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GNULINUX - CONFIGURATIONS Attention: The translation of this document was made by firefox extencion translater - and can have some mistakes... Everything that it is written here is based on RedHat 7,3, 8,0 and 9,0 Fedora Core 1 e, for times Slackware 9,1 and 10 Hélder Raposo [email protected] (Education Biology geology) (Biology) (Blog of the Penguin)

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Configurations | Commands | Opinions | SLACKWARE (configurations)


ATTENTION SOME CORRECTIONS AND OTHER TIPS IN: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1. To visualize partitions FAT and NTFS (windows) 1.1. To mount a FlashDriver 2. To configure grub (start manager) 2.1 - To configure grub to the same pull out some distos installed in hd 3. To configure RH 8,0 and 9,0 for Portuguese language 4. To correct absence of screensaver in KDE (RH8) 5. To configure multiaverage support in RH8 and 9 (.mp3 and .mpg) 6. To install/to configure MPlayer 7. To record Cds in consoles (cdrecord and cdrdao) 8. To emulate OF (to run programs OF The ones in Linux) 9. To install plugins in the Mozilla 10. To install the Limewire 11. Apt-get in RedHat and Fedora Core 1 12. Linking ADSL (frog) Fedora Core 1 (Ethernet interface tap0 and in the 0) 13. Linking ADSL (frog) Fedora Core 2 (Ethernet interface tap0) 14. SLACKWARE (configurations) - these configurations also meet in: • • • • • •

Keyboard Wheel of the rat To print with cups Aulologin (without password and username To install Evolution-1.4.4 To install Graphical Plate Nvidia GeForce

15. Writing of cds - emulation scsi when drive rw is not detected (kernel 2.4)

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1. To visualize partitions FAT and NTFS (windows) The diskos in linux are identified of the following form: Records IDE: /dev/hda --> record to master in the primary controller (Primary Master) /dev/hdb --> record slave in the primary controller (Primary Slave) /dev/hdc --> record to master in the secondary controller (Secundary Master) Página 1 de 20

/dev/hdd --> record slave in the secondary controller (Secundary Slave) Records scsi (and SATA): /dev/sda --> first record scsi /dev/sdb --> according to record scsi

(...) TO SEE PARTITIONS WINDOWS FAT (Windows 9x, Me) - It executes as root: to #mkdir /mnt/win #mount /dev/hda1 /mnt/win or, one will be in slackware, I advise: #mount /dev/hda1 /mnt/win - t vfat - r - umask=0222 If not to know which the partition where it is the Windows executes in consoles # fdisk - l and to it will be presented a list of all the partitions However, fat finished to mount the patições, but when to make reboot will have to come back to mount the partition, for the partition fat to be mounted during boot makes (to edit and to modify the table of partitions fstab): #vi /etc/fstab the i uses a keyboard or it adds the line: /dev/hda1 /mnt/win vfat defaults 0 0 Or, in slackware: /dev/hda1 /mnt/windows vfat users, umask=0222 0 0 keyboard key esc +: wq NOTE: # --> as root $ --> as user su --> to move of user for root (in it consoles)

- Example of one prices fstab, with two mounted partitions fat (winc [hda1] and wind [hdc5])

LABEL=//ext3 defaults 1 1 none /dev/pts devpts gid=5, mode=620 0 0 LABEL=/home /home ext3 defaults 1 2 none /proc proc defaults 0 0 none /dev/shm tmpfs defaults 0 0 /dev/hdc3 swap swap defaults 0 0 /dev/cdrom /mnt/cdrom iso9660 noauto, to owner, kudzu, ro 0 0 /dev/fd0 /mnt/floppy auto noauto, to owner, kudzu 0 0 /dev/hda1 /mnt/winc vfat defaults 0 0 /dev/hda9 /mnt/wind vfat defaults 0 0 /dev/cdrom1 /mnt/cdrom1 iso9660 noauto, to owner, kudzu, ro 0 0 ro --> read only rw --> read-write TO SEE PARTITIONS WINDOWS NTFS (Windows 2000 and WindowsXP)

