Daniel Goldhagen Author reading Daniel Goldhagen’s latest book Worse Than War explains why genocides begin, why societies support them, and how the international community should and can successfully stop them. Goldhagen is also the author of international bestseller Hitler’s Willing Executioners. Tickets are $5 at www.brownpapertickets.com or 800-838-3006. Town Hall, 1119 8th Ave., Seattle.

Keeping the class accessible for all is important to Kletenik. After all the obstacles that women have faced to gain education opportunities equal to their male counterparts, she doesn’t want anyone to struggle with finding a place in her class. “No one pays for this class, no one registers for it,” she said. “Anyone is welcome at anytime. And there’s free parking.”

to Kletenik, the women who attend the group represent a wide range of Jewish backgrounds and levels of observance. “Women come from the full spectrum of the community. These are people with very strong beliefs and here they’re able to sit together and hear each other’s opinions and the opinions that come out during discussion,” she said.

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friday, october 2, 2009 Send submissions to: JTNews — Lifecycles, 2041 Third Ave., Seattle, WA 98121 [email protected] Phone: 206-441-4553 Submissions for the October 16, 2009 issue are due by October 6. Download forms or submit online at www.jtnews.net/index.php?/lifecycle

Birth Adam Wynn McBee

Dr. Yael Kantor and Clive Egdes announce the birth of their son, Brandon Raphael, on July 24, 2009. He weighed 7.5 lbs. and was 21 inches long at birth. Brandon is the brother of Raquel and Ryan. His grandparents are Abe and Edie Egdes of Johannesburg, South Africa and Ellis and Vera Kantor of Kirkland.

Adam, son of Tia Pliskow and Carl McBee and brother of Gabriel, was born June 14, 2009. He weighed 6 lbs., 9 oz. and measured 19 inches at birth.  Adam is the grandson of Drs. Raymond and Vita Pliskow of University Place, Aiko McBee of Lakewood and the late Wayne McBee.

Leon Harold Kaplan 1925–September 10, 2009 Leon Harold Kaplan passed peacefully away Thursday night, September 10, 2009. His wife Gladdy and kids Marty, Nancy and Steve were beside him in his last hours as he rested in comfort. Sharing Leon’s last days were Marty’s wife Leslie and daughter Sydney, and Steve’s wife Sandra and his kids Anna and Jacob, all offering love and a gentle hand. Leon was the youngest child of Jacob, an early pioneer to Seattle before the century’s turn, and Celia Sussman of Death announcement Tacoma. He joins his parents and siblings Philip, Ethel, and Henry after a wonderful life filled with family love, business success, community service, celebrated fun, obedient dogs, jazz, politics, fast cars, yachting, and so much more. Leon and Gladdy had the fortune to recently celebrate their fabulous 62 years together in marriage. Born in 1925 in Seattle, Leon grew up in Seattle’s Madrona neighborhood, attending Leschi and Garfield where he often still delighted in sharing old stories with lifetime friends. His father Jacob founded Kaplan Paper Company in 1912, where Leon cut his earliest business teeth learning the trade and founding his incredible people skills, deep personal friendships, and endless storytelling that would become some of his greatest gifts. His love of people together with his zest for the narrative led him to become an icon, often honored within the national paper and printing communities. Leon and Gladdy met in high school and married in 1947 after Leon returned home from the WWII Japanese theatre. Leaving the University of Washington to pursue his deep interest in music, he and Gladdy opened Broadway Music on Capitol Hill. A few years later, he answered his father’s call to help out at Kaplan Paper Co. where he finished his career over 40 years later as president/CEO. Always an active leader in and contributor to his broad community, he helped lead organizations like B’nai B’rith, Variety Club, Glendale Country Club, American Kennel Club, paper and printing organizations and many others. He was never shy to offer a helping hand, an opinion, or gather and learn from others. He cherished his family first and enjoyed the rich opportunities with Gladdy to closely share in their children’s and grandchildren’s lives. Leon lived as a shining example of a true “family man” who always looked out for his family, friends and others first. His passing leaves a huge hole in the lives of his loving family and friends.

