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The Strategy of Scientific Development ICT Program in Indonesia and the Perspective in the Future Presented at The 6th Asia Regional Seminar, ICT Asia Program 11-12 February 2009 Bangkok, Thailand 1 www.ristek.go.id

Indonesia Condition – ICT Sector Indonesia 2008 : • archipelago 17 000 islands ( 5000 x 1000 km² ) • Population > 220 millions • fixed line telephones ~ 13 millions • mobile phones ~ 50 millions • telephone kiosk ~ 500 000 • internet kiosk ~ 50 000 • internet users ~ 15 millions

Philippines Sabang

Brunai Kualalumpur Singapore





domain name (.id ~ 30 000) (.go.id ~ 1350)







Australia E-government development (Presidential decree No.3/2003) • Department of Communication and Informatics – 2004 • Indonesia, Go Open Source! (IGOS) initiative – 2004, • IGOS Summit II, 2008, 18 Ministries and Police agree to use OSS; • AOSI (Association of Open Source Indonesia) • National ICT Board – 2006 (Presidential decree No. 20/2006) • Indonesia has 33 provinces, 410 Councils, 68988 vilages, • 13.000 schools, 2.428 universities, • 28.000 community health centers and government agencies; •1564 ICT studies programs (MI 599; Info Eng 430; Electro Eng 371; Computer 75)


Coordination with State's Non-Department Institutions Presidential Decree Number 4, 2003 regarding Coordination of Formulation and Implementation of Strategic Policy on National Development of S&T. RISTEK coordinates State’s Non-Department Institutions (LPND) as follow:  The Agency for the Assessment and Application of Science and Technology (BPPT) ( ww.bppt.go.id );  Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI)( ww.lipi.go.id );  National Aviation and Space Agency (LAPAN) ( ww.lapan.go.id );  National Atomic Energy Agency (BATAN) ( ww.batan.go.id );  Nuclear Energy Regulatory Agency (BAPETEN) ( ww.bapeten.go.id );  National Coordinating Agency for Surveys and Mapping (BAKOSURTANAL) ( ww.bakosurtanal.go.id );  National Standardization Agency (BSN) ( ww.bsn.go.id ).


R&D Science &Tech Development Priorities      

Food Security The New and Renewable Energy Technology and Transportation Management Information and Communication Technology National Defense and Safety Health and Medicines

R&D Incentive budget 2008: 100 Billion Rp 4 www.ristek.go.id

National Research Agenda on ICT Policy directions

Public towards knowledge base society Government towards e-Government

Public towards e-Service Industry towards Global ICT Industry

Sci&Tech Societies and Research institutes toward world class level research Sos. Prog. Insentif 2008

5 www.ristek.go.id

ICT Priority i n u

C re ative




s ba


, D R H , al h i c c ar So e es hip, R i c e rs s Ba ead L

Sos. Prog. Insentif 2008


m m o ral c le u te or r ed f

PROGRAM r ce u o S pen

n io t a

ogy g l o n Tech adcastin ro b l a t digi

Reg ass ulation ess m en t Sta nd a rd iza tio Detailed program can be seen n in a Book of National Research Agenda

6 www.ristek.go.id

Targeted Products of ICT-ARN 1. IP Telecommunication (IP-Radion Access Network; Mobile Broad Band Wireless Access Network; Rural Next Generation Network)

2. Digital TV (Open standard middleware; TV Fiture; TV Broadcast; Power Amplifier) 3. Open Source Software (GIS, Linux Drivers, Enterprises, Games, Animation, e-business, ecommerce, e-gov)

4. Digital Creative Industry (computer graphics, animation 3D, film, Video, Advertishment, Photography, Games, Fashion, Design, Musics, voice recognition, face recognition, etc.)

5. Industrial ICT Components ( Chipset for IP-RAN and Wimax; RF Identification; Sensor components for Biomedical; Smart Card Aplications)

6. ICT-enabler (Radar technology; Intelligent Transportation System; Precision Farming; Robotics; Radiosonde; Industrial Otomation) Sos. Prog. Insentif 2008

7 www.ristek.go.id

ICT Strategy 

    

A better information technology infrastructure, which covers information network, telecommunication system, information exchange, community access point; High quality of human resources; Software application : open source software (21 POSS, 15 IGOS Centers, AOSI); Information contents which cover repository, information sharing, creative digital, data security, and e-services; Resolved problems of digital divide; ICT technology mastery: cheap telecommunication, computer, and internet 8 www.ristek.go.id

National ICT Council (President Decree on 11 November of 2006) 

 

directly under the President, draw up blueprint for the development of information and communication technology, eyeing a communications network connecting key cities as its top priority; to coordinate activities by stakeholders, given country’s limited resources both in terms of financing and human skills; doing research, as national coordination with central/local government institutions, business world, professional institutions, and information technology society and communication, etc. to create an information based society by establish networks for 43.000 villages, 13.000 schools, 2.428 universities, 28.000 community health centers and government agencies; focus programs targeted in 2006-2009 are are the Palapa Ring Project, eProcurement, e-Education, e-Budgeting, National Single Window, Single Identity Number, and Legal software.

