Green Sheet - March 1, 2009

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NEWS AND NOTES FROM PEACE WITH CHRIST 1412 W. Swallow Road Fort Collins, CO 80526 970-226-4721 Pastor Ralph Patrick Deaconess Claire Rueffer

March 1, 2009 First Sunday in Lent

WELCOME TO PEACE WITH CHRIST LUTHERAN CHURCH! We give thanks to God that you are joining us today! Many of our guests are seeking a home church where they can be part of the Fellowship of Our Lord Jesus Christ. Peace with Christ is a congregation that is a family not an “organization”. We are small enough to allow people to know each other by name, and yet large enough to offer opportunities for growth and service. What we “specialize” in is not programs or productions, but simply The Gospel of Our Lord Jesus. Christ, His Word, and the Cross are what provide the foundation for faith and ministry. If you are interested in learning more about Peace With Christ Lutheran Church, please call the church office at 226-4721. Pastor Patrick would welcome the opportunity to visit with you personally.

THE TIME before the service may be used for prayer and preparation. Read through the worship bulletin and familiarize yourself with the service. A few moments spent this way will help make the service more meaningful.

NEXT WEEK’S LUTHERAN HOUR MESSAGE: “A Good Reason To Die” Speaker: Rev. Dr. Ken Klaus. (Romans 5:7-8) Listen to The Lutheran Hour Message on KOA, Denver (AM850) at 6:00 a.m. and KFKA, Greeley (AM1310) at 9:30 a.m. LUTHERAN TALK RADIO: You can listen to Issues, Etc. ondemand. Issues, Etc. is produced by Lutheran Public Radio and hosted by LCMS Pastor Todd Wilken. Listen to what you want when you want to at: ******************************************************* New Sunday Morning Bible Study: “Exploring the Lutheran Faith” taught by Rev. Carlton Hein. This is the perfect study for those new to Peace With Christ or who would like a “refresher course” on Lutheran Doctrine and Practice. The class will meet today at 9:30 in the nursery. Parents of Sunday School children: A parent's class to discuss the upcoming month of Sunday School class material will be held TODAY. Meet at Pastor's office during the Education Hour. Contact Dan Prevedel with questions.

During the Lenten Season--come and prayer at 7am on Wednesday mornings. Formal prayer will begin at 7:00am with Pastor and then you can stay for individual prayer as long as you like.

• Peace With Christ Lenten Devotionals are available. Look for one next to the Sunday Bulletins.

LMWL MARCH MEETING The March LWML meeting will be Monday, March 9th at 7pm in the Fellowship Hall. Our own Gary Myers, Energy Use Specialist/PVREA, will lead the program entitled “Where’s My Energy Going?” Devotions and mites by Norma Thaemert. Hostesses are Millie Miller and Hazel Maiorka. All women are invited to attend and bring a friend!

“Look to the Hills… God Reigns” is the theme for LWML’s 33rd Biennial Convention to be held June 25- June 28th, 2009 in Portland, Oregon. For registration information, check out the winter edition of Lutheran Woman’s Quarterly OR the LWML website at Reservations will be accepted on or after March 2, 2009. LWML will be hosting the Lenten Soup Supper on Wednesday, March 11th. If you can provide food or lend a hand in the kitchen, sign up sheets are posted on the LWML bulletin board. Proceeds will benefit Kevin Rodenbeck, son of Ted and Ann Rodenbeck, who is currently undergoing treatment for Stage IV Hodgkin’s Lymphoma. Donations will help with Kevin’s medical bills and Thrivent will provide supplemental funding! LWML’s Mite Box for World Missions will be in the narthex the 1st three Sundays in March (March 1st, 8th and 15th). Nationwide, LWML is supporting 18 charities. Over $1 million has been disbursed since 2007 so only $170k more needs to be collected by March 31st to reach our mission goal of $1,190,000! A list of grant recipients for 2007-2009 is posted on the LWML bulletin board. Thank you for your donations! If you are a member of PWC and are enrolled at a Concordia University or Seminary to pursue a career in church work, you may be eligible for a scholarship! Applications are available online at: Submission deadline is April 1, 2009. Proposals for 2009 Bazaar proceeds are due to Bev Russman by April 15, 2009. Grants have previously been awarded to persons pursuing a career in church or mission work. If you know someone who could benefit from a grant, don’t let this opportunity pass! Multiple recipients can be approved. Call Bev at 493-3076 with any questions. The next regular LWML Executive Board meeting will be Monday,

March 30th beginning at 6pm in the home of Jodi Allison. All ladies are welcome.

