Forest Information Update Vol 10 No 8

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FOREST INFORMATION UPDATE VOL. 10 NO. 8 August 2009 Welcome to this edition of Forest Information Update. Forward to a friend You may wish to download this edition from the Forest Information Update Current Edition web page at or Note that, where possible, we have used the services of to shorten the urls provided. Please feel free to contact me if you have any queries about content or sponsorship. Kind regards, Mike Smith, Editor and Director, Trade and Media Services Ltd. INTRODUCTION Forest Information Update (FIU) is a free monthly email newsletter sent to people interested in the inventorying and monitoring of natural resources and reaches about 7000 natural resource specialists worldwide. FIU is produced by Trade and Media Services Ltd ( and is supported by organizations, agencies and individuals working in the natural resources field. FIU is sent to each of the following international lists - all are free, low volume and secure: . Conserve Africa Group- send a blank email to: [email protected] . Forest list – See . Global Association of Online Foresters (GAOF) - see . International Forest List (IFL) - . Nepalese Foresters - . Wetlandfriends – see and . Global e-Forum on Climate Change and Global Warming. . Applied-GIS-RS homepage - You may receive FIU by joining one of the above. If you wish to receive FIU only - send a blank email to [email protected]. For questions, to submit material, or to sponsor FIU, please contact me at [email protected] Mike FIU SPONSORS - This issue of FIU is sponsored in part through the generous support of the follow sponsors – please visit their web sites, learn about what they do and utilize their services: . LASER TECHNOLOGY, INC. is the innovator and pioneer of reflectorless distance measurement and the leading manufacturer of pulse-laser products and mapping systems. Introducing the Criterion RD1000, the first patented electronic BAF-scope/dendrometer that displays direct read-outs of heights, diameters and BAF values for IN/OUT determinations. The illuminated and adjustable bar scales is what makes this product so unique! The TruPulse series, a low-cost professional rangefinder that measures horizontal, vertical and slope distance as well as height...and now azimuth! It provides crystal-clear optics and superior performance with +/-1 ft. (30 cm) distance accuracy and +/- 1 degree azimuth accuracy. Visit: for more info! . ESRI - As the leader in GIS technology, ESRI offers innovative solutions that will help you create, visualize, analyze, and present natural resources information better and more clearly. Working with location information, ESRI's GIS software and solutions give you the power to solve problems you encounter every day. Forestry and other natural resource organizations around the world are using this


