Jtnews | October 16, 2009

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  • Words: 21,133
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vol. 85, no. 22


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28 tishrei 5769




JT the voice of jewish washington

Joel Magalnick

Yael Shuval, with Lauren Brown looking on, sniffs an etrog during Jconnect’s Sukkot Harvest Festival Farm to Table dinner on Oct. 4. Read about the visit to the farm on page 4.

Obama’s Nobel, Israel’s problem? Leslie Susser JTA World News Service


JERUSALEM (JTA) — Although warm and effusive in their congratulations, Israeli officials fear President Obama’s Nobel Peace Prize could limit his options on Iran. They argue that Obama, having won the prestigious award for restoring the role of diplomacy in international affairs, may be more inclined to take the military option off the table, paving the way for Iran to advance its nuclear plans with relative impunity. The Israelis have similar concerns on the Palestinian track, fearing the prize might encourage Obama to redouble his efforts for an independent Palestinian state by 2012 by pressing Israel to make far-reaching concessions. Even before news of the Nobel, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu had deep misgivings about the new U.S. diplomatic engagement with Iran. Successful dialogue could lead to pressure on Israel to dismantle its reputed nuclear arsenal. One Israeli nightmare scenario is that Iran demands Israeli nuclear disarmament as a condition of its agreement to drop its nuclear weapons program. Were this to happen, the Israelis fear the praise the Norwegian Nobel committee heaped on Obama’s advocacy of a nuclear-free world could exacerbate their predicament. What more worries Israeli strategic thinkers is the more likely scenario of a U.S.-Iran dialogue that fails to produce conclusive results, sucking the Obama administration into a long, meandering process the Iranians would use as a cover to advance their nuclear activities. The concern persists, despite U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton’s reassurance in London last weekend that “the international community will not wait indefinitely for evidence that Iran is prepared to live up to its international obligations.”

And on Wednesday, the House of Representatives passed the Iran Sanctions Enabling Act of 2009, which would allow state and local governments to divest from companies that invest in Iran’s petroleum or natural gas sector, or do business with the country’s nuclear industry. In light of these considerations, the Netanyahu government appears to be developing a pragmatic Iran strategy. Netanyahu seems resigned to waiting out Washington’s efforts at dialogue and to giving international sanctions a chance if dialogue fails. Some of Netanyahu’s close advisers say the dialogue stage is necessary so that when it fails — as it is bound to do, they argue — Obama will be able to muster an effective and widely backed sanctions regime. The main plank of the Israeli waiting game, however, is to coordinate throughout as closely as possible with Washington on intelligence and on possible military action. Netanyahu, who has warned repeatedly that Israel will not tolerate a nuclear Iran, does not want to act without close U.S. coordination. That’s where this month’s huge joint military exercise in Israel’s Negev Desert comes in. In maneuvers dubbed Juniper Cobra, the Israel Defense Forces, the U.S. European Command and the U.S. Missile Defense Agency will test four defense systems against incoming ballistic missiles, such as those from Iran. The main purpose will be to hone the interoperability of Israel’s Arrow 2 and three state-ofthe-art American systems: The high-altitude THAAD, the ship-based Aegis and the lower-altitude Patriot PAC 3. All four will be coordinated by American X-Band Radar, deployed in the Negev since last October and capable of tracing an object as small as a baseball from a distance of approximately 3,000 miles. This means that with X-Band and the various interceptor systems, Israel theoretically could shoot down Iranian Shihab missiles shortly after take-off and possibly still over Iranian territory. Israelis also would get warning time of five to seven minutes to take cover after Iranian missile firings.

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New JCC head envisions collaboration, partnerships with Jewish community Joel Magalnick Editor, JTNews Several weeks after taking the reins of the Stroum Jewish Community Center, CEO Judy Neuman sat down with JTNews to share her thoughts on how the JCC currently serves the community and her vision of what the JCC can be in the future. A full, unabridged version of the interview can be found at www.jtnews.net. JTNews: What do you think of your new job so far? Judy Neuman: I’m loving it actually, it’s wonderful. I spent, really, the first several weeks looking inside the box, if you will, really looking inside the JCC, meeting all the team members. I’m not through everybody yet, but I literally want to meet and spend time with every person

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Haq trial to begin Monday On Monday, Judge Paris K. Kallas is expected to begin the retrial of Naveed Haq. Haq is charged with shooting six women, killing one, at the Jewish Federation of Greater Seattle in July of 2006. His first trial ended last year with a hung jury. Selection for this trial’s jury is expected to end by Friday. JTNews will provide coverage of the trial throughout.

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n friday, community calendar

october 16, 2009

october 16 – november 3, 2009 The JTNews calendar presents a selection of ongoing events in the Jewish community. For a complete listing of events, or to add your event to the JTNews calendar, visit www.jtnews.net. Calendar events must be submitted no later than 10 days before publication. Looking for the ongoing section? Find recurring events online at www.jtnews.net.

Candle Lighting Times 10/16/09 10/23/09 10/30/09 11/6/09

6:03 p.m. 5:50 p.m. 5:38 p.m. 4:24 p.m.

October Friday 16 ■■12 p.m. – StandWithUs Northwest 2009 Community Luncheon [email protected] A celebration of Israel and a fundraising luncheon for Israel advocacy organization StandWithUs Northwest. $72 couvert. At the Sheraton Seattle Hotel, 1400 6th Ave., Seattle. ■■5 p.m. – Michael Chabon Michael Chabon reads from his collection of personal essays, Manhood for Amateurs: The Pleasures and Regrets of a Husband, Father, and Son. Chabon is also the author of The Yiddish Policeman’s Union and The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier & Clay, which won the Pulitzer Prize in 2001. At Elliott Bay Book Co., 101 S Main St., Seattle.

Saturday 17 ■■4:30 p.m. – “The Mystery of Enoch” Erica Curnutte at 206-323-5750, ext. 264 or [email protected] Text study with Rivy Poupko Kletenik. At Bikur Cholim-Machzikay Hadath, 5145 S Morgan St., Seattle. ■■6 p.m. – Guest Rabbi on Whidbey Stefan at 360-321-5206 or [email protected] Rabbi Zari Weiss of Seattle visits the Whidbey Island Jewish community to lead a Havdalah service and speak on the topic “A Jewish Primer to Building Community.” At Greenbank Progressive Hall, at the corner of Bakken and Firehouse Roads, Whidbey Island.

Sunday 18 ■■10:30 a.m. - 2 p.m. – JFS Food Sort Jane Deer-Hileman at 206-861-3155 or [email protected] Volunteers are needed to help sort the food collected during Jewish Family Service’s annual food drive. All ages welcome. Advance registration required. At Acme Food Sales Warehouse, address provided upon RSVP. ■■10:30 a.m. – Penny Orloff [email protected] Fall kickoff event for Seattle Chapter Hadassah featuring guest speaker Penny

Orloff, a former Broadway actress. She will discuss her book Jewish Thighs on Broadway: Misadventures of A Little Trouper. At the Seattle Yacht Club, 1807 E Hamlin St., Seattle. ■■1:30 p.m. – WSJHS Annual Meeting Lori at 206-774-2277 or [email protected] At its annual meeting, the Washington State Jewish Historical Society will mark the 1909 Alaska Yukon Pacific Exhibition centennial with a celebration of Jewish businesses in operation at the time. At The Summit at First Hill, 1200 University St., Seattle.

Monday 19 ■■7 p.m. – Women’s Night of Jewish Learning Anna Frankfort at 206-774-2226 or [email protected] Monthly interactive Jewish learning, dessert, and schmoozing sponsored by Women’s Philanthropy in conjunction with the Jewish Federation of Greater Seattle. Location provided upon RSVP.

Wednesday 21 ■■12 - 1 p.m. – East-Side Lox ‘n’ Learn Jacob at [email protected] Lunch and a discussion led by Rabbi Jacob Fine. RSVP requested. At Microsoft, building 9, room 2569, Redmond.

Tuesday 20 ■■8 a.m. – City Council Candidate Debates Listen to Jewish city council candidates David Ginsberg, Jessie Israel and Robert Rosencrantz debate their opponents. At the Seattle Public Library, Microsoft Auditorium, 1000 4th Ave., Seattle. ■■10 a.m. – Energy: New Technologies, the Weather & Conservation 425-603-9677, www.templebnaitorah.org Andy Wappler of Puget Sound Energy will connect energy and climate change to local weather, and will share simple changes he made in his home to reduce his energy use. Hosted by JFS’s Endless Opportunities program. At Temple B’nai Torah, 15727 NE 4th St., Bellevue. ■■10 a.m. - 2 p.m. – Senior Resource and Preparedness Fair Ulla Rychter at 206-546-3053 A chance to meet representatives from agencies offering services and resources for seniors. Free. Co-sponsored by Temple Beth Am. At the Meadowbrook Community Center, 10517 35th Ave. NE, Seattle.

Wednesday 21 ■■11:30 a.m. – Daytimers Lunch & Film Series Leslie Reibman at 206-232-8555, ext. 207 or [email protected] Herzl-Ner Tamid’s seniors group presents a screening of the movie Mendel, about a German-Jewish boy born shortly after WWII. Cost is $7 per person and includes a homemade lunch. At Herzl-Ner Tamid

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Conservative Congregation, 3700 E Mercer Island Way, Mercer Island. ■■12 - 1 p.m. – East-Side lox n’ Learn Jacob at [email protected] Lunch and a discussion led by Rabbi Jacob Fine. RSVP requested. At Microsoft, Building 9, Room 2569, Redmond. ■■6:30 p.m. – Daniel Goldhagen Reading Daniel Goldhagen’s latest book, Worse Than War, explains why genocides begin, why societies support them, and how the international community can successfully stop them. At Town Hall, 1119 8th Ave., Seattle. ■■7 p.m. – Iran Forum Kim Greenhall at 206-774-2221 or [email protected] AIPAC, the American Jewish Committee, the Jewish Federation of Greater Seattle, StandWithUs and Temple De Hirsch Sinai and a panel of experts explore questions about Iran’s history, politics and nuclear goals. At Temple De Hirsch Sinai, 1511 E Pike St., Seattle.

Thursday 22 ■■11:30 a.m. – Holocaust Center Fundraising Luncheon 206-774-2201 or [email protected] The Washington State Holocaust Education Resource Center will host its fifth annual fundraising luncheon. The event’s theme is “Voices for Humanity” and will honor three hidden children from Holland who regularly visit Seattle-area classrooms to share their stories. At the Westin Seattle, 1900 5th Ave., Seattle. ■■7:30 p.m. – Understanding the Statewide Ballot Initiatives The National Council of Jewish Women Seattle Section and The Summit at First Hill present a discussion of the statewide initiatives that will be found on the ballot this fall. At The Summit at First Hill, 1200 University St., Seattle.

Sunday 25 ■■2 p.m. – Ride the Ducks Josh at [email protected] An outing to Ride the Ducks with Jconnect. At Ride the Ducks of Seattle, 516 Broad St., Seattle. ■■7 p.m. – Caring for Our Aging Parents Marjorie Schnyder at 206-861-3146 or [email protected] Jewish Family Service presents a workshop series for adult children of aging parents. The first event will address the topic “Supporting Your Parents Long Distance.” $10. Location provided upon RSVP.

Wednesday 28 ■■6:15 p.m. – “Taking Charge of Your Fertility” Tamar Lieb at [email protected] Author Toni Weschler will give a talk on fertility for women looking for a more natural form of birth control or trying to increase their chances of pregnancy. Cost is $7 for Hadassah members, $10 for non-members

and $5 for students. At UW Hillel, 4745 NE 17th Ave. NE, Seattle. ■■7 p.m. – Intro to Genealogy and Family History Carol Benedick at 206-524-0075 or [email protected] or www.bethshalomseattle.org Carol Starin will examine primary documents and provide tools, skills and resources —Jewish and secular — for creating a family tree and telling family stories. Cost is $60 for four sessions. At Congregation Beth Shalom, 6800 35th Ave. NE, Seattle. ■■7 p.m. – Tightwad Kosher: Building a Jewish Home without Breaking the Bank Carol Benedick at 206-524-0075 or [email protected] or www.bethshalomseattle.org Learn techniques for a kitchen kashered on the cheap. Free. RSVP appreciated. At Congregation Beth Shalom, 6800 35th Ave. NE, Seattle. ■■7:30 p.m. – Faith-Inspired Forum for Healthcare Reform Leaders from the three Abrahamic faiths and Buddhism share teachings from their traditions that shed light on healthcare reform. At Town Hall, 1119 8th Ave., Seattle.

Thursday 29 ■■9:45 - 11:45 a.m. – Architectural Tour Ruth Dick at 206-328-6459 Two-hour architectural walking tour with Temple Beth Am’s seniors group. $20. Meet at Seattle Architecture Foundation gallery, 1333 5th Ave., 3rd floor, Seattle. ■■11 a.m. – Luncheon with Justice Bobbe Bridge Ellen Hendin at 206-861-3183 or [email protected] Lunch and a discussion with former Washington State Supreme Court Justice Bobbe Bridge, now president of the Center for Children and Youth Justice. Hosted by the JFS Endless Opportunities Program. At the Temple De Hirsch Sinai foyer, 1441 16th Ave., Seattle. ■■6 p.m. – Nimble Finger Knitting Anna Frankfort at 206-774-2226 or [email protected] A group for beginning and advanced women knitters, sponsored by Women’s Philanthropy in conjunction with the Jewish Federation of Greater Seattle. Location provided upon RSVP.

