Supernatural Faith

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  • Words: 2,523
  • Pages: 23
Supernatural Faith Great Faith

Stubborn Faith & Desperate Faith Shepherd Magombedze

Supernatural Faith   

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Supernatural Faith is the God kind of Faith. (Mark 11:22) It is unwavering faith in God. It is the “real faith”. The faith that brings results. It is the tangible faith; you can touch it in the spirit; you can say today I have touched faith! It believes that God is waiting to reward diligent, persistent and unwavering faith in God. It stubbornly believes in God despite contrary natural evidence. (Heb 11:6) It desperately believe in God’s ability to reward faith.

Great Faith     

Great faith is faith which totally believes in God and does not doubt him. With great faith you are unstoppable! With great faith you are a mountain mover and a world shaker! No one can stop you; You know no limits! Its simple… Just believe God… Believe his word… Believe what God says… Totally put your faith and trust in him and never doubt him... That is great faith; nothing more, nothing less: Totally trusting in God; Having unmovable, unshakable, unwavering faith. It is putting all your hopes and expectations in him, believing that God will faithfully give you whatsoever you ask him far exceedingly above what ever you can ask, expect or think! (Matt 21:22)

Mustard Seed Faith / Great Faith 

Matt 13:31 - 32 …, The kingdom of heaven is like to a grain of mustard seed, which a man took, and sowed in his field: Which indeed is the least of all seeds: but when it is grown, it is the greatest among herbs, and becomes a tree, ... Matt 17:20 …, If you have faith as a grain of mustard seed, you shall say to this mountain, Remove hence to yonder place; and it shall remove; and nothing shall be impossible to you. Luke 17:6 …, If you had faith as a grain of mustard seed, you might say to this sycamine tree, Be you plucked up by the

Mustard Seed Faith / Great Faith 

The issue is not in the size of this faith, but it has to be great faith. It has to possess the potential to grow and release all the potential. That is great faith! Even if it looks stupid for a mustard seed grain to tell other herbs that I am big; time will tell. The results will tell. Great faith stands the test of time. Great Faith has the abilities, the potential, the power, the energy of the mustard seed to produce tangible great results… Jesus says that’s the kind of faith that can move mountains. That word loaded with the anointing is seed enough to move mountains. That word loaded with faith and God’s power, though it seems to be as little as a mustard seed, carries the mustard tree in it. It carries the results that you are looking for. Big, Great results!

Supernatural Faith 

Heb 12:1b – 2a

“…Let us run with patience the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith…” Because: Heb 11:6b … He is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.  There is a race that is set before us. It is a race of faith, which requires patience. It is impossible to complete this race without faith. (Without faith it is impossible to please him) You must run the race of faith. You must come to God in faith, believing that he will reward your unwavering faith.  Be persuaded, be convinced beyond doubt that God will reward your faith.  Perceive, vividly visualize, conceptualize, sense it, smell it, feel it, hold it, touch it. See what you want, touch it, Embrace it! Possess it by faith! Get it, get

Supernatural Faith  

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Begin to see the reality of the spirit realm. Recognize that its more true and real than what you are seeing. (What we see is made of what is not seen.) Hebrews 11:3  Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear. Supernatural faith speaks things into existence, it creates things. It speaks what exists in the spirit realm to exist in the natural realm. As God’s children, we create nothing new (His divine power has given us everything we need for life and godliness… 2 Peter 1:3). As such, we are partakers of divine nature by faith. God has created all. Our mandate is to ask the Lord to make His Kingdom come, to let it be here on earth as it is in heaven. This is how we partake of divine nature. We speak spiritual things to manifest

Supernatural Faith 

In order for Faith to be supernatural it has to exceed the natural levels of recognized faith. It has to be more than natural or normal. It does not have to be stupid or foolish. Supernatural faith is not presumptuous faith. It has to be based on God’s word and promises. Being supernatural means this faith has to exhibit attributes that are supernatural.