9 www.ristek.go.id

What is IGOS ?

(Indonesia, Go Open Source!)

IGOS is a government initiative to use OSS as a platform for software application in Indonesia which is form as a National program to strengthen the national information technology infrastructure

10 www.ristek.go.id

Goal 

To reduce digital divide between Indonesia and developed countries through software development;

Strengthening innovation and creativityin the field of IT through software development national wide;

To accelerate, develop, create, adopt government’s programs in information technology that has political effect (acceleration of e-government program), economic effect (economising on state budget license provisions, stimulation on SMEs building in IT), social effect (increase of computer use, training's, increase of information access), S&T (building on the capability of R&D and human resource on information technology).

11 www.ristek.go.id

Legal software: OSS Development

1.Office aplication: WinBI software (Window in Indonesian language), BlankOn, IGOS Nusantara, etc. 2.Office Management Software for e-gov: Kantaya (Virtual Office) 3. Back Office Software for Server and Network: IGOS Dwiwarna, Klorofil, etc. 4. Warnet Software (Internet Kiosk): Pinux, IGOS Laba2, IGOS Berdikari, etc. 5. Software for Education: Kuliax 6. Software for General Election: e-democracy


OSS Documents Product 1. Document for OSS utilization : •Open Source Programming Language •Free/Open Soure Software •Linux Server Configuration •IGOS Nusantara Instalation Guide •RDBMS : MySQL (Relational Database Management System : MySQL) •OpenOffice.org Productivity Suite •Content Management System, Costumer Relationship Management and Enterprise Resource Planning •Application Servers

2. Guide for Open Source Software Research 3. Indonesian Open Source Directory 4. Open Source Software Guide for Governmental institutions www.ristek.go.id

POSS Network (The Center for Utilization of OSS) 

1. Univ. Syahkuala (Banda Aceh)

12. Univ. Education Ind. (Bandung)

2. Polytechnic DEL (Laguboti)

13. Univ. pajajaran (Bandung)

3. Polytechnic BATAM (Batam)

14. Univ. Gajah Mada (Jogyakarta)

4. Univ. Indonesia (Jakarta)

15. Univ. Brawijaya (Malang)

5. Univ. Gunadarma (Jakarta)

16. Univ. Airlangga (Surabaya)

6. Univ. Tarumanagara (Jakarta)

17. Inst. Of Tech. Surabaya (Surabaya)

7. Univ. Al Azhar (Jakarta)

18. Univ. Udayana (Denpasar)

8. Polytechnic ASTRA (Jakarta)

19. Univ. Tanjungpura (Pontianak)

9. Univ. President (Cikarang)

20. Univ. Mulawarman (Samarinda)

10. Agricultural Inst. Tech. (Bogor)

21. Univ. Hasanuddin (Makassar)

11. Institute of Tech. Bandung (Bandung)

14 www.ristek.go.id

IGOS Center (2008) 1.IGOS Center Jakarta, BPPT/PTIK (The Center for ICT-BPPT) 2.IGOS Center Bandung, BE Mall (Bandung Electronic Mall), 3.IGOS Center Bogor, Warintek Bina Putra Mandiri Parung Panjang 4.IGOS Center Semarang, Pinux, Semarang 5.IGOS Center Bali, STMIK Bandung Bali, Renon, Denpasar 6.Jateng Open Source Center (JOSC) Fikom UDINUS, Semarang 7.IGOS Center APKOMINDO, Jakarta 8.IGOS Center Jimbarwana, Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Teknik Jembrana 9.IGOS Center STIKOM Surabaya 10.IGOS Center Widya Pratama, STMIK Widya Pratama Pekalongan 11.IGOS Center Politeknik Purbaya Tegal 12.IGOS Center Balikpapan, LP3T Nurul Fikri Balikpapan 13.IGOS Center Sumatera.Com, PT Trans Utama Indonesia, Medan 14.IGOS Center UPI Bandung 15.IGOS Center Ntiarasari, LPKI & Communication Tech- Muna www.ristek.go.id

Warintek (Information Technology Kiosk)  

   

Firstly developed by Indonesian Institute of Sciences through Program on Science and Technology for Rural in 1999; The aim is to give an information access to the users in rural areas by providing CD-ROM and appropriate technology publications, cooperation with university libraries, public libraries and regional libraries; Since 2000, this program promoted as national program by Ministry for Research and Technology; Now, Ministry of Research and Technology develop as Warintek Plus in 87 locations; The Warintek received databases on science and technology, appropriate technology on CD-ROM; It provided : Internet access, off-line access, document delivery, consultations, and users training, etc.