November Tuesday 3 ■■6:15 p.m. – A Taste of Ethnic Israel Carol Benedick at 206-524-0075 or [email protected] or www.bethshalomseattle.org A special evening of food, storytelling and cultural exploration with a group of women from Kiryat Malachi, Israel. $10 for adults, $3 for kids 5-12. Free for 4 and under. Pre-registration required. At Congregation Beth Shalom, 6800 35th Ave. NE, Seattle.

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friday, october 16, 2009



Misunderstanding the Iranian threat


page viewpoints

Not all views will be represented at a panel on Iran Richard Silverstein Special to JTNews On Oct. 21, several Jewish organizations will host a community conference, “Understanding the Iranian Threat.” The Web site of the Jewish Federation of Greater Seattle notes it “Will provide a look at Iran’s history and political landscape; an in-depth analysis of the dangers of a nuclear-armed Iran; its strategic threat to Israel, the United States and the world; and, an understanding of how we can prevent it.” While the panel speakers (from AIPAC, the Jerusalem Post and the Israeli government) are qualified to represent the views of the Israeli government, AIPAC and StandWithUs, two of the sponsors, are not qualified to discuss “Iran’s history and political landscape” since they likely have never visited Iran, do not speak Farsi, and have no academic expertise in this field. This event will present a partisan view of the Iranian crisis. Expenses for this event will be paid by AIPAC and StandWithUs, hard-line pro-Israel advocacy groups. Speakers will discuss “crippling sanctions” (Bibi Netanyahu’s term) and, failing them, a possible military attack on Iran. Yaakov Katz, the speaker from the Jerusalem Post, wrote that such an Israeli military attack on Iran could cause the current hard-line government to fall. In

The JTNews is the Voice of Jewish Washington. Our mission is to meet the interests of our Jewish community through fair and accurate coverage of local, national and international news, opinion and information. We seek to expose our readers to diverse viewpoints and vibrant debate on many fronts, including the news and events in Israel. We strive to contribute to the continued growth of our local Jewish community as we carry out our mission. 2041 Third Avenue, Seattle, WA 98121 phone 206-441-4553 fax 206-441-2736 E-mail: [email protected] www.jtnews.net JTNews (ISSN0021-678X) is published biweekly by The Seattle Jewish Transcript, a nonprofit corporation owned by the Jewish Federation of Greater Seattle, 2041 3rd Ave., Seattle, WA 98121. Subscriptions are $39.50 for one year, $57.50 for two years. Periodicals postage paid at Seattle, WA. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to JTNews, 2041 Third Ave., Seattle, WA 98121.


Reach us directly at 206-441-4553 + ext. Publisher *Karen Chachkes 267 Editor *Joel Magalnick 233 Assistant Editor Leyna Krow 240 Account Executive Lynn Feldhammer 264 Account Executive David Stahl 235 Account Executive Stacy Schill 292 Classifieds Manager Rebecca Minsky 238 Art Director Susan Beardsley 239 Accountant Louise Kornreich 234 Production Artist Elisa Haradon

Board of Directors

Scott Michelson, Chair*; Robin Boehler; Don Edmond; Lisa Eggers; Nancy Geiger; Cynthia Flash Hemphill*; Allen Israel*; Stan Mark; Daniel Mayer; Cantor David Serkin-Poole*; Sandy Sidell Richard Fruchter, CEO and President, Jewish Federation of Greater Seattle Ron Leibsohn, Federation Board Chair *Member, JTNews Editorial Board

The opinions of our columnists and advertisers do not necessarily reflect the views of JTNews.

fact, almost every serious Iran analyst believes that a military attack on Iran will unite the nation behind the hard-line clerics and doom the reformist movement. The leader of the opposition, Mir-Hussein Moussavi, has publicly warned that further sanctions will hurt his movement. We as Jews should think about the long-term impact of U.S. and Israeli actions. If we really wish a more democratic Iran open to foregoing nuclear weapons, then a pragmatic approach advocated by the Obama administration is the only way to go. As tempting as confronting Iran is, we should think about the impact of threats and harsh rhetoric on political reality. Iran’s current hardline leadership is an unsavory lot. But a policy of threats and confrontation will strengthen it and not attain our goals. The conference claims to represent the consensus views of the local Jewish community. But the 2009 American Jewish Committee national survey finds that about one-third of Jews oppose an attack on Iran. This realist strain in Jewish opinion will not (as of the day I write this) be represented by any panelist at the event. The Israeli foreign ministry, AIPAC and StandWithUs should not control this debate within the Jewish community. For that reason, a coalition of local community groups, including some in the Jewish community, will host a conference that will present the alternative views that should have been offered on Oct. 21. In December, at Town Hall Seattle, Keith Weissman, former director of AIPAC’s Iran desk, Ian Lustick, political science professor at the University of Pennsylvania, and Trita Parsi, director of the National Iranian American Council, will present a pragmatic approach to the Iranian crisis, which embraces diplomatic engagement and eschews force. Unlike the Oct. 21 event, each of these speakers has academic and direct personal experience of Iran along with deep experience in Israel and its interests. I invite Seattle’s Jewish community to hear a point of view endorsed by one-third of our fellow Jews, one that will unfortunately not be otherwise heard. Richard Silverstein writes the Tikun Olam blog, found at www.richardsilverstein.com/ tikun_olam.

Letters Housing for all I read with interest your article about housing and the Jewish community (“Yes for homes!” Sept. 11). I am glad you mentioned the danger in the Eyman initiative. It is important that people know to vote no on 1033. I would like to emphasize the importance of renewing the Housing Levy Proposition. Yes, that is renewing, not something added. Since it was instituted in 2002, the levy has established nearly 2,000 new affordable apartments, many of which have won awards for green design. The housing built by the levy will remain affordable for at least 50 years, providing homes for thousands of households over the years. This levy creates highquality, affordable apartments for many of the most vulnerable in our city: seniors, people with disabilities, families with children and people working at low-wage jobs. Rent assistance to prevent homelessness as well as home loans for low-income home buyers are also included. I would like to point out that this is what I call an “upstream” solution to the housing problem. For example, if a factory is polluting a river and the people downstream are getting sick, it is important

to help the people who are getting sick. However, stopping the pollution upstream keeps the problem from continuing. Renewing the Housing Levy, Proposition 1 is a good choice for everyone. Kayla Weiner Seattle

Stop the swinging Your column in defense of kaparot was so upsetting I am just getting the strength to write now (“What’s Your JQ?” Sept. 11). How can inflicting pain on a helpless creature make us better people? Do you know that many people who inflict pain become desensitized? I feel very sad that Jews need to make other beings suffer to make themselves think of their own mortality. This part of being Jewish I completely reject and no amount of “scholastic” interpretation will ever make it correct. Judaism is a religion of compassion and any other “interpretation” is twisted. God gave us dominion over and with nature to protect, care and be in mutual harmony and benefit each other, not to torture them to give dramatic “lessons” for our own mortality. Eileen Weintraub Seattle


Approve Referendum 71 Referendum 71, which if passed will enact into law Senate Bill 5688, giving same-sex couples and domestic partners over the age of 62 the same benefits given to married couples, is supported by a large number of Jewish institutions. It’s a list that includes many synagogues and individual rabbis across the state, the AntiDefamation League, the American Jewish Committee, Jewish Family Service, the Jewish Federation of Greater Seattle, and the Washington State Holocaust Education Resource Center — among many others. We urge approval of R-71 as well. It’s an issue of fairness. As Jews, whether it’s because we have experienced unequal rights so many times in the past, or because we live in the belief of loving thy neighbor as thyself, it should be of utmost importance to ensure that our neighbors, our coworkers, our fellow synagogue members

have the same rights as everyone else. While we recognize that many people in the Jewish community do not support same-sex marriage rights, we must emphasize that R-71 is not about marriage. It is about the rights of some family members who do not have the necessary access to their loved ones in times of crisis. It is about conferring those rights that people who can legally be married may take for granted — hospital visitation, state pension and death benefits, guardianship, even dissolution of the relationship — to those who do not have them even though they have loving partners and families. R-71 also allows seniors who, whether because of economic or familial reasons, find living with a partner best for their health and well-being, and give that partner the ability to act in the event of

an emergency or death but does not strip away benefits conferred upon them by a former spouse. We do have concerns about ethical issues surrounding what could be construed as “double dipping” from pensions or the ability to continue receiving alimony or other spousal support, and whether this aspect of SB5688, as often happens with any new law, could result in unintended consequences. It’s an aspect of the law that may need to be revisited by the Legislature in the future. While we think it is absurd that the happiness and rights of others must be subject to popular vote, it is the situation in which we find ourselves. And it is because of that we urge voters to approve passage of Referendum 71. JTNews runs editorials with the backing of its editorial committee on an ongoing basis. If you would like to comment on this editorial, please send an e-mail to [email protected].

We would love to hear from you! Our guide to writing a letter to the editor can be found on our Web site: www.jtnews.net/index.php?/static/item/611/ The deadline for the next issue is october 20 n future deadlines may be found online




friday, october 16, 2009

community news

Back to the land Local focus of Jconnect Sukkot dinner brings food picked that morning, just feet away from the table Joel Magalnick

All photos by Joel Magalnick

Editor, JTNews As little as 100 years ago, the Jewish people lived primarily agrarian lives. It’s something that can often be forgotten, said Rabbi Jacob Fine, associate director of Hillel at the University of Washington, to a group of 80 young adults sitting at tables set up on the grassy driveway of Oxbow Farm in rural Carnation. “It’s important for us to keep in mind that our ancestors would be at home here,” Fine told the attendees at Hillel’s Sukkot Harvest Festival Farm to Table dinner on the evening of Sun., Oct. 4. But it’s that history that brought so many of the participants, most if not all of them city slickers, to this farm whose business is predicated on sustainable growth practices. Many have, for the past year, participated in Hillel’s Jharvest, the community-supported agriculture program that brings boxes of Oxbow’s organic produce to Hillel each week.

Attendees of the Jharvest dinner enjoy appetizers as the meal gets underway.

Campbell, a couple who are active in Seattle’s Jewish community and recently founded B. Fuller’s Mortar & Pestle. “I have never encountered such generous people in the food world,” Lantos said. Fine tied the meal’s return to the land to Sukkot as the harvest holiday, noting that in ancient Jerusalem people would make three treks each year to the Temple to give thanks to God for the crops they had grown and to leave an offering. He contrasted this with today, when hundreds of different types of produce can be found at the supermarket, but with no real connection to where the items came from. “Sukkot is a spiritual challenge, and a wakeup call to get back to our roots and recommit w it h t he most essential elements of life: Food, community, shelter,” The salmon, topped with baby fennel and a confit of roma Fine said. tomatoes, was the main dish. McCurdy, who is Jewish, gave a tour of the grounds and flower soup, which One of the side dishes was made with “Today, in our modern society, it’s very wove in connections had been picked three types of beets harvested directly easy for us to lose touch with what the to Sukkot throughout just days earlier, to from the farm. farmers inherently understood,” Fine said. his explanations of the lavender atop “There are so many variables that contribthe farm. He talked about not only organic the tort made from chocolate donated by ute to the food landing on our plate.” farming practices but the challenges of Seattle-based Theo Chocolate. Participants learned first-hand from land stewardship, particularly in a flood Theo was not the only local company to farmer Adam McCurdy, who grew much plain: The tent in which participants ate donate its goods. The Pike Brewing Comof the meal, and the chef who designed dinner, McCurdy said, was under four feet pany provided beer, while Dry Fly Distilland cooked it, about what they were of water last November during the second ing of Spokane provided vodka, which set eating based upon what was ready for 500-year flood in two years. the base for the aperitif that included etrog picking. The nature of the farming Oxbow does liqueur and freshly picked pear. The lav“It’s really easy to cook when you have is to specifically avoid monoculture, the ender tea that accompanied dessert was such beautiful produce to work with,” practice of putting the same crops in the provided by Joshua Russert and Becca Chef Linda Lantos told the group. According to Lantos, 90 percent of the food was sourced locally, from the wild, troll-caught salmon to the cauli-

same fields year after year. They might do four plantings of lettuce in a season, McCurdy said, but in any given row, “if it’s lettuce the first time it’s not lettuce the second, third or fourth time.” Even between the rows, the farmers plant different types of crops and move them around. A lot of what they plant are things unknown to most American palates such as cardoon, a relative of the artichoke family popular in Europe and sold to such local restaurants as Tilth in Seattle’s Wallingford neighborhood, or the Ozette fingerling potato that was paired with a creamy herb dip as one of the dinner’s appetizers. Much of what Oxbow plants is experimental, not only in the variety of the vegetable but in the timing of how, where and when it’s planted. Because of unpredictability of the weather from year to year and the crops’ placement in the farm’s 15 arable acres, there’s as much danger of failure as there is potential for success. “Trials can be expensive,” McCurdy said. There are “a lot of judgment calls, true to life.” It doesn’t always work: Oxbow lost two successions of beet plantings due to a noxious weed known as dock. That didn’t prevent the success of three variet-

Josh Furman, assistant director of Hillel at the UW’s Jconnect program, planned and worked out the menu with Chef Linda Lantos.

ies of beet ending up on the plates of the attendees at the dinner, however. Avoiding a lot of what might be considered tried-and-true farming practices, such as using monoculture and pesticides, requires a lot more management

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Chef Linda Lantos, with kitchen volunteer Michael Zhong, pulls out the potatoes from the oven set up under the awning of the barn at Oxbow Farm.

friday, october 16, 2009




community news

Back-to-school giving Temple De Hirsch Sinai collects backpacks for elementary school students

Courtesy Rabbi Alan Cook

From left to right, Wendy Sidlofsky, Jody Cook, Rachel Rasmus, and Kim Fuqua Alben prepare backpacks filled with school supplies for the students at John Muir Elementary. Adam McCurdy, one of the farmers at Oxbow Farm, explains to his Jharvest visitors techniques he uses for farming.

