Ig Ui Errors

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  • November 2019
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  • Pages: 20
Import Gateway UI Errors, Explanations, and Remedial Instructions Code Short Description Detailed Error Message Meaning Example(s) 1 Unidentified token No example

Trillium rejected the name/address pattern. Trillium did not fully understand what it was examining

2 Mixed name forms No example

Trillium rejected the name/address pattern. Trillium believes personal and business names are combined

3 Hold mail

No example

4 Foreign address

No example

5 No names specified

How to Remedy Problem

Responsible Party

Marketing - (Leads and Incomplete Orders) 1. Mktg will daily examine the records and correct any obvious problems or reject any obviously bad records. 2. At the end of each week Mktg will print out all the Req. Attn records that reside in Error status' 1 to 20 using the IG Admin Report. 3. Mktg will give this report to a Call Center Admin 4. The Call Center will attempt to contact the people on the list and return the list with records with one of the following results:

Mktg (Leads) Order Mgmt (Orders) check first then Trillium administrator

a. Could not contact b. Corrections to address provided c. Address confirmed as correct Trillium rejected the 5. Mktg will then address each of the records according to name/address pattern. the results: Trillium believes the mailing a. Reject Record address is on hold b. Correct address and reprocess c. Give to Trillium administrator to adjust the Trillium configuration Order Management (Web Orders) Trillium rejected the name/address pattern. 1. Order Management will daily examine the records and Trillium believes the address correct any obvious problems, check the address via a is not in the United States directory service or contact the customer to confirm or correct the address.

Mktg (Leads) Order Mgmt (Orders) check first then Trillium administrator Mktg (Leads) Order Mgmt (Orders) check first then Trillium administrator

Mktg (Leads) Order Mgmt (Orders) check first then Trillium 2. If the address is confirmed as correct the information is administrator sent to the Trillium administrator to adjust the Trillium configuration Mktg An error occurred while Trillium rejected the 3. If the address will not process in time (address Order(Leads) standardizing the record name/address pattern. correction does not work or Trillium reconfiguration takes Mgmt (Orders) Trillium did not see a name. too long) Order Management can discard the record in IG check first then and re-create the customer manually in IP (if necessary) Trillium and then re-create the order manually in OM administrator NOTE: A manual re-creation of a web order in OM may require price overwrites if the Web pricing differs from JDE.

Code Short Description Detailed Error Message Meaning Example(s) 6 No street identified An error occurred while Trillium rejected the standardizing the record name/address pattern. Trillium did not see a street name

7 No Geography identified

No example

8 Unknown name pattern

An error occurred while Trillium rejected the standardizing the record name/address pattern. Trillium did not recognize the form of the name

9 Derived genders conflict

10 Multiple middle names

No example

No example

Trillium rejected the name/address pattern. Trillium did not see city/state/postal code information

How to Remedy Problem

Responsible Party

Marketing - (Leads and Incomplete Orders) 1. Mktg will daily examine the records and correct any obvious problems or reject any obviously bad records. 2. At the end of each week Mktg will print out all the Req. Attn records that reside in Error status' 1 to 20 using the IG Admin Report.

Mktg (Leads) Order Mgmt (Orders) check first then Trillium administrator

3. Mktg will give this report to a Call Center Admin 4. The Call Center will attempt to contact the people on the list and return the list with records with one of the following results: a. Could not contact b. Corrections to address provided c. Address confirmed as correct 5. Mktg will then address each of the records according to the results: a. Reject Record b. Correct address and reprocess c. Give to Trillium administrator to adjust the Trillium configuration

Mktg (Leads) Order Mgmt (Orders) check first then Trillium administrator

Mktg (Leads) Order Mgmt (Orders) check first then Trillium 2. If the address is confirmed as correct the information is administrator sent to the Trillium administrator to adjust the Trillium configuration Mktg (Leads) Trillium rejected the 3. If the address will not process in time (address name/address pattern. correction does not work or Trillium reconfiguration takes Order More then one middle name too long) Order Management can discard the record in IG Mgmt (Orders) was specified and re-create the customer manually in IP (if necessary) check first then and then re-create the order manually in OM Trillium administrator NOTE: A manual re-creation of a web order in OM may require price overwrites if the Web pricing differs from JDE. Trillium rejected the name/address pattern. Trillium saw evidence of both male and female names/titles

Order Management (Web Orders) 1. Order Management will daily examine the records and correct any obvious problems, check the address via a directory service or contact the customer to confirm or correct the address.

Mktg (Leads) Order Mgmt (Orders) check first then Trillium administrator

Code Short Description Detailed Error Message Meaning Example(s)

How to Remedy Problem

11 Unknown street pattern

An error occurred while Trillium rejected the standardizing the record name/address pattern. The format of the street was not recognized.