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jtnews 23 lifecycles


Brandon Raphael Egdes

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Please Submit Death Notices for Print and Online Publication Please use our simple online form to submit death notices directly to JTNews for publication. To submit a death notice, please visit www.jtnews.net, log in, click on the lifecycles tab, and complete the simple form. If you would assistance completing the form, please contact 206-441-4553. Once you have completed the form, a JTNews representative will contact you within 24 hours to finalize and confirm details. Your Death Announcement is not complete until we have contacted you and confirmed the details. Call 206-441-4553 for more information.

www.jtnews.net . 206-441-4553

Wedding Kristina Humphries and Aaron Roos Kristina and Aaron were married on August 23, 2009 in Seattle. The ceremony was officiated by Rabbi James Mirel of Temple B’nai Torah. Kristina is the daughter of Cleo and Vicki Rubalcaba of Renton. Her grandparents are Mabel Thomas of Camano Island and the late David Thomas and Maxine Bates of Wenatchee. She is an account advocate for Cobalt Corporation. Aaron is the son of Stuart and Sandy Roos of Mukilteo. His grandparents are Paul and Annette Kaplan of Seattle and the late Erwin and Ruth Roos. Aaron is employed by the state of Washington with the Department of Corrections. The couple resides in Everett.

Wedding Charles Sherer and Molly Harris Mr. and Mrs. Bill Harris announce the wedding of their daughter Molly to Charles Sherer, son of Dr. and Mrs. David Sherer. The wedding took place on Aug. 2, 2009 at Herzl-Ner Tamid Conservative Congregation with a dinner dance at the Glendale Country Club following the service. Molly is the granddaughter of Erma Rykus and the late Ben Rykus and Ben Harris and the late Shirley Harris. She is a graduate of Issaquah High School and holds a B.A. from the University of Washington. She is an account executive at Expedia. Charles is a graduate of Bellevue High School. He holds a B.S. in engineering from Georgia Tech and a doctorate of jurisprudence from Willamette Law School. He works as a deputy prosecuting attorney with the City of Seattle. His grandparents are Ilene and Dr. Robert Franco of Richland and Fay Sherer of New York and the late Leslie Sherer. The couple resides in Seattle’s Seward Park neighborhood.

Death announcement

Dr. Henry Howard Schwartz Jr. April 10, 1922–September 14, 2009 Dr. Henry Howard Schwartz Jr., 87, died September 14, 2009. Dr. Schwartz was born on April 10, 1922 in Seattle to parents Dr. Henry Howard, Sr. and Mary Meltzer Schwartz. He was the eldest of two, and was preceded in death by his sister, Myra Olds. Dr. Schwartz graduated with a Bachelor of Science from the University of Washington and earned his Doctor of Dental Surgery degree from University of Oregon. He was in private dentistry practice until retirement in 1997. Dr. Schwartz is survived by his daughter and son-in-law, Julie and Evan Andres of Seattle, son and daughter-in-law Jeffrey and Katharine Schwartz of Sarasota, Fla. and daughter Susan Friedlander of Palm Springs, Calif. He is further survived by his grandchildren, Olivia, 8 and Alexander, 4, of Sarasota and many beloved friends. He lived his life with integrity and his generosity and kind heart were an inspiration to all who loved him. Contributions may be made in memory of Henry to Evergreen Hospice 425-899-7612 or a charity of your choice.

Death announcement

Steven G. Sidell April 30, 1947–September 11, 2009 Steven, age 62, passed away Friday, September 11, 2009. A lifelong resident of Seattle, and a graduate of Occidental College, Steven had two major passions: travel and playing bridge. As a travel agent he combined these passions by teaching bridge on several cruise ships, as well as leading many trips to Europe and Israel. After his career as a travel agent, Steven taught bridge classes and he attained the ranking of a Diamond Life Master bridge player. Another love of Steve’s was Jewish music. He took great pride in being a part of the Emanuel Congregation choir. Steven was born on April 30, 1947 to Irving T. and Esther Sidell. Steven grew up in the north Capitol Hill and Mt. Baker areas of Seattle, attending the Seattle Hebrew Academy and Franklin High School. He is survived by his brother Sandy, sister-in-law Julie, nephews TD and Josh (Rachel), and many cousins. Services were held at Bikur Cholim Machzikay Hadath Cemetery on September 13, 2009. Remembrances to Kline Galland Home or Seattle Hebrew Academy.

