BiologyNotes- ALev el
THE HEART {thepump) The heatt'sfunction is to pumpthebfoodarc'und thebody.The mammalian hearthasT\M3 sides.separated bytheSEPTUI{. Thelefthandsidepumpsoxygenated bloodto a.lltheborly exceptthe lungs.whilst right handsideyrumps ' - the ' - - "r "' blssdto the lunr:1s. The , r- - r-- deorygenated I headcnnsistsmainlyof CAFDIAC IIUSCLEurhichcancnntract\,vitll-eullEcgrnllqlollqll*d * LUrr+ rupcb ,lr l I
ca m l- ' r n o t' th 'vslves a c* seml-lunor
anlerlor vena cdva
pulrirom6ry velns
C ars
.;V rE4 Lq)tn
dlrloventrlcular valve {blcusplrl}
alrloventflpulsr (tilcusplruvalv€
letl veritricle lntraventricular s€pttJffi
The structureof the heart (viewed from the front).
tendlnouschords rightventricte
J[ o,'} ,lo[lo. ^"*A
*elt afilum right atrluill
C otl d,v c f
Bothsideso1theheafthavetwochsrnbers. (a) Atria (atrium-singular) receive blood from veins (b) Ventricles- force blood out of the heartvia arteries The rightatriutn receivesdeorygenated blnodfronrthel:odyvia thesuperior an,1 inferior VENA CAVAE.andforcesbloodintotherightventricle. ThispushestrloorJ out of the heartto the lungs via the pulmonaql arteries. o4ygenatedbloocl re-enlers theheadfromthelungs.via thepulmanaryveins, vrhich transport blond ts the leftatrium.The leftatriumpasspsthe blsnd rnto the nruscular leftventricle whichfrrrcesthebloodaroundthebodrrviatheaorta.
V/ithinthe head there are valves which preventthe blord lrorn fh:wingin the wrorrql directisn.There are tws Spes of valve: VALVES{bicuspid and tricuspid) v,rhich stop [1] ATFIOVEHTRICUTAR blood flowinginto the atriawhen the ventriclescontract.The valves are prevented fromturninginsideoutby tendinous chords.
Compiledby KMR- SeniorBiologyTeacherESS