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First that everything executes as root: #/sbin/modprobe ntfs If to appear some thing in consoles then its kernel does not have support for ntfs if not to appear no message then kernel has support for ntfs. If redhat will not have support for ntfs in the distributions will be able to make download of the module ntfs (in redhat8 and 9 it is exactly necessary) to break daqui: but before making download it executes the command: #uname - r --> this to know that kernel is using After making download of kernel-ntfs- (...) .rpm it installs: #rpm - ivh kernel-ntfs- (...) .rpm (NOTE: Slackware 9,1 and 10 ntfs has kernel with support) To follow: It creates, as for the previous example, a point of assembly: to #mkdir /mnt/win mount the partition: #mount /dev/hda1 /mnt/win - t ntfs - r - umask=0222 If to want that the partition if mount automatically in boot, edit fstab, and add the line: #vi /etc/fstab /dev/hda1 /mnt/windows ntfs users, umask=0222 0 0 1.1. To mount a FlashDrive - Disk to be wanted to mount a flash makes to #mkdir /mnt/flash #mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/flash NOTE: The flash disk could not be sda1, depending if it exists or not other devices scsi. That is he is sdax (where x is the number of the partition). When the emulation is used scsi of IDE to record cds (kernel 2,4), can exist modification in the identification of the flash disk. It edits fstab (as above) and adds the line: #vi /etc/fstab /dev/sda1/ /mnt/flash auto defaults, users, noauto 0 0 - Example of one prices fstab, with partitions ntfs mounted (winc [hdc1]), one drive cdromrw with emulation scsi (/dev/sr0) e a flash disk (pendisk) (/dev/sda1). Here the hard disks are in the secondary controller (hdc) whereas drives cdrom they are in the primary controller (hda and hdb - this emulated): /dev/hdc6 swap swap defaults 0 0 /dev/hdc9/ext3 defaults 1 1 /dev/hdc8 /home ext3 defaults 1 2 /dev/hda /mnt/cdrom iso9660 noauto, users, ro 0 0 /dev/fd0 /mnt/floppy auto noauto, to owner 0 0

devpts /dev/pts devpts gid=5, mode=620 0 0 proc /proc proc defaults 0 0 /dev/sda1 /mnt/pen auto defaults, noauto, users 0 0 #/dev/hdc1 /mnt/windows vfat to user, utf8, umask=0222 0 2 /dev/sr0 /mnt/cdrom1 iso9660 noauto, users, ro 0 0 /dev/hdc1 /mnt/windows ntfs users, umask=0222 0 0 Note: the first number is used as command “dump” and as as “fsck”. That is, for Página 3 de 20

example, if as the number will be 1, will make with that fsck runs case the record has not been convenient dismounted mind or has been reached the limit of assemblies. 2. To configure grub (start manager) - Grub is a manager of start very used nowadays, as the traditional Lilo. It can be configured, in simple terms, to some levels: - to choose the THE ONES that it pulls out for defect - image of boot - open assembly time before the start, etc… Thus, it edits grub.conf executing: #vi /boot/grub/grub.conf e will appear any thing of this type: ************************************************************************************* # grub.conf generated by anaconda # # Note that you of not have you rerun grub to after making changes you the this file # NOTICE: You of not have /boot partition. This means that # all kernel and initrd paths ploughs relative you/, eg. # root (hd1,0) # kernel /boot/vmlinuz-version ro root=/dev/hdc1 # initrd /boot/initrd-version.img #boot=/dev/hda default=0 timeout=10 splashimage= (hd1,0) /boot/grub/splash.xpm.gz title Red Hat Linux (2.4.18-14) root (hd1,0) kernel /boot/vmlinuz-2.4.18-14 ro root=LABEL=/hdd=ide-scsi initrd /boot/initrd-2.4.18-14.img title OF rootnoverify (hd0,0) to chainloader +1 ************************************************************************************** * - Easily one understands that timeout=10 is the open assembly time before being loaded a operative system, in this in case that, we have two systems: - Redhat (kernel 2.4.18-14) --> title Red Hat Linux (2.4.18-14) - Windows (assigned person here for OF) --> title OF - The line splashimage temm the information on the image that appears in boot that in this in case that it is compressed and it is splash.xpm.gz - S for another value Can then change the open assembly time in the start of 10 - Title Can move, p.e, of OF The ones for Windows - And, more important it can choose that it must pull out THEM for defect. - The line defaulf= is that it has this information. The first one is always the zero (0), later it is alone to count how many it has and to attribute one nº. For former: default=0 => pulls out linux for defect default=1 => pulls out OF (windows) for defect Note: vmlinuz-2.4.18-14 is the Kernel and its version also is indicated 2.1 - To configure grub to the same pull out some distos installed in hd To the times we would desire to install that one more than distro or release of linux, or Página 4 de 20