ESRI software to make smart and timely decisions. ESRI provides powerful GIS solutions to more than 300,000 clients in more than 189 countries and offers mapping technology to meet today's global needs. Using ESRI technology, you too can unlock the spatial component of your valuable data and see your organization's information from a new perspective. For more information, contact them at 800-4479778 in the US or 909-793-2853, ext. 1-1235. Or go to the web site at ad&utm_source=forestryinfoupdate&utm_content=forestry . CONTINUING EDUCATION IN FOREST FINANCE AND ECONOMICS COURSE - The Department of Forest and Wood Science, Stellenbosch University, will again present the “Continues Education in Forest Finance and Economics Course” in 2009. This two week block course will cover the theory of discounting and financial analysis procedures, financial decision tools, land valuation and relevant contemporary South African forestry economic topics. For more information see or contact Cori Ham at [email protected]. PODCAST: BIOENERGY FOREST PLANTATIONS WILL SUPPLY MORE ENERGY PROJECTS Biomass from forests has long been seen as a suitable by product for various fuel and energy sources, however in this Podcast interview with Jeff Wright, we discuss the increasing focus on developing plantations specifically for an energy end use. Go to: INPUT - This month's input comes from: Gyde Lund, Gary Krupnick, Nelson Wong, Lance Olsen, Tina Etherington, Gandhiv Kafle, Artur Gil, Ross Mayhew, Infosylva, Shaenandhoa García Rangel, Bay Arinze, Shaan W., Oscar Garcia, Madhav Pandey, Aurelie C. Shapiro, Ed Pepke, Peter Mayer. Thank you all for sharing your information! HAVE YOU HEARD? NEWS FROM AROUND THE WORLD AGRICULTURE SECRETARY VILSACK PRESENTS NATIONAL VISION FOR AMERICA'S FORESTS – The US Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack has outlined his vision for the future of the nation's forests. Transcript summary and audio. . DETER ALERT SYSTEM CONFIRMS 578 KM2 OF DEFORESTATION IN AMAZON - In June, the Deforestation Detection in Real Time (DETER) alert system from Brazil’s National Institute for Space Research (INPE), detected 578km2 of deforestation in Legal Amazon. 330km out of the total detected by DETER, was in Pará and 181km in Mato Grosso. . OVERVALUED TIMBER REITS: WHY TIMBER INVESTING ISN’T WHAT IT USED TO BE – In this provocative article, the writer suggests that the “wait it out” strategy of managers towards the recession may isn’t going to work. . SRI LANKA RULES OUT SETTLEMENTS WITHIN DEMARCATED FOREST BOUNDARIES - Sri Lanka’s Forest Conservation Department has completed survey and demarcation of 17,279 kilometres of forest boundaries for the last eight years and the Environment and Natural Resources Ministry has announced that it will not allow new settlements to take place inside its demarcated boundaries under any circumstances. . GEOGRAPHY PROF. RECEIVES PRESIDENT’S LEADERSHIP FUND AWARD - Department of


Geography professor Douglas Stow, an internationally recognized leader in remote-sensing analysis of terrestrial environments, has been named one of the recipients of The President’s Leadership Fund Awards for Faculty and Staff Excellence.

BATTERIES NOT INCLUDED... This section is devoted to resource inventory tips and miscellaneous blurbs for whatever uses you care to make. Please limit contributions to one paragraph or so. Thanks, Mike Smith.

HELP! FEEDBACK TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE – “Pay it forward!” If you can help with any of the requests below, please take the time to do so. Your kind assistance will be appreciated and rewarded. . USING RS FOR WATERSHED LEVEL CHANGE DETECTION ANALYSIS - Analisa Noel Gunnell, Chief Cartographer/Senior GIS Analyst, Ecotrust, writes: I am researching various RS/GIS methodologies for change detection analysis of geomorphic, hydrologic, and/or biological features (e.g. namely sedimentation, rivers, riparian classes, etc) at the watershed scale. I was hoping that this list could point me in the direction of some good case studies and methodologies for this type of analysis. Thanks in advance. Direct replies to: [email protected] . LAND COVER MAP - Shaenandhoa García Rangel, PhD candidate, Wildlife Research Group, University of Cambridge writes: Currently, I am working to generate a land cover map of my study site at the north-east end of the Venezuelan Andes. For this I am planning to use 3 Spot 2 images and 2 Spot 5 images. I need your advice regarding radiometric correction, before joining all this images in a mosaic for the supervised classification. The 3 Spot 2 images are from the same date and contiguous sites, so in principle I don't think I need to run the correction for this one. Am I right? Then, I need to correct the 2 Spot 5 images based one of the Spot 2 images, but when I try to do this process using the ENVI 4.5 software, the colour of each image changes completely. Is this caused by the sensor difference? How can I then match the radiance of all this images so I can run the supervised classification? Finally, should I first correct the base image on its own and then correct the remaining 4 images based on the product of this process? [email protected] . DISCOVERY CHANNEL FOREST FILM - Jonathan Smith writes: I am researching for a major new natural history series for the Discovery Channel. It is a 7 part series on the North American Continent (therefore Panama to Alaska) that will be filmed in High Definition and is designed to follow on from the success of landmark series such as “Planet Earth”. The series will explore the wide diversity of species and ecosystems on the North American Continent and the vast array of adaptations that have arisen in order for species to survive and the things that make these species and biomes unique. We are looking to show new species, new spectacles and rarely seen behaviours. But, at the same time are equally as happy to take a story which has been documented before and shoot it in a completely new way with the latest technology (super high speed or motion control timelapse for example) Each programme will cover a different biome and I am working on the Forest film. I would love to hear from anyone that, through research, field work or word of mouth, may know of a story that they think would fit our ambitious series. Please contact me on the details below. Email: [email protected] . 2004 TSUNAMI IMAGERY - Aurelie C. Shapiro, Remote Sensing Specialist, World Wildlife Fund – US


