Funny And Interesting Sms Collection

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  • June 2020
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.....the Heart Beat of my Phone ur Message Tone If U delete this message thats bcoz u love me. If u save it thats bcoz u desire me & if u ignore it thats bcoz u miss me. So what u gonna do with IT? Does a liar lies when he says he says he is telling a lie ? FRIENDSHIP is like a tree... It is not MEASURED on how TALL it could be, but is on how DEEP the ROOTS HAVE GROWN.. Never say ur happy when ur sad� never say ur fine when ur not ok� never say u feel good when u feel bad� and never say ur alone when I m still alive. People live People die People Laugh People Cry Some give up Some will try Some say hi Some say bye Others may forget YOU but never will I. Do they have a coffee break at the tea factory ? Does a liar lies when he says he says he is telling a lie ? U R the one who is CHARMING U R the one who is INTELLIGENT U R the one who is CUTE And I am the One who is spreading these RUMOURS A B C D E F G H I J


U r Attractive U r the Best U r Cute U r Dear 2 Me U r Excellent U r Funny U r Good-Looking hehehe I'm JOKING

U r the ACCENT of my Life, ALTO of my Dreams, IKON of my Eyes, ZEN of my Thoughts, INDICA of my Joy, LANCER of my Heart. Can anyone clear this TRAFFIC JAM plzz

so Sweet is ur so Sweet is ur so Sweet is ur so Sweet is ur see

SMILE??? STYLE??? VOICE??? EYE????? Sweetly I LIE

When i am not messaging u it does not mean that i have forgotten u, i am just giving u time to MISS ME!! When i open my eyes every morning i pray to God that everyone should have a friend like you.... Why should only i suffer!!! When u feel sad .. To cheer up just go to the mirror and say .."damn I am really so cute" u will overcome your sadness .. But don't make this a habit .. Coz liars go to hell !!!! Don`t hurt anyone! It only takes few seconds to hurt people you love and it takes years to heal. Don't be special to become special, Be ordinary to become special.. There are many languages in the world but smile speaks them all. KEEP SMILING!! The happiest pe(" ._. ")ple don't have EVERYTHING in life.They just make THE BEST of everything that life brings their way!STAY HAPPY ALWAYS Treasure every moment that you have! Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is mystery. Today is a gift. That's why it's called the present! Its not a mistake to do a mistake but its a mistake to repeat a mistake. If you want something you have never had,You must be willing to do something you have never done. To love is nothing, To be loved is something, To love and be loved is everything. Enjoy Your Life Today Because Yesterday Has Gone and Tomorrow May Never Come. Be a diode to remove -ve thinking, A transistor to amplify the Character.... A resistor to drop Badhabits, A capacitor to store Good thoughts.. 'The way u to be happy is to make others happy'. Life ends when you stop dreaming, hope ends when you stop believing and love ends when you stop caring. So dream hope and love...Makes Life Beautiful Better be careful about what u like to get in life,OTHERWISE You will have to like what you get in life.

It is not what happens to you but HOW you react to it that matters Each moment of ur life is a picture which u had never seen before. And which ull never see again so enjoy & live life & make each moment beautiful.... GODISNOWHERE this can be read as GOD IS NO WHERE or as GOD IS NOW HERE everything depends on how do u see anything. so think positive A negative thinker see a difficulty in every opportunity,A positive thinker see an opportunity in every difficulty,wish u an optimistic life.. Love urself ,Flirt with ur understanding,Romance with dreams,Get engaged with simplicity,Marry genuiness,Divorce the ego...Thats Good Life... What the word IMPOSSIBLE says I M Possible. So every thing which seems impossible is itself says that is possible. In life LOVE is never planned nor does it happen for a reason.But when LOVE is real,It becomes ur PLAN for life and ur reason for living. Mistakes are painful when they happen,But years later a collection of mistakes called Experience Which leads us to success... What is trust ?? Trust is a feeling that a one year child has , when you throw him in air and catch again , and he enjoys it When GOD drops needles and pins along ur path in LIFE, dont stay away, instead pick them up and collect them, they were designed to be STRONG! Dont think how many moments in your life, just think how much life is there in a moment. Treat everyone with politeness,Even those who are rude to U.....Not because they are not nice,But bcoz u are nice....!!!**By Amit Success is like tip of the tail !!!If cat runs to catch the tail.It has to keep running forever.But if it walks in its own style.Tail follows!!Live life with ur own rules.... GOD is always playing CHESS with each one of us. He makes Moves in our LIFE & then sits back to see how we react to the CHALLENGES ... So make the best move before CHECKMATE.... Life gives answer in 3 ways... It says Yes & gives u what u want, it says no and

