Gervero Daily-log-week-3

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Philippine Normal University National Center for Teacher Education INSTITUTE TEACHING AND LEARNING Manila

Practice Teaching Form 6 Journal of Experiences Week 3

Date: January 21 - January 25, 2019

Significant Experience(s) Day 1: Deployment Monday!! January 21, 2019 Monday

Learning(s)/Insight(s) Gained 

I have no idea if we are going to deploy to day or what. On the morning session, I helped shine to prepare her materials on her class which is Grade 8-woolard. Also, I helped ate meb on the link stuffs that Ma’am Marte asked us to do. Then, surprisingly Ma’am torrio send us a message that says “Be ready, Deployment Manila at 1:30. So, we prepare ourselves because Ma’am Marte says that bring our best self. Finally, WE ARE DEPLOYED! Ma’am  Myrna is the one we meet at the Values Department, because the head of the Values is not around. She also assigned us on our CT’s. My schedule is morning, 6:30-1:00pm and my  CT is Ma’am Myrna Gonzales but I didn’t meet her today because she is already out by that time, Then my classmates who are in afternoon shift stays there until 7pm. Day 2: Orientation day! January 22, 2019 Tuesday So early today, I need to reset my body clock.  We attended the flag ceremony today, then I met my CT which is Ma’am Gonzales and she oriented me the whole day today. Also, I have other CT, Her name is Kyla from Sta. Isabel and she is taking up Religious Education.

Finally, so grateful that we are deployed today! I just always put in mind the tips that was gave by the last year batch, tips from ITL, and tips from my supervisor Ma’am Marte. First, respect the people there, greet them “Good morning/Good afternoon” even the Janitors and guards. Second, don’t be late. We are also asked to attend the flag ceremony every day, also we are asked to monitor our first subject in the flag ceremony. Third, don’t tolerate students when they are saying green jokes or foul words. So far, I didn’t meet my CT today, but I hope I will learn a lot from her and also I hope that my stay here in Araullo will be smooth and good. We also met the afternoon shift teachers, One of them is graduated from PNU, Psychology Major which is Joanna’s CT. They also have Master teacher’s there. The faculty is also clean and organized. Met my CT today, She is almost 32 years in Araullo, and 2 more years she will have her retirement. Actually, Ma’am Myrna is very accommodating and nice. First session, We get to know each other like, Why did I took Values Education. Actually, most of the teachers always ask that to us. Even on the first day we get there. Then, we talked about my experiences in PNU and some of my family background.

Philippine Normal University National Center for Teacher Education INSTITUTE TEACHING AND LEARNING Manila All the things I need to say, and to know was  already discussed by Ma’am Gonzales.

Next, I will handle 12 sections of Grade 9. Grade 9 has 4 topics on the module, Kyla (ST from Sta. Isabel) should finish the 1st topic on the module, then Me on the second and fourth, That’s why she told me to start my teaching on next week.

Third, Lesson plan. Araullo lesson plan is not too much different from ACES. Some of the terms are different but the procedure is still the same. But, What I notice is all of their activities are based on the module. That’s why I ask Ma’am Myrna if I can get or make my own activity that getting it from the module. And, she said YES. She told me that I can get or adopt any activities than the module.

I’m so lucky! Thank you Lord. Ma’am Myrna is so nice, She told me that I only give you requirements related to school and no more other that. Also, I realized VOICE is very important here. I observe 6 sections today and no one of them listen to kyla, because her voice is not as loud as those students. Back from my PT-01 I read a lot about classroom management, That’s why I think I can really apply it to my PT-02. I have 12 sections, some of them are science section and I also have the worst section. But, I will try my very best to handle those attitudes.

Day 3: GRADES, GRADES, GRADES January 23, 2019 Wednesday

Observation and Encoding of grades today, I also have my schedule. Let’s do these 12 sections!! Same as the 8-woolard from ITL, Araullo students have hard times to pass their requirements. Sadly, their performance tasks  are only based on behavior and attendance, one periodical test then their written is only the notebooks. I get dizzy because their class record is just a piece of one whole pad paper. Next, on my observation same as well. VERY DIFFERENT STUDENTS, DIFFERENT ATTITUDE AND SOME OF THEM HAVE THE  WORST BEHAVIOR. Some students are shouting at the teacher, Some of them are

Very confusing when it comes to encoding of grades because their class record is from scratch paper. Also, I was shocked to know that their periodical test is open notes because I heard “hindi naman naturo, kaya open notes” The culture here is very different from ITL. Best of luck on how to handle these students, also I need some different strategies on how to handle them.

Philippine Normal University National Center for Teacher Education INSTITUTE TEACHING AND LEARNING Manila going to class for attendance then after that they will cut, Some of them are punching each other and etc. That’s why today, Ma’am Gonzales butt in because Kyla has having a hard time with her classroom management. Day 4: First Teaching Experience January 24, 2019 Thursday Kyla is absent today, That’s why I will teach those 5 sections. Actually, My CT told me that the floor is mine, that’s why I change the activity, I didn’t get the activity from the module because I observe the students are not doing it, also they find it boring.

• Happy Thursday tho! At the very first time, I didn’t feel any nervous while teaching them. I just find it hard to have the classroom management in one section because they are so noisy. But, I show them that I will not tolerate them. Happy because their noise is lessen than the other day, Also happy because they call me “Ma’am” at the hallway. 

In those 5 sections, I used the ppt slide of get to know that values teacher, because I want to build rappor to them. I also ask them to ask me some questions but not too personal. But, in one class they asked me “Ma’am may  boyfriend kana” and I said that’s too personal dear.  I also gave some rules at the class. I need to give the rules, because I want to also to build my authority.  Luckily, my classroom is clean because Ma’am Gonzales also maintains it to be clean, It is also not too hot than I expected. Also, We have projector and electricity. Day 5: Excuse Friday! January 25, 2019 Friday

My task today is to finish the grades and I did it because some of the students have this “excuse kami ma’am” because they have a practice for their foundation day. That’s why I really focused on the grades. One down! I  should submit my lesson plan on Monday and also I need to present to ma’am the ACES

I also feel thankful because Ma’am Gonzales told me that I’m good at technology integration! Yay, so flattered!  Thank you ma’am marte. For me, this is a good start! Tho, I didn’t meet the other sections but I’m praying for a good run here in Araullo. Also, we met the head today and have a short meeting about the DO’s and DON’Ts, Also she told that if we have problems don’t hesitate to come to her. We also share our experiences for this week. She is also nice and accommodating.  Always be strict when it comes to requirements, Ma’am said let’s give them until Monday to pass the requirements and after that those who will not pass, It’s their loss. Because afterwards, the students will beg when there is no grade in ESP at their cards. It’s much easy to encode in higher section because 2 or 4 are the students who did not pass. But, in lower section their behavior is 75

Philippine Normal University National Center for Teacher Education INSTITUTE TEACHING AND LEARNING Manila format so that she will be aware of it. TGIF! So tiring and should take care of my health and voice because I have colds today. 

or 74  all of the 3rd quarter grades are based on my CT, This quarter their grades will be based on our hands and the requirements we will be giving. Very tiring and productive week. Thank you Lord! Submitted by: Johnessa May C. Gervero Date: January 26, 2019 Year and Section: IV-10 BVE

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