writes: WWF is analyzing environmental data before and after the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami in coastal areas of Thailand, Indonesia (Aceh) and Southern Sri Lanka. We have satellite imagery pre- and post tsunami and are looking to fill in images taken immediately after the disaster, in the early days of 2005. I know these images exist, I have seen plenty of high resolution maps of the flooded areas related to UNspiter, I was wondering if someone could point me to the actual satellite imagery for these areas in the three countries? [email protected] . JATROPHA SEEDS AVAILABLE FOR BIOFUEL PROJECTS - Forest & AgroForestry Promoters Cameroon wishes to announce that Jatropha seeds are available to those who wish to fight climate change through tree planting. Jatropha is a biofuel plant and it different uses are many. For more information, contact Jaff Francis Agiamntebom, The Project coordinator, Forest and Agroforestry Promoters (FAP), Cameroon. [email protected] . NEW FOREST RESEARCH ADDRESS - Rajesh Malla writes: It is kindly informed to you on behalf of Department of Forest Research and Survey (Kathmandu, Nepal) that our previous mailing address has been changed now. In coming days, if any of you are interested to contact us pls send us at: [email protected] OPPORTUNITIES - Several readers of FIU are seeking employment in the forestry field. If you have jobs available and are in need of good people, please consider posting your vacancies in FIU (there is no charge for this service) and the following outlets: . WORLD DATABASE ON PROTECTED AREAS CONTENT OFFICER PROTECTED AREAS - The UNEP World Conservation Monitoring Centre, based in Cambridge, UK, has a position open for a Content Officer to provide support to the Centre's programme of work relating to the protected areas global database and to contribute to the delivery of innovative, value-added services linking biodiversity conservation with policy. [email protected] . USDA ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS FOR CONSERVATION PROGRAM - Agriculture Deputy Secretary Kathleen Merrigan has announced that the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) will begin continuous sign-up for the new Conservation Stewardship Program (CSP) with the first signup period cutoff scheduled for September 30, 2009. . PHD SCHOLARSHIP - The Department of Earth Systems Analysis at the International Institute for GeoInformation Science and Earth Observation (ITC) in Enschede, the Netherlands, and the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) at the Institut de Physique du Globe de Strasbourg, France, invite qualified persons to apply for a full-time PhD Scholarship, to work on a project entitled: "Remote sensingbased landslide mapping, monitoring and early warning, at regional and local scales". Location: Enschede, The Netherlands/ Strasbourg France. Deadline: 1 September 2009. Category: Contact:


