August Newsletter

  • November 2019
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THE FOLLOWING ARTICLE WAS WRITTEN BY CHYLO LASZLOFFY, A NINETEEN YEAR OLD YOUNG MAN WHO JOINED OUR LAST TRIP TO SE ASIA. As I read his article it brought tears to my eyes. I am impressed with the humility and Christ-like qualities that both the young men who travelled with me exhibited. - Patrick “During our trip into Burma, we had the opportunity to spend a lot of time with one of our contacts there. The more time that we spent with him, the more I began to see his heart, and it really impacted me. Above all, this man loves the Lord and loves to serve others in the name of Jesus. I often find myself helping out others because God has called me to, and I know it is the right thing to do, but inside I’m not really very happy that I am doing it. As we spent time with this contact, I began to see that he was truly overjoyed to be able to serve others all the time. He actually looked forward to pouring out his help, even when it meant much personal sacrifice and discomfort. He was telling us one day about how he would take Bibles to the north when he had the opportunity. When he would go north, he would get on a boat in Yangon and travel over 80 hours by boat just to take a load of Bibles to the people in this northern region. Not to mention, these boats were overcrowded and provided no place to lie down. This is true sacrifice and service.

SINCE THE TIME OF THE CYCLONE, HE HAS BEEN LEADING RELIEF TEAMS ON A REGULAR BASIS TO THE DELTA. Not only are the sacrifices that he has made huge, but so are the sacrifices of his family. They have to carry on with their

dad being gone on a pretty regular basis, and they are able to do this because they love the Lord and know that God has placed a very big call on their dad’s life. When this man and the people involved in his ministry do anything, they make sure that no glory goes to them, and that all of it goes to God. I was very impressed at how these people carry out their ministries. Not only do they actively seek to share on a regular basis, but they are very good about discipling them after they are saved. They disciple these new believers for a time, and then send them out to reach other people. They really understand what God has called us to do in reaching others and making disciples of them.

IN AMERICA, WE OFTEN THINK THAT IF WE CAN JUST GAIN THE COURAGE TO SHARE THE GOSPEL AND CAN GET A PERSON TO SAY THE “PRAYER” THEN THEY ARE SAVED, AND WE CAN FORGET ABOUT THEM. But without discipling, these people are most likely not ever going to have much impact on those around them. This is really what we see in America, but not in Burma. This contact runs a Bible School that trains pastors from around the country. He was telling us that once he had a student that attended his 4-day Bible training session then went out and started preaching to many of the villages in the area. These people realize that God has never said that we need to take 46 years of Bible schooling to be able to teach and preach. Even though we were only able to spend a few days with this man, I felt like I knew him well. There were so many things that I learned from him as I just sat back and listened to him talk and reveal his true heart. When asked how high he

“I SAT WHERE THEY SAT”... EZEKIEL 3:15 By providing a home for children, they not only have the opportunity to learn of Jesus, but in many cases are taken directly off the streets, or spared a life of bondage as in sex slavery. We recently took on the challenge to provide sponsorships for 10 children in House of Peace, a Tibetan Children’s home in Nepal. We have 24 children in Nepal who are still awaiting a sponsor. Sponsorships for children in a home in most areas run $30 per month, which provides for their basic care as well as their school needs. Some of the children have a family to live with, but tuition for their education is expensive and thereby prohibitive. By sponsoring a child’s education, their tuition and supplies are provided. The sponsorship funds go directly to the schools in this case. We have approximately 75 children in Burma (precyclone figure), 43 in Nepal, and 8 in Vietnam who need school sponsorship. Sponsorships are $10-$15, depending on the country.

wanted to make it in this world, he said ‘I want to be no higher than the feet of Jesus.’ This man is truly humble and understands what life is really about. He will probably never know that just the way that he lives his life and who he is as a person drastically changed the way I am living my life.” - - Chylo Laszloffy

Vision for Children Update

Greetings! I would just like to take this opportunity to raise awareness for the needs of children we’re working with in Asia. Vision for Children is a sponsorship program through Vision Beyond Borders where we work in conjunction with some orphanages and schools primarily in Burma and Nepal, but also in India, Bhutan, and Vietnam. Requests have been made for sponsorship from other areas that we have not yet fulfilled.

AS A RESULT OF CYCLONE NARGIS DEVASTATION IN BURMA, THE VISION FOR CHILDREN PROGRAM MUST MOVE TO A NEW LEVEL OF SERVICE TO MINISTER TO THE 60 TO 80 THOUSAND CHILDREN ORPHANED FROM THAT STORM. The Lord has given the vision to assist these children by building homes to accommodate up to 100 children each, and staff them with Christian people. Pastors and their congregations in the U.S. are taking up the challenge to build an entire children’s home in Burma, then to be responsible for the monthly sponsorships for the children as they are moved into the homes. Patrick Klein has encouraged these congregations to take a further step and

Vision Beyond Borders • P.O. Box 6770 • Sheridan, WY 82801 • Phone: 307-672-5995 • CHANGE SERVICE REQUESTED


join the VBB teams as they go into Burma and visit the children they sponsor. Land has been purchased through VBB funds to our Burma contacts for building several orphanages to care for these children. An existing orphanage has received VBB funds to expand so they can take in more children. Estimated cost for land and construction of other children’s homes is $50,000. As churches and donors respond, others will be built. Please pray for children to be sponsored for homes and education in all the areas in which VBB labors and for construction of homes for the many orphans in Burma. Thank you for prayerfully considering the needs of desperate children. If you would like more information, please contact the Vision Beyond Borders office (phone: 307-672-5995, or email: [email protected]). - - Lidgia (Gigi) Saurs

Please pray for children to be sponsored for homes and education in all the areas in which VBB labors and for construction of homes for the many orphans in Burma.

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