A Strategy For Performance Excellence

  • May 2020
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  • Words: 1,384
  • Pages: 20

What is 5S ? Japanese Term

English Equivalent











Why 5S is Important ™ We feel good when the place where we work every day is clean ™ We can avoid the hassle of searching for things ™ We can eliminate time wasted in searching ™ We can reduce our defect rate by detecting problems earlier ™ Preventive maintenance will be better because equipment inspection will be easier ™ We can reduce the amount of machinery down time ™ We can create more usable space

SEIRI – Sorting out / Clearing up “ Clearing up is to Discard ” ™ Separate needed items from unneeded items. ™ Keep only the necessary in work area ™ Keep in a distant storage area less frequently used items ™ Unneeded items are to be discarded ™ Store items needed by most people in a common storage area ™ Should not have sentimental attachments ™ Use red tag to get rid of unneeded items

Ideas for using Red tags ™ No Tag : Used at least once in every 2 days [Don’t remove the item form its place of use]

5S - House Keeping SEIRI TAG

Tag #

™ Type A : Used about once in a week

Area / Location


[Remove it from the direct work area but store it

Item Description




Value [Approx.]


Action by


Final Disposition

:To use / To move / To

close to work area] ™ Type B : Used once a month


[Store it somewhere accessible in the facility] Authorised Signatory


™ Type C : Used once in a year or less frequently [Consider storing it outside or move it off-site]

The red tag asks the following: ™ Is the item needed ?

™ Type D : No longer needed

™ If it is needed how many do we need ?

[Remove : Sell, Return, Donate or Scrap] ™ If it is needed is it in the correct location ?

How to Implement ™ Decide whether it is necessary or not. ™ Attach “Red tag” if it is unnecessary. ™ Move as per the instruction in red tag ™ Register Red tag, Review & Record the disposal. ™ Identify a “Red-Tag” area to move surplus materials. These materials may be useful for other departments. Others should check whether anything will serve the purpose before ordering for new. ™ Take fixed point photo Before & After

SEITON – Set in Order “ A Place for everything and every thing in its place ” ™ Decide “Where” to place & “How” to place ™ Place things in such a way that they can be easily reached whenever needed. ™ Systematic arrangement for the most efficient and effective retrieval. ™ Arrange items such that - Easy to find, Easy to use & Easy to put away. ™ Use visual controls [Labeling, sign boards, color codes, outlines etc.,] ™ Ensure FIFO

How to Implement ™ Place tools close to the point of use. ™ Use rack / shelf instead of stacking. ™ Use small bins to organize small items. ™ Clearly label each item and its storage area. ™ Use see-through cover for visibility. ™ Ensure everything is available as it is needed and at the “point of use” ™ Design locating slots to keep things in its place ™ Establish storage procedures & Display instructions

SEISO – Shine “ Cleaning is Inspection” ™ Keep things clean, No trash or dirt in the workplace ™ Determine “who” and communicate “when”. ™ Emphasize the maintenance of a clean workplace. ™ Sweep, dust, polish and paint ™ Continual cleaning of a work area is best approach. ™ Areas which are not normally seen should also be cleaned. ™ Identify and eliminate causes of dirt and grime – focus on removing the need to clean.

SEISO – Shine ™ Use dust collecting covers or trays ™ Investigate the causes for dirtiness and eliminate at the source ™ Cleanliness ensures a more comfortable and safe working place. ™ Lead to visibility so as to reduce search time. ™ Ensures a higher quality of work and products ™ helpful to notice damages on equipment such as leaks, breakage and misalignment. ™ These minor damages, if left unattended, could lead to equipment failure and loss of production

How to Implement ™ Organise introduction meeting and explain clear about the objective ™ Identify the root cause for the generation of dirt and arrest ™ Prepare a cleaning schedule by answering : Where to clean


What to clean


When to clean



Who has to clean -


How to clean

Method & Cleaning tool or kit


™ Cleaning schedule should be for each machine and to be displayed ™ Take fixed point photo and record improvements

SEIKETSU – Standardise “ Standardising is to keep Clean” ™ Maintain and monitor the first 3 categories ™ Make it as a habit. ™ Determine “who” is responsible for “what”. ™ Have an easy-to-follow standards and develop a structure to support it. ™ Promote visual controls & Install team boards in shop floor ™ Regularly audit using checklists and measures of housekeeping. ™ Maintain cleanliness after cleaning – Perpetual cleaning.Without it, the situation will deteriorate right back to old habits.

What to Standardise ™ Guidelines for floor marking : Roads, Corridors, Aisle & Work areas – Yellow [Solid line] Door openings, Exit & Entrance – Yellow [Broken line] Emergency exits and All hazardous areas – Red & White [Stripes] ™ Switch, Machine, Fan with Identification ™ Pipe line colors, Building name, Displays & Display boards, Warning signals, Paper size, Direction boards, Cables for computers & Files ™ All files should have standard label & Storage racks should have Index

SHITSUKE – Sustain [Self Discipline]

“ Discipline is to reform a bad habit” ™ Establish system to maintain 5S. ™ Habituate rule keeping in the work place. ™ Rules rather than criticism, Systems rather than rules Habits rather than systems. ™ Make it a way of life. ™ Think and share ideas with others. ™ Encourage teams to set their own standards.

Promotional activities for 5S

™Promote 5S through Posters, Display boards, Badges, Idea contests, Plant visits, Fixed point photography & Awards.

Potential Benefits of 5S Five “S”


™ Sales – Increase in sales

™ P – Increase in Productivity

™ Savings – Save costs

™ Q – Improved Product Quality

™ Safety – Safe working environment

™ C – Reduce Mfg.Costs

™ Standardization – Consistent output ™ Satisfaction – Employees & Customer satisfaction

™ D – Ensure on-time delivery ™ S – Provide a safety work place

Summary „ „

Sort Means: Removing from the workplace all items that are not needed for the current operations and activities

„ „

Set to Order Means : Arranging items needed so they are easy to use and labelling them so they are easy to find and store.

„ „

Shine Means: keeping the work place tidy, sweeping floors, cleaning machinery and generally making sure everything stays clean.

„ „

Standardise Means: Adopting a method of working to ensure the first three pillars are maintained.

„ „

Sustain Means : Ensuring and making it a habit that everyone adopts and carries out the correct procedures.

Keys for Successful Implementation of 5S ™ Get Everyone Involved ™ Get Company Authorisation ™ Final Responsibility rests with the President ™ Make Every one Understood & Aware of Concepts & Practices ™ Don’t Stop Half-way in Establishing 5S ™ 5S is only a Half-way for other improvements

Some reported results : ™ Productivity increase – 60 % ™ Quality Improvement – 90 % [from 1 to 0.1 %] ™ Reduction in Maintenance cost – 15 % ™ Zero Accident ™ Elimination of “5D” -





Dissatisfied customers,


Declining profits &


Demoralised employees

Reasons for Failure in Starting & Implementing 5S : ™ Lack of Management support & Consistency in commitment ™ No Structured approach ™ Individual responsibilities are not fixed ™ All peoples are not involved & All areas are not involved ™ Lack of understanding & Training ™ Checking, Auditing & Review procedures are not framed

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