16 www.ristek.go.id







Riau-2 Papua-1 SUMBAR-2











Banten-2 JATENG-7 DKI-7





Source: Distribution of Warintek Waritek Evaluation Report. Jakarta: Ministry of Research and Technology


17 www.ristek.go.id

Indonesian OSS (1) WINBI

• Indonesian Desktop Operating System based on Trustix Merdeka Technology • Free/GNU License • BPPT, UGM, OSS Community


• • •

Trustix Merdeka

• •

Rimba Linux

• •

Groupware Application for Virtual Office based on PHP. Free/GNULicense BPPT, UGM, OSS Communty Desktop Application Software for text processing, spreadsheet, presentation, communication and multimedia application GPL Trustix Indonesia Desktop Application Software for text processing, spreadsheet, presentation, communication and multimedia application GPL Rimba Sindikasi Media


Indonesian OSS (2) Ganesha Digital Library

• Network Software Application for Library Information System • Free/GNU License • ITB, OSS community

Net Office

• •

Ganesha Office

• •

IGOS Nusantara 2006

• •

Software Application for Office Portal (communications, data and information exhcanges) LGPL Divusi - ITB Desktop Software Application for Text Processing, Spreadsheet, Presentation, Communication and Multimedia Applications GPL ITB Desktop Software Application for Text Processing, Spreadsheet, Presentation, Communication and Multimedia Applications GPL LIPI , OSS communityS Indonesia


Indonesian OSS (3) Sistem Desktop Nasional IGOS

• Desktop Application for wordprosessing, spreadsheet, presentation, etcl • Standar version (Free/GNU License) and profesional version with license non GPL • IGOS consortium (PT. INTI, Ipteknet BPPT, LIPI) and PT SUN Microsystems

Waroeng IGOS

• • •

IGOS Berdikari IGOS Laba2 IGOS Kwartet Warintek Distro

• • •

• •

Software for Internet Kiosk with networking, billling system and desktop applications, License GPL Univ. Gunadarma, Linux community, Local software developers

Software for Internet Kiosk with networking, billling system and desktop applications, License GPL PT. PSN

Software for content management based on java technology can be developed for e-library and e-learning License GPL Warintek (Science and Technology Information Kiosk) Team and JUG (Java User Group)


Indonesian OSS (4) Kuliax 6.0

• Desktop Application for Education with wordprosessing, spreadsheet and presention • Standard Versi (Free/GNU License) • OSSCommunity in Indonesia


Software for Internet Kiosk with networking, billling system and desktop applications, License GPL Local Software Developers,: Pointer Multimedia

• • •

Blank On

• • •

Depok Debian

• • •

Desktop Application with wordprosessing, spreadsheet, presentation, and other applications Standard Versi (Free/GNU License) Yayasan Penggerak Linux Indonesia

Desktop Application with wordprosessing, spreadsheet, presentation, and other applications Standar Version (Free/GNU License) University of Indonesia


R&D Wimax  Chip

set (ITB)  RF (LIPI)  Antena (UI)  OSS (ITB)  Set

Up in Puspiptek (The Center for Implementation of Science and Technology) 460 Ha, >30 Labs 22 www.ristek.go.id

Conclusions 

 

The Government develops ICT program and facilities (collections, databases, infrastructure, IGOS, POSS) The Government has set up National ICT Board with 7 main focus programs; Palapa ring project, e-education, e-procurement, e-budgeting, national single windows, national single identity number, and legal software; Many state universities, private universities and R & D institutions established ICT network for information sharing (JARDIKNAS); ristek.go.id as a tool to communicate with researchers, government, business, academics, and societies ICT is one of the focus program of Research and Technology in Indonesia, the others are Food, Energy, Defend, Transportation, Health and Medicine. ICT is one of the R&D priority mentioned in National Research Agenda Wimax technology is implementing in R&D area in Serpong (460Ha)



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