Leyna Krow

Back to the Land t Page 4

When students at John Muir Elementary in Seattle’s Mount Baker neighborhood returned to school in September, they were greeted with a pleasant surprise — brand new backpacks filled with school supplies for every kid, provided by congregants at Temple De Hirsch Sinai. The backpack collection project was conceived of by Rabbi Alan Cook and coordinated by Cook’s wife Jody and De Hirsch members Kim Fuqua Alben and Gayle Carrol, with the help of John Muir principal Awnie Thompson. Cook said that prior to coming to Seattle, he had worked for a congregation in Denver, Colo. that had done a similar project with a school there. “It was a great way of building community in Denver, and we had been looking for something similar to do here in Seattle,” Cook said. The idea to partner with John Muir Elementary was suggested by a former Muir teacher who is also a member of Temple De Hirsch Sinai. According to Cook, congregants were asked to actually purchase the backpacks and school supplies themselves, rather than just making a monetary donation to the school. That way, the project would feel more personal for both the kids and the volunteers. “We wanted to make it as hands-on a project as possible,” Cook said. “This project really captured the imagination of a segment of our congregation who have not participated in social action before.” Through the efforts of their members, Temple De Hirsch Sinai collected close to 400 backpacks, which they filled with pencils, glue sticks, markers, and erasers. According to principal Thompson, she and the Temple De Hirsch Sinai organiz-

and experimentation in figuring out how to keep out pests and cold while retaining the richness of the soil’s nutrients. That includes the planting of cover crops, items planted a longside t he intended crops as a way to increase the soil’s fertility and usefulness. “We do a nice thick cover crop and hope it’s a toothbrush for the soil,” McCurdy said. A nd O x bow ac t ua l l y encou rages t he g row t h of weeds. Once they have gotten big enough, the farmers turn them over, and they eventually become soil. Due to some of the timing and laws of supply and demand, not ever y t hing the farm grows gets sent to market. While the farm allows gleaning projects — members of the Kavana Cooperative, who also pur- A yellowjacket, enticed by the sweetness of the freshly chase CSA sha res f rom picked pear and the etrog liqueur in the aperitif, likely Oxbow, had been doing just flew a little off-kilter after tasting some of the vodka. that earlier in the day — Oxbow donates 15 CSA boxes each week Built into the cost of both the Jharvest to local food bank, Food Lifeline. Doing and Kavana CSAs, she said, is money earso “keeps local land in farming and gives marked specifically for food banks as well. folks at food banks produce fresh-picked It was a reminder that hit home as the that day,” McCurdy said. moon lit up the clear autumn sky and the Rabbi Fine, whose wife Julie works richness of the evening’s food settled into for Rotary International’s First Harvest, the participants’ stomachs for their drive reminded attendees that while the dinner back into the city. should be considered a celebration of the land, it should also be a reminder that For more information on the Jharvest people do go hungry, something brought community-supported agriculture program, to light by many Jewish organizations contact Rabbi Jacob Fine at jacob@ during the Sukkot holiday. jconnectseattle.org or 206-527-1997.

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Julie Fine told the group that 16 million children in the U.S. go to bed hungry every night and that in this region alone, the food distribution organization Northwest Harvest saw an increase of 100,000 people per month in need of food from food banks from a year earlier.

Assistant Editor, JTNews

ers discussed a variety of ways the synagogue could help the school before they finally settled on the backpack project. “We probably brainstormed 20 different ideas, some of the others of which we may do together later in the year,” Thompson said. But with school just beginning, the need for every kid to start off on the same page with basic supplies seemed the most pressing. More than 60 percent of students at John Muir Elementary qualify for free or reduced-cost lunches. “Anything they don’t have to buy helps,” Thompson said. “We always have kids who come to school without backpacks and essential supplies.” In the past, she added, teachers have picked up the slack and provided supplies for students in need. This year, that wasn’t necessary. Thompson said that the kids were thrilled to receive the backpacks, each of which came with a personalized note to its intended student, and they were surprised to learn that people whom they had never met cared about their education. “They were so excited,” she said of the students. “Not only did they think it was so cool, they were so amazed. They were all asking, ‘Why did they want to do this for me? They don’t even know me.’” To say thank you, students wrote letters and took classroom photos to send to Temple De Hirsch Sinai. Temple De Hirsch Sinai plans to continue its partnership with John Muir Elementary. In November, a group of De Hirsch congregants will paint the walls in a number of the school’s classrooms. There has also been talk of De Hirsch members volunteering to tutor John Muir students or to act as chaperones for field trips as the school year progresses.

The 3rd Annual Herzl-Ner Tamid




friday, october 16, 2009

community news

Answering questions on Iran 3 Nights — 33 Scholars November 4, 11 and 18th 7:00–9:30 p.m. $12 per evening or $30 for all three evenings Register online at www.h-nt.org

Join us for Torahthon 3 Enrich Your Brain and Delight Your Senses WedNeSday, November 4 opening reception: Ethnic Flavors of Israel featuring chefs from our sister cities Kiryat Malachi and Ashkelon david balint: A Fresh Look at The Book of Job Professor Gad barzilai: The Political and Constitutional Structure and Culture in Israel rabbi Chaim Levine: Life in the Fast Lane — A Jewish Guide to Wealth, Wisdom, Honor, and Fame Tehiya Levine: Zip It! What Judaism Has to Say about What Not to Say rabbi Jay rosenbaum: Judaism on the Offense — The Next Thousand Years of Jewish History rabbi Jim mirel: The Afterlife as Seen by the Rabbis of the Talmud rabbi marna Sapsowitz: On the Vilna Gaon, Learning Yiddish, and Holocaust Obfuscation rabbi mark Spiro: Isn’t It Enough to be A Good Person? And Deep Impact: Our Free Will and Reality Guest chefs from Kiryat malachi/ashkelon: Tales of Aliyah and Adaptation and Ethnic Spices of Israel rabbi Chaim Weiss: The Prayer Formula — What Does It Really Mean?

WedNeSday, November 11 dr. Shirah bell: Liberate the True Nature of Your Soul — An Introduction to Classical Musar rabbi olivier benHaim: The Secret of Redemption rabbi bernard Fox: Miracles — What are They? How Often Do They Happen? rabbi Josh Hearshen: Parsha and Poker rivy Kletenik: The Leviathan: a Literary Exploration Wendy Marcus: From Shtetl to Internetl: The Resurgence of Klezmer and Yiddish rabbi Jay rosenbaum: Time Maps As A Key to Personal and Jewish Identity Professor michael rosenthal: Maimonides: Exploring the ‘Guide to the Perplexed’ and Spinoza: Heretic, First Modern Jew, or Radical Atheist? rabbi barry Schlesinger: Midrash Naomi: A Closer Look at Yerushalayim Shel Zahav and Freezing the Building in the Settlements and Jewish Law Jay Weiner: Lessons in Mentoring and Leadership from the Torah Sid Weiner: Let’s Talk about Ethiopian Jews Past and Present bob Zimmerman: The Many Facets of the Book of Esther rita Zohav: Midrash: How the Rabbis Found Hidden Meanings in the Biblical Texts

WedNeSday, November 18 Nance Adler: Zachor Versus Sh’mor: Why Memory Becomes Stronger When it is Active Rather Than Passive david balint: An Introduction to the Book of Daniel and an Introduction to the Book of Jonah rabbi Simon benzaquen: God, The Jewish People, and the Structure of the Jewish Family Professor Paul burstein: Are American Jews Abandoning Israel? Anti-Zionism or Anti-Semitism? Are American Jews Acquiescing? Irit eliav: Shalom Bayit — Creating Positive Relationsips at Home, at School, and in Your Community rabbi Josh Hearshen: Is the Force with the Jews? Cantor brad Kurland: A Good Old-Fashioned Kumsitz david Isenberg, ddS: I’ll Drink to That! Wine-Making and Viticulture in Jewish Antiquity moti Krauthamer: How Do You Treat Others in Business? And Other Practical Applications of Jewish Ethics rabbi yechezkel Kornfeld: Come Join My Class! rabbi Jay rosenbaum: All of Jewish History in One Hour mark Sandler: Beautiful Poems of the Prayerbook — A Closer Look at Piyyutim rabbi daniel Septimus: When I Pray: Jewish Theology of Prayer rabbi Zari Weiss: Jewish Wisdom for Uncertain Times Co-sponsored by Bet Alef Meditative Synagogue, Congregation Beth Shalom, the Jewish Day School of Greater Seattle and the Jewish Federation of Greater Seattle/TIPS Partnership in Israel.

3700 East Mercer Way, Mercer Island 98040 206-232-8555 • [email protected] • www.h-nt.org

Two events hope to educate the public on the threat from the Iranian government’s actions Leyna Krow Assistant Editor, JTNews Iran has been a source of concern for Israel advocates for several years. But in recent months, as Iran has made headlines around the world for its contested elections and growing talk of nuclear weapons development, the Jewish community in the United States has increasingly been taking notice. And they have questions. In hopes of providing insight — and concise answers — about Iran, several local Jewish organizations are partnering together to host a panel discussion on Iran at Temple De Hirsch Sinai on Oct. 21. According to Tana Senn, director of communications at the Jewish Federation of Greater Seattle, the event called “Facing the Iranian Threat” will focus on “the political realities inside Iran, what the Obama administration’s options are and what they’re discussing, and what can people do if they care about this issue,” she said. Panelists will include Israel’s consul general to the Pacific Northwest Akiva Tor, Jerusalem Post correspondent Yaakov Katz, and AIPAC’s national policy deputy director Jeff Colman. The panel will be moderated by Dave Ross, host of “The Dave Ross Show” on KIRO 97.3 FM. Sponsoring organizations are the Jewish Federation, the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, the American Jewish Committee, the Anti-Defamation League, and StandWithUs Northwest. “There is a lot of need for education in our community about Iran, around both the history, and the seriousness of the threat,” said Wendy Rosen, executive director for the Seattle chapter of the AJC. “A lot of people are concerned about Iran, particularly with relation to Israel. This is a very timely event.” But assuming responsibility for educating the entire Jewish community about Iran is a big undertaking, and not everyone feels that the sponsors of the Oct. 21 panel are the best organizations for the job. Richard Silverstein, who writes about the Palestinian-Israeli conflict and other issues involving Israel on his Tikun Olam blog, said he contacted the Jewish Federation after the event was announced to express his concern that the panelists might be presenting a biased opinion. “The Federation event is part of a campaign to massage [the United State’s] policy in the direction Israel wants it to go, which is confrontational and hawkish, and to use sanctions and the threat of force to get the outcome that it wants to see — the end of Iran’s nuclear efforts,” Silverstein told JTNews. Silverstein said he would like to see someone on the panel who will advocate diplomatic engagement, rather than sanctions and possibly war with Iran as the only ways to halt the country’s nuclear ambitions. Silverstein pointed to a recent American Jewish Committee poll, stating that 36 percent of American Jews would oppose an attack on Iran. Rob Jacobs, regional director for StandWithUs Northwest, insisted that Silverstein’s interpretation of what will be said by the panelists is inaccurate. “I think he’ll be disappointed because if he thinks this is going to be a group of people saying ‘let’s all go to war,’ that’s not what he’ll find,” Jacobs said. He stressed that both Tor and Katz, whom Silverstein has criticized for what