being able to try one, without having that to desistalar that one with which we work and that already it is configured. This is easy, is enough to create plus a partition (4 Mb arrives) e to configure grub. A partition is only necessary because linux that we intend to install goes to use swap that already it is created and we can make that the two distributions partilhem the /home partition. Therefore it is alone to create a partition/and to install new system. To configure grub: Menu.lst edits the filing-cabinet #vi /boot/grub/menu.lst it is enough later adding to the entrances of the others linux, making: title distro-installed root (hdax, y) --------> x=0,1 (0=disco master, 1=disco slave) (y= Z-1, that is either if the partition will be hda8 the y will be 7) kernel /boot/vmlinuz root=/dev/hdaZ (Z=1,… 9…) number of the partition where we have the partition/ Example of one menu.list of the Grub for fedora start core2, slackware 9,1, mandrake and windows ********************************************************************************* # Note that you of not have you rerun grub to after making changes you the this file # NOTICE: You of not have /boot partition. This means that # all kernel and initrd paths ploughs relative you/, eg. # root (hd0,4) # kernel /boot/vmlinuz-version ro root=/dev/hdc5 # initrd /boot/initrd-version.img #boot=/dev/hdc default=0 timeout=05 splashimage= (hd0,4) /boot/grub/splash.xpm.gz title Fedora Core (2.6.6-1.383) root (hd0,4) kernel /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.6-1.383 ro root=LABEL=/rhgb quiet initrd /boot/initrd-2.6.6-1.383.img title Slackware (kernel 2.4) root (hd0,8) kernel /boot/vmlinuz root=/dev/hdc9 title Mandrake (kernel 2.4) root (hd0,8) kernel /boot/vmlinuz-2.4.25-2mdk root=/dev/hdc9 title Windows rootnoverify (hd0,0) to chainloader +1 ************************************************************************************** *****************

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3. To configure RH 8,0 and 9,0 for Portuguese language (that is very util so that the openoffice makes accents) - Redhat 8,0 and 9.0não recognize filing-cabinets of windows or another previous version linux with Latin accents and other characters: Solution: the /etc/sysconfig/i18n filing-cabinet edits with the Vi (as root (#), clearly). It will appear the following definitions: LANG=” pt_PT.UTF-8” SYSFONT=” UTF-8 " the problem is in the UTF. With the VI it erases UTF thus: #vi /etc/sysconfig/i18n it makes Esc: wq - The fiheiro /etc/sysconfig/i18n will have then to contain the following lines LANG= " pt_PT " SUPPORTED= " pt_PT: pt_PT: pt " SYSFONT= " latarcyrheb-sun16 " later, it edits the filing-cabinet bashrc: #vi /etc/bashrc e adds, in the end, the lines LANG=pt_PT LC_ALL=pt_PT LC_CTYPE=ISO-8859-1 LESSCHARSET=latin1 export LANG LC_ALL LC_CTYPE LESSCHARSET

4. To correct absence of screensaver in KDE (RH8) - Scrennsaver in the RH8 functions in gnome but not in KDE Solution: It can fix this problem editing: to $mkdir ./kde/share/applnk-redhat/System/ScreenSavers/ there e copies for all the filing-cabinets that if to find in /usr/share/apps/kscreensaver/ScreenSavers/ of the following form: #cd /usr/share/apps/kscreensaver/ #cp - r ./ScreenSavers/ * ./kde/share/applnk-redhat/System/ScreenSavers/ It can still consult: Note: . (point) --> means filing-cabinet occult The command cp - r ./nome_do_ficheiro/ * /direct ório_de_destino --> copies the content of a folder but not it folder! 5. To configure multiaverage support in RH8 and 9 (.mp3 and .mpg) - Redhat 8 does not have support for mp3 or MPEG (question of licenses), therefore xmms does not function in this format. This happens for lacking the following filing-cabinets: (Serious this text with the name download of (from liks under): (Serious this text with the name Página 6 de 20