24 jtnews

n friday, arts & entertainment

october 2, 2009

The mother of all sitcoms Documentary on television pioneer Gertrude Berg warrants good reception Michael Fox Special to JTNews The easygoing matriarch of a fictional Jewish family, Molly Goldberg was simultaneously the salt of the earth and doggedly Herculean. But her gently insistent persistence paled next to that of her creator Gertrude Berg. An influential yet largely forgotten figure in the annals of both American broadcasting and American Jewry, Berg is revived and celebrated in the lively, detailed documentary, Yoo-Hoo, Mrs. Goldberg. Aviva Kempner’s fast-paced film also makes room to indulge in nostalgia for a beloved radio and television program that enjoyed a central place in the hearts and lives of countless Jewish listeners and viewers. Yoo-Hoo, Mrs. Goldberg, which opens Oct. 2 at Landmark’s Varsity Theater, is a solidly crafted work that rarely aspires to be inventive or inspired. Yet it is essential viewing for anyone interested in American Jewish culture and assimilation in the 20th century. Gertrude Berg was born Tillie Edelstein in New York City in 1898, and discovered her flair for writing and performing by devising skits for weather-bound children at her uncle’s Catskills hotel. Married at 18 to a soon-to-be-successful engineer, Berg was nonetheless too ambitious and creative to be content with the roles of homemaker and mother. Her first paid broadcast gig was delivering a radio advertisement for a Christmas cookie in Yiddish — phonetically, for she didn’t speak the mother tongue. Berg was so popular with the sponsor that she found herself with a regular gig, and in time developed her own show. “The Rise

Courtesy Goldberg Family Estate

Not only did she star in her own sitcom in the 1950s, Gertrude Berg was among the first women to produce her own show. of the Goldbergs,” a heimish 15-minute program airing five days a week on NBC, which she wrote, produced and starred in, made its debut one month after the crash of 1929. In 1930, CBS lured Berg away, a clear indication that the show had instantly developed a following. Yoo-Hoo, Mrs. Goldberg describes how Jewish listeners recognized the Goldbergs as relatives or (at least) neighbors, while general audiences found a beacon of low-key reassurance during the Depression. For her part, Berg did some genuinely daring things, including a show depicting a seder in the Goldbergs’ apartment. Berg parlayed her success into a syndicated newspaper column, among other ventures, and at one point was the highest-paid woman in the country. Unfortunately, we don’t learn how she used her bully pulpit, what she spent the money

W h E R E GREATER SEATTLE Chabad House (Traditional) 206/527-1411 4541 19th Ave. NE Bet Alef (Meditative Reform) 206/527-9399 16330 NE 4th St., Bellevue (in Unity Church) Congregation Kol Ami (Reform) 425/844-1604 16530 Avondale Rd. NE, Woodinville Cong. Beis Menachem (Traditional Hassidic) 1837 156th Ave. NE, Bellevue 425/957-7860 Congregation Beth Shalom (Conservative) 6800 35th Ave. NE 206/524-0075 Cong. Bikur Cholim-Machzikay Hadath (Orthodox) 5145 S Morgan 206/721-0970 Capitol Hill Minyan-BCMH (Orthodox) 1501 17th Ave. E 206/721-0970 Congregation Eitz Or (Jewish Renewal) 6556 35th Ave. NE 206/467-2617 Cong. Ezra Bessaroth (Sephardic Orthodox) 5217 S. Brandon Street 206/722-5500 Congregation Shaarei Tefilah-Lubavitch (Orthodox/Hassidic) 6250 43rd Ave. NE 206/527-1411 Congregation Shevet Achim (Orthodox) 5017 90th Ave. SE (at NW Yeshiva HS) Mercer Island 206/275-1539 Congregation Tikvah Chadashah (Gay/Lesbian) 206/355-1414 Emanuel Congregation (Modern Orthodox) 3412 NE 65th Street 206/525-1055 Herzl-Ner Tamid Conservative Congregation (Conservative) 206/232-8555 3700 E. Mercer Way, Mercer Island Hillel (Multi-denominational) 4745 17th Ave. NE 206/527-1997 Kadima (Reconstructionist) 206/547-3914 12353 NE 8th, Seattle Kavana Cooperative [email protected]


K’hal Ateres Zekainim (Orthodox) 206/722-1464 at Kline Galland Home, 7500 Seward Park Ave. S Sephardic Bikur Holim Congregation (Orthodox) 6500 52nd Ave. S 206/723-3028 The Summit at First Hill (Orthodox) 1200 University St. 206/652-4444 Temple Beth Am (Reform) 206/525-0915 2632 NE 80th St. Temple B’nai Torah (Reform) 425/603-9677 15727 NE 4th, Bellevue Temple De Hirsch Sinai (Reform) Seattle, 1441 16th Ave. 206/323-8486 Bellevue, 3850 156th Ave. SE 425/454-5085 SOuTH KING COuNTy Bet Chaverim (Reform) 206/577-0403 25701 14th Place S, Des Moines WEST SEATTLE Kol HaNeshamah (Reform) 206/935-1590 Alki UCC, 6115 SW Hinds St. Torah Learning Center (Orthodox) 5121 SW Olga St. 206/938-4852 WAShinGTon STATE AbERdEEn Temple Beth Israel 360/533-5755 1819 Sumner at Martin AnAcoRTES Anacortes Jewish Community 360/293-4123 bAinbRidGE iSLAnd Congregation Kol Shalom (Reform) 9010 Miller Road NE 206/855-0885 Chavurat Shir Hayam 206/842-8453 bELLinGhAm Chabad Jewish Center of Whatcom County 717 High St. 360/933-4818 Congregation Beth Israel (Reform) 2200 Broadway 360/733-8890