Joy Circle will meet Thursday, March 5 at 1:00pm in the Fellowship Hall Classroom. We will have a Bible study with Pastor. Nancy Moore will have devotions. Hostesses are Lorraine Schipper and Leora Snyder. All ladies are welcome to join us!

TAG (Tuesday Afternoon Group) March 3rd at Noon It’s time again for our annual pancakes and sausage meal. We will share in the cost of this economical meal. Bible study follows at 1:00pm led by Pastor. All older adults are welcome to attend this Older Adult Ministry Group

Musicians and vocalist who would like to help enhance the service and to glorify the Lord with your gifts please sign up. Lenten services and March are now posted on the bulletin board in the Narthex. Please sign up ASAP ADOPT A SEMINARIAN REPORT Lenten offerings have been designated to support Stephen Heimer who is enrolled at Concordia University. Stephen is the son of Dr. Karl Heimer of Ysleta, El Paso. Please use offering envelopes for Lent or mark a plain envelope for your contributions. Thank you for supporting this ministry with your prayers and generous gifts.

The March 4th Soup Supper will be sponsored by the Missions & Ministry Committee. Proceeds will go to our family emergency fund. In this time of economic recession, we have more needs among our church family. Thrivent will provide supplemental funding.

Many thanks to all of those who provided soup and other food items for the RMHS Soup Supper this week. And thanks to those who set up tables, served the soup, washed dishes, and cleaned up. We served over 140 people & raised $425 for the RMHS program. Special thanks to Thrivent which provided a supplement of $200 to the funds raised.

YOUTH ACTIVITIES Youth Families: Registration for Higher Things (8th grade and older) is due TODAY - please return TODAY so travel arrangements can be finalized! Youth Members: Save March 7th at 6:00pm for another Surprise Youth Outing! Cost is $10.00. Youth Scrip Fundraiser: We have cards available all year long. Stop by the Youth Table or call me for cards, Marilyn 226-4721 or 391-4946. Thanks for supporting the Youth! ******************************************************** Concordia University Concert Choir Tomorrow evening at 7:00pm come and enjoy the Concordia University Concert Choir performing here at Peace With Christ. Free will offering will help deferred travel expenses. ******************************************************** North Central Colorado Lutherans For Life will be meeting on Saturday, March 7th at 10:00am at Trinity Lutheran, 3500 35th Ave. (just south of Hwy 34 on 35th) in Greeley. Plans will be finalized for the 3rd annual “Walk fo Life” scheduled for April 25th, and new imput is always appreciated. Please plan to come to let your voice be heard for LIFE!

Thrivent Financial Milestone Reception - The Rocky Mtn. Region invites the community to attend a Milestone Reception in Ft. Collins on Saturday, March 14. The hors d’oeuvres reception will be held at the Hilton, 425 W. Prospect from 4:30 7:00pm. This project, which includes over fifty large photographs (2’x3’) of children throughout the world, seeks to increase understanding by identifying the common milestones that all of the world’s children share, regardless of the color of their skin or the language they speak. Such simple moments as a first tooth, a first step, a birthday, or first day at school are depicted through sensitive & colorful photography. This project has won a United Nations Humanitarian Award for its excellence.