he considers to be overtly hawkish writing, have been pushing for both “diplomacy and economic incentives” for Iran to give up its nuclear aims. Senn, however, acknowledged that the panel may not represent the full spectrum of political thought on the Iran issue, allowing that the possibility of a military strike against Iran would not be out of the question for any of them. “I think it’s fair to say the presenters agree that to talk about the first step but not to talk about the next step is foolhardy,” she said. “But sanctions does not mean diving into military action.” She stressed that the aim of the event is not to advocate for one course of action or another, but instead to provide those in attendance with the facts about Iran so they can decide for themselves what they think ought to be done. But even to that end, Silverstein is critical of the panel’s capabilities, claiming that none of the speakers qualify as experts on Iran. Although they all may be qualified to speak about Israel, none have a solid background in Iranian history or politics, he said. “I guess it depends on what you would define as an expert,” Senn countered. “But these are all extremely educated people who are dealing with this issue in their professional lives.” Senn did note that the Federation had hoped to bring in an Iran scholar to speak about the issue from an academic perspective, but couldn’t make it work within their budget constraints. “We scoured the state, but there was not one [expert] to be found. And we don’t have funding to fly someone in,” she said. “Ideally, we wanted this to be a local symposium,” Two of the three panelists are coming in from out of town, however. StandWithUs is flying in Katz from Israel — he will also be speaking at other StandWithUs functions while in Seattle — and AIPAC is flying in Colman from Washington, D.C. When he felt his request that a more diverse and qualified range of participants be added to the Oct. 21 panel fell upon deaf ears, Silverstein decided to host his own Iran panel to make sure that the other perspective is heard in Seattle as well. Silverstein’s event will take place Dec. 16 at Town Hall Seattle. Speakers will include Keith Weissman, former director of AIPAC’s Iran desk, Ian Lustick, political science professor at the University of Pennsylvania, and Trita Parsi, director of the National Iranian American Council. “My goal was to seek people who had particular expertise in either the Israeli or Iranian side of this,” Silverstein explained. The panelists are people whom Silverstein has come across during his research for his Tikun Olam blog posts. Silverstein said his event w ill be funded, he hopes, primarily by donations. Unlike the event at Temple De Hirsch Sinai, attendees will have to pay for tickets to the discussion at Town Hall. He stressed that he wants to be sure the wider Seattle community is aware of the possible dangers of imposing harsh economic sanctions against Iran and that sanctions and war are not the only options for dealing with the country. “Most specialists in this countr y say sanctions won’t work — they didn’t work in Iraq, and they aren’t working now. And a military attack would be

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n m.o.t.: member of the tribe

friday, october 16, 2009


Celebrated musicians and artists move to North Bend

The Jerusalem Post Crossword Puzzle By David Benkof

Also: Student appointed to UW Regents

Diana Brement JTNews Columnist Why North Bend? That was the foremost question in my mind when I heard renowned concert violists Emanuel and Lenore Vardi had moved to Seattle’s far east side. There is a story, of course, with two parts. In 1992 Manny, as he’s called, injured his hand in a fall and “knocked himself out of playing completely,” explains Lenore. When it became evident that he’d never perform again, the Vardis decided there was “no point remaining in New York,” turning their desire to see the country into a search for a new home. Manny taught for two years in Illinois, then they spent time visiting family and friends around the country. Sedona held them for a while, but Lenore says “I’m not a desert person;” then Dallas, which “wasn’t for us.” A good friend in Port Townsend raved about the Seattle area. “After one particularly brutally hot day in Dallas, I said to Manny, ‘Want to move to Washington?’” said Lenore. Port Townsend proved to be too far away from things, so while looking at houses in Issaquah their realtor showed them a listing in North Bend.

“At this point we’re so new,” says Manny, “nobody knows we’re here.” Manny was born in what is now Israel, when it was still under Ottoman control. His parents had fled there from Russia, and met and married in Jerusalem. Manny’s father was a violinist and his mother was a pianist. In fact, growing up in Vilna, she often accompanied the violin prodigy Jascha Heifetz (she was a few years older than him). The family emigrated to the States when Manny was 4. Creative people who pursue two arts have always fascinated me. Manny confirms that in the past there “was more prejudice,” against this. “You were either a master of one discipline or…none,” but having been painting since he was so young, he’s always believed strongly artistic people “can express themselves in any way. It’s a matter of learning.” “I think it’s unusual to be married and have two people” with the same artistic interests, Lenore adds. The couple encourages each other, she says, and don’t compete. They both enjoy combining exhibits of their art with musical performances and they’ve done this once or twice since moving here. The Vardis are associated with two galleries, Revolution in Issaquah and The Laurel Tree in Duvall, where you can see their paintings and hear Lenore play and answer questions during the Duvall art walk, Friday evening, Oct. 23. (Call 425788-2590 for more information.) The Edmonds Center for the Arts will display the Vardis’ work in conjunction with the opening of the Cascade Symphony Orchestra’s season, and one of

Courtesy Diane Dutweiler

Lenore and Emanuel Vardi at the Bellevue Jazz Festival, where their artwork was on display. “When we saw [the view of] Mt. Si,” says Lenore, they knew they’d found a home, close to mountains with easy access to Bellevue and Seattle. Part two of the story is that Manny, who turned 94 in April, and Lenore are also painters. He started painting at age 4 and used the G.I. Bill to study in Italy after World War II. He is best known for his semi-abstract paintings of musicians. She started painting more recently, inspired by her husband. “She became quite a good painter,” observes Manny, while Lenore adds, “[he]…never let me feel I was lesser.” The Vardis met as student and teacher, then toured as the Vardi Duo. Lenore mostly teaches now, performing occasionally on violin, having returned to the smaller instrument, finding the larger one “hard on my body.” They’ve also been busy here setting up relationships with galleries.

their paintings has been selected to be on the cover of the orchestra’s program for the season as well. They’ve been busy updating their web sites so even more information — and some wonderful music—can be found at: www.vardiart.com; www.vardiartgifts. com (for prints, CDs and notecards); and www.lenorevardi.com (for instruction). ••• University of Washington law school student Ben Golden has been appointed by Governor Chris Gregoire to be the student representative on the university’s board of regents. “I am one of 10 voting members on the board,” Ben explained. “Major decisions come through us for approval,” including real estate and housing issues as well as faculty appointments (as a student, Ben is not eligible to vote on those).

u Page 17

Across 1. Fatah leader 6. It might be beaver-built 9. Become lighter 13. ___ Jew 14. Methuselah’s was 969 15. Assassinated leader 16. Asian giant 17. Tenth letter 18. Anointed 19. Negev and Gobi 21. Rebbetzin or Rebbe 23. Lynched Georgian Frank 24. Dershowitz or Greenspan 25. Israeli tree 28. Disengagement word 30. Oscar Goodman’s state 35. Ritual ___ 37. Cultural Zionist Ha’am 39. Archeologist Yigal 40. Undercooked 41. They may be gray 43. Like the Altalena 44. Film-score composer Bernstein 46. Word with mitzvah 47. One way to get to Israel 48. Parliamentary ___ 50. Full extent 52. With 53-Across, Jerusalem’s English newspaper 53. See 52-Across 55. ___ Hai 57. With “The,” novel about 33-Down 61. More food 65. Pacific or Indian 66. Mesozoic or Second Temple 68. Take care of, as a medic 69. It may be a Tee 70. Lamed-___nik 71. Author of 57-Across Diamant 72. Array 73. Adam’s madam 74. Kind of race

Answers on page 16

Down 1. LSD 2. Word with funny or marrow 3. Friends 4. Prime Minister Sharon 5. Glared 6. The Nine ___ 7. In the past 8. ___ of honor 9. Equitable 10. Fit 11. Goes to the world to come 12. They may justify the means 15. Jokester Dangerfield 20. Da’as ___ (seeking advice of rabbinic scholars on all matters) 22. Tribe of Israel 24. Versus 25. Gives the pink slip 26. Primo Levi’s country 27. Bugs 29. Jezebel’s husband 31. It may be Greek 32. Past Bar or Bat Mitzvah 33. See 57-Across 34. Joint 36. Encounter 38. Gum ___ 42. Israel, e.g. 45. Do teshuvah 49. Two days after Shab. 51. Spring product 54. Cartoonist Greenberg 56. “Saturday Night Live” producer Michaels 57. American diplomat Dennis 58. Repeat 59. ___ Yassin (site of massacre) 60. Hamentasch, perhaps 61. Rescue 62. Playwright Simon 63. Brent Spiner’s Star Trek role 64. Don’t move 67. ___ Kook (Pre-state intellectual leader)



n friday, october national & international news

16, 2009

Above: Nathanzon St. used to be part of Jaffa St., so named because it was the road through which the city’s merchants traveled to Jaffa. Close by you can also find remnants of the wall that once surrounded the old city of Haifa. Left: The Carmel center is both the major commercial center of the city as well as the geographical center of Mt. Carmel. Though many shopping malls have sprung up all over the place, this area is still the center of attention and is always overflowing with traffic.

Haifa then and now

A look at northern Israel’s capital city as it used to be and as it is today Erez Ben-Ari One summer day in 2003, I visited the Haifa Science Museum and noticed some photographs of Haifa taken before the state of Israel was founded. Though some were more than 100 years old, I could still recognize most of the landscape of my home town, and an idea sprang to mind: Go to the same places and photograph them as they are today, modernized and industrialized in today’s fast-paced Israeli society. This is not the most original idea in the world – even in Washington State you can find several books that depict the same transitions — but

for Haifa this had never been done, so I went ahead and made it happen. The Haifa History Society, which has an archive of old photos of the city, came to my assistance as well as other local media. Yair Safran, the society’s secretary, helped me choose and fine tune the best scenes and the result is a collection of 20 photo sets that illustrate how the world has changed around us. A byproduct of this project was the digitizing of the society’s collection, which I helped jumpstart, and now serves many historic researchers throughout the world. I’ve attempted to find the photos that show not only the buildings, but also the local population and how it

The clock tower on Herzl Street was always the spiritual center of Hadar, which was the first modern neighborhood in Haifa back in the 1930s. Despite being over 70 years old, the clock still works, and the area is still heavily populated and home to the Haifa City Hall.

Al-Estiklal is the largest mosque in Haifa, nicknamed “the grand mosque.” Just a few years ago, the government center of Haifa and the House of Justice were relocated to that area, but some of the big attractions are still the antique shops that surround the mosque, as well as the popular Abu-Maroon hummus restaurant nearby.

JTNews Correspondent

has changed from the farmers of last century to the businessmen of today; from the carriages and horses of then to the sleek, powerful automobiles of the 21st century. A lot has changed, but just like many of the stone buildings that remained, another unique trait of Haifa is still with us — the unusual blend of different lifestyles and cultures. Jews, Muslims, Christians, Baha’i and many other religions and cultures peacefully coexist on the streets of Haifa. For me, this answers the age-old question “Why can’t we just get along?” The answer is: “If we can do it in Haifa, we can do it anywhere!” Contact Erez Ben Ari at [email protected] for more information or to see additional photos. The Haifa History Society can be found at www.haifa.org.il.

The Ahuza neighborhood is named for Herbert Samuel, the first British high commissioner to Israel, and is now the hottest wine-and-dine location in the city. Dozens of restaurants, pubs and shops are scattered along Moriah St. and the area is always full of life and music.


n national & international news

friday, october 16, 2009

This area suffered a lot of damage during the War of Independence, but has recovered well and now serves as a critical traffic conduit for the city, as well as home to some of the best restaurants in Haifa.

W h E R E GREATER SEATTLE Chabad House (Traditional) 206/527-1411 4541 19th Ave. NE Bet Alef (Meditative Reform) 206/527-9399 16330 NE 4th St., Bellevue (in Unity Church) Congregation Kol Ami (Reform) 425/844-1604 16530 Avondale Rd. NE, Woodinville Cong. Beis Menachem (Traditional Hassidic) 1837 156th Ave. NE, Bellevue 425/957-7860 Congregation Beth Shalom (Conservative) 6800 35th Ave. NE 206/524-0075 Cong. Bikur Cholim-Machzikay Hadath (Orthodox) 5145 S Morgan 206/721-0970 Capitol Hill Minyan-BCMH (Orthodox) 1501 17th Ave. E 206/721-0970 Congregation Eitz Or (Jewish Renewal) 6556 35th Ave. NE 206/467-2617 Cong. Ezra Bessaroth (Sephardic Orthodox) 5217 S. Brandon Street 206/722-5500 Congregation Shaarei Tefilah-Lubavitch (Orthodox/Hassidic) 6250 43rd Ave. NE 206/527-1411 Congregation Shevet Achim (Orthodox) 5017 90th Ave. SE (at NW Yeshiva HS) Mercer Island 206/275-1539 Congregation Tikvah Chadashah (Gay/Lesbian) 206/355-1414 Emanuel Congregation (Modern Orthodox) 3412 NE 65th Street 206/525-1055 Herzl-Ner Tamid Conservative Congregation (Conservative) 206/232-8555 3700 E. Mercer Way, Mercer Island Hillel (Multi-denominational) 4745 17th Ave. NE 206/527-1997 Kadima (Reconstructionist) 206/547-3914 12353 NE 8th, Seattle Kavana Cooperative [email protected]


K’hal Ateres Zekainim (Orthodox) 206/722-1464 at Kline Galland Home, 7500 Seward Park Ave. S Sephardic Bikur Holim Congregation (Orthodox) 6500 52nd Ave. S 206/723-3028 The Summit at First Hill (Orthodox) 1200 University St. 206/652-4444 Temple Beth Am (Reform) 206/525-0915 2632 NE 80th St. Temple B’nai Torah (Reform) 425/603-9677 15727 NE 4th, Bellevue Temple De Hirsch Sinai (Reform) Seattle, 1441 16th Ave. 206/323-8486 Bellevue, 3850 156th Ave. SE 425/454-5085 SOuTH KING COuNTy Bet Chaverim (Reform) 206/577-0403 25701 14th Place S, Des Moines WEST SEATTLE Kol HaNeshamah (Reform) 206/935-1590 Alki UCC, 6115 SW Hinds St. Torah Learning Center (Orthodox) 5121 SW Olga St. 206/938-4852 WAShinGTon STATE AbERdEEn Temple Beth Israel 360/533-5755 1819 Sumner at Martin AnAcoRTES Anacortes Jewish Community 360/293-4123 bAinbRidGE iSLAnd Congregation Kol Shalom (Reform) 9010 Miller Road NE 206/855-0885 Chavurat Shir Hayam 206/842-8453 bELLinGhAm Chabad Jewish Center of Whatcom County 717 High St. 360/933-4818 Congregation Beth Israel (Reform) 2200 Broadway 360/733-8890


The neighborhood of Bat Galim used to be one of the fanciest places in the city, with high-class housing next to the water and a big casino that served the British aristocracy. Today this is one of the only places in the country where you can find waterfront living at a reasonable cost.