on or how she raised her children in the midst of scripting, rehearsing and broadcasting a show every weekday. The end of World War II brought the end of the radio program and, soon, a new medium. It took all of Berg’s skills of persuasion simply to get an audition from CBS for a TV show — strange, given her status as a household name — but she prevailed and “The Goldbergs” premiered in January 1949, laying the foundation for what came to be called situation comedy. Given that the vast majority of television sets in those early years were located in New York and other Eastern cities, it’s curious that CBS didn’t see the immediate appeal of “The Goldbergs.” But Kempner, a Washington, D.C., resident who hit a home run with The Life and Times of Hank Greenberg, her 1998 portrait of another Jewish icon of an earlier era, doesn’t allot time to examining this contradiction.

The film has a lot of ground to cover, admittedly, But some cultural undercurrents, along with Berg’s private life, take a back seat to the subject’s professional pursuits and, perhaps unduly, the audience’s relationship with the show. A key element of the doc is a parade of (mostly female) interviewees, including NPR correspondent Susan Stamberg (overly affected and overused) and Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg (a kindly figure whose participation marks a coup of sorts, though she doesn’t add much insight), wistfully reminiscing about the influence of mother Molly and daughter Rosalie as Jewish role models. Along with the wealth of comments attesting to “The Goldbergs”’ ethnic accuracy and special resonance for Jewish audiences, the film takes pains to portray the show as thematically inclusive and universal enough to appeal to African Americans. The show provided matter-offact guideposts for assimilating Jews (and other immigrant groups), while humanizing Jews to non-Jewish viewers. Kempner succeeds in portraying Gertrude Berg as a singularly impressive woman — who penned an unbelievable 12,000 scripts during her long run, then triumphed as a stage actress after the TV show went off the air in 1955 — but not an inspiring one. Indeed, the only genuine drama and pathos in Yoo-Hoo, Mrs. Goldberg involves the blacklisting of Philip Loeb, the enormously respected actor and union activist who played Molly’s husband. This high-stakes, too-brief segment makes us sit up straight in our seats, but also exposes the breezy superficiality that infuses the rest of the film. Ultimately, Yoo-Hoo, Mrs. Goldberg isn’t a penetrating cultural critique so much as an exceptionally valuable feelgood film. For most viewers, including future generations curious about the nitty-gritty of the evolution of Jews in America, that’s plenty.

Wo R S h i p bREmERTon Congregation Beth Hatikvah 360/373-9884 11th and Veneta EVERETT / EdmondS Chabad Jewish Center of Snohomish County 2225 100th Ave. W, Edmonds 425/967-3036 Temple Beth Or (Reform) 425/259-7125 3215 Lombard St., Everett FoRT LEWiS Jewish Chapel 253/967-6590 Liggett Avenue & 12th iSSAquAh Chabad of the Central Cascades (Hassidic Traditional) 24121 SE Black Nugget Rd. 425/427-1654 oLympiA Chabad Jewish Discovery Center 1611 Legion Way SE 360/584-4306 Congregation B’nai Torah (Conservative) 3437 Libby Rd. 360/943-7354 Temple Beth Hatfiloh (Reconstructionist) 201 8th Ave. SE 360/754-8519 poRT AnGELES And SEquim Congregation B’nai Shalom 360/452-2471 poRT ToWnSEnd Congregation Bet Shira 360/379-3042 puLLmAn, WA And moScoW, id Jewish Community of the Palouse 509/334-7868 or 208/882-1280 SpokAnE Congregation Emanu-El (Reform) P O Box 30234, Spokane 99223 509/835-5050 www.spokaneemanu-el.org Temple Beth Shalom (Conservative) 1322 E. 30th Ave. 509/747-3304

TAcomA Chabad-Lubavitch of Pierce County 1889 N Hawthorne Dr. 253/565-8770 Temple Beth El (Reform) 253/564-7101 5975 S. 12th St. TRi ciTiES Congregation Beth Sholom (Conservative) 312 Thayer Drive, Richland 509/375-4740 VAncouVER Chabad-Lubavitch of Clark County 9604 NE 126th Ave., Suite 2320 360/993-5222 E-mail: [email protected] www.chabadclarkcounty.com Congregation Kol Ami 360/574-5169 Service times and location can be found at www.jewishvancouverusa.org VAShon iSLAnd Havurat Ee Shalom 206/567-1608 15401 Westside Highway P O Box 89, Vashon Island, WA 98070 WALLA WALLA Congregation Beth Israel 509/522-2511 E-mail: [email protected] WEnATchEE Greater Wenatchee Jewish Community 509/662-3333 or 206/782-1044 WhidbEy iSLAnd Jewish Community of Whidbey Island 360/331-2190 yAkimA Temple Shalom (Reform) 509/453-8988 1517 Browne Ave.

