Hlsdac March 19th,2008

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Hanwell Local Service District – Advisory Committee Minutes of Meeting:

Date: Location & Time:

Mar 19th, 2008 33 Brookdale Dr. (7:45 to 9:00pm)

Attendance: Susan Cassidy Holly Hyslop Peter Michaud

Detlef Rudolph

Agenda Items for Discussion: 1. Signage 2. Rural Plan update 3. Phone/Mail 4. No Response Initiative 5. Rural Community update 6. Sign tents 7. Budget 8. Recreation proposals 9. LSDAC elections 10. Web site 11. Newsletter 12. CCPC 13. Annexation proposal 14. Other Approval of minutes: Minutes of Feb. 24th were approved with amendment to the CCPC section. Business: 1. Detlef reported that the community sign that was in the middle of our LSD has been moved. It is now situated at the beginning boundary across from Kingswood. This occurred as a result of a suggestion by a resident. Action: New Signage has been tabled until the new LSDAC has been elected. 2. Peter reported that the draft of the Rural Plan has been released. The Rural Planning Commission (RPC) will be hosting open houses in the near future. Action: Peter will e-mail a copy to Susan.


Hanwell Local Service District – Advisory Committee Minutes of Meeting: 3. Holly reported that there has not been any mail. Susan reported that there have not been any phone calls. 4. The LSDAC still has not had a response from LG. 5. Peter reported that Jacques Martin will replace Doug Pond as the new consultant for Rural Community. Meetings will be held on Wednesdays from 7-9pm beginning March 26 and will be held every two weeks. Peter Michaud will be chair. Holly questioned whether alternates were still going to be involved. Action: Peter will keep the LSDAC informed. 6. Detlef reported that the one of the sign tents has been placed at Scholten’s for a two week period. He also suggested a formal thank you letter be sent to them. Action: Susan will e-mail Detlef with the appropriate contact information. 7. Budget—Peter Kavanagh has not responded to the inquiries from the LSDAC. Action: Tabled until next meeting. 8. Peter reported that there has not been any letters received regarding the recreation proposals. Action: Tabled until the new LSDAC has been elected. 9. The LSDAC discussed the fact that their mandate ends March 15th. The elections will be held March 25th@ 7:00 pm. There was an ad in the Daily Gleaner last month and Local Government has sent flyers to every home, although two members did not receive it. It is also in the newsletter the Hanwell Herald. Peter has updated the web site with the information. Detlef suggested contacting CBC information morning. Peter Michaud and Susan Cassidy will be reoffering. Action: Detlef will contact CBC and Peter will contact our LSA with regard to some households not receiving the ad. 10. Peter has posted The Hanwell Herald on the web site. Fourteen people have registered. 11. Detlef reported that the newsletter has been completed and brought to the post office. Twenty-six have been e-mailed. Holly reported that they have been hand delivered in the Deerwood Dr. Area. 12. Susan reported that the CCPC will have another meeting on the 25th and she will have more to report at that time if re-elected.


Hanwell Local Service District – Advisory Committee Minutes of Meeting: 13. Susan reported that there has not been anything new with regard to the annexation proposal. 14. Holly reported that the Hanwell no longer has a District Education Council (DEC) representative. New Maryland and the Hanwell have been merged together. The LSDAC is unsure how this will impact on letters sent to DEC regarding having a school in our area. Action: Detlef will contact DEC. Peter drafted a letter to the Minister of Transportation regarding the abysmal conditions of the roads during and after winter storms. The LSDAC unanimously agreed to send the letter. Action: Peter will send it. Verbal correspondence has been received from the Hanwell Community Development Association Incorporated. The HCDA will be pursuing the acquisition of property for community purposes. Any questions can be sent to [email protected].

Tabled Items: 1. Acquiring crown land-tabled until we hear from Minister- Peter Kavanagh sent memo March/07. 2. Emergency Measures Plan-tabled until determination of RC 3. DARE

Next Meeting: TBA Holly Hyslop, Secretary


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