His Hammer Crusher Is Mainly Consisted Of The Casing.docx

  • Uploaded by: Chintya Chandra
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  • November 2019
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  • Words: 271
  • Pages: 2
his hammer crusher is mainly consisted of the casing, rotor, hammers and bars. The case of hammer crusher is connected by welding the cut steel; other parts are connected by screws. The one inside of case is high manganese steel lining board, which is easy to change when worn out. Several hammers in the spindle make up of rotor together with turntable and wear hammer shaft. When the hammer crusher works, the motor and V-belt drive spindles and rotor rotating, and then centrifugal force producing by the hammer rotates materials spread out. When the big material is put into crushing chamber, it is crushed by the high speed hammer. After those crushing stages, standard materials will be screened out by the down bar and non-standard one will be left on the crushing chamber and recrushed again. In order to avoid clogging, humidity of crushed material should below 10%-15%.

hammer crusher-nya terutama terdiri dari casing, rotor, palu, dan batangan. Kasus palu crusher dihubungkan dengan pengelasan baja potong; bagian lain dihubungkan dengan sekrup. Satu di dalam casing adalah papan baja mangan tinggi, yang mudah diganti saat aus. Beberapa palu di spindle membuat rotor bersama dengan meja putar dan memakai poros palu. Ketika hammer crusher bekerja, motor dan V-belt drive spindle dan rotor berputar, dan kemudian gaya sentrifugal yang diproduksi oleh palu berputar bahan menyebar. Ketika material besar dimasukkan ke dalam ruang penghancur, itu dihancurkan oleh palu kecepatan tinggi. Setelah tahap penghancuran tersebut, material standar akan disaring oleh batang bawah dan yang tidak standar akan ditinggalkan di ruang penghancur dan dihancurkan kembali. Untuk menghindari penyumbatan, kelembaban bahan yang dihancurkan harus di bawah 10% -15%.

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