GREAT COMMISSION LIVING is a workshop at Immanuel Lutheran in Loveland on March 14th. This workshop will show how we can be part of God’s plan for others to become disciples through the encounters we have in our day to day living. Informational Brochures are located in the kitchen hallway or call Immanuel office at 667-4506. **************************************************** One more book, “Treasury of Daily Prayer” is available for purchase in the office. The price is $40.00 ****************************************************

In Our Prayers: We remember The Heermann Family and all who grieve. The President and Nation Our Church Leaders Those who are ill, hospitalized, or recovering from surgery: Marie Rubel, Doug Reed (brother of Diane Kettleson), Kevin Rodenbeck, Barb Holder, Marilynn Hudson, Pastor David Caspersen, James Jeppeson, Danica Flesner (infant daughter of Jeff and Heather Flesner) Those who are not able to attend church: Margaret Ziehm, Carolyn Brown, Mary Anderson, Viola Monahan, Arline Young, June Schwarck Strength during Lent Christians in Haiti - The Kurt Marquart Fund Those facing loss of employment U.S. Soldiers in Iraq, Afghanistan & throughout the world.

A READING FROM THE BOOK OF CONCORD FIRST SUNDAY IN LENT LARGE CATECHISM THE LORD'S PRAYER The devil agitates matters that concern the conscience and spiritual affairs. He leads us to despise and disregard both God's Word and works. He tears us away from faith, hope, and love [1 Cor. 13:13], and he brings us into misbelief, false security, and stubbornness. Or, on the other hand, he leads us to despair, denial of God, blasphemy, and innumerable other things. These are snares and nets [2 Tim. 2:26], indeed, real fiery darts that are shot like poison into the heart, not by flesh and blood, but by the devil [Eph. 6:12,16]. Great, indeed, are these dangers and temptations, which every Christian must bear. We bear them even though each one were alone by himself. So every hour that we are in this vile life, we are attacked on all sides [2 Cor. 4:8], chased and hunted down. We are moved to cry out and to pray that God would not allow us to become weary and faint [Isa. 40:31; Heb. 12:3] and to fall again into sin, shame, and unbelief. For otherwise it is impossible to overcome the least temptation. This is what "lead us not into temptation" means. It refers to times when God gives us power and strength to resist the temptation [1 Cor. 10:13]. However, the temptation is not taken away. While we live in the flesh and have the devil around us, no one can escape his temptation and lures. It can only mean that we must endure trials-indeed, be engulfed in them [2 Timothy 2:3]. But we say this prayer so that we may not fall and be drowned in them. (pars. 104-106)

Condensed from CONCORDIA: THE LUTHERAN CONFESSIONS, copyright 2005 by Concordia Publishing House. Used by permission. All rights reserved. To purchase a copy of Concordia, visit or call 800-325-3040-3040


Worship Services (Non-Communion) Education Hour

8:00 am & 10:45 am 9:30 am

Monday March 2

Youth Board Concordia Concert

6:30 pm 7:00 pm

Tuesday March 3


12:00 pm

Wednesday March 4

Bible Study Lent Services

8:45 am 4:30 pm & 7:15 pm 5:15 pm 6:00 pm 6:00 pm

Soup Supper FED Classes Adult Choir Thursday March 5

RMHS Joy Circle King’s Men’s Group Preschool Board

11:10 am 1:00 pm 5:00 pm 6:00 pm

Friday March 6 Saturday March 7

Youth Surprise Night Out

Sunday March 8

Worship Services (Communion) Education Hour

6:00 pm

8:00 am & 10:45 am 9:30 am

March 1 Materials: Greeters: Guest Book: Reader: Ushers:

Nursery: Acolytes: Crucifer: Audio Support: Organist: Elder of the Month:

THOSE SERVING TODAY 8:00 am 10:45 am Leising Vern & Char Carlson Pat Cribbs Kim Fox Alisa Fair Deaconess Claire Lisa Bernhardt Gale Russman Bob Cribbs Ken Keeney Michael Stabnow Marissa Pichel Chris Dunker Kelley Pichel Lydia Linke & Pat Juchartz Lauren Hedstrom Keller Foster Leah Bauder Ron Pichel Ann Caspersen Ray Kaiser

March 4 4:30 pm Greeters/Guest Book: Hoy Family Reader: Ushers: Ken Keeney Gale Russman Acolyte: Crucifer: Audio Support: Organist:

March 8 Materials: Greeters: Guest Book: Reader: Ushers:


