Passioned Up For Excellence!

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  • Words: 2,714
  • Pages: 60
Supernatural Excellence By

Shepherd Magombedze [email protected]


Just make up your mind at the very outset that your work is going to stand for quality... That you are going to stamp a superior quality upon everything that goes out of your hands, That whatever you do shall bear the hall-mark of excellence.     Orison Swett Marden

Xcellence! The man became great. He continued becoming greater, Until he was exceedingly great! (Genesis 26 vs 13.)



Genesis 26 vs 13 above brings about a case of supernatural blessing. Supernatural ability to excel in prosperity, riches, wealth accumulation and status! This only comes from God!

Isaac excelled in wealth and did not stop there! He became great and did not end there! He continued becoming greater until he was exceedingly excellent!

Xcel! …it is He that giveth thee power to get wealth [excel] Deuteronomy 8:18


Supernatural excellence is unlimited! It knows no limits, no human bounds. You continue to improve continuously! There are no limit! That is supernatural excellence. It performs above what you can think or ask. It is above human ability, and depends on God! “God is the one that giveth thee power to get wealth” [power to excel] Deuteronomy 8:18

It sows in barren lands and reaps 100 fold, because of God’s divine ability to excel which is in his blessing. (Genesis 26:12)

Like Isaac you can have supernatural excellence in all your works! You can sow in adverse environments and reap excellent harvests. You can invest in unlikely markets and obtain excellent results. Its all up to you! Excellence is within your reach. Have a vision for it, plan for it, seek for it in all your endeavours!

Xcellence! God masters your destiny!

A Devine Connection for:

Xcellence! You need to connect to the divine in order

to excel supernaturally! Connect to God and you will perform supernaturally! Develop a passion for excellence, God is as such. God created everything and saw that it was good. If you connect to Him you will have

The Greatest Exceller of All Time You can not out excel God! The sun and

planetary system will never go out of grove. Its an excellent system put in place by God. The sun does not need any servicing to remain hot! God’s systems for seed time and harvest time were put in place but once. They do not need upgrading like IT systems e.g. Windows Xp. God is the greatest exceller of all time!

Connect to the Xceller! The best way to learn is from the best. God is the best. Connect to him through the

Holy Spirit. Receive Jesus in your heart. Then you will have an exceller in you. You will receive the ability to xcell. Be filled by the Holy Spirit. He is a spirit of excellence! Rely on the xceller! Let the exceller guide you. The Spirit of Xcellence!

Xcellence! The Requirements The Requirements

What Is the Qualification!


Do you have enough passion to take you to

the next level of excellence! Do you have the passion it takes? I am here to deliver to you that passion, a reason and ability to fight for excellence! Welcome aboard to the Ship of Excellence! You are not going to be left behind! Brace yourself for excellence!

In Pursuit of:


Xcellence! is a high value of performance which is

exceptionally good. It is super performance which produces super results It is outstanding performance of High Quality! Or performance of Extremely Good Quality!

Xcellence! Is Quality execution of the

Vision, which is performed with such precision as to produce outstanding results!

Quality is key to:

Xcellence! People forget how fast you did a job, but they remember how well you did it.

                                                                      ­Howard W. Newton

You need to have a Vision … and Run with it! “Write the vision & make it  plain upon tables, that he  may run that readeth it”  – Habakuk 2:2

Xcellence! requires a Vision There can not be excellence without a

vision. Once you have a great vision, you need to have good plans and good execution of those plans.

Excellence Is Like a Game! You can not win it until you play it, and

you can only win by playing by the rules. Excellence has no short cuts. It comes at a cost and you have to pay the price! It requires meticulous planning to the last detail and precise execution of your game plan. You can only win by being the best at the end of the day. You have to be the best prepared with the best co-ordinated plans and actions.


Without excellence, your efforts or work, your results are useless, meaningless, and serve little! Put your whole heart to whatever you do. - Magombedze

Xcellence Is all about visions, plans and their

execution, nothing more, nothing less! If you go without the vision, you lose a

reference point to evaluate plans from! If you don’t plan, you will operate like a rudderless ship moving hap-hazardly and will not progress! Ignoring your vision and plans mean they will die on the draw board and will never be realised.