Wo R S h i p bREmERTon Congregation Beth Hatikvah 360/373-9884 11th and Veneta EVERETT / EdmondS Chabad Jewish Center of Snohomish County 2225 100th Ave. W, Edmonds 425/967-3036 Temple Beth Or (Reform) 425/259-7125 3215 Lombard St., Everett FoRT LEWiS Jewish Chapel 253/967-6590 Liggett Avenue & 12th iSSAquAh Chabad of the Central Cascades (Hassidic Traditional) 24121 SE Black Nugget Rd. 425/427-1654 oLympiA Chabad Jewish Discovery Center 1611 Legion Way SE 360/584-4306 Congregation B’nai Torah (Conservative) 3437 Libby Rd. 360/943-7354 Temple Beth Hatfiloh (Reconstructionist) 201 8th Ave. SE 360/754-8519 poRT AnGELES And SEquim Congregation B’nai Shalom 360/452-2471 poRT ToWnSEnd Congregation Bet Shira 360/379-3042 puLLmAn, WA And moScoW, id Jewish Community of the Palouse 509/334-7868 or 208/882-1280 SpokAnE Congregation Emanu-El (Reform) P O Box 30234, Spokane 99223 509/835-5050 www.spokaneemanu-el.org Temple Beth Shalom (Conservative) 1322 E. 30th Ave. 509/747-3304

TAcomA Chabad-Lubavitch of Pierce County 1889 N Hawthorne Dr. 253/565-8770 Temple Beth El (Reform) 253/564-7101 5975 S. 12th St. TRi ciTiES Congregation Beth Sholom (Conservative) 312 Thayer Drive, Richland 509/375-4740 VAncouVER Chabad-Lubavitch of Clark County 9604 NE 126th Ave., Suite 2320 360/993-5222 E-mail: [email protected] www.chabadclarkcounty.com Congregation Kol Ami 360/574-5169 Service times and location can be found at www.jewishvancouverusa.org VAShon iSLAnd Havurat Ee Shalom 206/567-1608 15401 Westside Highway P O Box 89, Vashon Island, WA 98070 WALLA WALLA Congregation Beth Israel 509/522-2511 E-mail: [email protected] WEnATchEE Greater Wenatchee Jewish Community 509/662-3333 or 206/782-1044 WhidbEy iSLAnd Jewish Community of Whidbey Island 360/331-2190 yAkimA Temple Shalom (Reform) 509/453-8988 1517 Browne Ave.

10 jtnews


friday, october 16, 2009

community news

A Stomping Good Job All photos by Joel Magalnick

A vineyard in Sunnyside, a small town in the Yakima Valley, with Mt. Adams in the distance.

Joel Magalnick

and the man responsible for ensuring that the products he and his team are supervising can halachically bear the Orthodox Union’s ubiquitous OU symbol. Unlike other crops grow n in the area such as apples or pears, where the machinery can get cleaned, checked, and certified kosher at the start of the harvest, grapes are a sacramental fruit with

Editor, JTNews Tumbleweeds amble across the roads between the central Washington towns of Prosser and Sunnyside. Between the dusty desert scrub and the perfectly lined orchards and grape vines, this vast area known as the Yakima Valley can be a lonely place. Even more so during the fall harvest season when a minyan of Orthodox rabbis, most of them from the East Coast and as far away as Israel, checks into Sunnyside’s Best Western hotel and hunkers down for six or more weeks of constant hashgacha, supervision, ensuring the grape juice that consumers find on their store shelves over the next year will, in fact, be kosher. The vast majority of concord grapes, the sweet varietal that makes up most of the bottled grape juice in this country, comes from the Yakima Valley. The containers of grape juice that show up on shelves of grocery stores across the country are the results of about six weeks of work every year. The man in charge of this operation is Rabbi Yitzhak Gallor, a longtime Seattleite



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must have a mashgiach, a Sabbath-observant Jew, on hand 24 hours a day, seven days a week until the harvest and subsequent bottling is finished. It means that even through the High Holidays — with the sweet essence of grape embedding itself in the clothes of these rabbis while they conduct their Yom Kippur fast — they are working and

Like all the workers are required to do, rabbis Edward Shapiro, left, Yehudi Margaretten, center, and Yehuda Steinberg wear hardhats and nets to cover their hair and beards while on-site. specific rules set forth in the Torah about how they can be handled. As a result, the making of juice, which for all intents and purposes is considered the same as wine,



performing the same tasks they must perform on any other day. Relatively speaking, ensuring kashrut for the apples at facilities such as Treetop, which as of this year is the largest kosher juice facility in the Yakima Valley, is a simple task. The rabbis generally only need to go in once to certify the equipment, and barring any unforeseen glitches, Gallor makes trips to the area every few weeks throughout the year to ensure compliance and to answer any questions. With the grapes, however, the process is more painstaking — and mechanized — than some guy with hopefully clean feet jumping up and down in a barrel.

Most of the grape juice in this country comes from Washington’s Yakima Valley, and one crack team of rabbis is on hand to make sure it’s kosher “I had images of Lucille Ball in a vat, but the scale is way too big,” said Rabbi Edward Shapiro, one of the mashgichim on contract with the OU who came in from Denver. For one thing, unless the guy who would be doing the stomping — or who does the picking or any actual step in the juice-making process — is a Shabbat-observant Jew, the grapes must be pasteurized so they become mevushal, meaning they can be handled by nonJews in any type of situation. In kosher winemaking, the wine is flash heated to near boiling point — the OU uses 175ºF as a benchmark, though a buffer of 10º additional or more is general practice. For juice, however, the process is different. The grapes, pre-mashing, are continuously cycled through a series of heated tubes until they reach the set temperature, and are then released into a vat that can be as large as 60,000 gallons. The mashgichim are charged with making sure the computer that sets the temperature is in working order, as well as the seismograph that puts the readings onto paper, which must then be signed by a rabbi on duty. They also check container labels and that any additives to the juice are kosher and properly labeled. “People in New York want to know that the bottle of grape juice they put in front of their kids is kosher,” Shapiro said. Being on-site at these factories means understanding how the juice is made and staying out of the way of the employees, many of whom are migrant workers. “To be a good supervisor you have to know as much as the operators,” Gallor said. The relationship between the rabbis and the workers and management at the grape processing facilities is congenial — if not outright friendly. “A lot of people don’t see Jews,” Shapiro said, which means they must act as ambassadors for the entire religion. “It’s a big piece of being rabbis here.” Much of the positive relationship is due to Rabbi Aharon Steinberg, who died in 2004 but initiated processes that would

u Page 11


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All day, every day throughout the harvest, trucks with large bins dump millions of just-picked concord grapes into the de-stemming machine.

friday, october 16, 2009


jtnews 11 community news

A Stomping Good Job t Page 10 work for both kosher consumers and the people running the plants, including one in which the grapes would be made mevushal before they were mashed instead of after, as it had historically been done. What brought juice companies on board was that Steinberg’s idea retained more of the color and sugar content — both big money in the juice industry — if the heating took place before the grapes were mashed. Steinberg then worked with the companies to build the heating systems, including at least two failsafe detectors and the seismic charts — he wanted to ensure that the big financial outlay by the factories would not result in work stoppages. If a single grape that hasn’t been made mevushal gets through, workers must stop the line, segregate the tub, stop pro-

Factory workers at the TreeTop plant ripped the roof off an unused outbuilding, allowing the rabbis to cover the top with schach and use it for a sukkah. Rabbi Yitzhak Gallor, wearing his cowboy hard hat, shakes his lulav and etrog inside.

Rabbi Yitzhak Gallor checks out logs by the tube system that heats the grapes so they can be made mevushal.

duction and then rabbis must re-kosher the vats. It’s a big deal — and expensive — because it interrupts an already tight timeline and often results in juice that can’t be sent to market. “If we get to that point, there’s really a problem,” Gallor said. But the idea appears to have been successful: In a video Gallor created last year for new recruits to the harvest, the owner of one of the factories in the valley tearfully recalled the strong friendship he had had with Steinberg. Despite the long, often boring hours, being a couple hundred miles from fresh kosher food, and even farther from their young families, Gallor said people line up to try to get one of the coveted mashgiach

positions. Turnover, he said, is practically nil. “They get paid pretty well,” Gallor said. “The ones that are learning, living off the dust of the earth, this is all their money all year.” Rabbi Aaron Weitz, who followed his father into the supervision business and traveled from Israel for the job, said it’s difficult because he’s away from his family for the holidays, but it’s also satisfying for him. “I build a relationship with the workers,” he said. “If there are problems, they let us know.” Most of the workers are deeply religious, Weitz noted, and he said that one of the benefits of being at the plant is that

Rabbi Edward Shapiro checks out some machinery inside TreeTop’s juice-making facility.

they will on occasion talk about some personal issues they’re having because they have that common spiritual connection. Still, Gallor said, being that far from home can be trying. “Usually their wives are crying on the phone,” he said. For Gallor, who is used to the long drives from Seattle and the sparse scenery, this work in Washington’s farmland is a reminder of how Jews used to live. The Jews are a people of the earth, and the calendar, and the festivals, and celebrating what God provides, and we forget about that, he said. “It’s all about reconnecting,” he said. “It’s all about reconnecting.”

12 jtnews


friday, october 16, 2009

community news

Judy Neuman t Page 1 on our payroll so I understand who they are, how they got there, why they’re there, what they do, so it gives me a chance not only to meet them and understand a little more about them, but it’s also my introduction to all the programs and services that we offer. I call it my sponge period. I’m absorbing a lot, and filtering and stepping back and assessing and really just learning. I have a very steep learning curve. JT: Are you already feeling a sense of ownership? Neuman: Absolutely. I’d like to think I’m a pretty quick study, and even while I’m observing I’m forming opinions and thinking through how do we get at really talking about, in a very specific way, all the really strong and wonderful programs we offer and then how do we start talking to the community more broadly to find out what the community wants and needs from a JCC that really is a tremendous outreach arm — and can be. It’s a very non-threatening environment to walk into and we really need to examine the gaps, because there clearly are gaps. But I don’t want it to be my assumptions on what the gaps are. I really want to hear it from a good cross section of the community to understand how we can do more innovative programming and meet some of the needs that just aren’t being met anywhere else. JT: Have you set any short-term goals for yourself? Neuman: I created a 90-day plan for myself. I shared that with my board and with my team members….I’m a big collaborator, and I think the J has an opportunity to collaborate in a much fuller way in the community and with the commu-

JT: You’ve touched so many different people with your involvement in so many local Jewish agencies. Based on your lay experience, do you see that collaboration being possible? Neuman: I do, and I’m a cockeyed optimist, so I’m going to keep asking the question until I get a no…. I think the community, and I’m talking about the professional leaders in the community, if we want to survive, we have to work in a different way together, and we have to help each other more. JT: What are some of the challenges you’re seeing right off the bat? Neuman: I think some of the challenges are, [and] certainly would include: We could do a better job talking to the community as an agency. We could do a better job, not marketing ourselves necessarily, but bringing people into the know, helping people understand what business is the J in, really evaluating “Does everything we do map to our mission?” Probably the most critical eye is around how do we ensure that we are relevant to our community today and going forward so that we can sustain ourselves and so we can be that link to Jewish continuity — not the only link, but a key link to that. That’s sustainability, it’s not just green and solar panels — it’s really perpetuating the Jewish people in a meaningful way through this kind of an agency that really touches so many people.

