Investigation & Practice 1: Assignment 01

  • November 2019
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  • Words: 356
  • Pages: 2
B.A. (Hons) Design for Multimedia

Module: Investigat ion & Pra ctice 1 Mo dule C od e: MM202-860-05 (20 credits) Lect ure r: Itamar Medeiros

Proje ct Brief 1:

Identity Systems: from Print to Screen

Int r od ucti o n:

Graphic designers have being conceiving identity systems to help corporations and institutions build up their brand for quite some time now. Such systems encompass logos, letterhead, and business cards, and spills over into other areas such as business forms, brochures, and signage as well. More and more, these systems will move into digital realm and, therefore, must be adapted for good screen presentation. In this assignment, let’s explore the creative, technical and the communication strategy aspects of developing an identity system that works well on the screen. Please visit for more information.

Le ar ni ng Outc o me s:

B3. Find solutions to creative problems utilizing appropriate multimedia techniques. C5. Demonstrate a high level of competence in preparing digital artwork utilising a variety of technical processes. C7. Demonstrate innovation and sophistication using a range of appropriate digital media. D3. Manage a series of multimedia design projects using a systematic process.

Brie f:

Students will develop an identity system in which they will IDENTIFY THEIR OWN WORK, and use to present ALL their assignments for this module. Such system must comprehend all parts needed for the submissions of the assignments.

W or k R eq ui re d:

Students must submit: -1 sketchbook; -1 DVD (properly labelled); -1 DVD case (properly labelled); -1 Multimedia presentation template for your Rationale; -1 Rational (presented into a multimedia DVD format).

De adl i ne:

Friday, Week 06, from 13:00h to 17:00h

As s es s me nt St rate gy:

Documentation of brainstorming and ideas generation: 20% Design Processes involved in multimedia: 20% Research files: 20% Stages of Visual Development through Sketchbook/Screenshots: 20% Final Multi-Media Outcome, which reflects a high standard of finish and functionality: 20%

Pr oj ect We i ght ing wit hi n t he M o dule:

This project is worth 20% (twenty percent) of the total Investigation & Practice 1 module mark.

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