From a great vision, superb plan and precise

Have persistent focus and sheer dertemination! Apostle Paul says: This one thing I do. That is

passion: I have to do this one thing! “And I know whom I have believed, none of these things move me”, Apostle Paul. Meaning in the face of resistance, I am immovable, unshakable and unstoppable in my quest for excellence. Have invincible determination and an unquenchable passion! Focus your effort on one goal persistently.

Never stop until you achieve! “I am doing a great work, I

cannot come… Why should the work stop while I come to you… -(Nehemiah 6 vs 3)

Overcome all distractions and resistance from whatever source! In the bible Nehemiah was faced with

enemies who wanted to do everything possible they could to derail his great work. This included discouraging his volunteers, threatening to attack them, ridiculing their work, despising him and even attempting to kill him. Despite all this, using the wisdom of God and through sheer determination he

Xcellence! Requires that you overcome your obstacles! Overcome your fears, your distractions

and your enemies. Pursue excellence despite all resistance, threats or obstacles. Convert your obstacles into stepping stones to excellence!

Passion is the key that opens the door to:


Get passion at all cost! Add passion to every particular thing that

you do. Whatever the outcome, do your things passionately! It will definitely make a difference! You cannot fail. Succeed passionately! You cannot have outstanding excellence without passion! Be passionate! Get passion at whatever cost! The results

To be Super-Organised is to be super-

charged for excellence - Really! You need to:

Be disciplined Be consistence in your performance Be competent Be on time all times, be on schedule always!

As a super charged battery produces super

results; your supercharge gives you the capacity to perform at above normal levels.

Action separates winners from losers (John C. Maxwell)

Never be satisfied with good enough! Do not settle for anything else but the best! Not second best, but the best! The world does not have a record for second performing individuals, but the best! (Dr S. Bhero) Change your belief systems. Think winning thoughts Persistently take winning action

Think About:

Xcellence! Where am I going as an

Individual? How do I get there? What is my mission? What is needed to fulfill it? What are the priorities? What do I do and when? How do I know when I have achieved my goal?

Plan for:

Xcellence! You need to meticulously plan

for excellence. You need to have a mission, vision, goals, objectives and plans for execution.

Quality planning will enable for the execution of the vision • Mission – You have to know why you exist • Values – What’s important to you for the fulfillment of your vision. • Vision – What do you want to be or achieve. • Plans - These are the blueprints of how you are going to achieve the vision. • Execution – This is the meticulous operations on plans to achieve the vision.

Be Solution Oriented! •

Become solution-oriented with every difficulty you face and not problem minded.

Make a habit of looking for the answers to your questions, the solutions!

Seek for the valuable lesson, and make a list of every insight you can gain from every setback, difficulty or adversity.

Take some time to write out every detail of the problem, and then take the most logical step to solve it.

A Key Ingredient is: Energy  Put Energy into your work. Concentrate it,

focus it on important things instead of frittering it away on trivia.  Decide what is the most important thing to do, and then decide how to do it. And do it immediately! Now! Procrastination is your enemy number one! Kill it!  Put energy to that most important thing! Push it passionately!  When its done, look for the next important

Xcellence! is achieved by Action

Be an action person. Here is something you can do immediately

with those great ideas you have! Put them into action. Always have a number of projects planned, to which you look forward to. Anyone of them could change the course of your life overnight.

Xcellence! is achieved by focusing on the one thing that is important  Review your list of tasks, activities and

projects regularly.  Continually ask yourself, "Which one activity,

if I did it in an excellent fashion, would have the greatest positive impact on my life?"  Whatever it is, set it as a goal, make a plan

to achieve it and work on it immediately.

Xcellence!  "Just begin and the mind

grows heated; continue, and the task will be completed!“, Goethe

Never, Never Give up!  "The person who gets the farthest is     

generally the one who is willing to dare. Get started immediately. Do it! Begin where you are with what you have, get going! Resolve that, no matter what happens, you will never, never give up until you are successful. Before you accomplish anything worthwhile, you will have to pass the persistence test. The test will come far sooner than you imagine!

Change Yourself First!  Start by changing yourself, then you can

change others!  Decide exactly what you want, write it down with a deadline, make a plan and take action - on at least one goal - today!  Determine the price you will have to pay to achieve this goal,  Then get busy paying that price - whatever it is.