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much more about the experience. We’re a very experiential model, and we should be, right? So you should walk in and feel it and touch it and see it and do it and participate in it. We’re not passive, we’re active. So how you take that activity to the community is part of the puzzle.

nity. Each agency doesn’t have to invent it all and run it all and own it all themselves. How can we work more collaboratively to really make this a special Jewish community for people at every level of engagement? We’re not there yet as a community, and I’d like the J to be an active voice at the table and work to bring that to fruition.

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Judy Neuman JT: Any tough choices you’ll have to make early on? Neuman: Well there’s always financial tough choices. I wish somebody could wave a fairy wand and say, “don’t worry about the finances.” As a professional now in the Jewish communit y and running an agency, and the board, we have a stewardship responsibility and we have a fiduciary responsibility, and I think that’s always challenging being able to do as much as you want to do and figuring out how you can fund it accurately and where you take the risks and where you don’t and what requires seed money and seed energy to see if there’s something really there that can become sustaining on its own. JT: Paying attention to the JCC over the years, I’ve sort of seen a lot of fits and starts, false starts, layoffs — a lot of issues with the money. Knowing that the silent phase of its capital campaign is underway, how can the J get out of this cycle of trying to do a campaign but not getting there, and almost being left behind in the community? Where is the J right now and what needs to happen? Neuman: I think the J is in a very good place, in that we’ve got a cleaned up and strong foundation. We have a driven and passionate and unbelievably committed board…. I’ll tell you, this is a group of people that have J blood running through their veins. They’ve done the right thing…in putting the blocks in place. So my coming in now, fundraising will be a critical role, as it is with any nonprofit [executive director] or CEO, but that’s not the only thing to focus on, because really you’ve got to be able to speak to why you need money, right? Prove why you need it and how you know that, raise the money and then deliver and execute and implement flawlessly. That takes time. JT: In talking to people around the community, I learned you weren’t interested in this job unless you were given the opportunity to make this a true center for the community. Like it or not, [Mercer Island is] where the building was built, and it’s important to have a facility, “a center” where people can gather and come and participate as they see fit. It’s also important, as our demographics have moved so dramatically over the last 20 years in greater Seattle, not to exclude the rest of the community that either does not live within a five-mile radius or doesn’t want to schlep over two bridges. There certainly is no shortage of bricks and mortar in greater Seattle. It’s a matter of where do you do programming, how do you do programming, and if you need four walls, how can you partner? Again, it’s back to that partnership to deliver that in places where people have easy access to. A JCC engagement is so much less about the building and so

JT: But does that hold true when we’re talking about things like the health club? A lot of people think of the JCC as a place to go work out. Neuman: Well do they really? Certainly we have a core group of members where that is their gym, and that is their J gym — I wish I had the discipline they have to come every day and do what they do…. Think about when the model of this JCC and including the health club was built, there clearly weren’t as many options for fitness facilities in our community, so it’s a very important ingredient, but it’s not the only ingredient. And sometimes I think people think of the JCC here as bookends: We have our ECS, our early childhood school on one side, and we have the health club on the other, and we have this whole middle part with real engagement opportunity. That’s where we need to focus a lot of energy. JT: Where is the J in the JCC? What about the agency and its mission needs to be Jewish? Neuman: Within the Jewish world we’re very non-denominational, if you will. We have a big spread of people to create those relationships with. It gives us a lot of latitude. It’s also really challenging, right? You can’t be everything to everybody. But it’s important to this board, it’s important to our membership, it’s important to me personally — this is one of the reasons why I was attracted to the opportunity — to make sure that the Jewish values system, and the Jewish lens and the Jewish thread is woven deeply into everything we do, and sometimes that means just being in a room with a lot of Jewish people when working out or taking a spin class. JT: What sort of non-Jewish organizations do you think would be ones with which you would try and build relationships, for physical space and collaboration? Neuman: Two thoughts come to mind initially, and one is as you look at the YMCA movement and the models of older YMCAs and newer YMCAs just in terms of the programs and services and the physical spaces that they offer. Again, thinking through brick and mortar, is there a way to partner, is there a way for reciprocity for using each other’s buildings? Are there schools that can be used in neighborhoods? Back in the Jewish community, you’ve got everything from all the synagogues to Hillel to office buildings in which you could potentially have programming in after-hours. So I think what we will have to try really hard to do is not get myopic and sort of take off the blinders and look at all the possibilities. JT: Have you been in a situation where you’ve seen the situation get to the point of myopia that you’ve had to step back and break out? What happened? Neuman: I think we’re all creatures of habit and there’s comfort in that. And so it’s traveling that fine line of being really comfortable in what you’re doing with just enough discomfort to keep you honest about what it is you’re not doing that you should get after…. Complacency has an end date. Hopefully before you get right up against that curve you step back and say, “Okay, time to think bigger, time to think better, time to figure out how we’re going to get this done and, what are the possibilities?”

friday, october 16, 2009


jtnews 13 community news

The family reunion Maimon family’s 85th anniversary in Seattle highlights city’s Sephardic history Eugene Normand

families. In this way, younger members, especially those living outside Seattle, were able to reacquaint themselves and learn firsthand about their family. A com-

mittee of Seattle cousins prepared most of the food items served at lunch, including Sephardic favorites such as bourekas (potato-filled pastry) and fritada de spinaca (a type of spinach soufflé). With a large number of rabbis in the family, several were given the honor of delivering the sermon, including Rabbi Abraham Maimon, son of Rabbi Solomon Maimon, and giving shiurim (lessons) at the SBH synagogue, while other members collectively led all of the services throughout Shabbat. The reunion was organized by family members living in Seattle, with the participation of several out-of-towners via e-mail and phone calls. The family has an award-winning Web page managed by Rabbi Abraham Maimon, and it was used to inform the out-of-town family members of the details of the reunion. Sunday was a big, fun-filled event — an all-day picnic in the Sephardic Bikur Holim social hall. It began with a brunch

Holocaust Center fundraising luncheon

206-861-3146 or [email protected]. Location provided upon RSVP.

Special to JTNews Nearly 140 members of the Maimon family gathered in Seattle for three days in August to celebrate the 85th anniversary of their arrival in the city. Family members are direct descendants of Rabbi Abraham and Victoria Maimon, along with their spouses. The entire family numbers approximately 344 members, spread around the United States, Israel and England. In 1924, Rabbi Abraham Maimon was called from Tekirdag, Turkey to serve as the rabbi of the Sephardic Bikur Holim congregation. He arrived with his wife and six of his eight children; the two eldest daughters remained in Turkey and joined the family in Seattle a few years later. Unfortunately, he died prematurely in January of 1931, but his five sons and three daughters all married and raised their families in Seattle. Thus, the Maimon family was joined with the Adatto, Azose and Benoliel families as the three Maimon sisters married. Only one of the eight children is still living, Rabbi Solomon Maimon, and so fittingly, the first event was a party to celebrate Rabbi Maimon’s 90th birthday at the home of one of the Seattle cousins. This was the fifth major reunion that the family has held, the first being in 1974 (the 50th anniversary) and the last one in 2004, with two smaller reunions in the 1980s. The family lore is that they are direct descendants of the illustrious Jewish sage, Maimonides, although there is no hard proof at this time. At the time of the 50th anniversary reunion, the majority of the family lived in the Seattle area. Now, there are about 60 family members in the state of Washington, and a larger number in New York, with sizable numbers in Israel, California, New Jersey. Illinois and England. All eight of Rabbi Abraham Maimon’s children attended the 50th reunion in 1974, where they exchanged stories of how things were when they were growing up. This tradition was continued at the Shabbat luncheon this year as each of the eight branches of the family gave brief summaries of highlights within their respective

Eugene Normand

Rabbi Solomon Maimon, and his wife, Esther, celebrating his 90th birthday at the Maimon family 85th anniversary reunion

The Washington State Holocaust Education Resource Center will host its fifth annual fundraising luncheon on Thurs., Oct. 22 from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. The event’s theme is “Voices for Humanity” and will honor three hidden children from the Netherlands who regularly visit Seattle-area classrooms to share their stories. The guest speaker will be James Waller, the author of Becoming Evil: How Ordinary People Commit Genocide and Mass Killing. For more information or to RSVP, contact 206-774-2201 or [email protected]. At the Westin Seattle, 1900 5th Ave., Seattle.

“Caring for Our Aging Parents” Jewish Family Service presents a workshop series for adult children of aging parents. The first event will take place Mon., Oct. 26 at 7 p.m. and will address the topic “Supporting Your Parents Long Distance.” Cost is $10 per person per workshop. Scholarships are available. For more information or to register, contact Marjorie Schnyder at

“Taking Charge of Your Fertility” Toni Weschler, author of Taking Charge of Your Fertility and Cycle Savvy: A Smart Teen’s Guide to the Mysteries of Her Body, will give a talk on fertility for women looking for a more natural form of birth control, those trying to increase their chances of pregnancy, and teenage girls trying to get a handle on how their bodies work. This event is sponsored by Hadassah. Cost is $7 for Hadassah members, $10 for non-members and $5 for students. For more information, contact Tamar Lieb at [email protected] or Peg Elefant at [email protected]. Wed., Oct. 28 at 6:15 p.m. at Hillel at the University of Washington, 4745 NE 17th Ave. NE, Seattle.

Faith-inspired forum for healthcare reform Leaders from the three Abrahamic faiths and Buddhism, including Rabbi Ted Falcon, Rev. Don

and included displays of various items related to the family history and lore such as books and writings authored by family members, and included a DVD continuously running the video from the 1989 reunion. Many of the children enjoyed playing on the “moon walker,” the outdoor playground and indoor games. Before lunch, all of the approximately 130 family members in attendance assembled for a family photo, with Rabbi Maimon, the birthday boy, and his wife, Aunt Esther, in the center. Lunch consisted of barbeque (hot dogs, hamburgers and chicken) and all the fixings, which was followed by competitive games outdoors for children, teenagers and adults. Cousins who didn’t know one another before the event became acquainted with each other and their common history. The group included about 10 young children under the age of 5, all of whom were born after the last reunion, and all great, great-grandchildren of Abraham and Victoria Maimon.

Mackenzie, Sheikh Jamal Rahman and others will share teachings from their traditions that shed light on healthcare reform. This event will also include musical performances by The Total Experience Gospel Choir, Rafe Pearlman, and Ancient Sounds. Tickets are free, but can be reserved in advance through www.brownpapertickets.com. Wed., Oct. 28, 7:30–9 p.m. at Town Hall, 1119 8th Ave., Seattle.

Understanding the statewide ballot initiatives The National Council of Jewish Women’s Seattle Section and The Summit at First Hill present a discussion of the statewide initiatives that will be found on the ballot this fall. This event will address Referendum 71, which would maintain the state law that provides legal rights for domestic partners; Initiative 1033, proposed tax limitations; and Proposition 1, the Seattle low-income housing levy. Free and open to the public. Thurs., Oct. 22 at 7:30 p.m. at The Summit at First Hill, 1200 University St., Seattle.

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14 jtnews

n friday, arts & entertainment

october 16, 2009

Play the Game Film Opens Fri., Oct. 16

Monday, October 26, 6 p.m. Oy Vey, My Son is Gay Film

Play the Game is a romantic comedy written, directed and produced by first-time Jewish filmmaker Marc Fienberg, and based on his own grandfather. “Papa Joe,” played by Andy Griffith, decided at 89 years old to jump back into the dating game, and he asked Marc for advice. Also stars Doris Roberts of “Everybody Loves Raymond” and Liz Sheridan of “Seinfeld.” At local theaters. Check listings for showtimes.

Lainie Kazan, Carmen Electra and Saul Rubinek star in this comedy about two Jewish parents coming to understand their gay son. Much of the film was shot in Washington State, with some scenes taking place in front of Temple De Hirsch Sinai. Proceeds from this screening will support the Approve Referendum 71 campaign. Tickets are $25 for general admission, $71 for VIP seating and the post-film reception. Sponsored by the Jewish Federation of Greater Seattle, Vulcan, Gemini Events, and the Baltic Room. At Cinerama, 2100 4th Ave., Seattle.

the arts

Oct. 17 – 29

Now – October 28 Sculptures by Joan Rudd Visual art www.joanruddsculpture.com Artist Joan Rudd’s clay figures, inspired by Yiddish proverbs and songs, are currently on display Mon.-Fri. from 8 a.m.–5 p.m. at the Kirkland City Hall, 123 5th Ave., Kirkland. Saturday, October 17, 7 p.m. Drash: Northwest Mosaic Author reading Contributing writers and poets will share their work from the newest volume of Drash: Northwest Mosaic, and Drash editor Wendy Marcus will read from her award-winning short story collection, Polyglot: Stories of the West’s Wet Edge. At Havurat Ee Shalom, 15401 Westside Hwy. SW, Vashon Island.

Tuesday, October 27, 6:30 p.m. The Jewish Touch: Exploring the Cultural Connection of Jews and the Arts Lecture The Stroum Jewish Community Center presents a lecture series on the cultural connection and heritage of Jews to music, theater, film and other art forms. The first lecture is titled “Bernard Herrmann: A Composer who Wrote for Film” and will be presented by conductor and music educator Adam Stern. Cost is $10 for the general public, $5 for seniors. For more information or to RSVP, contact Roni Antebi at [email protected] or 206-232-7115, ext. 269. At the Stroum JCC, 3801 E Mercer Way, Mercer Island.

