Hlsdac Feb 4th,2008

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Hanwell Local Service District – Advisory Committee Minutes of Meeting:

Date: Location & Time:

February 4, 2008 33 Brookdale Dr. (6:00 to 7:30pm)

Attendance: Susan Cassidy Holly Hyslop(absent) Peter Michaud

Detlef Rudolph

Agenda Items for Discussion: 1. Signage 2. Rural Plan update 3. Phone/Mail 4. No Response Initiative 5. Rural Community update 6. Sign tents 7. Budget 8. Recreation proposals/ Recreation Service Agreement 9. LSD Mandate 10. Web site update 11. Other o Newsletter o Community Council Policing Committee o Annexation proposal/process Approval of minutes: Minutes of January 17, 2008 were approved. Business: 1. It was decided to table the signage for the LSD until the new committee is elected. Action: Ensure new committee is informed on the past efforts. 2. Peter reported that there has not been any new activity with the Rural Plan but that a request to have an update on the status of the plan was received from our local MLA Carl Urqhart . Action: Peter will keep the LSDAC informed. 3. Susan reported that there have not been any phone calls since our last meeting.


Hanwell Local Service District – Advisory Committee Minutes of Meeting: 4. The LSDAC has still not had a response from LG. 5. Peter reported that he was contacted by Doug Pond and that Doug would try to arrange a meeting of the Rural Community Round Table in mid February or early March. The Rural Community feasibility process will go ahead regardless of the current activities of the Commission on Local Governance. Action: Peter will keep the LSDAC informed of the proceedings. 6. Sign Tents: Detlef will contact Scholten’s before the next meeting. 7. Budget— Detlef reported that he had reviewed the budget document and would like to go on record as being puzzled with regard to the budget figures. Discussion followed on the budget documents. Action: Detlef will send a note to Peter Kavanagh requesting clarification with regard to the budget and tax rate figures between Hanwell Street Lights and Hanwell. 8. With regard to recreation proposals a letter of explanation has still not been received from Local Government. With regard to the meeting with LG and the various LSD’s that was held to discuss the Recreation Services Agreement (rinks), the HLSDAC would like to thank Keith Manuel for attending on our behalf. 9. The LSDAC mandate ends March 15th. Holly sent an email reminding our LSM- Peter Kavanagh of the situation and a recommendation to have the elections held the week of March 24th. Completed 10. Web site update – Peter reported that notices would be posted for the general meeting as soon as the date was confirmed. 11. Newsletter – Detlef has a first draft of the document and will send it out to the Committee for input. It is hoped to have it to the printers the week of March 10th. Action: Detlef to finalize the newsletter and forward it to the printer, then Committee will arrange distribution. Peter will post it on our web site. 12. Community Council Policing Committee - Susan attended the quarterly meeting on January 29th where the upcoming year’s policing priorities were discussed. The Committee identified 4 main priorities: 13. Special meeting on the annexation proposal from the City of Fredericton chaired by Local Government(LG) hosted by the City of Fredericton on January 30, 2008. The general discussion was on the process steps for


Hanwell Local Service District – Advisory Committee Minutes of Meeting: communities considering various restructuring options. LG handed out a chart outlining the different communities and their respective restructuring activities. For the Hanwell LDS we are looking at the establishment of a Rural Community, there is a proposal from the City of Fredericton to annex property at their southern boundary with the LSD to allow for serviced development. New Maryland is submitting a request to annex a small portion of land on their north western boundary with the LSD to allow further development of a piece of property that is already in the Village boundary. See attached document for further detail. Detlef wished to have it on record that the committee appreciated Susan and Keith Manuel attending this meeting.

Tabled Items: 1. Acquiring crown land-tabled until we hear from Minister- Peter Kavanagh sent memo March/07. 2. Emergency Measures Plan-tabled until determination of RC 3. DARE Next Meeting: Tentative date March 10, 2008 Submitted by: Susan Cassidy, member HLSAC


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