gives u something better, it says wait and gives u the Best! The value of life does not depend on the length of time on this Earth but rather on the amount of love given and shared to the people we care about. Heartbreaks will last as long as you want and Cut as deep as you allow them to go. The challenge is not how to survive heartbreaks but to learn from them. Meaning of Friendship : - F-------FOREVER , R-------RESPONCIBLE , I-------INTELLIGENT , E-------EAGER TO MAIL , N-------NICE , D-------DIVINE , S-------SIMPLE , H-------HEARTLY , I--------INTERSTED , P-------PEACEFUL A square has 4 end, A triangle has 3 end, segment has 2 end, but our friendship has no end. If u are a chocolate you are the SWEETEST, If u are a teddy bear you are the most HUGGABLE, If u are a star you are the BRIGHTEST, and since you are my friend...U R THE BEST !!! I've seen angels in the sky, I've seen snow fall in July, I've seen things you could only imagine to see or do, But I still haven't seen anything sweeter than you! A Friend is Sweet when its NEW Its Sweeter when its TRUE But you know that its the sweetest when it is U. Smile a while and while you smile, Smile another smile, And soon there will be miles and miles of smile just because you smiled, I wish ur day is full of smile . A smile makes us look younger. while prayers make us feel stronger. and friends.? They make us enjoy life forever Life is a game sometimes you win, sometimes you lose. But no matter what your cards in life, whether club, spade or diamond. Always remember never play with out a Heart! Be a person full of love and life, stay simple and be happy... When things go wrong don't go blue, Just pray and say I will get through, Always remember God Loves You! What touches us the most is... Being hurt by some1 U Trust A Lot... .... OR .... Being Trusted by some1 U have Hurt a Lot... If you don't Stand for Something.You will Fall for Everything Love ur enemys... It really ticks them off

life is short! if you dont look around once in a while you might miss it A smile is a curve that can.Straighten out a lot of things. To the world you may be one person but to one person you may be the world FRIENDS are like stars�you do not ALWAYS SEE them but you know they are always there!.. Dont b afraid 2 expose yourself.Reach out and tell sum1 wot they mean 2 u coz when u decide its the right time it might b 2 late! You might regret what you do- but you'll you regret what you don't do SO much more If you are the flame you can't be burned Intelligence is like a river. The deeper it is the less noise it makes The virtue of love isnt finding the perfect person, but by loving the imperfect person perfectly. have u eva notcied a heart is two upside down teardrops they say true love is just round the corner i must be walking in circles God gave u 2 legs to walk.2 hands to hold.2 ears to hear.2 eyes to see.But why did he giv u only 1 Heart? Probably because He wants you to look for the other True love doesnt have a happy ending.True love doesnt have an ending! Some thoughts are better kept unsaid.some feelings are better kept to urself.because love has its way of expressing itself despite the silence. LOVE MSG's Dont find love.let love find you.That's why it's called falling in love coz you dont force yourself to fall- you just do! love is not how u 4get but how u forgive.not how u listen but how u understand.not what u see but what u feel & not how u let go but how u hold on