Mktg (Leads) Order Mgmt (Orders) check first then Trillium administrator

12 Invalid directional

No example

Mktg (Leads) Order Mgmt (Orders) check first then Trillium administrator

13 Unusual or long address

No example

14 No city or country found

No example

15 Geography too long

No example

Marketing - (Leads and Incomplete Orders) 1. Mktg will daily examine the records and correct any obvious problems or reject any obviously bad records. 2. At the end of each week Mktg will print out all the Req. Attn records that reside in Error status' 1 to 20 using the IG Admin Report. 3. Mktg will give this report to a Call Center Admin Trillium rejected the 4. The Call Center will attempt to contact the people on name/address pattern. The the list and return the list with records with one of the street directions were not following results: recognized. a. Could not contact b. Corrections to address provided c. Address confirmed as correct Trillium rejected the 5. Mktg will then address each of the records according to name/address pattern. The the results: address was too long or in a. Reject Record an unrecognized format. b. Correct address and reprocess c. Give to Trillium administrator to adjust the Trillium configuration

Responsible Party

check first then Trillium administrator

Mktg (Leads) Order Mgmt (Orders) check first then Trillium 2. If the address is confirmed as correct the information is administrator sent to the Trillium administrator to adjust the Trillium configuration Mktg (Leads) Trillium rejected the 3. If the address will not process in time (address name/address pattern. The correction does not work or Trillium reconfiguration takes Order city/state/postal code too long) Order Management can discard the record in IG Mgmt (Orders) information was too long. and re-create the customer manually in IP (if necessary) check first then and then re-create the order manually in OM Trillium administrator NOTE: A manual re-creation of a web order in OM may require price overwrites if the Web pricing differs from JDE. Trillium rejected the name/address pattern. No city or country was found.

Order Management (Web Orders) 1. Order Management will daily examine the records and correct any obvious problems, check the address via a directory service or contact the customer to confirm or correct the address.

Mktg (Leads) Order Mgmt (Orders)

Code Short Description Detailed Error Message Meaning Example(s) 16 Corrected city No example Trillium rejected the name too long name/address pattern. The city name was too long, even after being standardized


17 Conflicting geography types

No example

18 Unable to verify city names

No example

19 Unidentified line

No example

Multiple street names type

Record contains unacceptable content

How to Remedy Problem

Responsible Party

Marketing - (Leads and Incomplete Orders) 1. Mktg will daily examine the records and correct any obvious problems or reject any obviously bad records. 2. At the end of each week Mktg will print out all the Req. Attn records that reside in Error status' 1 to 20 using the IG Admin Report. 3. Mktg will give this report to a Call Center Admin Trillium rejected the 4. The Call Center will attempt to contact the people on name/address pattern. The the list and return the list with records with one of the following results: city/state/postal a. Could not contact code/country information is b. Corrections to address provided in conflict c. Address confirmed as correct

Mktg (Leads) Order Mgmt (Orders) check first then Trillium administrator

Trillium rejected the 5. Mktg will then address each of the records according to name/address pattern. the results: Trillium does not believe the a. Reject Record city name specified exists. b. Correct address and reprocess c. Give to Trillium administrator to adjust the Trillium configuration Order Management (Web Orders) Trillium rejected the name/address pattern. One 1. Order Management will daily examine the records and ore more lines of data were correct any obvious problems, check the address via a not recognized as name or directory service or contact the customer to confirm or address data. correct the address.

Mktg (Leads) Order Mgmt (Orders) check first then Trillium administrator

Trillium rejected the name/address pattern. More then one street address was found.

Mktg (Leads) Order Mgmt (Orders) check first then Trillium administrator

Mktg (Leads) Order Mgmt (Orders) check first then Trillium 2. If the address is confirmed as correct the information is administrator sent to the Trillium administrator to adjust the Trillium configuration 3. If the address will not process in time (address Mktg (Leads) correction does not work or Trillium reconfiguration takes Order too long) Order Management can discard the record in IG Mgmt (Orders) and re-create the customer manually in IP (if necessary) check first then and then re-create the order manually in OM Trillium administrator NOTE: A manual re-creation of a web order in OM may require price overwrites if the Web pricing differs from JDE.

Code Short Description 9001 Web interface error

9002 File not found

Detailed Error Message Example(s)


How to Remedy Problem

Unexpected exception attempted to invoke action

During staging, communication with the web imports database encountered a problem

1. Try reprocessing the record in the Admin UI.

Unhappy message response status: WebUpdate request has failed. (action: <marknssleadsasimported>). Unhappy message response status: WebImport request has failed. (action: ) No Message

Responsible Party I.T.

2. Inform a possible problem to the Import Gateway and e-commerce teams for investigation

During staging, a file not found condition was encountered.