Dr. Norman Kerle (ITC). [email protected] . CLINTON FOUNDATION, NATIONAL COORDINATOR, INDONESIA - The National Coordinator, Clinton Climate Initiative-Forestry in Indonesia will assist in developing and implementing the REDD+ program in support of the GOI’s national REDD program. . NATIVE FOREST MANAGER-BRAZILIAN AMAZON - Forest Systems Servicos Florestais, LTDA is seeking a highly qualified individual to manage and coordinate our Brazil forestry projects within the Amazon Basin. Responsibilities will include working with landowners, stakeholders, and government officials. The candidate will assess and investigate various native forestlands. Lands issues such as legal title, environmental permits, and physical attributes will be addressed. Business and practical experience in native forests is mandatory. A very high degree of fluency in English and Portuguese is required. A more detailed job description can be obtained by contacting: [email protected] . TWO FUNDED RESEARCH ASSISTANTSHIPS FOR PHD STUDENTS - Department of Spatial Information Science and Engineering National Center for Geographic Information and Analysis University of Maine. There are currently available two funded research assistantships in the Department of Spatial Information Science and Engineering, University of Maine, USA. Students will be working with advisor Prof. Mike Worboys. Students will register for the degree of PhD. The funding will cover a stipend, tuition expenses, and a contribution to health insurance. Further information can be obtained by emailing Mike at [email protected] The Department's website is at . FORESTRY INTERN – URS seeks a Forestry Intern in a full-time role as part of the NEPA/Ecological Services team. The team is currently under contract to perform a large forest inventory project. For more information, go to: GRADUATE RESEARCH ASSISTANTSHIPS IN PLANT SYSTEMS BIOLOGY - Two positions are available for PhD graduate students in Forest Biotechnology at North Carolina State University to work in a cross-disciplinary plant systems biology project. For more information, contact Judy Jakobek, Lab Manager, Forest Biotech. [email protected]

HAVE YOU READ? Obtain from your local library or from the sources provided. THE PUBLICATION LIST . Tangmar Marmon. Corruption in the forestry sector and illegal logging. The problem, its implications and approaches to combating it. Published by: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ) GmbH. . Wildlife in a Changing World - an analysis of the 2008 IUCN Red List of Threatened Species (IUCN July 2009). ISBN: 9788496553637, Paperback 155 pages: USD $36.00. . Global Directory of Doctoral Dissertations. MyNetResearch has created this web site containing details of thousands of dissertations. Past and present doctoral students can also submit and update


their dissertation details. You can access them at: . The UNECE/FAO Forest Products Annual Market Review, 2008-2009 is available via the UNECE Timber Committee and FAO European Forestry Commission homepage: It covers forest products market and policy developments in the UNECE region of Europe, North America and the CIS. . Previously unpublished articles are sought for the annual Nepalese publication PRABEG Volume-2. The editors seek manuscripts, both theoretical and research papers focusing on Community Forest, Forest Governance and policy, Forest Management, Climate Change, PES, REDD, Wildlife Conservation, Biodiversity Conservation, Social Inclusion, Collaborative Forest, Carbon Trade etc. Deadline 1 September, 2009. Email: [email protected] . EGH Headlines Himalaya, Aug 1-7, 2009. Articles include the Nepalese Government has shown apathy in saving environment, as a result the pollution monitoring systems in Kathmandu valley have been non-operational. In India, locals have used Rakhi festival to give message how trees are valuable for them. Further good news comes from Bhutan which came with good approaches of saving trees and monitoring medicinal herbs against poachers. ARTICLES OF INTEREST

BIODIVERSITY . Krystyna Swiderska, Dilys Roe, Linda Siegele, Maryanne Grieg-Gran. The Governance of Nature and the Nature of Governance: Policy that works for biodiversity and livelihoods. IIED 2008 Price: USD $30.00. Binding: 184 Pages Paperback. Stock Number: 14564IIED. ISBN: 9781843697008. . Joan Pino, Xavier Font, Miquel de Cáceres and Roberto Molowny-Horas. Floristic homogenization by native ruderal and alien plants in north-east Spain: the effect of environmental differences on a regional scale. Global Ecology and Biogeography. Volume 18 Issue 5, Pages 563 – 574. Published Online: 4 Jun 2009. BIOFUEL . Ronalds Gonzalez, Dr. Jeff Wright and Dr. Daniel Saloni - Filling a Need: Forest Plantations for Bioenergy in the Southern US. The growing number of renewable energy projects in the Southern U.S. utilizing woody biomass will require the development of short-rotation bioenergy plantations. Biomass Magazine, August 2009. CLASSIFICATION/MAPPING . Zhiyou Y. Yuan and Han Y. H. Chen. Global trends in senesced-leaf nitrogen and phosphorus. Global Ecology and Biogeography. Volume 18 Issue 5, Pages 532 – 542. Published Online: 3 Aug 2009.


