l assua... http://sirlrformlaw.info/01_rnodules/npd3a/3_50_non_fataU0
Assaults- actusreus
the weapon cannot fire see Logdon v DPPL19761. If V does apprehendthe threat of imminent violence, it does not matter whether he is frightened by it. He may relish the opportunity to teach D a lesson, and yet gtill be regarded as the victim of D's assault.
Actual Bodily Harm (ABH) Section 47 Offences Against the Person Act 1851
Wounding and Grievous Bodily Harm Sec 2O Section 2O Offences Against the Person Act 1861
"Whosoevershall be convicted upon an indictment of any assaultoccasioningactual bodily harm shall be liable to imprisonment for not more than five years". CPS Code Actual bodily harm loss or breaking of a tooth or teeth; temporary loss of sensoryfunctions(which may includeloss of consciousness); extensive or multiple bruising ; displacedbroken nose; minor fractures; minor, but not very superficial, cuts of a sort probably requiring medical treatment (e.9. stitches); or psychiatric injury which is more than fear. "Whosoevershall unlawfully and maliciouslywound or inflict any grievousbodily harm upon any other person, either with or without any weapon or instrument shall be guilty of (an offence) and being convictedthereof shall be liable to imprisonment(for a maximum of five years)," CPS Code Grievous bodily harm injury resulting in permanentdisabilityor permanent loss of sensory function; injury which results in more than minor permanent, vls,ible disfigurement; broken or displacedlimbs or bones, includingfracturedskull, compoundfractures, broken cheek bone, jaw, ribs etc; injuries which cause substantial loss of blood, usually necessitating a transfusion;and injuries resulting in lengthy treatment or incapacity. Woundingand GBHentail seriousharm but the injury need not be life-threatening,nor needit be intendedas such. CPS Code Wounds In law woundsrequire a breakingof the coa*inuity of the whole of the outer skin, or inner skin *vithin the cheek or lip. Ruptureof internal bloodvesselsis excluded. Minor wounds should not result in a section 20 charge. Moriartv v Brookes (L834) requires a wound which is
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