It goes for the directório where it placed the two previous filing-cabinets and it thus copies them for usr/lib/xmmx/Input: #cp - r /usr/lib/xmms/Input/ #cp - r /usr/lib/xmms/Input/ it makes download of rpm: mpg321-0.2.10-1.i386.rpm (p.e of or makes: #rpm - ivh mpg321-0.2.10-1.i386.rpm NOTE: I find that now already it is more easy, is enough to go to make download of an appointed package xmm-mp3, to install it with rpm - ivh name-of - package… (Or then desistale xmms #rpm - e --nodeps xmms e istale it saw apt-get or directamente makes download of xmms of that this does not lack to none librarie to it and installs #rpm - ivh xmms-of download) Soon. Xmms already functions! It could still be necessary to open xmms and to go the options/preferences and to place aRts as plugin of exit. In this way it starts to also have support MPEG, MOV, etc (with the installation of mpg321) will only have that to make download of the Xine or the MPlayer (this for support video). 6. To install/to configure MPlayer The MPlayer is the great competitor of the windos measured to player of the Microsoft, however, it has that to consider that it still meets in version 0.90. Of any form with it it is to possíver to see videos, inclusivé of the QuickTimes of the Apple, as well as all the used extenções in a Windows system. To install it makes download, from the site, of: MPlayer-0.90pre9.tar .bz2 (the program in itself) mp-arial-iso-8859-1.tar (sources) w32codec.tar .bz2 (codecs) e one skin to its choice after that it unpacks everything thus: bzip2 - d MPlayer-0.90pre9.tar .bz2 to tar xvf MPlayer-0.90pre9.tar .bz2 it also makes this for the sources and codecs seguidamente win32 in usr/lib/creates the directório and moves for there codecs unpacked: to mkdir /usr/lib/win32/ mv ./win32codecs/ * /usr/lib/win32 it copies the MPlayer-0.90 for /usr/local #cp - r MPlayer-0.90pre9.tar .bz2 /usr/local/ #cd /usr/local/MPlayer-0.90/ #. /configure --enable-GUI #make (it takes one 10 minutes there, not if it worries) #make install it can erase now the directório MPlayer-0.90 thus: #cd /usr/local Página 7 de 20

#rm - rf MPlayer-0.90 It copies the sources to mplayer it. It goes for the directório where they are the unpacked sources and makes, p.e: $cd /iso-8859-7/arial #mv ./arial-18/ * /usr/local/share/mplayer/font/ (we are to use sources arial so great 18) To copy skin: to #mkdir /usr/local/share/mplayer/Skin/default/ mv ./nome_do_skin/ * /usr/local/share/mplayer/Skin/default/ now we execute a video in the MPlayer typing the command (as to user $) $ to gmplayer Probably a message will appear on the source. It wants appears or not, it goes for /home/seu_nome_de_utilizador and it makes: compact disc /home/o_seu_nome_de_utilizador to $mkdir /.mplayer/font #cd /usr/local/share/mplayer/ #cp ./font/ * /.mplayer/font/ What it finished to make was to add the sources to a directório that is created in home/user after the first use of mplayer and that if it deals with an occult directório (.) to.mplayer. It creates a shortcut in desktop in order that thisexecutes to gmplayer. For times, automatically the possibility of zoom of the video is not created, it edits or it creates the filing-cabinet config /.mplayer in the home/o_seu_nome_de_utilizador directório $cd $ $vi /.mplayer/config (to create or to edit config) e adds the line: zoo= " yes " (in redhat 8,0 it was necessary to make it but in mandrake 9,0 not) : wq As some distributions of linux only allow to execute mplayer as root (#), in low it follows a list of commands and options to execute the Mplayer in Consola: to gmplayer to mplayer - vo xv - to oss name-of - the video one to mplayer - vo x11 name-of - video to mplayer - vo x11 - framedrop - vop scale=640: 480 name-of - the video one to mplayer - vo x11 - framedrop - vop scale=800: 600 name-of - the video one to mplayer - vo sdl - to sdl name-of - the video one to mplayer - vo sdl - to sdl name-of - video - sub legend-of - filme.sub

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to mplayer - vo svga - bpp 16 name-of - video.avi - sub legend-of - filme.sub to mplayer dvd 1 - vo x11 - to sdl 5. To record Cds in consoles (cdrecord and cdrdao) - A music compact disc can be recorded in two ways: Track At Once (TAO), that is, between the bands exists a pause of 2 seconds, or Disk At Once (DAO), that is, is not added the 2 seconds between the band. It has cases where Disk At Once (DAO) is better, as for example, a compact disc of music to the living creature. For Track At Once (TAO) cdrecord can be used, for Disk At Once (DAO), can use cdrdao. Estos 2 programs are executed in console in not graphical way. - To record cds with cdrecord (Track At Once - TAO): - TO MOUNT CDS READING OCCULT FILING-CABINETS: #mount - t iso9660 - unhide /dev/cdrom /mnt/cdrom TO CREATE CDS IMAGES: $mkisofs - R - J - file.iso /direct ório-of-origin-of - image TO SEE WHICH THE WRITING DEVICE: #cdrecord - scanbus TO RECORD: #cdrecord - v - eject - speed=4 dev=0,0 file.iso - To record cds with cdrdao (Disk At Once (DAO): To make: #cdrdao scanbus (to determine the parameters of the writing device). If to appear, for example, the following message: ################################################### ################# SCSI interface library - (c) Joerg Schilling L-EC encoding library - (c) Heiko Eissfeldt Paranoia DAE library - (c) Monty