September 25, 2009

Networking Our Local Jewish Community

CoNNECTiNG PRoFESSioNAlS wiTh ouR jEwiSh CommuNiTY

Care Givers Home Care Associates A program of Jewish Family Service 206-861-3193 www.homecareassoc.org  Provides personal care, assistance with daily activities, medication reminders, light housekeeping, meal preparation and companionship to older adults living at home or in assisted-living facilities.


Hyatt Home Care Services, LLC In-Home Care Aides 206-851-5277 ✉☎ [email protected] Assisting with non-medical tasks & home support needs • Housekeeping Personal care • Respite care • Meal preparation. Washington State Licensed Home Care Agency


Quality Home Care for Seniors 206-459-5255 ✉☎ [email protected] Rivka Park, RN offers private geriatric nursing care coupled with unique domestic skills in support of seniors seeking to maintain quality of life at home. Extensive references.


College Placement


College Placement Consultants 425-453-1730 ✉☎ [email protected] www.collegeplacementconsultants.com  Pauline B. Reiter, Ph.D. Expert help with college selection, applications and essays. 40 Lake Bellevue, #100, Bellevue 98005

Arnold S. Reich, D.M.D. 425-228-6444 www.drareich.com  Just off 405 in N. Renton • Gentle Care • Family • Preventive • Cosmetic Dentistry


Linda Jacobs & Associates College Placement Services 206-323-8902 ✉☎ [email protected] Successfully matching student and school. Seattle.


Counselors/Therapists Jewish Family Service Individual, couple, child and family therapy 206-861-3195 www.jfsseattle.org  Expertise with life transitions, relationships and personal challenges. Jewish knowledge and sensitivity. Offices in Seattle and Bellevue. Day and evening hours. Subsidized fee scale available.


Frances M. Pomerantz, MS Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist 425-451-1655 ✉☎ [email protected] Specializing in couples and individuals. Facilitating better communication, more satisfying relationships, increased selfawareness and personal growth. Day & early eve hours available. 1621 114th Ave. SE, #224, Bellevue 98004



Catering Goldberg’s Famous Delicatessen 425-641-6622 ✉☎ [email protected] www.goldbergsdeli.com  Catering for weddings, Bar/Bat Mitzvahs Birthdays, business events & all your Special occasions • Contact Khled/James


Leah’s Catering, Inc. Seattle’s Premier Kosher Caterer 206-985-2647 ✉☎ [email protected] Full Service, Glatt Kosher, Delivery or Pickup All your catering needs. Va’ad supervised.


Madison Park Cafe Simmering in Seattle for over 30 years 206-324-2626 Full service catering for all your Jewish life passages: Bar/Bat Mitzvahs • Weddings • Brit Milah • Special Occasions. Karen Binder


Matzoh Momma Catering Catering with a personal touch 206-324-MaMa Serving the community for over 25 years. Full service catering and event planning for all your Life Cycle events. Miriam and Pip Meyerson


Certified Public Accountants Dennis B. Goldstein & Assoc., CPAs, PS 425-455-0430 F 425-455-0459 ✉☎ [email protected] 12715 Bel-Red Rd., Suite 120 Bellevue 98005


Newman Dierst Hales, PLLC Nolan A. Newman, CPA 206-284-1383 ✉☎ [email protected] www.ndhaccountants.com  Tax • accounting • Healthcare Consulting


Dentists Galina Borodyansky, DDS 425-644-8787 UW School of Dentistry faculty • Implant, Cosmetic, Family Dentistry • Personalized care in a friendly environment • Preferred provider for most insurances 14535 Bel-Red Rd. #101B, Bellevue


B. Robert Cohanim, D.D.S., M.S. Orthodontics for Adults and Children 206-322-7223 www.smile-works.com  Invisalign Premier Provider. On First Hill across from Swedish Hospital.


