Hlsdac April 14th,2008

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Hanwell Local Service District – Advisory Committee Minutes of Meeting:

Date: Location & Time:

April 14, 2008 33 Brookdale Dr. (7:00 to 9:00pm)

Attendance: Susan Cassidy Holly Hyslop Peter Michaud

Reade Moore Carla Ward

Welcome to new members Carla Ward and Reade Moore Chairperson Report - Peter Michaud had a meeting with our local MLA Mr. Carl Urquhart and Mr. Urquhart has agreed to assist us in anyway he can. Mr. Urquhart has made it know in the legislature that the Hanwell area was not satisfied with the service received over the past winter with regard to road maintenance and has requested a meeting with the Minister of Transportation. Peter received correspondence with regard to the Recreational Service Agreement a copy of which will be placed on file. A request for a nominee to be part of the recreation committee was sought. Peter will respond with Holly Hyslop’s name. Agenda Items for Discussion: 1. Signage 2. Rural Plan update 3. Phone/Mail 4. No Response Initiative 5. Rural Community update 6. Sign tents 7. Budget 8. Recreation proposals 9. Recreation Service Agreement 10. Other Approval of minutes: Minutes of February 4th and March 19th were approved.


Hanwell Local Service District – Advisory Committee Minutes of Meeting: Business: 1. Signage – The Advisory committee discussed the need and benefit of having community signs. Action: Susan Cassidy and Carla Ward will work on the proposal for acquisition of the signs. 2. Rural Plan – Rural Planning Commission is planning to hold Open House meetings in May and then have the Public Hearing of Objections shortly after. Locations and dates of the meetings have not been announced. Action: Peter will keep the LSDAC informed. 3. Phone/ mail - Susan reported that there was 1 phone call since our last meeting. Holly reported that there was a letter received from residents of Marlow Road requesting street lights. Action: Susan will forward to our LSM in Woodstock. 4. No Response Initiative – tabled until our meeting with the Minister of Local Government. 5. Rural Community Round Table - An overview of the Rural Community process for new members. Discussions on the feasibility study followed. Action: Peter will keep the LSDAC informed of the proceedings. 6. Sign Tents - A letter of appreciation to be sent to Scholtens. Action: Susan will send out. 7. Budget - the budget questions we had previously were never clarified so we will redirect them to Hugh Doherty. Action: Susan 8. Recreation Proposals - A discussion on the Rec proposals that were sent to our LSM last year. Action: Holly will send a note to Hugh Doherty regarding the recreation proposals. 9. Web site update – A reminder for everyone to review their respective areas and provide updates to content. New Business

1. Roles and Responsibilities - with the new committee a review of responsibilities was undertaken with the following assignments; a. Holly – Recreation, Fire, and Vice Chair b. Susan – Secretary and Policing c. Peter – Chair, Rural Community and Rural Planning


Hanwell Local Service District – Advisory Committee Minutes of Meeting: d. Carla – Rural Community, Budget and Communications e. Reade – Department of Transportation, Solid Waste and Rural Planning.

Tabled Items: 1. Acquiring crown land-tabled until we hear from Minister- Peter Kavanagh sent memo March/07. 2. Emergency Measures Plan-tabled until determination of RC 3. DARE Next Meeting: May 12, 2008 @ 7:00 pm – 33 Brookdale Drive. Submitted by: Susan Cassidy, Secretary HLSAC


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