Thursday, October 29, 8 p.m. Soulico Music

October 24-25 Seattle Bookfest Literary event

The Tel Aviv-based band Soulico blends together Israeli folk songs and Jewish melodies with hip-hop tracks. Soulico is currently touring in support of their new album, Exotic on the Speaker, which was released at the beginning of the month. At Chop Suey, 1325 E Madison, Seattle.

The Seattle Bookfest will feature more than 100 local authors, including poets and writers of fiction, nonfiction, mystery, romance, fantasy, and children’s books, as well as a showcase of more than 50 area bookstores, nonprofits, and small publishers. Local Jewish authors include Garth Stein, Kim-An Lieberman, Jane Adams, Nancy Pearl, Mary Guterson, Adam Eisenberg and contributors to the third volume of Drash: Northwest Mosaic. At the Columbia City Events Center, 3528 S Ferdinand, Seattle.

Obama’s Nobel t Page 1 About 1,000 U.S. soldiers and 15 U.S. naval vessels are taking part in the exercise, the fifth of its kind since 2001 and by far the biggest and most complex. After the exercise, the Americans may leave behind some PAC-3 interceptors and deploy Aegis vessels in the Mediterranean and Red seas. Washington is considering deploying parts of the missile defense

system it had intended for Eastern Europe in Israel, Turkey and the Balkans. U.S. Secretary of Defense Robert Gates says this will enable the United States to have a partial system working by 2011, whereas in Eastern Europe it would have taken until 2017. All this sends a strong message to Iran. Attacking Israel would mean confronting an Israeli-American defensive umbrella at the very least, and possibly a lethal Israeli-American counter-offensive.

long, seemingly aimless dialogue with Iran, and Israel sees smoking-gun evidence of an incipient Iranian nuclear capabilit y t hat A merica chooses to ignore? That’s the scenario Netanyahu hopes his coordination strategy will help avoid. Otherwise he is facing one of the hardest choices of any Israeli leader: To antagonize America or face the consequences of a nuclear Iran.

But it also sends a strong message to Israel. If it can count on a strong American umbrella, it should feel less compelled to act against Iran on its own, less concerned about giving up its reputed nuclear arsenal, and more inclined to make concessions to the Palestinians. Of course, that still leaves the $64,000 question unanswered: What happens if the United States gets sucked into a









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jtnews 15

n arts & entertainment

friday, october 16, 2009

Getting serious Coen Brothers unspool funny and biting bubbe meises Michael Fox Special to JTNews A Serious Man, the most Jewish and the most personal film in the Coen Brothers’ 25-year career, is pitched squarely between the musical magnetic poles of Ukrainian-born vocalist Sidor Belarsky and Haight-Ashbury’s Jefferson Airplane. Belarsky’s regal, soothing tenor provides an unexpected anchor for secular Midwestern physics Professor Larry Gopnik as the world shakes and shudders beneath his feet. Son Danny, meanwhile, tunes into Grace Slick on his transistor radio, finding her words immeasurably more relevant and compelling than the unfathomable haftarah he’s learning. It’s 1967, and as his family splinters into shards of breathtaking selfishness, Larry is left to wander through his suburban house impotently asking, “What’s going on?” He’s a living, breathing manifestation of Bob Dylan’s iconic lyric about middle-class complacency, “Something is happening here but you don’t know what it is/Do you, Mister Jones?” Dylan is Jewish and a native Minne-

If you go: A Serious Man opens Friday, Oct. 16 at Lincoln Square Stadium 16, 700 Bellevue Way, Bellevue.

sotan, of course, as are the Coens. But it would have been predictable, and a little too on-the-nose, to use Robert Zimmerman’s tunes on the soundtrack. These are the kind of inside jokes (and skipped jokes) that make A Serious Man a rare pleasure for Jewish audiences, and something of a mystery for non-Jewish moviegoers. I’d go further, in fact, and deem the movie required viewing for all American Jews above the age of, well, 17 (at least without a parent, per the R rating). That’s not to say that you won’t have a queasy moment or two of self-recognition on the way home, or the next day. A Serious Man is precisely and elegantly structured as simultaneously a delicious, deadpan comedy of manners and a savage exposé of internecine, passiveaggressive, Jewish warfare. The movie depicts the unraveling of Larry’s neatly ordered life into a paroxysm of uncertainty. What we’re really witnessing, though, is the first buffeting of outside forces against an insular and insulated Jewish community. (This summer’s Taking Woodstock, about a Jewish family in the Catskills invaded by the counterculture, is a breezier and more melodramatic take on the same theme.) In desperate need of wisdom and advice at a time when few people outside of New York or L.A. saw a shrink or a therapist, Larry calls his rabbi. He ends up approaching all three rabbis at his shul, but not one of them turns out to be a serious man.

Wilson Webb

Richard Kind stars as Uncle Arthur in Joel and Ethan Coen’s new film, A Serious Man. The senior rabbi tells Larry a long, marvelously entertaining story that ultimately provides no comfort and offers no moral. This is what Jews do, the movie suggests — spin self-satisfied fables while the world races ahead. Danny’s Bar Mitzvah certifies him as a man, and grants him entrée to this community. But there’s not a single moment that suggests he will become a man of character, or a serious man. Nor, for that matter, are we shown a Jewish establishment that encourages much respect or admiration. A Serious Man will be viewed in some quarters as a pointed rebuke of assimilated American Jews, thoughtless materialism and the cruel hierarchy of status. But I think Joel and Ethan Coen include themselves in the indictment, through Danny. They’re revisiting their childhood, albeit in a stylized, metaphori-

cal way. But they recognize that Danny’s indifference to Jewish values will leave him, a few decades on, in a predicament not unlike his father’s: Bobbing on the sea of life with no anchor and a malleable moral compass. It would be a stretch to call A Serious Man a family picture, but I entertain the perverse notion that in time it will attain the status in Jewish households that A Christmas Story has among non-Jews. The Coens depict a kind of shared experience and — unlikely as this may sound — provide a rare opportunity for Jewish kin to bond around the DVD player. But it will have to wait until the children are college age, and home for Hanukkah. In other words, when they’re old enough to recognize both the fatalistic chuckles in A Serious Man, and the whiff of impending disaster that hovers over Larry Gopnik, as distinctly Jewish.





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16 jtnews

n friday, arts & entertainment

october 16, 2009

Music for the planet World Music Days concert at Kline Galland honors slain journalist Daniel Pearl Morris Malakoff JTNews Correspondent

If you go:

It’s been nearly eight years since Wall Street journalist Daniel Pearl was kidnapped and brutally murdered in Pakistan. In that time, his family and friends, along with many others, have built a powerful and effective organization dedicated to his memory, The Daniel Pearl Foundation. While it goes about its educational and journalistic work, the foundation has also successfully put together a month of worldwide music events that occur throughout October on an annual basis. “Daniel Pearl World Music Days” may seem an incongruous way to celebrate the life of a man known best for his writing and reporting. But, in fact, music was a large part of his life. According to the foundation’s Web site, “Music turned out to be an essential form of expression for Danny and led him to become a fixture in several bands throughout the world, where he improvised on the electric violin, fiddle, or mandolin. Today, friends and colleagues still recall how quickly he would pick up an instrument when he sensed an occasion, such as writing a song for a pregnant friend past her due date, or the Christmas night when he entertained downhearted co-workers at his office.”

Daniel Pearl World Music Days, a part of the International Harmony for Humanity Concert Network, is scheduled for Sun., Oct. 25 from 2 to 4 p.m at the Kline Galland Home, 7500 Seward Park Ave. S, Seattle. Admission is free.

Courtesy Marina Belenky

Marina Belenky, left, and Anna Vasilevskaya are principals in Marianna, a trio that plays traditional Jewish and world music. They are joined by Oleg Ruvinov (not pictured). They will be performing at a concert dedicated to the memory of journalist Daniel Pearl on Oct. 25 at the Kline Galland Home in Seattle’s Seward Park neighborhood. Started in October 2002 in celebration of what would have been Pearl’s 39th birthday, Daniel Pearl World Music Days has grown to a festival with more than 3,100 events in 85 countries.

This year, the Seattle segment of the World Music Days event, a part of the International Harmony for Humanity Concert Network, is scheduled for Sun., Oct. 25 at the Kline Galland Home in Seattle’s Seward Park neighborhood from 2 to 4 p.m. Admission is free. The eclectic line-up includes Rabbi Jim Mirel; the Seattle All Star Klezmer Band; Jacquelina’s Dances of Spain; Marianna, which features with cantor/ keyboardist Marina Belenk y, guitarist Anna Vasilevskaya, and bass player Oleg Ruvinov; vocalist Gabby Bonner; musica l t heater diva Joanne K lein; jazz musician Marc Smason; guitarist Ari Zucker and Nick Heiting & Bonnie Burch. According to David Brumer, director of social services at Kline Galland, this is the second year Kline Galland Home will dedicate their concert as part of the annual Daniel Pearl World Music Days network.

“Last year, we had Daniel’s father, Judea, here as a guest speaker and he told us about the World Music event,” he said. “It was already October, but we were able to put together an event and be a part of it. This year, we are ready and have been getting ready to enthusiastically have our second annual event.” Judea Pearl, president of the foundation bearing his son’s name, said the most important part of any of the performances under the World Music Days banner is letting the audience know about the principles for which the younger Pearl stood. “Danny was a talented musician and principled journalist who respected all cultures,” said Judea Pearl. “World Music Days is part of his legacy to raise awareness of our common humanity. All musicians, no matter their genre, are invited to dedicate performances held from October 1-31 each year.”

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friday, october 16, 2009 Send submissions to: JTNews — Lifecycles, 2041 Third Ave., Seattle, WA 98121 [email protected] Phone: 206-441-4553 Submissions for the October 30, 2009 issue are due by October 20. Download forms or submit online at www.jtnews.net/index.php?/lifecycle


jtnews 17 lifecycles

Bat Mitzvah

Zev Israel Schnitzer

Jonah Shaia Negrin

Hannah Jo Piatok

Bar Mitzvah Joshua Reuven Powazek

Rachael and Roy Schnitzer announce the birth of their son Zev on October 2, 2009 at Overlake Hospital in Bellevue. He weighed 6 lbs., 9 oz. and was 19 inches long.    Zev is the younger brother of Chana and the grandson of Jacob Engelstein of Mercer Island, Amy Granat of Clarksburg, Calif., Avraham Schnitzer of North Hills, Calif., and the late Barbara Ann Engelstein. He is named after his great grandfathers Zev and Isidor. 

Jodi and Rick Negrin of Mercer Island announce the birth of their son Jonah on August 13, 2009 at Swedish Hospital. He weighed 4 lbs., 8 oz. and was 17 inches long at birth. Jonah is the brother of Josh and Daniel and the grandson of Saralyn and Marvin Negrin and Pnina and Edwin Mirsky, all of Mercer Island.

Hannah will celebrate her Bat Mitzvah on October 17, 2009 at Temple De Hirsch Sinai in Bellevue. Hannah is the daughter of Robert and Sandy Piatok of Redmond and the sister of Jake. Her grandparents are Milton Piatok of Renton, Susan Nir of Kiryat Yam, Israel and the late Joseph and Geraldine Bitterman. Hannah is in the 7th grade at Timbercrest Junior High. Her interests include hip hop, basketball, fashion and hanging out with friends. For her mitzvah project, Hannah sold Washington State picture note cards, with the proceeds going to the Kline Galland Home’s activities department.

Joshua will be called to the Torah as a Bar Mitzvah on October 24, 2009 at Herzl-Ner Tamid Congregation on Mercer Island.   Joshua is the son of Laurie and Alan Powazek and the big brother of Sarah and Jonah. He is the grandson of Linda and Mervyn Gerson and the late Regina and Ben Powazek. Josh is a 7th grader at Issaquah Middle School. He enjoys most sports, but especially likes baseball, skiing, basketball and football. For his mitzvah project, Josh volunteered at the summer games of the Special Olympics of Washington, where he helped and encouraged other athletes in their love of sports.

Iran t Page 6

ticularly broad range of views on how Israel and the U.S. ought to deal with Iran, either. “This is not a panel that’s diverse ideologically,” he said. He defends his decision of speaker choice because he said anyone who wants to hear arguments in favor of sanctions and military action will have had the opportunity to do so at the October panel.

M.O.T. t Page 7 Ben, 23, grew up in Bellevue and had his Bar Mitzvah at Temple B’nai Torah, and attended the UW as an undergraduate. He is greatly enamored of overseas travel. After sophomore year he went to Israel on a Birthright trip and backpacked through Europe before studying in Greece. As a senior, he spent time working on farms in Nicaragua through American Jewish World Service, and between graduation and starting law school he traveled and worked abroad for 15 months in places like Taiwan and South Africa.