Warren J. Libman, D.D.S., M.S.D. 425-453-1308 www.libmandds.com  Certified Specialist in Prosthodontics: • Restorative • Reconstructive • Cosmetic Dentistry 14595 Bel Red Rd. #100, Bellevue




Michael Spektor, D.D.S. 425-643-3746 ✉☎ [email protected] www.spektordental.com  Specializing in periodontics, dental implants, and cosmetic gum therapy. Bellevue


Wendy Shultz Spektor, D.D.S. 425-454-1322 ✉☎ [email protected] www.spektordental.com  Emphasis: Cosmetic and Preventive Dentistry • Convenient location in Bellevue.


Financial Services Hamrick Investment Counsel, LLC Roy a. Hamrick, CFa 206-441-9911 ✉☎ [email protected] Professional portfolio management services for individuals, foundations and nonprofit organizations.


Mass Mutual Financial Group Albert Israel, CFP 206-346-3327 ✉☎ [email protected] Jamison Russ 206-346-3266 ✉☎ [email protected] Retirement planning for those nearing retirement • Estate planning for those subject to estate taxes • General investment management • Life, disability, long-term care & health insurance • Complimentary one hour sessions available

☎☎ ☎☎

Solomon M. Karmel, Ph.D First Allied Securities 425-454-2285 x 1080 www.hedgingstrategist.com  Retirement, stocks, bonds, college, annuities, business 401Ks.


Funeral/Burial Services


Hills of Eternity Cemetery Owned and operated by Temple De Hirsch Sinai 206-323-8486 Serving the greater Seattle Jewish community. Jewish cemetery open to all pre-need and at-need services. Affordable rates • Planning assistance. Queen Anne, Seattle


Your Business Category Your Company Name Your Name or Company Your Phone Number ✉☎ Your E-mail address Your Web site  A few lines of copy about your business. Your business address



Spear Studios, Graphic Design Sandra Spear 206-621-0240 ✉☎ [email protected] • Newsletters • Brochures • Logos • Letterheads • Custom invitations • Photo Editing for Genealogy Projects

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Dani Weiss Photography 206-760-3336 www.daniweissphotography.com  Photographer Specializing in People. Bar/Bat Mitzvahs, parties, promotions & weddings. Reasonable rates Digital or film



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Real Estate Helene Rubens Residential & Investment Specialist Greater Eastside/King County areas 206-817-1300 (cell) ✉☎ [email protected] www.johnlscott.com/helener  I have knowledge and skills to assure an easy and stress free real estate transaction. I will turn your dreams into reality and walk you through the process with ease!

Eastside Insurance Services Chuck Rubin, agent 425-271-3101 F 425-277-3711 4508 NE 4th, #B, Renton Tom Brody, agent 425-646-3932 F 425-646-8750 2227 112th Ave. NE, Bellevue We represent Pemco, Safeco, Hartford & Progressive www.e-z-insurance.com 




Senior Services

United Insurance Brokers, Inc. Linda Kosin 425-454-9373 ✉☎ [email protected] F 425-453-5313 Your insurance source since 1968 Business, group and personal insurance 50 116th Ave SE #201, Bellevue 98004

Jewish Family Service 206-461-3240 www.jfsseattle.org  Comprehensive geriatric care management and support services for seniors and their families. Expertise with in-home assessments, residential placement, family dynamics and on-going case management. Jewish knowledge and sensitivity.


Travel Services

Occasionally Yours Adrian Lustig, owner 425-644-8551 ✉☎ [email protected] Specializing in Jewish Wedding and Bar/Bat Mitzvah Invitations 20% Discount • Hebrew type

Travel the World with Quest 206 327 1274 ✉☎ [email protected] www.questtravel.ca  Great airfares to Israel, South Africa and the rest of the world! Your Journey Awaits: packages and tours to experience the cultures of people all around the world. Cruises: You are just one click away from searching the world’s leading cruise lines.





mohelim Rabbi Simon Benzaquen 206-721-2275 • 206-723-3028 Fastest Mohel in the West Certified Mohel


Congregation Beth Shalom Cemetery 206-524-0075 ✉☎ [email protected] This beautiful new cemetery is available to the Jewish community and is located just north of Seattle.

