Where Is His Fear

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  • Words: 1,828
  • Pages: 3
***This is not intended to hurt anyone's feelings, or start a contention or strife, or debate. My heart is longing to see God's people glorifying HIM. But before the glory can fall, things have to be in order. Consider everything I say, and know in your heart I've already applied it to myself and found myself seriously lacking and in need of repentance.... I feel like I've said this before, but it won't leave my heart for long before it's back. I've got to tell you what the Lord has been dealing with me about, and what I see going on around me, and I have felt a grief in my heart that I know did not come from me. Think about this very carefully...and remember your soul, your family's souls, everyone around you that God wants to reach out to through you, is at stake here. Luk 21:34 And take heed to yourselves, lest at any time your hearts be overcharged with surfeiting, and drunkenness, and cares of this life, and so that day come upon you unawares. Luk 21:35 For as a snare shall it come on all them that dwell on the face of the whole earth. Luk 21:36 Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man. Do you believe down deep in your heart what that Scripture says? Do you understand the ramifications of those verses in 1 Th 4:16 about how in a moment of time He will return for those who are HIS? The Lord Jesus Christ IS COMING BACK for a people who are IN CHRIST and ready to LEAVE HERE. Those who are left will suffer unimaginable anguish and misery and destruction. This is written in the Word of God, and it's going to happen. Do we really believe this? Yeah, you say, I believe it. Well, let me ask you a hard question then, believer cos I already asked myself, and had to repent. Do you think He's coming after a people who spend little or no time alone with HIM? Who are not crying out to Him for no other reason than they love Him? When a sinner walks in the House of God what greets their eyes? Are the saints on the altar in prayer and weeping for the souls of the lost and for the glory of God to fall in their midst? I want to be but I am so paranoid my children will misbehave, I stay on my seat and meditate to the Lord, and try to pray. PSALMS 89:7 says God is greatly to be feared in the assembly of the saints, and to be had in reverence of all them that are about Him. Do the church goers demonstrate their reverence by holding their peace and meditating prayerfully to the Lord in His Sanctuary-ESPECIALLY when others ARE on the altar crying out? It bothers me that people can stand and talk so casually, so lightly, while others are crying out to God. Where is His respect when we do that? I know I have been guilty of this, and He has troubled my soul about it. Thanks to Sister McHone and Sister Alma we have a telephone directory of all our phone numbers. If something is so important can't we use the phone or wait until after the service so when we come to church, why can't we save the small talk for outside and reverence the sanctuary as we are commanded? When we enter the

House of God, should HE not be the First and Primary ONE we acknowledge instead of walking around talking to everyone but Him? Do we fast and pray for our pastors and ministers and our lost? Do we come to the House of God with hungry, prepared hearts? Have we prayed before we got there and asked God to help us be a blessing to someone? Or do the folks who come in just get with their own little groups and chit chat, and catch up on the week's events? WHERE is the reverence? HOW can the newborns in Christ learn the fear of God if they don't see it in us? Yes, the Lord will teach them, through His Spirit, but are we a stumbling block or a confirmation of the Word? How can the sinner fear God if they don't see a fear of God and awe of Him in us????!!!??? It is written in His Word several times to reverence Him in the Sanctuary. If we believe He's coming back why are we not teaching our children to fear God in His House? He said His House was to be a House of Prayer. It's written in the Word. Have we even read our Bibles enough to know what He expects in His House? This is as much a commandment as "Thou shalt not kill." He's worthy! How can we have the convicting power of the Spirit of God, that precious Holy Ghost, among us, working, progressing the kingdom of God in our lives, if we don't seek Him, if we don't obey the Word? Do we really want our lost saved? Do they see us laughing and talking, and inviting them to church- or do they see us with tears of concern and compassion laced with Godly fear for their souls, fresh from the throne room, reminding them they need JESUS? You don't have to preach at them to convict them. Oh, my Lord, my God, I know He is coming back and I don't want to be empty handed. I don't want to be so comfortable on the church pew that when He takes His Bride I'm left wondering what happened? I'm supposed to be about His business-and He came to seek and save the lost. So what are we doing? Are we redeeming the time like He said to? Are we seeking a greater revelation of Him? Are we storing His word prayerfully in our hearts so when the storm of judgment begins to fall even harder, we won't be blown away like chaff? God's going to let things get hard, folks. I believe we'll see some suffering before He comes for us. I don't believe we will go through the tribulation of 7 years, but I believe things are going to get much worse. You ask yourself-is there a cry in your heart to really be with Jesus? Are you longing to see Him? Are you sick of this world and longing for HOME? Are you crying out in your prayer closet for the lost and drawing oil from Him so you can be a prepared servant ready for whatever the Lord lets cross your path or sends your way? Are you seeking Him so He can send the hurting and disillusioned into your path to minister to? Are you asking Him to teach you to serve Him? Teach you to pray? I don't know anything unless I get it from HIM. You need Him to teach you how to go out and come in among His people much as I do. Among the world. Revival won't happen in the church until it happens in the heart of individual believers. I believe God's saints are hungry for more of Him. Those He's coming after don't want to stay here, they are not comfortable here, they don't like it here. And they don't plan on leaving their loved ones behind. Does it grieve your heart when you hear the tragic news of families being murdered by a son or daughter? Babies being abused and killed? Children shot in schools? Does this cause you to cry out to God for mercy? Or do you just sigh and comment how bad things are getting and go on about your business? If you were in trouble would you want someone like you praying for you? I love God's people, but I see too much complacency among us and not enough prayer. I myself have let the enemy hinder my prayer

life too long and I'm sick of it. We need to pray the anointing down, saints that breaks the yoke. We need to pray the presence of God down. It won't come except to a prepared people. THERE HAS GOT TO BE MORE! I am not seeing what I read in His Word in His House and I'm HUNGRY! Do we stand in His House, feel a warm, mushy feeling and convince ourselves that's the presence of God? The genuine presence of God will instill fear and awe in your heart. It will convict you, it will cause anguish and hunger in your soul for HIM, sorrow for your failures, and a desire to be pleasing to Him or it will make you want to run and hide if there is sin in your heart not dealt with. There is nothing like it in this world. It also produces a joy that you can feel HIM that He would visit you. And when He shows us our flaws-which are evident in His presence by default, the closer you get to the Light, the more easily you can see the stains, and wrinkles, and spots, He shows us these things because He wants us prepared to meet Him. I thought about it like this- a human being cannot walk into a nuclear reactor and go where the core is-where all that radiation is at, unprotected, because exposure would kill them. The God we serve is much more powerful. And nothing unclean or of flesh will survive an encounter with Him. Only that which is covered in the blood of Jesus. I've been asking God to search me, turn on that Light. Cleanse me. And I've been praying for the people of God, whom He loves so dearly-and paid such a high price for. I do not want to hurt anyone, but oh, we need to awake and shake ourselves and take this seriously. We won't get a second chance at this, folks. Rev 22:12 And, behold, I come quickly; and my reward is with me, to give every man according as his work shall be. Rev 22:13 I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last. Rev 22:17 And the Spirit and the bride say, Come. And let him that heareth say, Come. And let him that is athirst come. And whosoever will, let him take the water of life freely. Oh, think about it, saints. What are we doing with what He's given us and taught us? Are we hearers only? Or are we doers? Where are the signs that are supposed to follow the believers? Where are they? _________________ Thou wilt show me the path of life: in thy presence is fulness of joy; at thy right hand there are pleasures forevermore. Psalms 16:11

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