He takes his regent duties very seriously. “I like the public service aspect of it,” he says. “The university’s done a lot for me,” adding that “this job is a lot of fun, believe it or not…I’m learning a ton.” After graduation, “if I could do anything, it would be in international development policy,” Ben says. In the short run he hopes to work with emerging and startup companies as an attorney.

even worse — a catastrophe. The only approach that would work is diplomatic engagement. Put all issues on the table, sanctions, the nuclear program, support for Hamas, and work through them. That’s the only way to get outcome both parties can live with.” He acknowledged that the speakers at his event won’t represent a par-

Serving the community with dignity & respect.

Rhonda Mittenberg May 19, 1928–August 18, 2009

Rhonda Mittenberg of Cottehill, N.Y. died August 18, 2009 at the age of 81. Born in Brooklyn, N.Y. on May 19, 1928, she was the daughter of the late Morris and Anna Rifkin. In her early years she worked in insurance and was a volunteer English teacher to immigrants in Brooklyn. Upon moving to Seattle she worked at the University of Washington, where she was employed for over 20 years. As a lifelong member of Hadassah, she served as a president of the Golda Meir chapter. Rhonda moved back to upstate New York in 2008. She is survived by two sons, Michael and Robert (and Robert’s wife Valerie); granddaughter Hannah; sister Barbara Peltz and her husband William. She is pre-deceased by her son Steven. Rhonda enjoyed the love of her many nieces, nephew and great nieces and nephews. A graveside service was held in August in Kingston, N.Y.

Burial  Cremation Columbarium  Receptions

On Queen Anne

at 520 W. Raye St., Seattle (In front of Hills of Eternity Cemetery) Barbara Cannon






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october 16, 2009

Networking Our Local Jewish Community


Care Givers Home Care Associates A program of Jewish Family Service 206-861-3193 www.homecareassoc.org  Provides personal care, assistance with daily activities, medication reminders, light housekeeping, meal preparation and companionship to older adults living at home or in assisted-living facilities.


Hyatt Home Care Services, LLC In-Home Care Aides 206-851-5277 ✉☎ [email protected] Assisting with non-medical tasks & home support needs • Housekeeping Personal care • Respite care • Meal preparation. Washington State Licensed Home Care Agency


Quality Home Care for Seniors 206-459-5255 ✉☎ [email protected] Rivka Park, RN offers private geriatric nursing care coupled with unique domestic skills in support of seniors seeking to maintain quality of life at home. Extensive references.


Catering Goldberg’s Famous Delicatessen 425-641-6622 ✉☎ [email protected] www.goldbergsdeli.com  Catering for weddings, Bar/Bat Mitzvahs Birthdays, business events & all your Special occasions • Contact Khled/James


Leah’s Catering, Inc. Seattle’s Premier Kosher Caterer 206-985-2647 ✉☎ [email protected] Full Service, Glatt Kosher, Delivery or Pickup All your catering needs. Va’ad supervised.


Madison Park Cafe Simmering in Seattle for over 30 years 206-324-2626 Full service catering for all your Jewish life passages: Bar/Bat Mitzvahs • Weddings • Brit Milah • Special Occasions. Karen Binder


Matzoh Momma Catering Catering with a personal touch 206-324-MaMa Serving the community for over 25 years. Full service catering and event planning for all your Life Cycle events. Miriam and Pip Meyerson

College Placement


College Placement Consultants 425-453-1730 ✉☎ [email protected] www.collegeplacementconsultants.com  Pauline B. Reiter, Ph.D. Expert help with college selection, applications and essays. 40 Lake Bellevue, #100, Bellevue 98005

Warren J. Libman, D.D.S., M.S.D. 425-453-1308 www.libmandds.com  Certified Specialist in Prosthodontics: • Restorative • Reconstructive • Cosmetic Dentistry 14595 Bel Red Rd. #100, Bellevue


Linda Jacobs & Associates College Placement Services 206-323-8902 ✉☎ [email protected] Successfully matching student and school. Seattle.


Counselors/Therapists Jewish Family Service Individual, couple, child and family therapy 206-861-3195 www.jfsseattle.org  Expertise with life transitions, relationships and personal challenges. Jewish knowledge and sensitivity. Offices in Seattle and Bellevue. Day and evening hours. Subsidized fee scale available.


Frances M. Pomerantz, MS Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist 425-451-1655 ✉☎ [email protected] Specializing in couples and individuals. Facilitating better communication, more satisfying relationships, increased selfawareness and personal growth. Day & early eve hours available. 1621 114th ave. SE, #224, Bellevue 98004


www.jtnews.net www.jew-ish.com

Dentists Galina Borodyansky, DDS 425-644-8787 UW School of Dentistry faculty • Implant, Cosmetic, Family Dentistry • Personalized care in a friendly environment • Preferred provider for most insurances 14535 Bel-Red Rd. #101B, Bellevue


B. Robert Cohanim, D.D.S., M.S. Orthodontics for Adults and Children 206-322-7223 www.smile-works.com  Invisalign Premier Provider. On First Hill across from Swedish Hospital.


Dennis B. Goldstein & Assoc., CPAs, PS 425-455-0430 F 425-455-0459 ✉☎ [email protected] 12715 Bel-Red Rd., Suite 120 Bellevue 98005


Newman Dierst Hales, PLLC Nolan A. Newman, CPA 206-284-1383 ✉☎ [email protected] www.ndhaccountants.com  Tax • accounting • Healthcare Consulting


Funeral/Burial Services


Congregation Beth Shalom Cemetery 206-524-0075 ✉☎ [email protected] This beautiful new cemetery is available to the Jewish community and is located just north of Seattle.

Arnold S. Reich, D.M.D. 425-228-6444 www.drareich.com  Just off 405 in N. Renton • Gentle Care • Family • Preventive • Cosmetic Dentistry

Hills of Eternity Cemetery Owned and operated by Temple De Hirsch Sinai 206-323-8486 Serving the greater Seattle Jewish community. Jewish cemetery open to all pre-need and at-need services. Affordable rates • Planning assistance. Queen Anne, Seattle


Michael Spektor, D.D.S. 425-643-3746 ✉☎ [email protected] www.spektordental.com  Specializing in periodontics, dental implants, and cosmetic gum therapy. Bellevue


Wendy Shultz Spektor, D.D.S. 425-454-1322 ✉☎ [email protected] www.spektordental.com  Emphasis: Cosmetic and Preventive Dentistry • Convenient location in Bellevue.


Financial Services Hamrick Investment Counsel, LLC Roy a. Hamrick, CFa 206-441-9911 ✉☎ [email protected] Professional portfolio management services for individuals, foundations and nonprofit organizations.


Mass Mutual Financial Group Albert Israel, CFP 206-346-3327 ✉☎ [email protected] Jamison Russ 206-346-3266 ✉☎ [email protected] Retirement planning for those nearing retirement • Estate planning for those subject to estate taxes • General investment management • Life, disability, long-term care & health insurance • Complimentary one hour sessions available

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Invitations Occasionally Yours Adrian Lustig, owner 425-644-8551 ✉☎ [email protected] Specializing in Jewish Wedding and Bar/Bat Mitzvah Invitations 20% Discount • Hebrew type


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Insurance Abolofia Insurance Agency Bob abolofia, agent 425-641-7682 F 425-988-0280 ✉☎ [email protected] Independent agent representing Pemco since 1979


Eastside Insurance Services Chuck Rubin, agent 425-271-3101 F 425-277-3711 4508 NE 4th, #B, Renton Tom Brody, agent 425-646-3932 F 425-646-8750 2227 112th ave. NE, Bellevue We represent Pemco, Safeco, Hartford & Progressive www.e-z-insurance.com 

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Dani Weiss Photography 206-760-3336 www.daniweissphotography.com  Photographer Specializing in People. Bar/Bat Mitzvahs, parties, promotions & weddings. Reasonable rates Digital or film


Senior Services Jewish Family Service 206-461-3240 www.jfsseattle.org  Comprehensive geriatric care management and support services for seniors and their families. Expertise with in-home assessments, residential placement, family dynamics and on-going case management. Jewish knowledge and sensitivity.


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Joan lite miller 206-527-6320 Learn legible, rhythmic, rapid handwriting with calligrapher/ artist/elementary school tutor trained in multisensory approaches.

experienced cantor-tutor Bar/Bat Mitzvahs—all levels Officiates all Lifecycles

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Experienced piano & voice teacher

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october 16, 2009

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For information, call temple Beth am at 206-525-0915.

Traditional Jewish funeral services provided by the Seattle Jewish Chapel. For further information, please call 206-725-3067. Burial plots are available for purchase at Bikur Cholim and Machzikay Hadath cemeteries. For further information, please call 206-721-0970. next issue: octoBer 30 ad deadline: octoBer 23 call Becky: 206-774-2238





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20 jtnews


friday, october 16, 2009

jewish on earth

Harvest Time: organic or petrochemical? With the new year, we should think new thoughts about how the food we eat affects our planet

Martin Westerman JTNews Columnist With Sukkot, the harvest holiday, having just passed, now is a good time to remind ourselves about how much we depend on petroleum products for our industrially produced food — the fertilizers, pesticides, fungicides and herbicides, and for the fuel to power irrigation, farm machinery, processing plants, shipping and distribution systems, and the car you drive to the store to buy it. Sukkot is also a good time to look at the schach draped over our sukkah roofs, and remind ourselves of our available local resources. See the contrast? Depending on t he distance your “conventional” food travels, 50 to 90 percent of the price you pay simply covers its petroleum inputs. To feed each A mer ica n each yea r, requires about 400 gallons of oil equivalents (782.5 tons of greenhouse gases). You may bring some home, in the form of pesticide residues on up to 71 percent of the produce you buy (see the Baker, et al. study at w w w.omri.org). Also, agricultural production requires about

two-thirds of all our fresh water — more than any other human activity. Why, you may ask, is this cheaper than buying locally grown and organic foods? According to the Organic Farmers Research Foundation (ofrf.org/resources/ organicfaqs.html), “factory” farms plant one-time hybrid and genetically modified seeds, and grow them using petroleumbased inputs that more “cheaply” substitute for the labor and intense soil and pest management that organic farms use. Curiously, conventional and organic each get the same yield per acre, but where organic farms create no environmental harm, conventional farms dump pollutants into farm workers, air, soil and water, and the costs for handling pollution-related health and environmental problems are not paid by factory farms; they’re passed on to us. Finally, organic farms are regulated more strictly than factory farms. So in buying organics, we’re paying more of the “true cost” of growing the food. As petroleum prices rise, however, so will all the costs of inputs to factory farming, and all the prices of the fruits and vegetables they grow. Which means, economically, prices for conventional foods will eventually equal, or become “less competitive” against organics. How soon will that happen? It already has. Meanwhile, at a rate of 20 percentper-year, prices of organics are steadily coming down. One day, they may actually be cheaper than conventionals.

“Factor y fa r m” is a n ox y moron, anyway. A farm is a biotic system that depends on soil and water. If all the soil’s organisms are killed, and its nutrients depleted by unrelenting crop production, and if the water is polluted or depleted, the only ways to keep growing crops are through uses of artificially modified seeds, and artificial growing media, such as petro-chemicals. (Michael Pollan notes in The Omnivore’s Dilemma that America’s chemical-based farm “industry” grew out of World War II explosives manufacturers looking for peacetime opportunities to market their phosphates, nitrates, and poison gases). Since the 1950s, nearly one-third of the world’s cropland has been abandoned because of soil erosion and degradation, according to World Resources Institute. Most of the replacement land has come from removing forests, and reducing the world’s biodiversity. And then there’s the weather. Your parents and grandparents remember the “Dust Bowl” of the 1930s, and Steinbeck’s epic The Grapes of Wrath, when millions of tons of America’s best topsoil blew away from poorly managed farms in a drought that virtually emptied the Midwest of its population. America has not improved its soil management policies since the 1930s, but it has loaded the atmosphere with enough greenhouse gases to alter the planet’s weather. In times when we did not know so

much about science, we prayed for rain, made sacrifices, and bargained with God, as in the second paragraph of the shema: If we kept God’s commandments, God would supply rain in its season, abundant harvests, and contentment. We can use the same formula today: Prayer and mitzvot. While prayer gives us focus — “it couldn’t hurt,” — the mitzvot to do now involve supporting our health and survival on the planet: • Buy local and organic, rather than distant and petro-chemical. If your budget is tight, get tips from the eHOW list (w w w.ehow.com/how_4877887_buyorganic-tight-budget.html); • Reduce your, and your employer’s carbon/greenhouse gas footprints. Start with the Jewish Climate Challenge’s Carbon Calculator (www.carbonsalon. net); • And, if you’re motivated, grow your own food — blueberries, a fruit tree, strawberries — to re-connect yourself with the earth. Amory Lovins is often quoted as saying, “We didn’t leave the Stone Age because we ran out of stones.” He is familiar with how to create change: He invented the “soft path” energy conservation structure by which we live today. Now that we have rerolled the Torahs and moved into the New Year, know that new ideas are the seeds of change, and they can grow into wonderful new ways of life, if we nurture them with daily attention. Author and teacher Martin Westerman writes and consults on sustainable living. He can be contacted with questions at [email protected].

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