Check will be current to driver tables. Using libscg version “schily-0.5” Página 9 de 20

0,0,0: HP, Compact disc 8200a, 1.0g ################################################### ################## To make, in consoles: #cdrdao read-compact disc --device 0,0,0 novo.toc An image of the compact disc will be created To record the compact disc from the bred image: #cdrdao write --device 0,0,0 novo.toc 6. To emulate OF (to run programs OF The ones in Linux) - download of dosemu-1.0.2-bin.tgz and dosemu-freedos-bin.tgz of - to unpack for the same directório (and for the described order below): to $tar - zxf dosemu-freedos-bin.tgz to $tar - zxf dosemu-1.0.2-bin.tgz - to execute OF The ones in linux: $cd dosemu $. /xdosemu - home - The option - home makes with that the directório home to be considered pass as D: for dosemu. 7. To install plugins in the Mozilla --> plugin for java - Download of binary j2re-1_4_2-linux-i586.bin Makes that it is in: - In followed it executes the following commands: to #mkdir /usr/java #cp - r j2re-1_4_2-linux-i586.bin /usr/java #cd /usr/java - To install the binary one #. /j2re-1_4_2-linux-i586.bin #cd /usr/java/j2re1.4.2/plugin/i386/ns610 - Crar symbolic linking in mozilla #ln - s /usr/java/j2re1.4.2/plugin/i386/ns610/ /usr/lib/mozilla-1.0.1/plugins - Attention mozilla can not be installed in /usr/lib/mozilla-1.0.1, the general command will be #ln - s /usr/java/j2re1.4.2/plugin/i386/ns610/ filingcabinet-where-is-the-mozilla/plugins - To create symbolic linking in the filing-cabinet mozilla of the user ln - s /usr/java/j2re1.4.2/plugin/i386/ns610/ ~/.mozilla/plugins/ ALREADY IT IS! JAVA IN MOZILLA (LINUX)! : -) --> plugin for FlashPlayer

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- It is enough to go to the site - to make download of binary the executable one - To execute it as root - To indicate, during the installation, path, of mozilla (where it is installed former: /usr/lib/mozilla) - plugin will be installed in: usr/lib/mozilla- 1.0.1/plugin --> plugin for RealPlayer 8 - To make download of RealPlayer 8 from the site - Istalar it: #rpm - ivh RealPlayer.rpm - The RealPlayer will be installed in /usr/lib/RealPlayer8/ - of /usr/lib/RealPlayer8/ for the folder Is enough to copy the filingcabinet usr/lib/mozilla- 1.0.1/plugins or another one in case that its mozilla is not here, it can be in (when it is installed by the user and it does not come daily pay-installed) /usr/local/mozilla/plugins, of the following form: #cd /usr/lib/RealPlayer8/ #cp - r usr/lib/mozilla- 1.0.1/plugins Notes: - making Crt+T --> opens new tab - realplayer can be executed in consoles with the command: realplay TO INSTALL THE LIMEWIRE Limewire is intimamente dependent of java. We have therefore of first installing j2re (download of J2SE JRE from and seguidamente it is that we will be able to install limewire (download of LimeWireLinux.bin from To install j2re-1_4_2_04: #cd /direct ório-onde-está-o-j2re-1_4_2_04-linux-i586.bin to create directório java in /usr to #mkdir /usr/java #cp j2re-1_4_2_04-linux-i586.bin /usr/java to install it java VM #cd /usr/java #. /j2re-1_4_2_04-linux-i586.bin A new directório will be created: j2re1.4.2_04 We edit the /etc/basshrc filing-cabinet now and we add in the end the following lines: #emacs /etc/bashrc: (or, #emacs /etc/profile, in Slackware) JAVA_HOME=/usr/java/j2re1.4.2_04 export JAVA_HOME PATH=$PATH: $JAVA_HOME/bin export PATH #reboot to move the LimeWireLinux.bin for its home and to execute the LimeWireLinux.bin: Página 11 de 20

