Ui Buy

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  • Words: 833
  • Pages: 9
UI Buy Purchasing Process WEB Application

WEB Application

SC Application

FAX Server Electronic Notification with PO Number



Grad student responsible for monthly order of lab supplies prepares Web requisition and forwards it to head of lab for approval and further processing.

Professor X, head of the lab, approves Web requisition prepared by requestor and forwards it to departmental or central buyer for final processing.

Departmental or Central Buyer Business Manager or Purchasing Buyer receives approved Web requisition, creates purchase order, and faxes order to supplier. System creates automatic notification (alert) to requisition’s requestor confirming creation of PO and providing corresponding PO number.

Supplier Vendor for lab supplies receives faxed or mailed Purchase Order and delivers goods to the lab. Vendor sends invoice to University Payables.

UI Buy Purchasing Process

Requestor Application: WEB Employees Equipment Requirements:  Connection to the Internet  Browser (Netscape 3.0 or above / IE 4.0 or above)

Select METHOD OF PURCHASE Access UI Buy System Select Link to Central Stores Select Link to P-Card Information

Select ITEM  List of Items from Items Database  Enter Special Order if items not found  Use own Customized Templates

Account # defaults

Requestor forwards Web requisition for approval and further processing.

Select SUPPLIER  List of Supplier from Suppliers Database  Select proposed preferred and partnered vendors  Follow procedure to request supplier not found in system

UI Buy Purchasing Process

Approver Application: WEB Employees Equipment Requirements:  Connection to the Internet  Browser (Netscape 3.0 or above / IE 4.0 or above)

Receives Web requisition System will prompt approver with notification of requisitions needing approval

Reviews Web requisition If necessary, edits can be made to web requisition by approver.

Approves Web requisition

Approver forwards approved Web requisition for creation of Purchase Order or additional processing.

UI Buy Purchasing Process

Departmental or Central Buyer Application: SC Purchasing Application Equipment Requirements (minimum):  133 MHz Pentium processor  Microsoft Windows 95 or NT  32 MB RAM (64 MB RAM if NT)  600 MB free hard drive space Receives approved Web requisition The system will hold the web requisition in the buyer’s queue until he/she retrieves it.

Accepts Web requisition into SC application. Auto Creates Purchase Order PO number is assigned to the transaction. If necessary, edits are made to PO by Buyer. The system sends automatic electronic notification of assigned PO # to requestor.

If authorized to create PO, Departmental Buyer faxes purchase order to supplier. PO could also be printed and mailed to vendor if necessary. If not authorized to create PO (over dollar limit of bid required), Departmental Buyer forwards requisition to Central Purchasing.

UI Buy Purchasing Process

Supplier Receives faxed or mailed PO

Delivers goods or services to delivery address

Sends invoice  By fax to AP fax server  By mail to AP P.O. Box (scanner contractor)

UI Buy Accounts Payable Process Scanning contractor

System SC Application

Via mail

SC Application

T1 Line

Via direct FAX Invoice on hold



Accounts Payable Technician

Accounts Payable Special Actions

Vendor faxes invoice to system fax server or mails invoice to University Payables P.O. Box.

The System receives the invoice and administers the image.

The Accounts Payable Technician retrieves the invoice image, displays PO line items, matches to invoice, and enters any required information. Invoice either approved for payment or placed on hold.

Accounts Payable Special Actions call for payment batches to make payment.

System creates batches based on payment terms.

Payment is made.

UI Buy Accounts Payable Process

System Receives faxed invoice directly from supplier or from the scanning contractor

Scanning contractor

System Via mail

T1 Line

Records and archives invoice images Via direct FAX

Makes images available to SC applications for matching to POs and Hold administration

UI Buy Accounts Payable Process

Accounts Payable Technician Application: SC Payables Application / System Markview Viewer Equipment Requirements (minimum):  133 MHz Pentium processor  Microsoft Windows 95 or NT  32 MB RAM (64 MB RAM if NT)  600 MB free hard drive space

Retrieves invoice image The System provides all invoice images in a pool from which the Accounts Payable Technician retrieves them. Brings invoice image into the application, displays PO line items and performs a match to the PO. If match is okay invoice approved for payment. If match is not okay, invoice is returned to the System until hold is released.

SC Payables determines if 3 and 4 way match required and holds for receivables approval.

If only 2-way match required, application permits payment.

UI Buy Accounts Payable Process

Accounts Payable Special Actions Application: SC Payables Application / System Markview Viewer Equipment Requirements (minimum):  133 MHz Pentium processor  Microsoft Windows 95 or NT  32 MB RAM (64 MB RAM if NT)  600 MB free hard drive space

Identifies invoices to be paid by payment terms payment batches

Creates payment batches Payment is made by EDI/EFT or by check Administers System reports

Follows up on old invoices on hold

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