Have A Passion For Excellence!

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Have a Passion for Excellence! Performance Par Excellence By Shepherd Magombedze

Excellence - Definition 

   

Valour: a force of, a virtue of or a high value of strength to perform exceptionally well. Super Ability, Champion performance Super performance Outstanding performance of High Quality! Extremely Good

Excellence – Overall Definition 

Quality execution with precision, of the Vision

You need to have a Vision … and Run with it!

“Write the vision & make it  plain upon tables, that he  may run that readeth it”  – Habakuk 2:2

If you want Excellence 

You need to be organised! 

(Super-Organised) Really!

You need to:       

Be committed to your Vision Be dedicated to your Team Be disciplined Be consistence in your performance Have a passion (Jeh 20:9) Be competent Good at your time management

If you want Excellence settle for the Best 

Action separates winners from losers (John C. Maxwell)

 

Never be satisfied with good enough! Do not settle for anything else but the best!  

Not second best, but the best! The world does not have a record for second performing individuals, but the best!

Change your belief systems.  

Think winning thoughts Persistently take winning action

To Achieve Excellence Think About: 

 

 

Where am I going as an Individual? What can I do to Excel. Where are we going with our Team? What is needed to get there? What are the priorities? Who does what and when? How do we know when we have achieved our

Quality execution of the Strategic Plan results in attaining Excellence 1. Mission


Why we exist

2. Values What’s important to us.

3. Vision

Quality  Execution  with  Precision

What we want to be.

 Plans The legs of the body

“Where there is no vision,  the people perish” – Prov 29:18

Excellence is achieved only by Solution Oriented people. •

Become solution-oriented with every difficulty you face and not problem oriented. Make a habit of looking for the answers to your questions, the solutions to your problems.

Seek for the valuable lesson in every adversity. Make a list of every idea or insight you can gain from every setback or difficulty.

Think on paper. Take some time to write out every detail of the problem, and then take the most logical next step to solve it.

A Key Ingredient to Excellence is Energy 

Have energy. Concentrate it, guide it, focus it on important things instead of frittering it away on trivia.

Develop a success plan today. Be positive about it. Be excited about it!

Learn from those who are already a success in your field. This can save you years of hard work.

Decide what is the most important thing to do, and then decide how to do it.

Excellence is achieved by Action 

Be an action man/woman.

Here is something you can do immediately with those great ideas you have!

Put them into action.

Always have a number of projects planned, to which you look forward to.

Anyone of them could change the course of your life overnight.

Excellence is achieved by focusing on the one thing that is important 

Review your list of tasks, activities and projects regularly. Continually ask yourself, "Which one project or activity, if I did it in an excellent and timely fashion, would have the greatest positive impact on my life?"

Whatever it is that can help you the most, set it as a goal, make a plan to achieve it and go to work on your plan immediately.

Goethe says, "Just begin and the mind grows heated; continue, and the task will be completed!"

Never, Never Give up! 

"The person who gets the farthest is generally the one who is willing to do and dare. Make a plan and then launch your plan.

Get started. Do something. Begin where you are with what you have but get going!

Resolve that, no matter what happens, you will never, never give up until you are successful.

Before you accomplish anything worthwhile, you will have to pass the persistence test. And the test will come far sooner than you imagine.

Change Yourself First! 

Start by changing yourself, then you can change others!

Decide exactly what you want, write it down with a deadline, make a plan and take action - on at least one goal - today!

Determine the price you will have to pay to achieve this goal, then get busy paying that price - whatever it is.

Learn to Follow 

"You will never be a leader unless you first learn to follow and be led." –Tiorio

Decide exactly what it is that you stand for, and what you will not stand for.

Be definite about who you are and refuse to compromise.

Resolve in advance to discipline yourself to do what you say you will do, when you say you will do it, whether you feel like it or not. Force yourself to persist until you succeed.

Be daring, think outside the Box! 

"Nothing splendid has ever been achieved except by those who dared believe that something inside of them was superior to circumstance." -Bruce Barton

Select the most valuable and important task you have to do right now, and start on it immediately.

Resolve to work until you achieve your goal, once you get started. Aim for 100% productivity.

This will change your life.

Excellence begins in the Mind 

"A man's doubts and fears are his worst enemies." Be ruthless. Get rid of them

Set a goal for yourself to think and talk only about the things that you want for the next 24 hours.

This will be one of the hardest things you ever do.

But if you can keep your mind on what you want and off of what you don't want for 24 hours, you

Biblical Examples of Excellers 

God – Just look at how He created you. How He created the Universe, the Earth and the World. He is Excellent.  Gen 1. 

Jesus – His Name is Excellent; Just look at how it chases demons; heals the sick;  His Blood protects unfailingly, it never loses power!  He saves. His love is excellent. 

The Holy Spirit – The Spirit of Excellence Dan 6:3  The Spirit of God works supernaturally; And the Spirit of The Lord came upon him…  The Spirit of God works above natural. 

Biblical Examples of Excellers 

David practiced with the sling until he was an expert.

David’s Mighty Man of Valor!

The Benjamites could sling stones and not miss (Jug 20:16).

Prov 31. Woman of Excellence

Bezaleel was an expert architect.

Noah built the Ark according to God’s plan.

Daniel had the spirit of excellence.

Never, Never Look Back Again! No man,  having put  his hand to  the plough,  and looking  back, is fit  for the  kingdom of  God.  – Luke 9:62

Have a Burning Passion for Excellence! [email protected]

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