. Gabriela Bucini, Niall P. Hanan. A continental-scale analysis of tree cover in African savannas. Global Ecology and Biogeography. Volume 16, Issue 5, Date: September 2007, Pages: 593-605. CLIMATE CHANGE/CARBON . Morten Andersen. Progress on tropical forest scheme. A proposal that will ultimately include the world’s tropical forests in a climate protection carbon trading scheme, is well received at UN-led negotiations in Bonn. 14/08/2009 13:15. COP-15, COPENHAGEN. . Press Release - World Bank Signs First ERPA for Reforestation Project in DRC. BioCarbon Fund to purchase 500,000 tons of emission reductions. The first Emission Reductions Purchase Agreement (ERPA) in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) was signed with a local Congolese firm, NOVACEL, at the World Bank office in Kinshasa. . Zeng, N., and J. Yoon (2009). Expansion of the world's deserts due to vegetation-albedo feedback under global warming. Geophys. Res. Lett., doi:10.1029/2009GL039699, in press.

INVENTORY/MONITORING . G. Garik Gutman. Monitoring land ecosystems using the NOAA Global Vegetation Index data set. Global and Planetary Change, Volume 4, Issues 1-3, July 1991, Pages 195-200 . Satellite Imagery Shows Devastation Caused by California Forest Fires. Satellite imagery from the recently launched UK-DMC2 satellite shows forest fires in the Los Padres National Forest east of Santa Maria at 11:10 local time on the 12th August. . Commercial non-timber forest products of the Guiana Shield : an inventory of commercial NTFP extraction and possibilities for sustainable harvesting. IUCN 2003 Price: US$32.00. MISCELLANEOUS . Copenheaver, C.A., Predmore, S.A., and Askamit, D.N. 2009. Conversion of rare grassy openings to forest: have these areas lost their conservation value? Natural Areas Journal 29(2):133-139. . Andrew D. Ruth, Deborah L. Miller, Shibu Jose, Alan Long, Effects of Reintroduction of Fire into Fire Suppressed Coastal Scrub and Longleaf Pine Communities Along the Lower Gulf Coastal Plain. Natural Areas Journal Abstracts. Volume 27, Number 4 - October 2007. REMOTE SENSING/GIS . Thampi, B. V., K. Rajeev, K. Parameswaran, and M. K. Mishra (2009). Spatial distribution of the


Southeast Asian smoke plume over the Indian Ocean and its radiative heating in the atmosphere during the major fire event of 2006. Geophys. Res. Lett., doi:10.1029/2009GL039316, in press. . Frank T. van Manen, John A. Young, Cindy A. Thatcher. Habitat Models to Assist Plant Protection Efforts in Shenandoah National Park , Virginia , USA. Volume 25, Number 4 - October 2005. RESOURCE ANALYSIS/MODELING . B.M. Jackson, H.S. Wheater, N.R. Mcintyre, J. Chell, O.J. Francis, Z. Frogbrook, M. Marshall, B. Reynolds, I. Solloway. The impact of upland land management on flooding: insights from a multiscale experimental and modelling programme. Journal of Flood Risk Management. Volume 1, Issue 2, Date: August 2008, Pages: 71-80. . Peng, C., Zhou, X., Zhao, S., Wang, X., Zhu, B., Piao, S. and Fang, J. Quantifying the response of forest carbon balance to future climate change in Northeastern China: Model validation and prediction. Global and Planetary Change 66: 179-194. SUSTAINABLE MANAGEMENT . Ruth Nogueron, Lars Laestadius - Sustainable Procurement of Wood and Paper-Based Products: Version 1.1. A joint collaboration between the World Resources Institute (WRI) and the World Business Council on Sustainable Development (WBCSD).