1. If a West, Convergys, NCOA, or Do I.T. Not Email file, try reprocessing the group.

2. Inform a possible problem to the Import Gateway team for investigation 9003 File parsing error

No example

During staging, the data in the file 1. Investigate the problem based on I.T. being staged did not parse the group (e.g. possible bad West file, properly bad Convergys file, bad NCOA file, bad Do Not Email file, or error from ecommerce processing). 2. Restart the group in the Admin UI if the problem has been corrected. 9004 File format error Expected row width [400] but found [401] During staging, the data in the file 1. Investigate the problem based on I.T. on row [1] being staged did not match the the group (e.g. possible bad West file, expected format. bad Convergys file, bad NCOA file, bad Do Not Email file, or error from ecommerce processing). 2. Restart the group in the Admin UI if the problem has been corrected. 9005 No records No Message No records were found in a file 1. Try reprocessing the record in the I.T. found in file during staging Admin UI.

2. Inform a possible problem to the Import Gateway team for investigation

9006 Staging database connection problem

No example

Staging was unable to connect to 1. Try reprocessing the record in the its database, and therefore could Admin UI. not perform any staging work.


2. Inform a possible problem to the Import Gateway team for investigation 9007 Internal import server error

Unable to retrieve group/section

An unanticipated error occurred during importing

Detailed Error Message Example(s) Size of file <0927mkk.txt> changed after staging. Before: <664286>, after: <828120>


2. Inform a possible problem to the Import Gateway team for investigation

Order failed OM Update stage despite 3 import attempts

Code Short Description 9008 Size of File Change

1. Try reprocessing the record in the Admin UI.


How to Remedy Problem

Responsible Party Indicated a file being staged was 1. If a West, Convergys, NCOA, or Do I.T. actively being modified during the Not Email file, try reprocessing the staging process group.

2. Inform a possible problem to the Import Gateway team for investigation 9009 File IO Error

No Example

During staging, a file I/O condition 1. If a West, Convergys, NCOA, or Do I.T. was encountered Not Email file, try reprocessing the group.

2. Inform a possible problem to the Import Gateway team for investigation 9100 Too many consecutive import errors

Too many errors in a row: (last one: Reply 15 consecutive errors were to message action encountered in a group. Importing contained status and status of the group is halted. message <>

1. Investigate the problem based on I.T. the group (e.g. possible bad West file, bad Convergys file, bad NCOA file, bad Do Not Email file, or error from ecommerce processing). 2. Restart the group in the Admin UI if the problem has been corrected.

9101 Trillium Error

Reply to message action Interaction with the Trillium data <StandardizedAddress> contained status cleansing system failed and status message
. 2. When performing a Trillium App Error Code, Desc: <,> Sys Error action a failure or error was Code,Desc: <1000,StandardizeAddress reported, or Service. No connection could be made 3. A logical problem occurred because the target machine actively preventing continuation of this refused it phase of processing, or

9102 Epiphany IP Reply to message contained action status Integration Error and status message <>. Invalid data - a household XML was expected and was not returned. Exception thrown while attempting to send message

1. Try reprocessing the record in the I.T. Admin UI 2. Inform a possible problem to the Import Gateway and CRM teams for investigation

4. A code exception occurred in Import Gateway. Interaction with the E.piphany IP (CRM) system failed unexpectedly 1. Try reprocessing the record in the Admin UI 1. CRM was not available, or 2. Inform a possible problem to the 2. When Performing a CRM action Import Gateway and CRM teams for a failure or error was reported, or investigation 3. A logical problem occurred preventing continuation of this phase of processing, or


4. A code exception occurred in Import Gateway. Code Short Detailed Error Message Example(s) Description 9103 Media Tracking Reply to message contained failure Integration Error status. (action: status: status message: Exception thrown while attempting to send message

9104 Order Unable to override kit price <SKU: Management 458036> - OM response did not contain Integration Error any KitDiscountable order lines (action: )


How to Remedy Problem

Interaction with the Media Tracking (MT) system failed unexpectedly: 1. MT was not available, or 2. When performing a MT action a failure or error was reported, or

1. Try reprocessing the record in the Admin UI 2. Inform a possible problem to the Import Gateway and CRM teams for investigation

3. A logical problem occurred preventing continuation of this phase of processing, or 4. A code exception occurred in Import Gateway Interaction with the Order Management (OM) system failed unexpectedly:

1. Try reprocessing the record in the Admin UI

2. Inform a possible problem to the Import Gateway and CRM teams for 1. OM was not available, or 2. When performing a OM action investigation a failure or error was reported, or

App Error Code, Desc:
Responsible Party I.T.

