October 16, 2009 Newsletter

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Holy Trinity Catholic School Newsletter Principal: Dr. Charles Terry —Assistant Principal: Nicole Noverini

Principal’s News This issue of our newsletter contains important information about two topics that affect each of our students. We explain in detail the school’s response to the H1N1 virus outbreak, including facility cleaning protocols, absence procedures, and daily classroom interventions designed to reduce the spread of this contagious virus at school. Please take a few minutes to read this information so that you can support our efforts. Please remember the three C’s: CleanWash your hands frequently to prevent the spread of germs; Cover-Your cough or sneeze with a tissue or sleeve, not your hand; and Contain your germs- stay home if you are sick. The other important topic is Halloween. The annual parade, grade level parties and other activities are outlined on page 2 as well. Students will be advised that there will be a strong academic focus in the morning on October 30th. As stated in our last newsletter, School Mass will not be conducted that morning since we will be attending Mass on Monday, November 2nd for the Feast of All Souls. Parents of upper grade students are asked to be sure to check the appropriateness of their child’s costume that morning. Students choosing not to wear a costume are expected to wear their school uniform!

Oct. 16, 2009

Holy Trinity Catholic School 108 South Linden Street Westmont, IL 60559 Phone: 630-971-0184 Fax: 630-971-1175

Finally, please consider supporting the PSO fundraiser at Connie’s Pizza on Oct. 26 th. Students can preview their costume, have some great food, and have a good time!


Taffy Apple Sale

Holy Trinity Tiger’s Pack The Place is taking place TONIGHT at Christ the King School!

Thank you to all who ordered Taffy Apples. The sale was a huge success! We sold 894 in all! The apples will be going home on Monday Oct. 19th. For any order over 24 apples, you will be contacted by Mary Wisniowicz for delivery day and time.

Don’t forget to purchase your Bar Louie or Carlucci $10 Gift Cards from our student athletes or at the office. The purchase of these cards will help athletic funding.

Gym Uniforms A representative from Dennis Uniforms will be at Holy Trinity on Thursday Oct. 22nd. If you have any gym uniforms that you would like the representative to see, feel free to bring them in with a note attached stating what the problem with the uniform is. If we don’t let the company know our concerns, nothing can be done to rectify the situation.

Mark Your Calendar: Oct. 20— Kindergarten and 1st Grade Field Trip

Mark Your Calendars Please mark your calendars for the Holy Trinity Catholic School Christmas Program. It will be held at Westmont High School on Wednesday, December 16th at 7:00 P.M.

WE’RE ON THE WEB! www.holytrinitywestmont.org/ school

Religious Ed The Holy Trinity Confirmation Retreat will be held on October 17th from 11:30-4:00.P.M. for the eighth graders. On October 26th from 7:00-9:00 P.M. the eighth graders and their sponsors or parent will have Doctrine Game Night.

Oct.21—Fun Lunch– Quiznos Oct. 26—3rd Grade Fire House Drill and Smoke House Oct. 26– PSO Sponsored Trick or Treat at Connie’s Pizza Oct. 28— Fun Lunch Home Run Inn Pasta

H1N1 News: From Mr. Barker: Last spring we implemented a more stringent cleaning regiment aimed at reducing the spread of germs. The cleaning procedures that pertain to eliminating the spread of the H1N1 virus are still being followed. All the hard surfaces including but not limited to countertops, sinks, tables, window sills and chairs are disinfected weekly with an approved cleaner. The daily cleaning routine includes the disinfecting of the bathrooms and drinking fountains throughout the school facility. It is also important to note that all our classrooms are in compliance with building codes that require the introduction of fresh air into our buildings. This mix of fresh outside air into the classrooms provides a healthier breathing environment for the children. From Pre-School: - Children wash hands before and after snack - Taught children to use cough and sneeze catchers in their sleeves when sneezing and coughing - Teachers wipe down tables before and after snack with Lysol disinfectant wipes - Teachers wipe down center tables after each use - Children were taught to wash their hands after going to the bathroom - Teachers spray down toys with Lysol disinfecting spray each night - Teachers bleach water the preschool toys every two weeks - During whole group activities teachers give children a squirt of the ―magic soap‖ (anti-bacterial) - Nap mats are cleaned every Friday - Preschool room is cleaned on a nightly basis by hired cleaning staff Additional Information Extended Care:

Parent Responsibilities:

Tables and counter disinfected daily


Monitor your child for symptoms of flu-like illness.

Students instructed to wash hands before snack and at other times


Toys are periodically disinfected

Keep students who are ill at home for at least 24 hours after the resolution of fever without the use of feverreducing medications.


Advise the school by telephone of your child’s illness.


Parents and guardians should not give anti-fever medications to children prior to the school day in order to suppress a fever.


Develop contingency plans should your child become sick and need to stay home.

Computer Lab:

Keyboards are wiped at least once daily


Closing School

All homeroom teachers promote good hand hygiene and respiratory etiquette, including the teaching of proper hand washing techniques and providing opportunities and appropriate supplies for hand hygiene

Teachers and/or students wipe surfaces, door knobs, etc. at least twice each day, more often if necessary

Students with flu-like symptoms are sent to the office where the parent is contacted

The decision to close school requires that we balance the risks of flu in our school community with the disruption this will cause in both education and the wider school community. However, please be advised that if such a decision to close school is deemed prudent, then it is likely that school will be closed for at least five to seven calendar days. Parents should start thinking now about how they might handle such a closure, as these decisions may be made very quickly.

Halloween Parties The Halloween party schedule is as follows: Pre-K A.M. & P.M. classes –9:30-10:30 in Holy Family Hall Grades K-4 –2:00–3:00 PM Grades 5-8– Dance in Holy Family Hall 2:00-4:00 PM Parade begins promptly 1:40 PM.

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