CAPTURED ON VIDEO Download videos from the web or from the sources provided. . ARCGIS Desktop 9.4 Innovations: Geoprocessing Models - A usability demonstration of ArcGIS Desktop 9.4 and how to use Geoprocessing Models for tracking needs, such as search and rescue. Go to:

YOU'RE INVITED! For a more complete listing of upcoming inventory and monitoring related meetings, see:

8 . 25 August 2009 - The first webinar, a “How to Do” Carbon Offset Projects 101, put on by the largest carbon auditor in the world, DNV, is next Tuesday August 25. . 2-4 September 2009 - 6th International Symposium on LBS & TeleCartography. Centre for Geospatial Science, University of Nottingham. For further information go to: . 8–9 September 2009. International Conference: Forests, Markets, Policy & Practice. Shanghai, China. . 10-12 September - CALL FOR PAPERS - International Conference on Ecohydrology and Climate Changes – EcoHCC’09. Tomar (Portugal) . 14-16 September, 2009 – Who Will Own the Forest? World Forestry Center. Portland, Oregon. . 15-18 September 2009. The first International Community Forestry Workshop. Pokhara, Nepal. The theme of the workshop is Thinking globally – Acting Locally: Community Forestry in the International Arena. . 15-18 September 2009 – 36th Natural Areas Conference – Living on the Edge: Why Natural Areas Matter. Vancouver, Washington, USA {editor’s note – yes in the US}. Early Registration discount has been extended to August 31. . SDplanNet-Asia & Pacific would like to invite you to participate in the network’s first annual conference to be held from 16-18 September 2009 at the Conrad Hotel Bangkok, Thailand. For further information and registration, please contact network coordinator at [email protected] . 21-25 September 2009. Conference on Spatial Information Theory: COSIT '09. Location: France. COSIT aims to bring together researchers from different disciplines for intensive scientific exchanges. The ninth International Conference on Spatial Information Theory, COSIT 2009, is especially concerned with theoretical aspects of space, time, and spatial information. For more information, go to 21-22 September 2009 - 11th Annual BIOECON Conference on Economic Instruments to Enhance the Conservation and Sustainable Use of Biodiversity. Centro Culturale Don Orione Artigianelli - Venice, Italy. . September 30, 2009 – A repeat offering for those who missed Remsoft’s Tracking changes in carbon stocks in live biomass & wood products and carbon credits under an emissions trading scheme webinar on Wednesday August 13th. Time is 1:00 pm EDT / 10:00 am PDT. . 5 to 15 October 2009. International Training Course on Participatory Integrated Watershed Management; at Godavari, Kathmandu, Nepal. . 12-16 October. The Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew is hosting a celebratory scientific conference on 12-16