Order Management I.T.


components detected for kit [ItemNumber=723971; Sys Error Code Desc: SKU=457095]>

3. A logical problem occurred preventing continuation of this phase of processing, or

contained status and status message <>. Exception thrown while attempting to send message

9106 Decryption Error Unexpected decryption exception

Code Short Detailed Error Message Example(s) Description 9107 Too Many Order failed OM Update stage despite Import Attempts 100 import attempts

9200 No product interest

Invalid product interest: (Category: <3> SubCategory: <9200> During: <2>)

9201 Invalid order type

No example

9202 No advertising ID

No Advertising ID

Interaction with the Finance system failed unexpectedly: 1. Finance was not available, or 2. When performing a Finance action a failure or error was reported, or

1. Try reprocessing the record in the Admin UI 2. Inform a possible problem to the Import Gateway and CRM teams for investigation


3. A logical problem occurred preventing continuation of this phase of processing, or 4. A code exception occurred in Import Gateway During the decryption of the credit 1. Report a possible problem to the I.T. card number from the web Import Gateway team for investigation imports, the code failed with an exception. Meaning

How to Remedy Problem

The record could not be imported, despite multiple attempts over a 6 hour period. No specific reason for the import failure is known, and it could not be due to the prolonged unavailability of a target system

1. Make any corrections to the record necessary in the Admin UI and mark it for reprocessing, which will attempt the record again.

The product interest is missing or 1. correct product interest in the record is not recognized. in the Admin UI and mark it for reprocessing. 2.Insure product interest recognized by all systems (e-commerce, Import Gateway, MT, CRM, and OM). An order was not of an expected 1. Report a possible problem to the type Import Gateway and E-Commerce teams for investigation The record did not contain an 1. Add an Advertising ID to the record Advertising ID. in the Admin UI and mark it for reprocessing.

Responsible Party I.T.

Marketing examines and IT Fixes

Marketing examines and IT Fixes

9203 No Initial Offer

No offer returned from Media Tracking for Media Tracking was not able to ad ID: <SHOMEPAGE> provide an offer for the record's Advertising ID.

9204 No order details No example for web order 9205 No gender

No example

9206 OM Tax Web tax total: <165.4> differs from OM validation error order tax total: <126.71> by more then $0.05 (Category: <6> SubCategory: <9206> During: <4>)

Code Short Description 9207 Insufficient Lead Info

Detailed Error Message Example(s)

1. Correct the Advertising ID to a valid Marketing one in the Admin UI and mark the examines and record for reprocessing. Marketing/IT Fixes 2. Investigate whether Advertising ID's from e-commerce match the Advertising ID's in Media Tracking A web order did not contain any 1. Discard the order and have it reMarketing order details. For example, no entered, this time with order details examines and products were ordered. IT Fixes A lead did not contain a gender 1. Correct lead's gender in the Admin Marketing UI and mark it for reprocessing 1. Report a possible problem to the Order The tax computation from eImport Gateway and E-Commerce, Management commerce and the tax examines and computation from OM differed by OM/JDE teams for investigation then IT fixes more then $0.05. Business rules (either web or prohibit the order from being JDE) allowed to complete with this level of discrepancy.


The Birthdate date format is invalid: <11- The lead contained one or more 11-1111> fields that were blank or in the wrong format No First Name No Postal Code The required region is empty. (Category: <4> SubCategory: <9207> During <3>)

How to Remedy Problem 1. Correct the record in the Admin UI and mark the record for reprocessing

9208 No Inquiry Date No example

The lead did not contain an inquiry 1. Correct the record in the Admin UI date and mark the record for reprocessing

9209 Invalid Lead Type

No example

A lead was not of an expected type

9210 Insufficient NCOA Info

No example

9211 Insufficient Order Info

No City

The NCOA record contained one or more fields that were blank or in the wrong format The order contained one or more 1. Correct the record in the Admin UI fields that were blank or in the and mark the record for reprocessing wrong format

1. Report a possible problem to the Import Gateway and E-Commerce teams for investigations. 1. Correct the record in the Admin UI and mark the record for reprocessing

Responsible Party Marketing examines and IT Fixes

Marketing examines and IT Fixes Marketing examines and IT Fixes Marketing examines and IT Fixes Order Management examines and IT Fixes

9212 Insufficient Email Info

No example

9213 Invalid Data Form

No valid CRM translation available for element: MLR The Birthdate date format is invalid: <1111-1111> No valid value found for <04> (Category: <4> SubCategory: <9213> During: <3>) No valid value found for (Category: <4> SubCategory: <9213> During: <3>)

The Do Not Email record contained one or more fields that were blank or in the wrong format The record contained one or more fields that were blank or in the wrong format

1. Correct the record in the Admin UI and mark the record for reprocessing 1. Correct the record in the Admin UI and mark the record for reprocessing

Marketing examines and IT Fixes Marketing examines and IT Fixes

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