~. /LimeWireLinux.bin it is enough to execute a shortcut that will be created in home (runLimeWire): ~. /runLimeWire e the program will be executed APT-GET IN RED HAT AND FEDORA CORE 1 To make download of apt and its dependences to apartir of (nocaso of Fedora Core 1) #rpm - ivh It edits /etc/apt/sources.list: #emacs /etc/apt/sources.list A list will appear of the type: ********************************************************************************** ********************************* # List of available apt repositories available from # This file should contain an uncommented default suitable will be your system. # # See will be the list of to other repositories and mirrors. # # $Id: sources.list.i386 378 2004-04-30 16:33: 52Z dude $ # Fedora Linux Development #rpm fedora/linux/development/i386 Core #rpm fedora/linux/1/i386 freshrpms #rpm-src fedora/linux/development/i386 Core #rpm-src fedora/linux/1/i386 freshrpms # Fedora Linux 1 rpm fedora/linux/1/i386 Core updates freshrpms rpm fedora/linux/1/i386 tupdates rpm fedora/1/i386 stable unstable testing rpm-src fedora/linux/1/i386 Core updates freshrpms rpm-src fedora/linux/1/i386 tupdates ### Dag RPM Repository will be Fedora Core 1 rpm apt/fedora/fc1/i386 dries rpm-src apt/fedora/fc1/i386 dries rpm redhat/8.0 macromeasured rpm fedora/1/en/i386 dag rpm i386 stable bleeding rpm-src i386 stable bleeding rpm i686 stable bleeding rpm-src i686 stable bleeding rpm fedora/1/i386 stable unstable testing rpm-src fedora/1/i386 stable unstabletesting rpm fedora/1/i386 updates stable Página 12 de 20

rpm fedora/1/i386 updates stable rpm fedora/1/i386 updates stable rpm fedora/1/i386 updates stable rpm fedora/1/i386 updates stable rpm-src fedora/1/i386 updates stable # Red Hat Linux 9 #rpm redhat/9/i386 updates freshrpms #rpm-src redhat/9/i386 updates freshrpms # Red Hat Linux 8.0 #rpm redhat/8.0/i386 updates freshrpms #rpm-src redhat/8.0/i386 updates freshrpms # Red Hat Linux 7.3 #rpm redhat/7.3/i386 updates freshrpms #rpm-src redhat/7.3/i386 updates freshrpms # Red Hat Linux 7.2 #rpm redhat/7.2/i386 updates freshrpms #rpm-src redhat/7.2/i386 updates freshrpms # Red Hat Linux 7.1 #rpm redhat/7.1/i386 updates freshrpms #rpm redhat/7.1/i386 powertools dma #rpm-src redhat/7.1/i386 updates freshrpms #rpm-src redhat/7.1/i386 powertools dma # Red Hat Linux 7.0 #rpm redhat/7.0/i386 updates freshrpms #rpm redhat/7.0/i386 powertools dma #rpm-src redhat/7.0/i386 updates freshrpms #rpm-src redhat/7.0/i386 powertools dma # Red Hat Linux 6.2 #rpm redhat/6.2/i386 updates freshrpms #rpm redhat/6.2/i386 powertools #rpm-src redhat/6.2/i386 updates freshrpms #rpm-src redhat/6.2/i386 powertools ********************************************************************************** ****************************************** We have the places of where the APT goes to lower the packages, that if call “repository APT” We go to leave commented all the lines that do not have to see with ours distribution, in this in case that, the lines of F edora Linux 1 are not commented, and, we add the lines rpm i686 stable bleeding rpm-src i686 stable bleeding Página 13 de 20

that the APT will be more two places to apartir of which it will go to lower packages. The first step to start to use the APT is: #apt-get update Later it is alone to make: #apt-get install package-the-to install # apt-get upgrade To look packages of which the name is not known well the command uses itself apt-cache search <pacote>. A list appears of packages, later is alone to choose (s) that in it interests them (m) former: # apt-cache search php Commands apt-get: apt-get install <pacote> It installs a package and its dependences. apt-get removes <pacote> It removes a package and its dependences. apt-get upgrade Search for new packages to make updates. apt-get dist-upgrade It makes an update of version of the distribution. apt-cache search Search for term in the descriptions of the available packages. LINKING ADSL (frog) Fedora Core 1 (tap0 and in the 0)- kernel 2.4 It has two possibilities of linking: Ethenet interface = tap0 and Ethenet interface = in the 0 The USA in the 0 when kernel already possesss driver speedtouch (speedtch.o) that it must be in: /lib/modules/2.4.22-1.2115.nptl/kernel/drivers/usb/ The USA tap0 when kernel does not have to driver speedtouch and appeals firmware to it mgmt.o The Kernel of the Fedora Core 1 already brings driver but the licação with gppp if does not disclose easy for this is more easy to remove to driver of speedtouch or to move it for the directório home as will become to follow: Ethenet linking interface = tap0 (Fedora Core 1) (Kelnel 2.4)