October 2009, Plant Conservation for the Next Decade: A Celebration of Kew's 250th Anniversary. Kew now invites interested parties to submit abstracts for posters and oral presentations, to be considered for inclusion in this exciting conference. . 13-16 October 2009. 2nd International Conference on Wind Effects on Trees. Freiburg, Germany. . 14-16 October 2009. Silvilaser 2009, the 9th international conference on lidar applications for assessing forest ecosystems. Texas A&M University (Campus Map), Rudder Theatre. College Station, TX, USA. . 14-16 October 2009. Processing and Classification of Satellite Imagery. Thematic Session within the VipIMAGE2009 - II ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Computational Vision and Medical Image Processing. Porto, Portugal. and . 18-23 October 2009. XIII World Forestry Congress. Buenos Aires – Argentina. . 21 October 2009. In preparation for Copenhagen 2009, the XIII World Forests Congress invites the global forest community to a Forum on Forests and Climate Change, a unique occasion for debate which aims to produce a recommendation of a technical nature, which will be presented to the UNCCC COP 15. . 22-22 October 2009. 6th International Oak Society Conference. Puebla, Mexico. Contact: Maricela Rodriguez-Coombes, herbario.jardinbotanico(at) . 20-23 October 2009. The international conference, Free and Open Source Software for Geospatial (FOSS4G), will be held in Sydney, Australia, and is now open for registration. 27–28 October 2009. 2nd Call for Papers: Decentralization, Power and Tenure Rights of ForestDependent People. Sadguru Foundation, Gujarat, India. Submission deadline: 10 August 2009. Download details at: . 28-30 October 2009. Introduction to Wetland Remote Sensing and Mapping. Abdalla Hall, Lafayette, Louisiana, USA. For more information contact Lindsey A. Broussard:Intern, National Wetlands Research Center/USGS. 337-266-8502. Email: [email protected] . 3 November 2009. 2009 International Workshop on Location Based Social Networks (LBSN 09). Seattle, WA, USA. Held in conjunction with the 17th ACM SIGSPATIAL International Conference on Advances in Geographic Information Systems. Adding a location dimension to online social networking. and . 23-27 November 2009. The East Asian Seas Congress 2009. Manila, Philippines. The international conference theme is "Partnerships at Work: Local Implementation and Good Practices". Email:


[email protected] Website: . 26 to 28 November 2009. VII International Pensa Conference Economic Crisis: Food, Fiber and Bioenergy Chain. Sao Paulo, Brazil. Contact email/website: [email protected] . 13 December 2009. Forest Day 3. Copenhagen, Denmark. Forest Day 3 will take place alongside the 15th Conference of the Parties of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change and will be hosted by the Collaborative Partnership on Forests, the Government of Denmark, and CIFOR. 14-18 December 2009. NH03: Remote Sensing of Natural Hazards during the Fall AGU meeting to be held in San Francisco, USA. You are invited to submit your abstract for presentation (oral and poster) by September 3, 2009. For more details, go to: . 28-30 December. ICECS - Dubai 2009: The 2nd International Conference on Environmental and Computer Science . 2 February 2010. World Wetlands Day 2010 - Wetlands, Biodiversity, and Climate Change. . 10-15 February, 2010. GEOProcessing 2010: The Second International Conference on Advanced Geographic Information Systems, Applications, and Services. St. Maarten, Netherlands Antilles. Submission deadline: October 5, 2009. General page: Call for Papers: . 23-28 August 2010. XXIII IUFRO World Congress "Forests for the Future: Sustaining Society and the Environment", Seoul, Republic of Korea. Invitation: 1st Announcement: . Forestry Information Session - At the World Forestry Congress there will be a session on “The evolving role of information specialists in today’s rapidly changing world: are libraries still relevant?” Visit: Contact: vanda.ferreira(at) . 4-6 May 2010. International Biomass Conference & Expo. Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA. . July 20-23, 2010. Accuracy 2010. International Spatial Accuracy Research Association (ISARA). Ninth International Symposium on Spatial Accuracy Assessment in Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences. Leicester, UK. . 27 September-1 October 2010. Recent Advances in Quantitative Remote Sensing, to be held in Valencia, Spain, from. For further information please visit the website at


WHILE SURFING THE WEB…INTERESTING LINKS For a complete listing of links go to . In a single electronic platform, the World Health Organization’s (WHO) Communicable Disease Global Atlas is bringing together for analysis and comparison standardized data and statistics for infectious diseases at country, regional, and global levels. . Global Mineral Resources On-Line Spatial Data. A source for regional and global Geology, Geochemistry, Geophysics, and Mineral Resource maps and data! – Here you will find information and free data about Mineral Resources, Geochemistry, Geology and Geophysics. Free GIS, Remote Sensing, Spatial & Hydrological Data. . Code of Good Practice for Forest Carbon Projects. The UK Forestry Commission has prepared a draft Code of Good Practice for Forest Carbon Projects and is now inviting national comments. Go to:


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