David Nierman

7:15 pm Marilyn Lasich Tom Lasich Kelley Pichel Libby Hoy

Ernestine Munsey

Ron Pichel

THOSE SERVING NEXT SUNDAY 8:00 am 10:45 am Leising Arv & Barb Witt Pat Cribbs Betty Keeney Alisa Fair Dan Krueckeburg Michael Rohlfs Gale Russman Bob Cribbs Tom Lasich Ron Thaemert Ken Keeney Michael Stabnow Allen Hendrix Chris Dunker Lydia Linke & Lauren Hedstrom Katie Petago Zachary Prevedel Krissy Petago Taylor Wiginton Chris Dunker David Nierman

Acolytes: Crucifer: Audio Support: Organist: Elder of the Month: Ray Kaiser Flowers on the Altar in loving memory of Rex Leben

Prayer and Study Date: March 1– March 7 Luther Quote: “The Two Cardinal Doctrines - The first part of Christian doctrine is the preaching of repentance and of a knowledge of oneself. The second part is the message: If you want to be saved, know that salvation is not attained through works, but that God has sent His only-begotten Son into the world so that we may live through Him. He was crucified and died for you and bore your sins in His own body” Bible readings for the week: Sunday: Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Saturday:

Isaiah 64:1-9; Numbers 16-18 Psalm 85; Numbers 19-21 Psalm 86; Numbers 22-24 Psalm 87; Numbers 25-27 Psalm 88; Numbers 28-30 Psalm 89; Numbers 31-33 Luke 2:29-32; Numbers 13-15

Kids in God’s Mission – Mar. 1-15 Many children throughout the LCMS are actively involved in outreach through their schools, congregations, and Sunday schools. These prayer requests coincide with National Lutheran Schools Week, which is March 1-7. In the 2007-2008 school year, nearly 274,000 students studied in Lutheran schools.

Daily Prayers: Sunday: For National Lutheran Schools Week, beginning today, which is focused around the theme of “Securing Each Child’s Future—For Eternity,” based on John 3:16. Pray that this week of celebration would also strengthen the faith of students and teachers across the country.

Monday: For Director Bill Cochran, Associate Director Terry Schmidt, and other St. Louis staff who work to provide resources and support to Lutheran schools throughout the United States.

Tuesday: That Lutheran school administrators and teachers would continue to be intentional about reaching out to their students with the Good News of Jesus. In the 2007-2008 school year, 17 percent of Lutheran school students were unchurched.

Wednesday: For continued Gospel outreach through the Ablaze! Bible Listening Program for Lutheran Schools, which launched in the fall of 2008. Pray that hearing God’s Word on a daily basis would change the lives of many students and their families.

Thursday: For the international outreach component of the Ablaze! Bible Listening Program, in which students and families are encouraged to raise support to buy Proclaimer® boxes for Lutheran schools in India, so that children attending those schools can hear God’s Word in their heart language.

Friday: With thanksgiving that more than 260 Lutheran grade schools participated in the Ablaze! Bible Listening Program during the 2008-2009 school year.

Saturday: That many more schools would be able to participate in the program in 2009-2010, and that by doing so, their faith and mission involvement would be strengthened.


February 22 ATTENDANCE Worship Attendance: 146(8:00 am) 122(10:45 am)

Total 268

Education Hour Attendance: Adult Bible Study: 63 Sunday School: 23 Financial Update As of January 31, 2009 Budget - 2009



Net Income





CHRISTIAN EDUCATION HOUR: 9:30-10:30 a.m. ADULT BIBLE CLASS. .. Sanctuary and Fellowship Hall NURSERY & KINDERGARTEN . . . . Preschool Rooms GRADES 1- 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Peter GRADES 3-4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Abraham GRADE 5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Isaac JR. HIGH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jacob SR. HIGH . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . Youth Room


First Lesson: Genesis 17:1-7, 15-16 Second Lesson: Romans 5:1-11 Gospel: Mark 8:27-38

PRESS DEADLINES Green sheet articles are due by 3:00 p.m. Wednesday afternoon. Broadcast articles are due

March 15

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