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friday, october 2, 2009

community news

Bringing the Fight Home t Page 5 • Te m p l e B e t h A m’s H o m e l e s s 2 Renter program, which aims to bring people from t he st reets into apar tments or other low-income housing, holds its annual fundraiser on Sun.,

Sept. 4. Contact 206-525-0915 or rsvp@ templebetham.org. • Seattle CROP Hunger Walk, which begins and ends at Kol HaNeshamah/ A lk i UCC in West Seatt le at 1 p.m. on Sun., Sept. 4, raises awareness for international hunger relief as well as

the shouk

local hunger fighting efforts. Visit www. seattlecrophungerwalk.org for details. For further details on the entire program or to download resources, visit www. jewishinseattle.org/programs-initiatives/ focus-fight.



october 2, 2009

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JTNews seeks avolunteer proofreader to help out with checking the paper before it goes to press. Volunteer must be available every other Wednesday, in late morning and afternoon, and occasional Tuesday’s. The right person should have a good working knowledge of the English langage and grammar, punctuation and proofreading marks. AP Stylebook knowledge helpful as well. For more information, please contact JTNews editor Joel Magalnick at [email protected]. A proofreading test may be required.

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friday, october 2, 2009


jtnews 27 community news

Seattle CROP Hunger Walk The Seattle CROP Hunger Walk is a fundraising event organized under the auspices of Church World Service for international hunger relief as well as local hunger fighting. A formal course of 10 kilometers has been laid out from Alki Congregational UCC along the Alki boardwalk toward downtown and then back again. The course is flat throughout, and wheelchair (and stroller) accessible. At the conclusion of the walk, representatives of the Kol HaNeshamah synagogue community will be present, and have invited all interested walkers to join them in their sukkah for a brief introduction to the holiday of Sukkot. For more information, visit www.seattlecrophungerwalk. org. Sun., Oct. 4 at 1 p.m. Start and finish at Alki Congregational UCC, 6115 SW Hinds St., West Seattle.

Homeless to Renter fundraiser Temple Beth Am’s Homeless to Renter Program (H2R) will hold its 5th annual Simchat Suk kot fundraiser and celebration. This year’s Simchat Sukkot speaker is Sharon Lee, longtime director of the Low Income Housing Institute, a non-profit provider of housing for those in need. Suggested donation is $18. Contact 206-525-0915 or [email protected] to RSVP. Sun., Oct. 4, at 7:30 p.m. at the Temple Beth Am social hall, 2632 NE 80th St., Seattle.

Hadassah 101 workshop Hadassah’s Tzafona group will offer an interactive program designed to give as much information about Hadassah as possible in a short amount of time. Pacific Northwest regional board members Jacquie Bayley, Talby Gelb, and Peg Elefant, along with former Seattle Chapter director Sheila Abrahams, will make the presentation. Prospective and existing members are invited. Free. RSVP to Diana Brement at 206-527-9132 or Barbara Droker at 206-523-2014. Wed., Oct. 7, from 7–9 p.m. at a private home (address provided upon RSVP).

Hot topics on the civil rights front D ebbie B e n s i n g e r, a s s i s t a nt national director of legal affairs for the Anti-Defamation League, will give a talk called “ADL in the Trenches: Hot Topics on the Civil Rights Front.” Topics include expanded domestic partnership rights, cyberbullying regulations, and anti-Semitic imagery in the To Educate and to Serve t Page 7 markets all have to be looked at together to figure out how to strengthen people’s capacity to feed themselves. JT: You had to opportunity to meet with President Obama recently to talk about Darfur. What was the purpose of that meeting? RM: Obama was quite articulate about the genocide in Darfur during the presidential campaign. So the people who have been fighting this genocide for five years have continued to put pressure on this administration to make this a higherpriority issue. One of our early requests, which was not successful during the Bush administration, was to have the president appoint a single special envoy because that just allows a level of focused attention to these complicated negotiations and diplomatic procedures. So when the president named a special envoy, General Scott Gration, he actually invited six members of congress and six Darfur activists to come to the White House to chat with him.

nation’s healthcare debate. This event is free and open to all. CLE credits available to attorneys. Lunch provided. Wed., Oct. 14 at noon at the Tower Building, 4th floor conference room, 1809 7th Ave., Seattle. Contact [email protected] or 206-448-5349, ext. 4 by Oct. 12 to RSVP.

The Jerusalem Post Crossword Puzzle Bezalel’s Children By Matt Gaffney

Sukkot family dinner The Stroum JCC will host a Sukkot dinner party for families. Activities include Israeli dancing, singing, arts and crafts, face painting and games. Kosher pizza, drinks and dessert provided. Cost for members is $12 for adults, $5 for kids. Cost for non-members is $15 for adults, $6 for kids. To RSVP, visit www.sjcc. org. Wed., Oct. 7 at 5:30 p.m. at the Stroum JCC, 3801 E Mercer Way, Mercer Island.

