B.A. (Hons) Design for Multimedia
Module: Investigat ion & Pra ctice 1 Mo dule C od e: MM202-860-05 (20 credits) Lect ure r: Itamar Medeiros
Proje ct Brief 2: Introdu ction :
Intera ctive Narratives & Metaphors (Brainstorming & Research) Metaphor is a figure of speech in which a word or phrase that ordinarily designates one thing is used to designate another, thus making an implicit comparison, as in “a sea of troubles” or “All the world's a stage” (Shakespeare). Metaphors are common at all levels of language, serving as communicating a central concept and controlling image. Metaphors can be a very useful communication tools to build up a design concept, since it can carry meaning – if it is appropriate to the audience we are communicating with – in very powerful way. In this assignment, students will explore the concept of metaphors to developing narrative or alternative structures for communication;
Learning Ou tcom es :
B4. Identify and evaluate emerging design trends through visual research. B5. Synthesise research findings into multimedia outcomes within the context of contemporary design practice.
Brief :
Students must brainstorm and research – at least – 3 (three) areas of the human experience (love, work, family, etc…) and come with – at least – 1(one) concept for each area. Those concepts should make a comment, through the use of metaphors, on the human experiences, trying to go from particular to universal. In this assignment, students will research and identify the use of metaphors for design and communication. Students are encouraged to investigate on varied areas such as Literature, Film, Advertising, Music, Fine Arts, and so on. The concepts elaborated for this project should demonstrate an innovative approach and evidence of a progression of thought, conceptual and aesthetic development related to: 1. W EBSITE/G AM E: create interactive narratives that, by developing appropriate information design & architecture, you can successfully realize the metaphor proposed. 2. VID EO PR ODU CTI O N: in the duration of 3 (three) minutes, you should explore the metaphor proposed by choosing the appropriate genre, story, development of characters, etc.
3. FL ASH A NI MAT IO N: in the duration of 3 (three) minutes – you should explore the metaphor proposed by choosing the appropriate story, development of characters, and visual style, etc.
Work R equi r ed :
Students must submit: -1 sketchbook; -1 DVD (properly labelled); -1 DVD case (properly labelled); -1 Multimedia Rationale of the proposed metaphor;
Dea dline(s) :
Week Week Week Week
Proj ec t Time Managem ent:
This is an independent project; it is recommended that the students contact the lecturer continuously during the duration of the project: 5 weeks 45 hour s of ind epen d en t work
Ass ess men t Stra teg y:
Documentation of brainstorming and ideas generation: 40%
Research files: 50%
Final Multi-Media Outcome, which reflects a high standard of
7: Research/Analysis 8: Brainstorming & Idea Generation 9: Class presentation 10: Submission
finish and functionality: 10%
Proj ec t W eigh ting within th e Mo dul e:
This project is worth 2 0% of the total of the Investigation & Practice 1 module mark.
Reco mm en ded Reading :
Casnig, J., 2007, “Metaphors of Space, Time, Energy and Matter”, http://knowgramming.com/metaphors/metaphor_ chapters/metaphors_of_space_time_energy_matter.htm, retrieved August 20, 2007
Sijll, J., 2007, “Cinematic Storytelling: Dynamic Metaphors”, http://www.writersstore.com/article.php?articles_id=707, retrieved August 20, 2007
Calmers, P., 2007, “Web Usability Course: Visual metaphors for navigation” http://www.benefit-fromit.com/index.php?fa=wdu101navLinks.visualMetaphors, retrieved August 20, 2007
Zeal, J., 2007, “Design by Metaphor”, http://www.alistapart.com/articles/designbymetaphor, retrieved August 20, 2007