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This tutorial one serves, in principle for any distribution that uses Kernel 2,4 and not only for the Fedora Core 1. To create a directório home with name ADSL, for where all will be made downloads and where they will be decompactados to $mkdir /Desktop/adsl Download of: speedtouch-1.2.tar.gz speedmgmt.tar.gz rp-pppoe-3.5.tar.gz to $tar - xvzf speedtouch-1.2.tar.gz to $tar - xvzf speedmgmt.tar.gz to $tar - xvzf rp-pppoe-3.5.tar.gz #mv /lib/modules/2.4.22-1.2115.nptl/kernel/drivers/usb/speedtch.o ~/ $cd /home/helder/Desktop/adsl/speedtouch-1.2 $. /configure $make #make install to copy firmware: #cd /home/helder/Desktop/adsl #cp mgmt.o /usr/lib $cd /home/helder/Desktop/adsl/rp-pppoe-3.5 #. /go # ADSL-setup To insert these options: username “username@isp” - the username eth “tap0” demand = “in” dns = “server” password = “password” - password conf. password = “password” to confirm password firewall = “0” save = “y” to record and to leave # emacs /etc/ppp/pppoe.conf (they will have to move stops) ETH=tap0 PEERDNS=yes DEFAULTROUTE=yes # emacs /etc/modules.conf (to insert the following options) Página 15 de 20

you you you you you you you you you

unite unite unite unite unite unite unite unite unite

char-major-108 ppp_generic /dev/ppp ppp_generic tty-ldisc-3 ppp_async tty-ldisc-13 n_hdlc tty-ldisc-14 ppp_synctty ppp-compress-21 bsd_comp ppp-compress-24 ppp_deflate ppp-compress-26 ppp_deflate to usb-controller usb-uhci

#emacs /etc/ppp/options (the options only must consist below, if they will not be there has that to add them) Lock usepeerdns # to use dns attributed by peer noipdefault # says to pppd that you use dynamic IP defaultroute # to routear the device #emacs /usr/sbin/adsl-start (before making this it more sees a little to the front if to prefer to initiate the ADSL in boot of the system) to add at the beginning: compact disc /sbin ./modprobe tun echo Loading firmware… Please wait compact disc /usr/local/sbin/ ./modem_run - m - f /usr/lib/mgmt.o ./pppoa3 - vpi 0 - vci 35 - b - m 1 - c sleep 5 echo Dialing… compact disc /usr/sbin e to add in the end: sleep 5 route add default ppp0 ctrl-x ctrl-s to record the filing-cabinet ctrl-x ctrl-c to leave the emacs To establish the linking: #cd /usr/sbin #. /adsl-start IMPORTANT! - To prefer itself that the ADSL binds in boot of the system (automatically), it does not add nothing asl-start

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It makes the following one: it edits the rc.local filing-cabinet #emacs /etc/rc.local (in redhat and fedora) #emacs /etc/rc.d/rc.local (slackware) e adds in the end these lines: /sbin/modprobe tun /usr/local/sbin/modem_run - m - f /usr/lib/mgmt.o /usr/local/sbin/pppoa3 - vpi 0 - vci 35 - b - m 1 - c /usr/sbin/adsl-start /sbin/route add default ppp0 LINKING ETHENET INTERFACE = in the 0 to install (as it was said on): speedtouch-1.2 rp-pppoe-3.5 Download of gpppoe To unpack: gpppoe-conf-0.3-ss.tar .bz2 a directório will appear to user $cd to user #cp ./lib/ * /usr/lib #cp ./sbin/ * /usr/sbin to #mkdir /usr/share/speedtouch $cd /usr/share #cp ./speedtouch/ * /usr/share/speedtouch #cp mgmt.o /usr/share/speedtouch (to copy firmware) # compact disc /usr/sbin #. /gpppoe-conf To follow the indications related in for Fedora Core 1, to consult the page To initiate ADSL: #cd /usr/sbin #. /speedtouch-pppoe start 13. Linking ADSL (frog) Fedora Core 2 (Ethernet interface tap0) Kernel 2.6 This tutorial one serves, in principle for any distribution that uses Kernel 2,6 and not only for the Fedora Core 2. Good, I go to present here tutorial unnecessary, because an one another one exists, excellent one, of Kmos, whose link is: Only that as already I wrote here a tutorial one for ADSL in kernel 2,4, also go, to plagiarize or to adapt of the Kmos, of way to be everything here. Página 17 de 20