StandWithUs Northwest 2009 community luncheon A celebration of Israel and fundraising luncheon for Israel advocacy organization StandWithUs Northwest. Guest speaker Dr. Kenneth Stein, president of the Center for Israel Education and the Director of the Institute for the Study of Modern Israel at Emory University, will give a talk called “The Assault on Israel on American Campuses.” $72 couvert. Kosher laws observed. Fri., Oct. 16 from noon to 1:30 p.m. at the Sheraton Seattle Hotel, Grand Ballroom, 1400 6th Ave., Seattle.

WSJHS annual meeting
 At its annual meeting, the Washington State Jewish Historical Society will mark the 1909 Alaska Yukon Pacific Exhibition centennial with a celebration of Jewish businesses in operation at the time. David Buerge, co-author of Roots and Branches: The Religious Heritage of Washington State, will be the featured speaker. To RSVP, contact Lori at 206-7742277 or [email protected]. Fri., Oct. 18 at
 1:30 p.m. at the Summit on First Hill, 1200 University St., Seattle.

Mezuzah trade-in Turn in your old or unkosher mezuzah to the Eastside Torah Center and receive a $10 rebate toward a new kosher mezuzah. Not sure if your mezuzah is kosher? Get a free in-home estimate, and, if necessary, removal of old mezuzot, as well as proper installment of new ones. Those without mezuzot or those who would like to purchase additional ones, also qualify. For more information contact 425-957-7860 or [email protected].

JT: Do you feel like Obama and his administration are going to make good on their initial enthusiasm for ending the genocide in Darfur? RM: I don’t know. I think the jury is still out. They are faced with immense challenges. First, the challenge of everything else that’s on their plate, from health care to Iraq to Afghanistan to the economy. Second, they discover, like everyone who gets in there, that dealings with Sudan are incredibly complicated. And so, developing policy toward and in this region of the world is not easy. But we feel — we being not just the American Jewish World Service, but several Darfur activists — that the situation on the ground continues to be untenable. Too many people in camps for too long. And now there’s even less access to food and water because of the expulsion of some of the large humanitarian aide groups. There needs to be more attention and more efforts to stop the daily violence. An unabridged version of the interview can be found online at www.jtnews.net.

Across 1 “It’s ___!” (Reaction to seeing the Statue of Liberty) 6 Bit of “La Juive” 10 Copier function, sometimes 14 “Hearts ___” (sitcom Ed Asner appeared on) 15 God-___ 16 “Mr. Holland’s Opus” instrument 17 Abstract painter 19 “I smell ___!” 20 Tuches (rear ___) 21 Its armed leaders include Sandra Froman 22 Novelist Jong 23 Pioneer of modern sculpture 27 1938 Molly Picon movie 30 Canter 31 People with much yichus 32 “Soap” actor Jimmy 34 Brent Spiner character 38 Rabbinic Rishon, with “the” 39 “Haunting” painter 42 Billy Joel’s “Piano ___” 43 “Happily ___ after” 45 Employs 46 Medved rival 48 Mizrach direction 50 Discourages 51 Early Pop Artist 56 JTS Chancellor Eisen 57 “Ode on a Grecian ___” 58 Patient Biblical character 61 New Jersey team 62 Italian painter and sculptor 66 One 67 “It’s ___!” 68 Kohen’s sash 69 The Three Stooges, e.g. 70 Tzimmes, e.g. 71 Kosher fowl

Answers on page 26

Down 1 Identical 2 “The Death ___ American Jewish Community” 3 Raven or dove 4 Noodge 5 Hebrew for “convert” or “stranger” 6 One kind of turf 7 Beit Teshuvah, e.g. 8 Squid liquid 9 “Much ___ About Nothing” 10 Began 11 Big name in female scientists 12 Counters 13 New name for Anatoly 18 Start of many fairy tales 22 Uri Geller “specialty” 23 Ride El Al 24 A Baldwin brother 25 German-Jewish sociologist Norbert 26 Word with gene or wading 27 Nothing more than 28 Violate ___ (Smoke on Shabbat, e.g.) 29 “Ess ess ___ kind!” 32 Moisten while cooking 33 Methuselah’s was 969 35 “V’imru ___” 36 Hamentaschen, maybe 37 Tiny workers 40 Silence 41 “The Jewish King ___” (Popular Yiddish play) 44 Pushes back 47 Locust, e.g. 49 Score well on Bagrut exams 50 Mao successor 51 Scored 52 Word with sports 53 Krauthammer’s Law: “Everyone is Jewish ___ proven otherwise” 54 Some Nimoy art 55 B’nai ___ 58 Congresswoman Harman (D-Calif.) 59 “A Room of ___ Own” 60 Dentist’s concern 62 First word of a Reiser sitcom 63 ___-Wan Kenobi 64 33, as in Ba’omer 65 “___ Just Seen a Face”

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