Natural Faith   

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Faith that I will eat today That I will wake up tomorrow That if I sit down, my chair will be able to hold me That I will get a job That I will get a wife to marry That I will be healed That if I die I will go to heaven

Natural Faith 

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Human beings are faith creatures, we need natural faith. Trust comes from having faith in someone, although they sometimes let us down. In all the situations presented every normal Christian believes these things. Even unbelievers believe they can get well, they can get a job, they can be healed. They believe they will get up tomorrow. There has to be a good dividing line that separates natural faith from supernatural Faith. When the Spirit of God operates it is very clear. (e.g. Joseph interprets Pharaoh's dream (Gen 41:38) And Pharaoh said unto his servants, Can we find such a one as this is, a man in whom the Spirit of God is?) Painooperater inotoonekwa Supernatural Faith. You can only operate in supernatural faith under the unction of the Holy Spirit.

Supernatural Faith 

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Supernatural Faith is believing that God can do those things that you cannot do, and that he is going to do them. The last phrase in the above statement is the one that separates doubters and believers. Supernatural faith is believing that God is going to do the things that you cannot do. If you can do them then why do you want God to do them for you. Supernatural Faith is an intense faith that understands the immutable character of God, who is not a liar, does not change, is faithful, and will keep His word to the last dot and tittle. Supernatural Faith believes not only that God can make all things possible, but that He will make them possible. It believes God will achieve the humanly

Supernatural Faith

Has three children: 

Stubborn Faith 

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(Unyeilding, bullheaded, firmly resolved and determined, resolute, adamant, unbendable, uncompromising, unrelenting, immovable, inflexible) Even, if facts are otherwise what I want has to happen. Stubbornly believes God will chip in and vindicate his children showing himself strong on their behalf. (Daniel, Michek, Shadrek & Abednigo)

Desperate Faith 

(Despairing, A move prompted by utter despair, Resorted to in a last extremity, Desperate – Stakes all on a small chance) Shadrek & Crew It happens when you desperately need God to change your situation, in utter despair your choose to put all your hope, faith and trust in God. Takes desperate measures to see the operation of God’s power (The four men & a leper who open roof), also Matt 15:22-8

Supernatural Faith 

Great Faith 

Is the elder Brother (e.g. Faith of the Centurion, Matt 8:10) You can not have Desperate faith without great faith and you cannot have Stubborn faith without great faith. Great faith is the beginning point of supernatural faith. Ndiyo inokonzeresa kuti mukadzi ati kuna Jesu tipei mafufu pachingwa chevana. Ndiyo inoita kuti muCenturion ati kuna Jesu just speak the word kuti muranda apore.

The Two Sisters   

There is a great relationship between the two sisters. In any of the two there is no room for double mindedness or doubt. What is believed for has to happen. The two are firmly resolute, unyielding, uncompromising, determined, unrelenting, immovable, and are extreme cases of faith! If you want the supernatural of God, there is no room for middle of the road, wishy-washy, hocus-pocus, Faith. You need the God kind of Faith. You need the faith that God had when he said “Let there be light and there was light”. It’s a sure and definite faith. You need supernatural faith to walk on water. You need supernatural faith to do supernatural feats. You need it for “the above natural” results. It is supernatural faith inoita kuti hove isvipe mari!; Chitanda chiite kuti simbi ifloate; inoshandura mvura kuve wine; inowanza zvingwa; inosvinudza mapofu; inodzinga madhimoni;. “Supernatural Faith is the Jesus kind of Faith” Pese paaioperater in faith ndiyo faith yacho iyoyo.

Characteristics of Great Faith 

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It sees life in dead situations. Jesu ndoo paanoti (Joh 11:11) …Our friend Lazarus sleepeth; but I go, that I may awake him out of sleep (Jn 11:11). Vadzidzi vakati, haa saka kana akarara achmuka hakezve! Jesu aitoona Lazarus ari mupenyu because of supernatural faith. In the natural he was dead, in the spirit he was sleeping. Vanorara vanomuka. There is need of supernatural faith to wake them up. We have the power to raise the dead. Joh 11:40 “Jesus saith unto her, Said I not unto thee, that, if thou wouldest believe, thou shouldest see the glory of God?” In other words Jesus is saying if you believe (you have supernatural faith), you will see the Glory of God). Jn 11:21-23 “Whatsoever you will ask of God, he will give it to you. Jn 11:41 Jesu akataura naMwari papi. In the spirit. Jesus continued emphasizing nyaya yeSupernatural

Great Faith / Natural Faith

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Ndiyo inonzi naJesu great Faith… Matt 15:28 Centurion … Matt 8:10 Matt 9:12; Matt 9:22;Mark 5:34 Issue of blood According to your Faith be it unto you…Matt 9:29 Does not doubt Matt 21:21 Mrk 2:5 Mark 10:46-52 Blind Bartimius – That I might see – It requests to God and is specific. Mk 11:22-26… It forgives; It believes that what it says will come to pass; Believes that it has already received what it was praying for. Luke 7:6-10 Believes in the authority vested in the word of God.

