Hlsdac Jan 17th,2008

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Hanwell Local Service District – Advisory Committee Minutes of Meeting:

Date: Location & Time:

Jan. 17th, 2008 33 Brookdale Dr. (7:45 to 9:15pm)

Attendance: Susan Cassidy Holly Hyslop Peter Michaud

Detlef Rudolph(absent)

Agenda Items for Discussion: 1. Signage 2. Rural Plan update 3. Phone/Mail 4. No Response Initiative 5. Rural Community update 6. Sign tents 7. Budget 8. Recreation proposals 9. Recreation Service Agreement 10. Other Approval of minutes: Minutes of Nov. 29th were approved. Business: 1. There has not been any response to e-mails with regard to signage. Action: Susan will contact our LSA again. 2. Peter reported that the first draft of the Rural Plan is done. The Rural Planning Commission (RPC) will be hosting open houses in the near future. They will attempt to meet with a few subdivisions at a time. The LSDAC will post the information on the web site once the dates are finalized. Action: Peter will keep the LSDAC informed. 3. Susan reported that there have been a few phone calls regarding the ploughing of the roads after a storm. The LSDAC agreed that the best course of action is for residents to contact DOT with a complaint. Holly reported that there has not been any mail. 4. The LSDAC has still not had a response from LG.


Hanwell Local Service District – Advisory Committee Minutes of Meeting:

5. There are now 8 individuals and 2 alternates representing the Hanwell at the Rural Community Round Table. A secretary will be hired to take minutes at the RC meetings and booth LSD’s will split the cost. There was a discussion around whether the minutes would be circulated to everyone including the alternates. The next meeting will be Jan. 23rd. Action: Peter will discuss the circulation of minutes at the next RC meeting. 6. Sign Tents: Tabled until next meeting. 7. Budget—Tabled until next meeting. 8. Detlef has sent a letter to our LSA regarding the recreation budget and the Brookdale Recreation Association proposal. Apparently LG has approved the finding for Brookdale Recreation for 2007. 9. A meeting with LG and the various LSD’s was held to discuss the Recreation Services Agreement (rinks). A few changes were made to ensure that the agreement reflected what the residents had voted on. 10. The LSDAC discussed the fact that their mandate ends March 15th. It appears that the majority of the LSDAC will not re-offer. For this reason it is imperative that the LSDAC elections receive as much exposure as possible. LG will advertise in the paper and the LSDAC will post it on the web site. The web site should be updated as much as possible prior to the mandate ending. Action: Holly will e-mail our LSA.

Tabled Items: 1. Acquiring crown land-tabled until we hear from Minister- Peter Kavanagh sent memo March/07. 2. Emergency Measures Plan-tabled until determination of RC 3. DARE Next Meeting: Feb. 4th, 2008 Holly Hyslop, Secretary


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