Be definite & decisive!  Decide exactly what it is that you stand

for, and what you will not stand for.  Be definite about who you are and refuse to compromise.  Resolve in advance to discipline yourself to do what you say you will do, when you say you will do it, whether you feel like it or not.  Force yourself to persist until you succeed.

Be daring, think outside the Box!  "Nothing splendid has ever been achieved

  

except by those who dared believe that something inside of them was superior to circumstance." -Bruce Barton Select the most valuable and important task you have to do right now, and start on it immediately. Work tirelessly until you achieve your goal, once you get started. Aim for 100% productivity and quality. This will change your life.

Xcellence! begins in the Mind  "A man's doubts and fears are his worst

enemies." Be ruthless. Get rid of them!  Set a goal for yourself to always think and talk only about all the positive things that you want, look forward to and expect for the whole of your life. Forget about the negative ones.  This will be one of the hardest things you will ever do.  But if you can keep your mind on what you want and off of what you don't want for life,

Sow the seeds of greatness in your thought patterns! As a man thinketh so is he! (The Holy Bible) You are a product of your thought

patterns! What a man soweth, that shall he also reap! (The Holy Bible) Sow great, positive seeds in your mind and you will reap the good things that you want. Eliminate doubt! You can do it!

See Ability, Possibility and Achievement! You must see yourself already possessing

what you want. Vividly see yourself having what you want. Possess it! Touch it! Smell it! Get it! Speak it forth! You can have what you say! You can create things into existence by your words spoken in faith! Faith it into existence!

Now is the time for:


Do it now! Be careful with what you do with that nick

of time, that “supreme moment” Doing a deed is like sowing a seed: if not done at just the right time it will be forever out of season – Marden There is no moment like the present. It will not come back again! Use it, now! Never postpone for tomorrow what should be done today.

Never do anything tomorrow again, but now! Tomorrow is nowhere to be found in the

registers of time. I have chased tomorrow all the days of my life and have never caught it a single day. "To-morrow." It is the devil's motto. All history is strewn with its brilliant victims, the wrecks of half-finished plans and unexecuted resolutions. It is the favorite refuge of sloth and incompetence Marden


Xceller "Strikes while the iron is hot" "Makes hay while the sun



Xceller Indecision and Has no

procrastination Indecision becomes a disease and

procrastination is its forerunner. There is only one known remedy for the victims of indecision, and that is prompt decision. Otherwise the disease is fatal to all success or achievement. He who hesitates is lost - Marden

Seize the most important thing! The man who will not execute his

resolutions when they are fresh upon him can have no hopes from them afterward. They will be dissipated, lost in the hurry and scurry of the world. A few minutes often makes all the difference between victory and defeat, success and failure. Seize the most important thing and sacrifice other things.

Now is your moment! Seize the moment! Now! Time is a non-renewable resource.

The minute that is gone is gone for good. There is no time as good as now! Utilise the now moment fully!

Receive the Gift of:


Excellence is God’s gift to His children! It’s a Godly quality and one of God’s

qualities! Pray for it in Faith! Believe God that you receive it! You are an Exceller! You operate in excellence! 

Never, Never Look Back Again! No man,  having put  his hand to  the plough,  and looking  back, is fit  for the  kingdom of  God.  – Luke 9:62

In the heat of the moment… When the rubber meets the road,

When things heat up. You need passion to sail and cruise through! It is passion which will thrust you forward! The deepness of your passion will define the depth of the quality of your results. Deepen your quest, thirst and hunger for excellence.

Strive to outclass yourself and for your own approval! The most splendid achievement of all is the constant striving to surpass yourself and to be worthy of your own approval. - Denis Waitley

Be displeased with your past results. You are not competing against anyone, but

against yourself and past results! Resolve to improve on them with a deep passion for excellence: That is the only way you can compete

against yourself.

Contest your previous and current results

violently. Be your most vocal, objective, vigorous and rigorous critic! Positively!

Go and do it! Now is the time for excellence. Do it! You are the driver for excellence in your

life and works. Drive it passionately! You are the master of your vision! Pursue it! In each and every endeavor of yours, think, plan and action excellence! Go for it!

You operate in:


Go on in pursuit of:

Xcellence! [email protected]

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