First, almost everything as in tutorial the previous one to $tar - xvzf speedtouch-1.3.tar.gz to $tar - xvzf rp-pppoe-3.5.tar.gz Download of firmware KQD6both.eni (purple modem) Download of firmware ZZZLboth.eni (cinereous modem) Who to use the purple modem makes download here (already it is renomeado - ready to use) It will have, to follow, to get excited name of any one of these firmwares for bootboth.eni (if it made download of link in from above line already it is renomeado and alone necessary to execute the following steps. To move firmware for /usr/lib #cp bootboth.eni /usr/lib To make: $cd /home/helder/Desktop/adsl/speedtouch-1.3 $. /configure $make #make install $cd /home/helder/Desktop/adsl/rp-pppoe-3.5 #. /go # ADSL-setup To insert these options: username “username@isp” - the username eth “tap0” demand = “in” dns = “server” password = “password” - password conf. password = “password” to confirm password firewall = “0” save = “y” to record and to leave #emacs /etc/ppp/options (the options only must consist below, if they will not be there has that to add them) Lock usepeerdns # to use dns attributed by peer noipdefault # says to pppd that you use dynamic IP defaultroute # to routear the device It edits the rc.local filing-cabinet #emacs /etc/rc.local in redhat and fedora #emacs /etc/rc.d/rc.local in slackware e adds in the end of the rc.local filing-cabinet: # ADSL Página 18 de 20

/sbin/modprobe ppp_generic /sbin/modprobe ppp_synctty /sbin/modprobe n_hdlc /sbin/modprobe tun /sbin/modprobe usb-uhci /usr/local/sbin/modem_run - m - f /usr/lib/bootboth.eni /usr/local/sbin/pppoa3 - b - m 1 - c - vpi 0 - vci 35 /sbin/ifconfig tap0 up /sbin/adsl-start It restarts the computer Later it makes: $ or # cat /var/log/messages e will see if they appear the Nameservers. If not to give the first one makes cat /var/log/messages of new, if the linking will be ADSL frog, the Nameservers will be in principle: to nameserver to nameserver It edits the /etc/resolv.conf filing-cabinet #emacs /etc/resolv.conf if they will not be already to nameserver, adds them there them! It makes: $ping - c 3 to test its linking as to user if he will not be on, it tries, as root #ping - c 3 to test the linking as root If he will be on as root but not as to user, it changes the permições of /etc/resolv.conf that is modifies parameter of the owner of the filing-cabinet, of, root for its username. 14. SLACKWARE (configurations) These configurations do not only serve for Slackware, only deal with more frequent problems in Slackware! KEYBOARD gedit /etc/X11/XF86Config (slack 9.1) gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf (slack 10) in the section of the keyboard: Option “XkbRules” “xfree86” Option “XkbModel” “pc105” Option “XkbLayout” “pt” When this does not result ============================================================== = To go to desktop and to clicar: StartHere/Desktop/Preferences/Keyboard/Layouts (Only Slakware 10) Also the command exists: #/usr/X11R6/bin/setxkbmap (that nor always it functions) ============================================================== === the filing-cabinet: /etc/rc.d/rc.keymap must also be modified stops: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------#! /bin/sh # Load the keyboard map. Maps lives ploughs in /usr/share/kbd/keymaps. if [- x /usr/bin/loadkeys]; then /usr/bin/loadkeys Página 19 de 20

fi ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------RAT (WHEEL) Section “InputDevice” Option “Protocol” “ImPS/2” Option “ZAxisMapping” “4 5” EndSection ACCENTS IN THE OPENOFICE Although the keyboard correctamente configured the Slacware, and others distros, costumam not to make accents in documents of the openoffice. This is decided in the Slackware of the following form: #gedit /usr/share/i18n/locales/pt_PT to add in the end of the filing-cabinet pt_PT LANG= " pt_PT " SUPPORTED= " pt_PT: pt_PT: pt " SYSFONT= " latarcyrheb-sun16 " to follow: #gedit /etc/profile to add in the end of the filing-cabinet profile: LANG=pt_PT LC_ALL=pt_PT LC_CTYPE=ISO-8859-1 LESSCHARSET=latin1 export LANG LC_ALL LC_CTYPE LESSCHARSET

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