Gervero Daily-log-week-5

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Philippine Normal University National Center for Teacher Education INSTITUTE TEACHING AND LEARNING Manila

Practice Teaching Form 6 Journal of Experiences Week 5

Date: February 4 - February 8, 2019

Significant Experience(s) Day 1: Last day for Module 13 February 4, 2019 Monday

Learning(s)/Insight(s) Gained 

Attended flag ceremony today, Then they announced that this month is arts month! I’m so happy because Rufiel and Abi sang a kundiman song and an opm song at the flag ceremony. They are really good!  Nice way to start Monday. I am finally done with the grades of 12 sections. Yey! Then, Me and my CT checked my lesson plan for the Module 14 which I will run  individually.

Day 2: Chinese New Year!! February 5, 2019 Tuesday

Happy Arts Month! I learned today that as a teacher, You really need to have considerations with the students. For example, One of my student is 79 at ESP. She asked for help because her mom will get mad at her, She asked if she can do something to earn that one point. Then, ma’am Gonzales gave her the chance to pass her lacking requirement even though the deadline is already dead, I mean DONE. I think having good communication and interaction with the students is a MUST for the teachers. I’m the happiest today, this was the first time I’m not having a hard time with my objectives. Thank you Green book! And also activities are all good to go! OMG! They are not really “mabusisi” here than at PNU. But, somehow I miss the green marks of Ma’am marte at my lesson plan.  No classes today! 

Holiday today!  Day 3: Getting ready for my turn. February 6, 2019 Wednesday

Not feeling well today, But tried my best to finish all my works. I assist Ma’am Gonzales  about her paperworks because she has problems with her eyesight. Then, My CT asked me to helped Kyla (Sta. Isabel ST) with her classroom management

Really not feeling well, But I need to come to school today. Thank you Lord, I just did some paperworks of my CT today. But, I also stand and helped kyla to handle those noisy and stubborn students to listen to her. If they don’t want they can go OUT. Because, I’m concern with the other students who wants to listen, learn and participate.

Philippine Normal University National Center for Teacher Education INSTITUTE TEACHING AND LEARNING Manila with the lower sections. Because, They are really NOISY!! Urgh. Day 4: SO SICK  ABSENT TODAY • Absent today!  February 7, 2019 Thursday Absent today!  Day 5: Back at TEACHING! February 8, 2019 Friday

Guess what? I have 5 classes today. OMG! I’m gonna start my Module 14 today. Excited but I’m nervous with my voice. In Araullo, One module is divided to four lesson plans. First day will be activities and processing questions after that. I run one brain breaks then the 2 activities. I’m happy because they really enjoyed it and they have lots of energy! But, I really get mad with the 1 lower section which is Rembrant, Boys are standing, running inside the classroom, bullying like throwing rolled papers to each other etc. Somehow when I’m quiet they stop talking, but most of the time they DON’T. And, There are 2 students who are super RUDE! That’s why I told them to GET OUT of the classroom because I don’t need students “NAPAKABASTOS” Imagine, I told them and talk to them to STOP several times but they are so stubborn. Sadly, I don’t have much voice  when my last subject came. That’s why I asked them to please be quiet so that our activity will be finished.

Super tired! Lost my voice today, And I wish to get it back on Monday. Really enjoyed doing activities with the Higher section, They are just noisy because of too much excitement. But, it’s okay. I can manage them. But, those lower sections are NOT! They are the ones why my voice lost and my nerves are really pumping out because of them. But, I’m not saying all of them. Some of the students at the lower section is behave and they are the one’s who’s being bullied. But, most of them are bad. But, In my class I don’t allow fighting inside the room. I call the attention when I saw someone kick his or her classmates. I’m really glad because my last section is Shakespeare, which is the lowest of all sections in Grade 9, but surprisingly when I said be quiet because I have not too much voice, They understood and follow  My heart!! I really like them even tho they are the lowest, but they have good attitude than other lower sections, and for me it matter most.

Giving positive reinforcement is very important, when they saw me listening and saying “Nice” to them, they getting more engaged with the class. So, continue to give more positive reinforcement. Also, not all answers are correct, that’s why you should listen to their answers and process if they have misconceptions with their answers. Submitted by: Johnessa May C. Gervero Date: February 9, 2019 Year and Section: IV-10 BVE

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