love can sometimes be magic- but magic can sometimes be an ILLUSION! Looks may capture the eyes but it's the personality that captures the heart You can close your eyes to things you dont want to see.but u cant close your heart to things you dont want to feel. the hardest thing to do is to watch the one you love. love somebofy else People Fall in love not knowin y nor how.Its so special a feelin dat it doesnt require much answers.U just love no matter how stupid u become. Luv is like a glass. If u break it, it�s hard to fix, And even if you manage that , it�ll never be the same. People say dat wen luv comes knocking on ur door let it in.But sumtimes luv comes through a backdoor & by the time u notice its on its way out u luv coz u weep.u weep coz u hurt.u hurt coz u fail.u fail coz u try.u try coz u need.u need coz u want.u want coz u feel.u feel coz u live.u live coz u luv When it hurts to look back, and you're scared to look ahead, you can look beside you and your best friend will be there one day Love and friendship met. Love asked-when i already exist why are you here? friendship replied "to make faces smile when u leave the tears!!!" Friendship is the best thing in the world as there is no scope for tears if your friend is good. If all my friends were to jump off a bridge, I wouldn't jump with them, I'd be at the bottom to catch them. To handle yourself, use your head; To handle others, use your heart. Smile a while and while you smile, smile another smile and soon there will be miles and miles of smile just because you smiled, I wish your day is full of SMILE A good Friend is like a computer he ENTERS in your life SAVE himself in your heart,FORMATS all your troubles and never DELETE you from his heart. a friend is sweet when it is new... it is sweeter when it is true.... but you know that..... it is the sweetest when it is u..." Mountain can fly,river can dry you can forget me but never can i

destiny decides who u meet in life but its only your heart that can decide who gets to stay in your life.....

Think Big... Think Positive... Think Smart... Think Beautiful... Think Great... I know, that is too much for u, so here is a shortcut... JUST THINK ABOUT ME! If i cud reach up and hold a star 4 every time u made me smile the entire evening sky wud b in the palm of my hand. When Nights are long & Friends are few, I sit by my Window & think of u. a silent whisper a silent tear. with all my Heart i wish you were here. When the time comes for you to give your heart to someone make sure that u select spmeone who will never break your heart coz broken hearts have no spare parts. Most people walk in and out of your life, but only FRIENDS leave footprints in your heart. Good FRIENDS are hard to find, harder to leave,and impossible to forget. DON'T frown.You never know who is falling in love with your smile

Im not under d affluence of incohol as some tinkle peep.Im not half as thunk as u drink.I fool so feelish and da drunker i stand here da longer i get Last night i wanted to send u a msg, but all i could write was: "noh ss!w !". it didn't make much sense until i read it upside down... MEN-opause MEN-strual pain MEN-tal illness GUY-necologist HIS-terectomy EVER NOTICED HOW WOMENS PROBLEMS START WITH MEN?? Pls remind me 2 remind u about remindin me to send u dis reminder oh dat reminds me can u remind me wot the reminder was ive forgot! Piss the taking is someone that realise u this like times at its! NOW READ IT BACKWARDS!! Hello!Im a little alien called Ted.I have taken the form of a mobile phone- your phone.And during this message I have been having sex with your thumb!

This cat is cat a cat good cat way cat to cat keep cat a cat idiot cat buzy cat for cat 20 cat seconds cat! NOW READ IT WITHOUT SAYIN CAT! A)Ur Attractive B)Ur Buff C)Ur Charmin D)Ur Delicious E)Ur Excitin F)Ur Funny G)Ur Gorgeous H)Ur Heavenly I)Im J)Just K)Kiddin L)Loser! HOW TO KEEP AN IDIOT ENTERTAINED *press down* HOW TO KEEP AN IDIOT ENTERTAINED *press up* Wot letters r missin in H__RT? EA or U? Pick EA & u get a heart!if u pick U,u will get hurt! I'd pick U coz it's better to get hurt than have a heart without U! if u notice this notice you will notice that this notice is not worth noticing!!! I have the "I".I have the "L".I have the "O".I have the "V".I have the "E"... so pls

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