_ actusreus A.ssaults
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Can be private nature, e.g. domesticdisputesor Publiccharacter,e'g. such as fights during a political demonstratibn, pub brawls, deliberate beatings OR Mixture (e.g. a stalker harassesa number of women in a neighbourhood).
Frequently, the injury is a physicalone, but the victim suffers mental harm requiring psychiatricor psychologicalhelp providedthe injury is more than simply panic, fear or distress; R v Chan-FooklL9941"Bodily harm" was held in to incfude psychiatric injury and also in R v lreland l1gg71, R v Burstow 1t9971 R v Constanza[L9971 and in R v Dica QAOS\biologicalGBH (the spreadingof HIV). Protection From Harassment Act LggT provides both criminal and civil redress in casesof harassment.It containstwo principalcrimes 1. harassment(section2), 2. putting peoplein fear of violence(section4).
Assault and BatterY
An assault is any act by which someone, intentionallyor recklessly,causesanother personto apprehend immediate and personal violence. Spokenwords can amount to an assault R v Ireland It9971as can silent Phonecalls. Also includes: shaking a fist at someone Stephens v Myers (LB3O\ showinga gun Loqdonv DPP[19761 frightenedperson injured escapingR v Roberts(L97L\
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