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Ndiyo inonzi naJesu O ye of little faith? Matt 6:30 Desciples fear the wind (Natural Faith fears natural situations)…Matt 8:26 Peter walks on water. Little faith doubts God. Matt 14:31 Forgets about the great deeds of God and that he can do it again. Matt 16:18 Luke 8:25 Where is your faith? Painodikwa natural faith inoshayikwa. Murume akanzi uchazviona asi haungazvidyi naElisha. Luke 17:12-19 Only one had great faith, the rest had natural faith… Only one was made whole.

Stubborn Faith  

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Inoti zvinoita chete, nyangwe zvadii, tiri pai. If believes God will enable his children to do exploits irrespective of any difficult circumstances. (Heb 11) Where things look totally impossible, it totally trusts that God will provide breakthroughs and open doors where they are not there. Elijah and the False Prophets David and Goliath Luke 4:17-20 Friend and Leper Luke 7:6-10 Centurion Luke 18:35-42 Blind Bartimius

Desperate Faith 

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Inoti kana Mwari vachiblesser munhu one gore rino ndini munhu wacho. (We are not talking about being selfish. But desperately believing God for results. The four lepers in Samaria, Lady of Zarepath Issue of Blood Mark 5:34 Mark 2:5 Four Friends and Leper Blind Bartimius

Required Man

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Pave kudiwa vanamoses kutenda kunovhura makungwa. Vana Elijah vanodana moto uchiburuka. Vana Samson vanobharura shumba Vana Shamah the Hararite vanodefender munda wemalentils Vana Jacob vanowanza zvipfuyo Vana Isaac vanorima mugwenga vahikohwa a hundred fold. Vana Daniel vanomisa miromo yeshumba nekushayisa moto simba. Pave kudiwa vanaPaul vanomutsa vakafa.VanaElisha vane anointing mumabhonzo. Pave kudiwa vanaElisha vanoziva zvinorongwa namambo mubedroom mavo. Men who will make a difference in their generation. Men who will change circumstances and situations by faith. Men who will bring down their Goliaths. Men who will walk on the water of their situations. Men who will accomplish naturally impossible feats. Men of supernatural faith! God wants you to be that person. You are that person!

You are the man! 

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Pave kudiwa vanaElisha vanoti kanaElijah akazviita ndichazviita kakapetwa kaviri. Vana Peter vanoti kana Jesu afamba pamvura ndichapafambawo. Mighty man of valour dzinoti kana mambo vakabvarura shumba tichabvarurawo dzedu. Pave kudiwa vanounderstander kuti God is not a respecter of persons, but is a rewarder of all who diligently seek him. Pave kudiwa mhare dzine supernatural faith, dzine great faith. Pave kudiwa vane stubborn faith! And that person is you, its me! Let us take the call of great faith…

Great Faith is Faith in Jesus  

Acts 3:13 This faith is in Jesus. Acts 6:8 You need this great faith; that “being full of faith”; to do miracles. Acts 14:9 It can be seen, it can be perceived in the spirit. Rom 4:19-21 Natural Faith is weak faith; Being strong in faith is great faith. Rom 4:21 You have to be fully persuaded that God will do what you believe. Rom 12:3 Everyone was given natural faith by God. Rom 10:17 However, everyone can acquire supernatural faith by hearing the word of God. You need to hear the word of God in your spirit

Get Great Faith 

[Everyone who received Jesus received the Holy Spirit; but not all are baptized in the Holy Ghost. Every believer has the duty to be baptized in the Holy Ghost.] [As the above every Christian has a measure of faith put by God in us; but it is our duty to acquire great faith] That is why Jesus was never amused with little faith; He demanded great faith, he commended great faith. It was their duty to get great faith! He has given us the promises and the mandate; it is our duty to operate in Great Faith!

Develop Your Faith to Supernatural; Great; Stubborn & Desperate faith in God! S. Magombedze [email protected]

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