BiologyNotes- ALe v el
(2) Atrial systole - when diastole irelaxationJ ends. the two atria cgntraet simultaneously. The bloodis pushedintothe ventricles.
(3) Ventricular
systole almnst immediatelyafter atrial systnle. the ventriclescontractthe atrinventricular valves close (preventingback flow nf blood into atria) and the semFlunar valves open, allowingl:lood to leave the heart under great pressure.The aneries expand due to the large vr:lumesr:f bli:,rd leavirrnthe heattgenerating a pulse. Ventricular systole ends v,riththe relflxationof the head {diastnle)and the rycle begins again. Each rycle takes approxinrately0.8seconds. Diastole allows the cardiac muscle lo recaveriromitecontragti0ns.
Gompiledby KMR - Senior Biology TeacherESS